Let's first try to establish correct drive labelling and selection, so here goes,
The correct schematic for IDE ver02a should be dated 23rd March 2014 in the bottom right corner of the drawing. the one you have downloaded from John's website is one of the intermediate diagrams where some labels are still wrong. I have let John know and I'm sure he will correct this.
Referring to the diagrams in KiCad as uploaded by Andrew (S100 IDE-002.ZIP) not sure if you have KiCad loaded ??
From left to right on the PCB your LEDs should be screenprint labelled D20 (Activity B), D21 (Activity A), D19 (Select B), D18 (Select A)
The CF slots themselves match this pattern, P40 (Left Connector) is Drive B, and P41 (Right Connector) is Drive A
Now using your CPU monitor output the following values to ports, can you confirm the following is true (this assumes you are using the default port settings)
QO34,0 (D18 should be lit indicating Drive A)
QO34,1 (D19 should be lit indicating Drive B)
David Fry
On Tuesday, March 18, 2014 10:27:41 PM UTC, Edward Snider wrote:
Hi everybody,
Is anyone interested in getting one or more of these?
Just post here and I'll get a list started.