You know, you can't beat the PIC24/dsPIC33 (16bit) or the PIC32 for price and performance...I've used both for many project and have now standardizer on the PIC32..., no need to use a limiteted processor to do small project...The development tools are free and solid, lots of demo code available...a PIC32MX270F256B is in a dip package, USB serial, SPI, I2C I/O ATD ect... 64KB ram, 256K flash all for $4!!!(there even a version of BASIC that run on the chip)you can use a Microstick II from Microchip for $35 to program them or PicKIT3 for $45 ( on sale from time to time) (donot get a PICKIT2) if you have a .edu email address you can get at 25% discount)their just no need to use a limited Arduino today!tom lafleur--On Fri, Jan 23, 2015 at 11:05 AM, Don Caprio <> wrote:I've been contemplating using micro controllers. Mostly to learn more about them,
how they operate and learn to program them. What possible uses they may have
for S100.
There is a ton of stuff out there. Looking for recommendations of which micro controllers
are easy to use and program, don't require a ton of $$$ for the dev tools, etc.
Looks like the Microchip PIC is a contender.
STM8S003F3P6 ST Microelectronics - 8 bit MCU 8K flash 16mhz CPU, EEPROM, UART Chip is less than $1 !
Thank you
Don Caprio
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Tom Lafleur