I couldn’t as well. Jim James Cobb Merritt Island, Fl From:
n8vem...@googlegroups.com [mailto:n8vem...@googlegroups.com] On Behalf
Of don caprio I failed to guess the obvious
password On Fri, May 13, 2011 at 7:37 AM, Andrew Lynch <lyn...@yahoo.com> wrote: Hi! There has
been a lot of activity on the S-100 boards recently so I am sending everyone a
copy of the S-100 board waiting list. I am bit hesitant to
post anyone’s information on a public mailing list so there are a couple
precautions. First, the document
is a PDF and you’ll have to rename it. This should baffle the robots a
little bit. Second, the PDF is
password protected. It is the most obvious password I can think of but if
you are uncertain you can email be off line and I will send it to you. If this is still too
revealing please let me know but I think these are reasonable precautions
without being too burdensome. Please review the
document and send me any corrections and/or changes. Thanks and have a
nice day! PS, some builders
prefer buying boards on eBay so I am selling the excess units
there. You can see them here