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RE: [N8VEM-S100:3729] Using KiCad


I'm just learning the whole KiCad process right now, so I might not understand it correctly myself.
But as I understand it...  the schematic only creates a netlist.  The next step assigns physical part footprints to each part in the netlist.  The PCB layout is it's own design, the netlist is only used to assist you when laying traces and to report errors in case you miss a pin or cross short two separate nets.  I think it also doesn't let you draw a trace between pins unless they are in the same net.  I found that out when I was manually drawing a board, which is why I just turned off rule checking. 

So, to answer your question.  You've changed the schematic, now you are looking at the board.  In the board editor, it should report the differences in the netlist as errors until you up manually change the PCB traces to match the new netlist.

The part I don't understand myself...yet... is how to swap similar gates in the PCB (to make traces simpler) and reverse annotate those changes back to the schematic.  I'm sure the program should be able to do that...

View traces on the front? Do you get that "Visible" Menu on the PCB editor?  just click off everything but the Front Copper (F.Cu).

Make pdf from sch?  You should just be able to plot the .sch right?  Do you have a program called PDFCreator?  It's free, it works like a printer, any program can print to it and create a PDF.


From: mon...@vitasoft.org
To: n8vem...@googlegroups.com
Subject: [N8VEM-S100:3729] Using KiCad
Date: Mon, 19 May 2014 22:00:42 -0700

Hi Ed (and anybody else familiar with KiCad), I managed to get the schematic part of KiCad to correct/modify the schematic for this board, (See attached).

Now I need to review the layout. Using PCBnew.


My first question is:- Is the program intelligent enough to utilize the previous board layout and just not optimize the above slight modification or does one have to start from scratch each time.

The reason I don’t know is I cannot figure out how to view the traces on the front side of the board.  I’m always getting the back (vertical,green) traces of the board.  

How do you switch sides?


Also how do you make a .pdf file from a .sch file?





From: n8vem...@googlegroups.com [mailto:n8vem...@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of John Monahan
Sent: Monday, May 19, 2014 11:26 AM
To: n8vem...@googlegroups.com
Subject: RE: [N8VEM-S100:3723] New run of S-100 EPROM/RAM boards...


Ed, going to give it a try too…

On “DRC”,  Is it Preferences/General Settings/”Enforce design rules when routing”

Which icon (counting from, say top) on LHS to show say just the front copper traces layer.

None of mine seem to do that.  Do I need to add an icon or something?






From: n8vem...@googlegroups.com [mailto:n8vem...@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of Crusty OMO
Sent: Monday, May 19, 2014 6:20 AM
To: n8vem...@googlegroups.com
Subject: RE: [N8VEM-S100:3720] New run of S-100 EPROM/RAM boards...


Hi Ed,

I just recently learned KiCad PCB layout only when I did the Sea of PTH buffered prototyping boards.
I was using just the PCB portion without creating a netlist and manually routing the traces without any error check.
Kind of like manual control.  I am busy at the moment doing the 8080 board and on that project I am learning the schematic portion of KiCad (I will need all the help I can get when laying out the board).

Anyway, I learned KiCad through watching portions of an online tutorial.  Running in manual is pretty easy, but first you must turn off Design Rule Check (DRC) in the preferences menu.  It's there in the preference menu that you enable the various types of trace widths you want available in your design.  After that, its just a matter of learning the various drawing tools.  Another tip, on the right hand tool bar, you can turn off display of certain layers, also, you can turn off rendering of layers to improve speed, just turn them back on before plotting.

I think these changes can all be done in "Manual Mode", saves you from having to learn the all of KiCad.

Also, there is a feature called autopan while dragging.  I turn it off because I'm not used to it, just my preference.

Good luck,


Date: Sun, 18 May 2014 18:19:32 -0700
From: zipps...@gmail.com
To: n8vem...@googlegroups.com
Subject: Re: [N8VEM-S100:3719] New run of S-100 EPROM/RAM boards...

I'm not used Kicad, other than generating gerbers (I've been using Eagle), but if no one else steps forward

I'll see if I can make some of these changes before getting these made.  I guess I need to get familiar with Kicad eventually.


On Sunday, May 18, 2014 3:39:34 PM UTC-5, lynchaj wrote:

Hi Tom

Here is your chance to improve the boards.  We still need a volunteer to update the S-100 RAM&ROM board and you could make the fixes and clean up the silkscreen.


Thanks and have a nice day!

Andrew Lynch



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