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Re: A new 16MB S100 Bus static RAM board
On Wednesday, February 26, 2014 7:03:51 PM UTC-6, monahanz wrote:
> Back over 2 years ago Andrew and I put
> together an S100 bus “4MB Static RAM board” with IEE-696 8/16bit data carrying capacity.
> This board has proven to be very popular and very reliable. Over 30 boards
> were already made and distributed to users. However in our quest to
> install 16 and 32 bit CPU’s on the S100 bus, 4MG has started to look like a
> limitation. The S100 bus is capable of addressing up to 16MG. For this 4
> of the above boards would be needed.
> Over the past few years the price and availability
> of high speed static RAM’s have changed dramatically. It is now feasible to place 16MB of high
> speed IEE-696 8/16 bit RAM on a single board.
> A prototype of this board is described here:-
> http://s100computers.com/My%20System%20Pages/16M%20RAM%20Board/16MG%20RAM%20Board.htm
> It’s unclear what the interest is in people
> obtaining a “commercial style” bare board like this. I will definitely be
> getting 4 for myself. If you absolutely need one sooner rather than later let
> Andrew know we can include you in the early “first batch”.
> Otherwise stay tuned for a later group purchase by (hopefully) a group member
> that will organize a larger purchase - at a lower price. If there is group member right now that could
> coordinate a purchase all the better.
I would love a copy of this board.
Thank you,