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RE: [N8VEM-S100:1239] S-100 board reorders

Hi Todd,

The IMSAI is definitely 8 bit only.  You are probably right about the 8/16 bit switching.  I'm not familiar with this RAM/ROM board, but you should be able to configure it for 8 bit only mode.

I'm not an expert at S-100, but I think I read somewhere about the newer S-100 bus detecting an 8 or 16 bit card and then using the 8 DI and 8 DO lines to form a single 16 bit bi-directional data bus.

The IMSAI FP (aka CPA) and the 8080A CPU card strictly run in 8 bit mode.  I'll leave it up to someone else here in this group to instruct you on how to configure your RAM/ROM card for 8 bit only.

If you do want to see my schematics for my (8 bit) RAM card, just give me your email address and we can talk.


> Date: Mon, 31 Dec 2012 18:35:39 -0600
> From: litte...@mchsi.com
> To: n8vem...@googlegroups.com
> Subject: Re: [N8VEM-S100:1239] S-100 board reorders
> I did build that board, but could never get
> it to take a deposit from the FP and from
> what I remember, there was something about
> 'every other' address step that was not displaying
> the data from memory properly.  
> It's a complex board and I think my problem is in
> the 8/16 bit switching and the fact I truly don't
> understand it.
> The Eprom portion works. I burned the
> 'walking lights' program and it runs fine.
> I have repaired my S-100 boards and built the
> SMB with success. However, I'm not an engineer.
> I'll have to put it in tomorrow to refresh
> my memory.
> I was looking for a bare bones circuit just
> for 64K.  I have one Imsai that I'd like to
> sell and it's RAM boards are flaky.
> Todd
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Tom Lafleur" <la...@lafleur.us>
> To: n8vem...@googlegroups.com
> Sent: Monday, December 31, 2012 6:06:00 PM GMT -06:00 Central America
> Subject: Re: [N8VEM-S100:1238] S-100 board reorders
> just use the rom/ram board... cheap to build and 64k or more of fast ram
> On Mon, Dec 31, 2012 at 3:39 PM, < litte...@mchsi.com > wrote:
> I'm interested in building a simple 64K RAM board for
> the same reason. I have two Imsai's, both with
> multiple RAM card(s) with many memory chips.
> If someone could point me to a schematic, I'd
> like to build a few. I know Don Caprio mentioned
> earlier this year he had a project on the PBworks
> page but I don't know where to find it.
> I'd like to look at a few designs.
> Todd
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Crusty OMO" < crus...@hotmail.com >
> To: n8vem...@googlegroups.com
> Sent: Sunday, December 30, 2012 9:45:54 PM GMT -06:00 Central America
> Subject: RE: [N8VEM-S100:1236] S-100 board reorders
> Hi Andrew,
> Cool, thanks! Just a note on what I'm using the first (buffered) prototyping board for....
> It's currently being used as a 64K RAM card in my IMSAI. This was done to establish a working system. I'll be replacing this RAM card with the old RAM cards when I test/fix them.
> At that point, I'll repurpose this card to be an 8080 CPU, RAM & I/O card for another IMSAI system I'd like to resurrect.
> Cheers,
> Josh
> --
> ~~ _/) ~~~~ _/) ~~~~ _/) ~~~~ _/) ~~
> Tom Lafleur
> (858) 759-9692