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Re: S-100 VDP V2 prototype boards arrived!


  I'd love to build one however I'm in the middle of moving to a new place. I probably won't be settled in for another 6+ weeks. If you think this delay will be OK then I'd like to get one otherwise please feel free to send it to someone who can participate sooner.

On Sep 16, 2012, at 1:22 PM, Andrew Lynch <LYN...@YAHOO.COM> wrote:

Hi!  Good news!  The S-100 VDP V2 prototype boards arrived!  They are looking good. 
There are four PCBs total and I would like to send them out to some builders for build and test.
I am guessing Leon, Pontus, John, and maybe Neil should be the initial build and test team. 
Are there any changes or other volunteers?  Please let me know.  Once I hear from them I will send out the boards right away!
If you would like to help out defray the cost of the four prototype boards please send a PayPal to LYN...@YAHOO.COM
The prototype PCBs cost about $40 each so anything the builders would like to contribute towards the project would be greatly appreciated.
Thoughts, ideas, questions all welcome.  Thanks and have a nice day!

Andrew Lynch