Hi Jeff! Thanks! I modified this list
and made a page on the N8VEM wiki for easy reference. http://n8vem-sbc.pbworks.com/w/page/38419066/S-100+board+information Thanks and have a nice day! From: Are these the correct links to the pages with more info about many of
those S-100 boards? RAM & EPROM: 4MB Static RAM: Serial Board (2 IDE Board: Floppy Disk Controller Board Interface board for standard PC AT keyboards: ConsoleIO - PC Keyboard input, VGA Output, micro-SD-as-Floppy,
Ethernet, and more Board: System Bus Monitor Priority Interrupt Controller (PIC) and Real Time Clock (RTC) Board S-100 Extender board: Prototype boards (both buffered and non-buffered) Z80 CPU board -- |