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Re: Propeller console IO board

Hi folks,

I finally got a modified version of Propterm ruing on our beloved ConsoleIO board. thanks for the great work done by the author, most of my work was about replacing the Serial code by the s100io spin and assembly code that interfaces the S100 bus. I did not make extensive testing yet but ANSI codes seem to be properly decoded (Propterm did that already very nicely) and there is a significant speed increase vs the original ConsoleIO code as most of the job is done in assembler.

please let me know the outcome of your tests as I do not have yet a software relying on extensive ANSI support - eg. a word processor - , I still have some work to do to remove some the EEPROM functions that are useless here and need to include the Bell feature (yes, no more beep when booting ...). 

Ah, and I also have to start building my PC-AT support board, now I just received my parts from Mouser :)


Le vendredi 13 mars 2015 16:07:38 UTC+1, hl...@aol.com a écrit :
Hi all,

Just finished the propeller console IO board and I have it running with the 8080A CPU board with Josh's rev 2.4 ROM. I downloaded the firmware to run the screen and keyboard as a VT100 terminal. That works pretty well but some of the ESC codes for screen control don't work. Has anyone done any more programming through Parallax on the .spin programs?

Just curious.


Attachment: VGA_HiColor_Text.spin
Description: Binary data

Attachment: AnsiHelp.spin
Description: Binary data

Attachment: PropTerm.spin
Description: Binary data

Attachment: Keyboard.spin
Description: Binary data

Attachment: S100IO.spin
Description: Binary data

Attachment: AnsiTerminal.spin
Description: Binary data

Attachment: ComHelper.spin
Description: Binary data