On the 8088, guys. If you are thinking of getting into S-100 bus 16 bit systems really recommend you start with that board. I hope I won’t regret it, but I will try and hand hold beginners a bit with this board to get them going. I will checkout an assembled board in one of my systems if you have problems in yours to help narrow down issues. Also I do hope people realize that this is a “not for profit” operation and that there is risk ordering these boards in that some screw-up in the layout could have happened. Andrew and I typically do a few prototypes, but Murphy is always hanging around! John From: n8vem...@googlegroups.com [mailto:n8vem...@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of Andrew Lynch Hi! Good news! The S-100 4MB SRAM board and S-100 backplane board PCBs have arrived! It was one massive box of S-100 PCBs! Woo Hoo! It should be an exciting summer for S-100 hobbyists! w00t! An enormous “THANK YOU” to everyone who has participated especially to John Monahan for his unending patience and sponsorship! |