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Re: [N8VEM-S100:5723] need an EPROM Programmer

Josh -

I was referring to the Intel (single voltage) 2716's.  They call for 25v vpp, which I don't believe the TL866 can provide.  Although I haven't measured the vpp, the pull down menu max's out at 21v.

- Gary

On 12/1/2014 10:56 PM, Crusty OMO wrote:
It took me some time to figure out how to disable the CHIP ID feature/pain-in-the-neck.  For some reason, the software doesn't display nicely on my monitor, so I need to scroll the window to find the "Check device ID" check box. 

The 2716's are funny, there are 2 types of 2716's.  The popular 2716 from Intel and everyone else, and the TMS2617 from TI and Motorola.
The TMS2716 requires a 3 voltage supply, which requires a special programmer like the the 2708 (which is also 3 rail power).