Thanks David. I just ordered two 16MHz CPU’s and two of the 12Mhz clock and bus controllers. Coming from Israel so will be awhile! Unfortunately the patch is still needed for those old memory boards. Very frustrating and unexpected. Never had a problem with the 8086 which really uses the same type of circuit/controller. Even more surprising my prototype 80386 (upcoming) S100 bus master/slave CPU board works fine with those older RAM boards using the same 74LS138 latched status signals as the 80286 board). Clearly if the ever is a second version of this 80286 board we will have a jumper there. John John Monahan Ph.D e-mail: Text: From: [] On Behalf Of David Fry Hi John, You can get the AMD 80c286-16 from this Ebay seller but I have not been able to locate the 16Mhz clock chip or bus controller chip, I purchased my 12Mhz i82C284-12 and i82C288-12 from ACP Surplus maybe you might be able to squeeze out 14Mhz from the 12.5Mhz devices !!! Has this finding made any difference to the old memory board timing problem, ie rendered the patch unnecessary ? regards David Fry
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