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Re: [N8VEM-S100:6477] Altair/Imsai cpu card firmware v1.2 vs v2.3
My system:
version 1.2 personal observations:
HyperTerminal & no prop I/O (unsupported)
'Dir' command from HyperTerminal only displays first file in directory(s)
Simple testing of zork, survey/LS and Mbasic appear to work fine.
version 2.3 personal observations;
HyperTerminal & prop I/O
'Dir' command from HyperTerminal only displays first file in directory(s)
'Dir' command from prop I/O works as it should, displays all files.
Zork doesn't run, survey/LS ran but locked up/got weird at the end.
In the mean time.... I have been wondering why my System Monitor Board
v1.0 wasn't displaying the 8 bit instruction, just FF. Address displays
fine. With my other setup (North Star Dos)the SMB would display Address
& instructions.
I still don't have the instruction bit displaying, but I did find that by
jumping J11 on the SMB, I can run v2.3 LS,Survey,Mbasic and zork with no issues !
I tested several times by removing the SMB competently, the behavior returns to the
aforementioned. You'll have to ask the SMB god's why this works. J11 is MWRT on circuit
related to U7.
Go figure