Looks like you've found a bug in my RAM test routine. When it errors, it should report the location of the error, since it's only testing F000-FFFF, then it shouldn't report 042A. But since it is giving an error, and this doesn't happen on my board (I better recheck it tonight after work), then I would think there's something wrong with the RAM circuit. Perhaps their could be a problem with some types of RAM? Maybe even the CPU chip might be causing the trouble? Well, time to run to work.... Cheers, Josh Date: Tue, 17 Feb 2015 19:48:45 -0800 From: To: Subject: [N8VEM-S100:6340] Re: IMSAI 8080A CPU board help. Thanks, My Prop was similar except this
was how I had it strapped for my setup; P77 P76 x-x x-x x-x x-x I changed it to your setup and now it displays key-press except, it only responds to 'R' key-press. > . . r Testing SYSTEM RAM @F000-FFFF RAM PAGE MARCH. FAILED AT:042A - SYSTEM HALTED When does it try to boot to the SD card ? If you have time, how is your CPU board strapped ? On Monday, February 16, 2015 at 1:45:14 PM UTC-6, Todd Miller wrote:
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