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RE: [N8VEM-S100:7513] Solid State Music SB1

Found this datasheet calls it a Dual Linear-Antilog Voltage Controlled Amplifier hope it helps.




From: n8vem...@googlegroups.com [mailto:n8vem...@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of Jeff Albrecht
Sent: Tuesday, August 18, 2015 11:03 AM
To: N8VEM-S100
Subject: [N8VEM-S100:7513] Solid State Music SB1


From the Solid State Music (SSM) SB1 manual; "The Synthesizer Board (SB1) is a waveform generator card designed to interface with any computer that supports the S-100 bus and its signals."


I've been working on a number of these cards and so far have four of the six I own functioning to specification. I hope to repair the other two, and pickup another two so I can have a full compliment of eight boards for live performances that will play music written or transcribed for the maximum compliment of eight boards. WTB SSM SB1 cards, contact me off list if you can help.


Check out my wiki page with some restoration history, links to manual and sample .mus music file used to playback. There's also a link to a performance of Scott Joplin's "The Entertainer" with all eight channels I produced by recording four channels, readdressing the boards to the other four channels and mixing in Audacity.




My Solid State Music SB1 wiki page.


A copy of "The Entertainer" mix is also available on thelolfx.com (Chrome browser required for proper audio player performance)


For extra fun, help me reverse engineer the SSM 2000 mystery chip. It's reported to be propitiatory chip but I suspect it's a re labeled OpAmp. On the wiki page check out the schematic, and the transcription of pins I made. Is this a familiar opamp to you? Note the pinout. There appear to  be five unused pins enough for another opamp for a total of three in the package.This opamp uses offset nulling.


Enjoy! - jeffa KF7CRU @jhalbrecht @theRetroWagon



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Attachment: SSM2000.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document