HI folks,
Does anyone have the Kicad files for the 18 slot board or could point me where I can get it ? I could not find it on the wiki page. If not, I will take the 8 slot board files and will extend it myself, that would be a good opportunity for me to get up to speed with KiCad and get my first board produced.
Reason is I plan to build my Z80 CPU board this week-end and I already know my current backplane has two address lines above A15 grounded and I cannot get it fixed by cutting traces etc as the grounding is done underneath the S100 connectors :( that means I won't be able to use the extra memory I installed already above 64K.. hence my need for this 18 slot board...
thanks in advance for your feedback
Le jeudi 11 septembre 2014 20:07:46 UTC+2, Philippe Elie a écrit :
Hi Ants and all, thanks a lot for your feedback. I do not want to be a pain for sure, I appreciate the amount of time required... and the fact we have a life and family outside S100 :)
No worries, just keep us posted Ants, still have to build my IDE board next week end !cheers