; This is an monitor for the S100computers.com 8086 board (and later 8088,80286 boards) ; It started from the simple monitor in Byte on Nov 1980 but is enlarged and ; modified to work with the S100Computers 8086 Board, IDE Board, ZFDC board, MSDOS Support (PIC & RTC) Board and other ; hardware as well. More recently it has been extensively enlarged to contain the interrupt based functions required ; to run a Microsoft's MS-DOS (V4.01) or FreeDOS emmulating an IBM-PC BIOS ROM. ; ; John Monahan, San Ramon, CA (monahan@vitasoft.org) ; History ; V1.0 ;Original version sometime in 1982 ; V2.1 3/12/1983 ; V2.2 11/12/09 ;Modified for simple I/O. Ports info command added ; V2.3 11/18/09 ;Reset FAR jump to start of monitor, added Register display ; V2.31 11/19/09 ;Allow intersegment FAR jump with G command ; V2.4 2/18/10 ;Write version to reside at F:F000H (to be loaded with a CPM loader from disk) ; V2.5 8/26/10 ;Add S100Computers Serial IO Board & RTC Board. Input IOBYTE (EFh) for JMP to 0:500H ; V2.51 8/26/10 ;Stack & Flag below EPROM in high memory ; V2.52 8/27/10 ;Stack etc in low memory. AP/PM for clock (with DAS opcode) ; V2.53 8/27/10 ;Check if after a reset a direct jump to CPM86 in RAM is required (rather than this monitor). ; V2.6 5/7/11 ;Added IDE Board diagnostic package ; V2.7 5/9/11 ;Aruba trip, complete overhaul while traveling. ; V2.8 5/14/11 ;Finished IDE drive additions ; V2.9 5/17/11 ;Switched over to using SI and DI registers for memory move etc functions ; V3.0 5/31/11 ;Corrected Sector display routines ; V3.1 6/1/11 ;Corrected memory Map display and move memory routines ; V3.2 6/7/11 ;Corrected CF Drive A=B Verify routine ; V3.3 6/8/11 ;Corrected CF Drive A->B copy routine ; V3.4 6/8/11 ;BP used for all IDE routines thus freeing dependance on a fixed RAM location ; V3.5 6/10/11 ;Corrected Disk format routine. Corrected Drive ID routine ; V3.6 6/19/11 ;Corrected Monitor signon message at start ; V4.0 7/20/11 ;Splice in IBM-PC/MS-DOS Interrupt routines. Enlarged Monitor now starts at FC000H ; V4.1 7/31/11 ;Correct CICO routine so it is not case sensitive ; V4.2 8/3/11 ;Vector Int's 0 & 1 working OK. ; V4.3 8/4/2011 ;MS-DOS 2.01 loading from floppy fine on 5" SS Disks (only)! ; V4.4 8/20/2011 ;Added special MS-DOS FFDC commands to read DDDS DOS Disks. Now works with IBMs PC-DOS up to V3.1 ; V4.51 8/23/2011 ;Corrected length check with GET5DIGIST etc. ; V4.52 8/23/2011 ;Added "PATCH" to quickly test RAM/Debug versions of this code. ; V5.0 8/26/2011 ;MS-DOS hard disk caspability ; V5.1 9/1/2011 ;Corrected bug in IDE (WR_LBA) routine. Was not sending High Cylinder! (not used with CPM!) ; V5.2 9/6/2011 ;Move to 27C256 EEPROMS (Will no longe fit in 27C64's). Address starts at F000:8000H ; V5.3 9/7/2011 ;Last version written for Digital Research ASM86 assembler. (Too big, get symbol overflow) ; V6.0 9/8/2011 ;Major rewrite to work with NASM Assembler. (Sorry I did not do this earlier. Much better Assembler) ; V6.1 9/11/2011 ;Corrected IDE disk compare routine. ; V6.2 9/12/2011 ;Added IDE memu options to test LBA & CHS display on IDE Board HEX display LED's ; V6.3 9/13/2011 ;Added IBM-BIOS menu option the Read/Write a block of contigous sectors the the IDE Drive ; V6.4 9/16/2011 ;Added cursor addressing to video output functions. FDISK now displays correctly. ; V6.5 9/17/2011 ;Corrected printer I/O ; V6.6a 10/1/2011 ;Changed patch to E000:2000H along with JMPF ; V6.7 10/1/2011 ;Added CGA video board routines for MS-DOS outputs (Major changes to Console IO routine, INT 10H) ; V6.7b 10/1/2011 ;Added AT-BIOS INT 10, Write String function ; V6.7c 10/1/2011 ;IO Byte switch to redirect CRT Output to CGA/VGA Display ; V6.8 10/4/2011 ;"O" CMD to relocate total Monitor to RAM at E000:8000H ; V6.9 10/5/2011 ;Initilize CGA RAM memory variables in @449H. Cleanup SETUP_IBM_BIOS: ; V7.0 10/9/2011 ;General cleanup ; V7.1 10/15/2011 ;Added Print Screen function to IBM BIOS ; V7.2 10/18/2011 ;Added Ctl+Alt+Del, Pause etc to keyboard functions. ; V7.3 11/22/2011 ;Added menu options to set time & date with CMOS-RTC on S100Computers/N8VEM MSDOS Support board ; V7.4 11/23/2011 ;Switched over to using 8253 timer tick exactly as IBM-AT does. ; V7.5 11/23/2011 ;Improve 8259A/keyboard test ; V7.51 11/26/2011 ;Clear 8259A on power up ; V7.6 12/27/2011 ;Fixed lack of CR/LF for "S" CMD. Changed "P" CMD to display RAM words ("D" displays RAM Bytes) ; V7.7 2/19/2011 ;Allow IOBYTE to decide if extra ROMS are to be initilized ; V7.8 3/10/2012 ;IOBYTE = 0BFH, forces diagnostic test at FFFF0H ; V7.9 3/27/2012 ;Corrected IDE Board hanging with diagnostic if only one or no drives present, Also numerous other small bugs ; V8.0 3/31/2012 ;Corrected "L" command initilizing 8259A to not allow ints during initilization ; V8.1 3/31/2012 ;Corrected Set Time for MS-DOS Board Dallas RTC Chip ; V8.2 5/4/2012 ;Major Upgrade, Added LAVA-10 Video display output ; V8.3 7/6/2012 ;IOBYTE debug changes at end. ; V8.4 7/7/2012 ;Problem finding default MSDOS video output. ; V8.5 8/13/2012 ;MSDOS not booting up with CGA board corrected ; V8.6 8/14/2012 ;MSDOS not booting up with 80286 board was not defaulting to Propeller board (CONSOLE_FLAG not using ES:=0) ; V8.7a 10/21/2012 ;Changed "L" command. Was not working correctly for 8259A test. Byte[CONSOLE_FLAG] errors ; V8.8a 10/21/2102 ;Change CONSOLE_FLAG to word. This way less chance or random 0,1,or 2 appearing in RAM at startup ; V9.0 2/6/2013 ;Spliced in many modifications & improvements from RM 80386 monitor. Add Modem routine ; V9.1 2/8/2013 ;Fixed (80386) JZ,JNZ jumps so they are within range for 8086. --- REMOVED 80386 CODE --- ; V9.2 2/15/2013 ;Patch: cleaned, up now starts at 100H in RAM ; V9.3 5/3/2013 ;Patch done for 8086/8088, 100H -> E8000H (Note. Different from 80386 Monitor) ; V9.3A 5/3/2013 ;Treat 8086/80286 and 8088 CPU board ROM locations different. Removed Y command ; V9.4 5/7/2013 ;Improved U command, general cleanup ; V9.5 5/17/2013 ;Simplify checking/initilizing VGA EPROM (VGA_ROM_CHECK:) ; V9.6 5/23/2013 ;Added INT 15H, AH=44H for Cirrus Logic VGA Board initilization ; V9.7 7/10/2013 ;Rearranged & set to 0 low RAM storage variables at ~500H ; V9.8 7/12/2013 ;Add coded at FF065H to jump to VIDEO_IO routines (For EGA Board) ; V9.8a 7/12/2013 ;Corrected low RAM initilization of INT verctor relocations ; V10.0 7/15/2013 ;EGA board working is S100 bus with ISA->S100 converter. Changed equates for 80286 EEPROMS ; V10.1 7/29/2013 ;European Cruise updates ; V10.2 8/31/2013 ;Correct bit display for memory compare error (VERIFY:) ; V10.3 10/23/2013 ;Stop duplicate "ZFDC not present" message upon initilization ; V10.31 6/14/2014 ;Minor change to scroll up routine ; V10.32 7/17/2014 ;Correction of Y command in IDE_SIGNON3 menu ; V10.33 7/25/2014 ;Added capability to switch back to Z80 with Z command utilizing the V2 SMB (port EEH). ; V10.33a 8/8/2014 ;Remove the '.' diagnostic character for CGA screen scroll etc. put in normal space character ; V10.4 1/1/2022 ;Coorrected no cursor being displayed for VGA display ((@ not_ega:) ; V10.5 4/1/2024 ;Switched XModem to Serial Board to USB Port ; V10.5a 4/1/2024 ;Corrected XModem signon message ; V10.6 5/8/2024 ;Add "O" command to test 8 bit FPGA_VGA Board ; V10.7 5/20/2024 ;Fixed get/set time memu option, added FPGA_VGA Board as 4th console IO option. ; ; ; ; To Do:- ; Caps Lock key is showing as ^ on for MS-DOS command line on Propeller & LAVA video boards (Fix on propeller board) ; ; ; Notes... ; This fairly extensive 8086+ monitor consists of 3 main sections. It assumes an 8086 (does not use opcodes of the 80286+) ; Section 1. This is a classical monitor. Display, change RAM/ports etc. ; Section 2. This is a self-contained set of routines run diagnostic tests on the S100Computers/Dual IDE/CF card board. ; Section 3. This fairly complex section. It emulates most of the IBM-PC ROM BIOS interrupts (hard & soft) such that MS-DOS ; (V4.01)/FreeDOS can be run on the system - without DOS any disk modifications. ; In the final EEPROM, code will be placed at F8000H for the 8088/8086 Boards (or F0000H for the S100Computers 80286 board). ; This is because the 8086/8088 boards only have capacity for 32K using 28C256 EEPROMS. The 80286 can fit 64K with EEPROMS. ; (BTW, the 8086/8088 boards can accomidate 64K using UV-EPROMS (27C256's) and so can reside at F0000H if required). ; ; In all cases the stack is at DFFFCH & IDE Board RAM buffers/BP are at DE000H. ; For debugging/testing this monitor normally will reside in RAM at E8000H ; Note, the stack is still at DFFFCH & IDE RAM buffer/BP at DE000H. ; ; This monitor needs a valid stack in RAM. It first checks if there is valid RAM in high memory below the ROM ; (The EEROM is usually at F000:0000H). If so it will set the SS to D000H and the SP to FFFCH. This puts it out of the way ; of everything in low RAM. If it does not detect RAM there, it will search for a valid segment at top of RAM downwards and ; put the stack there. ; ; That is the only RAM the main PM monitor needs. However the IDE drive diagnostic routines require much more (sector buffers etc.) ; For these I have set the SS:BP to DE000H. We use SS:BP throughout to access that RAM for the IDE Board diagnostic section. ; ; Remember also, that RAM at 0-3FFH is initialized to trap all 8086 interrupts. If you want this, activate the ; SETUP_INT_TABLE routine at the start of this code. Otherwise they are not used/activated unless you use the "L" and "I" commands. ; Most monitor commands are modeled after the old TDL/Zapple/Z80 commands. Because we are now dealing with potentially up ; to 1MG of RAM for many commands, the start, end RAM locations etc. can take up to 5 digits. ; However the actual span/range for any command is limited to 64K. ; ; The following example fills RAM with 76H from 1A000H to 21234H. ; F1A000,21234,76 ; Of course for the lowest 64K of RAM the "normal" 4,3,2 or 1 byte formats can be used ; F123,456,76 ; Note because of the 64K range limitation the following will give an error ; F1A000,31234,76 or F1A000,2A001,76 ; ; In general hitting the ESC key will abort any long display/command function. ; In all cases, to accept data, finish the entry with a CR. ; So if the display says "xxxxH" you enter up to 4 hex digits than a CR (No "H" is required). ; ; The Console OUT routines CAN be different, The "Normal" monitor and IDE diagnostic sections ALWAYS go through the ; Propeller driven (or any serial type) Console out routine (CO: etc). This by default is also the case ; when the IBM-BIOS sections are activated. However if the Console output is redirected to the CGA/VGA board (INT 10H etc), ; then CO: is not used. Instead CO goes to the IBM BIOS video board output. This is controlled by the [CONSOLE_FLAG] byte in low RAM ; or by switches on the IOBYTE port (see below). ; ; Likewise, the Console IN routines CAN be different. The "Normal" monitor and IDE diagnostic sections ALWAYS go through the ; Propeller driven (or any serial type) Console IN routine (CI:, CICO, etc). ; However when the IBM BIOS section is active (X Menu command, booting up MSDOS etc.), Keyboard input is ALWAYS interrupt ; driven, and requires the 8259A PIC etc. It uses the input from the propeller board, but each key press interrupt ; places the data in the IBM-PC style RAM buffer for later retrieval. ; If the 8259A interrupt functions are not working this section (MS-DOS CI), will hang! You can use the 8259A diagnostics command ; (Main menu, "L" command) to debug this section beforehand. ; ; For Old (< V5.2) Versions Assembled with Digital Research's ASM86, see this section in those files. ; ; For all New Versions (> V6.0) Assemble to a binary file with the excellent/free MSDOS/FreeDOS, NASM.EXE Assembler ; NASM -f bin 8086.A86 -o 8086.bin -l 8086.lst ; ; This will make an 8 bit format .bin file ; ; There are a number of ways to test/run this monitor. Until you actually have this monitor in EEPROM in high memory, you ; can run it low RAM (say 4800H). Until you have such a working version you must have your 8086 after reset jump to this ; test monitor in low RAM at 4800H. Remember in this case you will may have to hand code the stack to a different segment/location. ; ; To move it across to your CPM80 disk file system (Telnet/Modem/serial connection, whatever. I use PCLOAD.COM). ; PCLOAD.COM can be downloaded from the www.S100Computers.com web site. You can use this program to place the code ; anywhere in the lower 64K space (or if you have the S100Computers/N8VEM Z80 board, anywhere in the 1M 8086 address space). ; ; After switching to your 8086 Board (IN port EDH), have the 8086 jump to there with ; @FFFF0H:- EA 00 xx 00 00 Where xx is a lower 64K, 1K boundary (eg. EA 00 48 00 00). ; ; Later when you have the EPROM monitor working, for debugging, you can use the 8086 monitor "W" command to load ; a .bin file sent from a PC (using the XMODEM format) to anywhere in RAM, normally at E8000H ; and then use the "G" command to jump to the start of the test monitor. ; ; Remember for debugging, the code must satrt at E8000H. The first 8000H bytes in the code will be 0's for the 8086/8088 boards ; so with the "W" command set the load address to E0000H to have the actual monitor reside at E8000H. Again this is because the 8086 & 8088 ; boards only accomidate 32K of EEPROM. As mentioned above, the code can begin at E0000H for both these boards with 27C256's or on the 80286 board. ; ; As soon as you get things going, burn a EEPROM version that resides at F8000H. ; After switching to your 8086/8088 Board (IN port EDH), the Monitor should immediately come up. ; ; From then on, it is best to keep RAM test versions up in the 8086 high RAM. That way you can test MSDOS etc. ; I use the location E8000H. You can use the Monitor "W" and "G" Commands ; This saves keystrokes, for the many times you do this! ; ; To burn TWO 28C256 EEPROM's with a Wellon VP280 or V290 Programmer... ; Load .BIN file. Select Even bytes (1st of 2) for one ROM and "From File HEX address" and "Buffer Address" ; leave 0000 in the dialog boxes, do not change "File Size (HEX) either". ; Repeat for ODD addresses. In each case the Edit Box code should appear from 4000H-7FFFH if the ROM is read back. ; ; To burn a SINGLE 28C256 EEPROM (for the 8088 CPU board) with a Wellon VP280/VP290 Programmer... ; From "File HEX address" = 8000, do not change "Buffer Address" or "File Size (HEX)" ; (The Edit BOX the code should appear at 0000H-7FFFH). ; ; To burn two (Even & Odd Bytes) 27128 EEPROM's with a Wellon VP280 Programmer... ; From "File HEX address" = 8000, do not change "Buffer Address" or "File Size (HEX)" ; (The Edit BOX the code should appear at 0000H-3FFFH). ; ; One final note, the monitor has now got quite large with only a few bytes to spare to fit in ; the F8000H - FFFFFH range. If you add more code you may need to remove other code or shorten the text messages ; If you are using the 80286 board you have can use the full 27C256 EEPROMS and have the code start at F0000H. ; (Without patching the 8086 board jumpers you cannot do this with this board). ; Alternatively you can use the 80386 Monitor. ; ; Make sure the NASM command line is:- ; ; NASM -f bin 8086.a86 -O4 -o 8086.bin -l 8086.lst ; ; SCROLL EQU 01H ; Set scrool direction UP. BELL EQU 07H SPACE EQU 20H BS EQU 08H TAB EQU 09H ; TAB ACROSS (8 SPACES FOR SD-BOARD) CR EQU 0DH LF EQU 0AH FF EQU 0CH QUIT EQU 11H ; Turns off any screen enhancements (flashing, underline etc). ESC EQU 1BH DELETE EQU 7FH BACKS EQU 08H CLEAR EQU 1AH ; TO CLEAR SCREEN SOH EQU 1 ; For Modem etc. EOT EQU 4 ACK EQU 6 NAK EQU 15H TRUE equ 1 FALSE equ TRUE-TRUE ;>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> MONITOR_ROM EQU TRUE ;TRUE = put monitor reset code at F800:FFF0H, FALSE = skip ;Set to FALSE for debugging code in RAM ;Set only one of these three CPU equates to TRUE CPU_80286 EQU FALSE ;True if an 80286, FALSE if 8086 or 8088 CPU ;The 80286 board allows easily allows an address range for F0000H-FFFFFH. ;The 8088/8086 boards normally (28C256's) allow a range of F8000H-FFFFFH ;The the IBM-PC character table section is not available for the 8086/8088 CPU's ;because there is not enough room for 28C256's. (BTW, there is for UV 27256 EPROMs). ;It is seldome used anyway, It uses a lot of space (see CRT_CHAR_GEN:) CPU_8088 EQU FALSE ;True if an 8088, FALSE if 8086 or heigher. (Just used in signon message) CPU_8086 EQU TRUE ;True if an 8086, FALSE if 8088 (Just used in signon message) ;>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ;Propeller Console IO S-100 board or SD SYSTEMS VIDIO BOARD FOR CONSOLE I/O(<---These must configured for your hardware) KEYSTAT EQU 0H KEYIN EQU 01H ;Console input port. Normally the Propeller Driven S-100 Console-IO Board KEYOUT EQU 01H ;Console output port. Normally the Propeller Driven S-100 Console-IO Board ;-------------- THIS IS MY PORT TO OUTPUT DATA TO HP 4050T LASAR PRINTER (IMSAI 8PIO Board) PRINTER_STATUS EQU 5 ;IN, HP PARRELL PORT PRINTER_OUT EQU 5 ;OUT PRINTER_STROBE EQU 4 ;OUT DIAG_LEDS EQU 5 ;OUT (Will use this port initially for diagnostic LED display) ;-------------- S100Computers Serial I/O BOARD PORT ASSIGNMENTS (A0-AC) BCTL EQU 0A0H ;CHANNEL B CONTROL PORT ASSIGNMENTS OF THE ZILOG SCC CHIP ACTL EQU 0A1H ;CHANNEL A CONTROL BDTA EQU 0A2H ;CHANNEL B DATA ADTA EQU 0A3H ;CHANNEL A DATA ; BASE_PORT EQU 0A1H ;For XModem communication routines on serial port (No longer used) MODEM_CTL_PORT EQU BASE_PORT ;A1H (Note modem I/O will be on CHANNEL A. Speaker on CHANNEL B MODEM_DATA_PORT EQU BASE_PORT+2 ;A3H ; PortA_8255 EQU 0A8H ;A port of 8255 ;<--- Adjust as necessary PortB_8255 EQU 0A9H ;B port of 8255 PortC_8255 EQU 0AAH ;C Port of 8255 PortCtrl_8255 EQU 0ABH ;8255 configuration port AinBout8255cfg EQU 10011000b ;Set 8255 ports:- A input, B output, ;C(bits 0-3) output, (bits 4-7)input USB_DATA EQU 0ACH ;PORT ASSIGNEMENT FOR DLP-USB Controller chip USB_STATUS EQU 0AAH ;Status port for USB port (Port C of 8255, bits 6,7) USB_DATA_PORT EQU 0ACH ;Data port for the DLP Controller USB_STATUS_PORT EQU 0AAH ;Status port for DLP Controller (Port C of 8255) USB_RXE EQU 80H ;If Bit 7 = 0, data available to recieve by S-100 Computer USB_TXE EQU 40H ;If Bit 6 = 0 data CAN be written for transmission to PC MODEM_SEND_MASK EQU 4 SEND_READY EQU 4 ;VALUE WHEN READY MODEM_RECV_MASK EQU 1 RECV_READY EQU 1 ;BIT ON WHEN READY MODEM_ERR_LIMIT EQU 8 ;Max number of Modem serial port re-reads aborting MODEM_RTS_DELAY EQU 3 ;Time to check Modem RTS line (See XMODEM_LOAD & P_XMODEM_LOAD). Not critical. RECVD_SECT_NO EQU 0H ;IX Offset for XModem Recieved Sector Number SECTNO EQU 1H ;IX Offset for XModem CURRENT SECTOR NUMBER ERRCT EQU 2H ;IX Offset for XModem ERROR COUNT ;----------------- S100Computers SMB Board -------------------------------------- IOBYTE EQU 0EFH ;IOBYTE Port on S100Computers SMB Board. ;IOBYTE = SENSE SWITCHES AT PORT 0EFH ; ; BIT MAP OF PORT 0EFH:- X X X X X X X X (11111111=NORMAL CONFIG) ; | | | | | | | |..For Z80 Monitor, 0=CONSOLE DATA TO PRINTER ALSO ; | | | | | | |....For 8086 Monitor, 0=Force MSDOS Consol output to CGA/VGA Board instead of Propeller board ; | | | | | |......For 8086 Monitor, 0=Do not initilize extra ROMS ; | | | | |........Unused ; | | | |...........Unused ; | | |.............For Z80 Monitor, 0=ALL Consol I/O via ACIA Serial port on S100Computers Serial-IO Board ; | |...............For CPM3, 0=Force reformat of Memory disk upon any CPM3 cold re-boot ; | ; |.................For CPM3, 0=Write protect Memory disk for CPM3 ; ; Note if IOBYTE = 00xxxxxx, This will force the hardware diagnostic test after reset. ; (See code at FFFF0H in this 8086 monitor) ; ; ;------------ S100Computers MSDOS BOARD PORT ASSIGNMENTS NS_EOI equ 20h ;Non specific end of interrupt command MASTER_PIC_PORT equ 20h ;Hardware port the 8259A is assigned (two ports 20H & 21H) MasterICW1 equ 00010111B ;EDGE triggered, 4 bytes, single Master,ICW4 needed MasterICW2 equ 8H ;Base address for 8259A Int Table (IBM-PC uses 8X4 = 20H) MasterICW3 equ 0H ;No slave MasterICW4 equ 00000011B ;No special mode, non buffer, Auto EOI, 8086. ;<<<<, CMOS_PORT EQU 70H ;Base Port for CMOS Chip CMOS_VALID EQU 0DH ;To check DS12887 CMOS chip is present and OK (Note AT-BIOS uses 0EH) CMOS_REGA EQU 0AH ;CMOS REGISTER A TIMER EQU 40H ;Base port of 8254 TIM_CTL EQU 43H COUNTS_SEC EQU 18 COUNTS_MIN EQU 1092 COUNTS_HOUR EQU 07H ;Seems this value is used with AT/CMOS chip (was 65543 on PC) UPDATE_TIMER EQU 80H CMOS_SECONDS EQU 0H ;RAM offsets for CMOS Registers CMOS_MINUTES EQU 2H CMOS_HOURS EQU 4H ;-------------- S100Computers IDE BOARD PORT ASSIGNMENTS (30-34H) ;Ports for 8255 chip. Change these to specify where the 8255 is addressed, ;and which of the 8255's ports are connected to which IDE signals. ;The first three control which 8255 ports have the IDE control signals, ;upper and lower data bytes. The forth one is for mode setting for the ;8255 to configure its ports, which must correspond to the way that ;the first three lines define which ports are connected. IDEportA EQU 030H ;lower 8 bits of IDE interface IDEportB EQU 031H ;upper 8 bits of IDE interface IDEportC EQU 032H ;control lines for IDE interface IDECtrlPort EQU 033H ;8255 configuration port IDEDrivePort EQU 034H ;To select the 1st or 2nd CF card/drive IDE_Reset_Delay EQU 020H ;Time delay for reset/initilization (~66 uS, with 8MHz 8086, 1 I/O wait state) READcfg8255 EQU 10010010b ;Set 8255 IDEportC out, IDEportA/B input WRITEcfg8255 EQU 10000000b ;Set all three 8255 ports output ;IDE control lines for use with IDEportC. IDEa0line EQU 01H ;direct from 8255 to IDE interface IDEa1line EQU 02H ;direct from 8255 to IDE interface IDEa2line EQU 04H ;direct from 8255 to IDE interface IDEcs0line EQU 08H ;inverter between 8255 and IDE interface IDEcs1line EQU 10H ;inverter between 8255 and IDE interface IDEwrline EQU 20H ;inverter between 8255 and IDE interface IDErdline EQU 40H ;inverter between 8255 and IDE interface IDErstline EQU 80H ;inverter between 8255 and IDE interface ; ;Symbolic constants for the IDE Drive registers, this makes the ;code more readable than always specifying the address pins REGdata EQU IDEcs0line REGerr EQU IDEcs0line + IDEa0line REGseccnt EQU IDEcs0line + IDEa1line REGsector EQU IDEcs0line + IDEa1line + IDEa0line REGcylinderLSB EQU IDEcs0line + IDEa2line REGcylinderMSB EQU IDEcs0line + IDEa2line + IDEa0line REGshd EQU IDEcs0line + IDEa2line + IDEa1line ;(0EH) REGcommand EQU IDEcs0line + IDEa2line + IDEa1line + IDEa0line ;(0FH) REGstatus EQU IDEcs0line + IDEa2line + IDEa1line + IDEa0line REGcontrol EQU IDEcs1line + IDEa2line + IDEa1line REGastatus EQU IDEcs1line + IDEa2line + IDEa1line + IDEa0line ;IDE Command Constants. These should never change. COMMANDrecal EQU 10H COMMANDread EQU 20H COMMANDwrite EQU 30H COMMANDinit EQU 91H COMMANDid EQU 0ECH COMMANDspindown EQU 0E0H COMMANDspinup EQU 0E1H ; ; IDE Status Register: ; bit 7: Busy 1=busy, 0=not busy ; bit 6: Ready 1=ready for command, 0=not ready yet ; bit 5: DF 1=fault occured on the IDE drive ; bit 4: DSC 1=seek complete ; bit 3: DRQ 1=data request ready, 0=not ready to xfer yet ; bit 2: CORR 1=correctable error occured ; bit 1: IDX vendor specific ; bit 0: ERR 1=error occured MAXSEC EQU 3DH ;Sectors per track for CF my Memory drive, Kingston CF 8G. (CPM format, 0-3CH) ;translates to LBA format of 1 to 3D sectors, for a total of 61 sectors/track. ;This CF card actully has 3F sectors/track. Will use 3D for my CPM86 system because ;my Seagate drive has 3D sectors/track. Don't want different CPM86.SYS files around ;so this program will also work with a Seagate 6531 IDE drive DOS_MAXSEC EQU 3FH ;For MS-DOS BIOS Setting "Hard Disk" to Custom type (CF Card, 63 Sectors/track) DOS_MAXHEADS EQU 10H ;16 head(s) DOS_MAXCYL_L EQU 0FFH ;Low Byte maximum cylinder (sent via INT 13H's in CH) DOS_MAXCYL EQU 1024 ;Max cylinders DOS_MAXSEC_CYL EQU 0FFH ;3FH, maximum sector number (bits 5-0)+ two Cyl High Bits (Sectors numbered 1....x) ;--------------S100Computers PORTS FOR FOR Z80/WD2793 FDC Board S100DATAA EQU 10H ;IN, S100 Data port to GET data to from FDC Board S100DATAB EQU 10H ;OUT, S100 Data port to SEND data to FDC Board S100STATUSA EQU 11H ;Status port for A S100STATUSB EQU 11H ;Status port for B RESETZFDCPORT EQU 13H ;Port to reset ZFDC Z80 CPU. STATUSDELAY EQU 20 ;Time-out for waiting for ZFDC Board handshake signal (Now, ~0.5 seconds @ 8MHz 8086) SECTOR_TIMEOUT EQU 400H ;Value for sector R/W status check countdown (For 6-8MHz 8086, not critical) ZFDCUNINITILIZED EQU 0FFH ;If ZFDC is not yet initilized ZFDCNOTWORKING EQU 0FEH ;If ZFDC is not working ZFDCNOTPRESENT EQU 0FDH ;If ZFDC board is absent ZFDCINITILIZED EQU 000H ;If ZFDC is initilized OK STD8IBM EQU 1 ;ZFDC Board Format table # for IBM 8" SDSS Disk MSDOS2 EQU 13H ;Disk format type # for ZFDC board (MS-DOS V2.0 Disk, 512 X 9 Sec/Track) IBM144 EQU 15H ;Disk format type # for 1.4M DDDS, 18 X 512 Byte Sectors, 80 Tracks CMD_SET_FORMAT EQU 4H ;This will select a specified drive and assign a disk format table to that drive CMD_SET_DRIVE EQU 5H ;This will select a specified drive (0,1,2,3) CMD_SET_TRACK EQU 7H ;This will set head request to a specified track CMD_SET_SIDE EQU 8H ;This will set side request to a specified side CMD_SET_SECTOR EQU 9H ;This will set sector request to a specified sector CMD_SET_HOME EQU 0AH ;This will set head request to Track 0 of CURRENT drive CMD_SEEEK_TRACK EQU 0EH ;Seek to track to (IY+DRIVETRACK) with the track verify bit set on CURRENT drive/format CMD_FORMAT_TRACK EQU 16H ;Format the floppy disk in the of the CURRENT drive using the current format assigned to that disk CMD_HANDSHAKE EQU 21H ;Handshake command only sent during board initilization/testing ;These new commands are required for R/W MSDOS Double sided disks CMD_DOS_RD_MULTI_SEC EQU 2BH ;MS-DOS, Read data from multiple sectors starting at the CURRENT sector. CMD_DOS_WR_MULTI_SEC EQU 2CH ;MS-DOS, Write data to multiple sectors starting at the CURRENT sector. CMD_GET_SIDE EQU 2DH ;Get the current selected side of the current selected drive CMD_DOS_SET_SECTOR EQU 2EH ;MS-DOS, Set current sector for the next sec R/W ;Possible ERROR codes returned from the ZFDC Board:- ;These will be translated into ASCII strings in the error reporting function. ;See the ZFDC code for a complete set of possible error coded returned byt the ZFDC Board NO_ERRORS_FLAG EQU 00H ;No Errors flag for previous cmd, sent back to S-100 BIOS CONFIRM_FORMAT EQU 32H ;Confirm disk format cmd request DISK_WP_ERR EQU 31H ;Sector write error, Disk is write protected ABORT_FLAG EQU 3AH ;Special error flag to signify the user aborted a command ZFDC_ABSENT EQU 3BH ;If ZFDC Board is absent ZFDC_INIT_ERROR EQU 3CH ;If ZFDC initilization error TIMEOUT_ERROR EQU 3DH ;Error flag to signify the previous command timed out CMD_RANGE_ERR EQU 3EH ;CMD out or range. MAX_ERRORS EQU 3FH ;0 to 3FH errors only ;Meanings for disk status (as returned by IBM BIOS ROM) seekerr equ 40h ;seek failed hdwerr equ 20h ;controller chip failed crcerr equ 10h ;crc error dmaerr equ 09h ;DMA across 64k boundary wpterr equ 03h ;write protected disk rnferr equ 04h ;sector not found timerr equ 80h ;Floppy time out error cmderr equ 01h ;Floppy bad command for controller msize equ 280H ;Total RAM memory size, (640K) romdat equ 0h ;Data area for ROM usage (DS will be set to 0H for data at 400H....) ;-------------- CGA/VGA/XVGA Video board equates ---------------------------------------------- c6845port Equ 3d0h ;base port for Lomas/CGA colour board bw6845port Equ 3b0h ;base port for b/w card Index_Reg_Count Equ 16 ;Count of 6845 Index registers ;-------------- LAVA-10 Video board equates ---------------------------------------------- LavaStatus EQU 090H ;Status Port LavaData EQU 091H ;Data port ;LAVA Commands:- COPY$MEMORY EQU 010H WRITE$MEMORY EQU 020H READ$MEMORY EQU 030H DRAW$TEXT EQU 040H READ$CSR EQU 036H WRITE$CSR EQU 022H L_CRT_WIDTH EQU 800 ;Pixels across per line L_CRT_HEIGHT EQU 600 ;Pixels (16 per line) L_BELOW_SCREEN EQU 601 ;Area of LAVA screen RAM not visible (Use as a clear buffer area, EOL etc) L_CHARS_PER_LINE EQU 99 ;99X8 = 792 L_SCREEN_LINES EQU 37 ;37X16 = 592 L_CHAR_WIDTH EQU 8 ;Character pixel width L_CHAR_HEIGHT EQU 16 ;Character pixel height L_WHITE_COLOR EQU 0FFFFH L_BLACK_COLOR EQU 00000H L_BLUE_COLOR EQU 00F0FH L_GREEN_COLOR EQU 008F0H ;-------------- FPGA_VGA Video board equates ---------------------------------------------- VGA_IOBYTE_PORT EQU 86H ;Port to communicate with VGA console IO VGA_CONSOL_STATUS EQU 80H VGA_CONSOL_OUT EQU 81H ;Port to send data to VGA display ACTIVATE_VGA_TYPE EQU 87H ;Port to set Z80 VGA or 8086+ VGA ACTIVATE_LCD_PORT EQU 88H ;This pin must be 1 for the ESP32 code to respond LCD_DATA_PORT EQU 8EH ;Port to send data to LCD display ESP32_RESET_PIN EQU 8FH ;Reset the ESP32 ;-------------------- VGA_FPGA ROM BIOS CALLS (at C0000H+) -------------------------------- INITILIZE_VGA: EQU 100H ;Call location in onboard ROM to initilize the 8086 VGA Display at C000:0100H CHARACTER_OUT: EQU 103H ;Send character to the video RAM ath C000:0103H SET_CURSOR_X EQU 106H ;C000:0106H Move Cursor X posuition (value in CL) SET_CURSOR_Y EQU 109H ;C000:0109H Move Cursor Y position (value in CL, 0-27H) SET_COLOR EQU 10CH ;C000:010DH Change screen character color (31H-37H) GET_CURSOR_X EQU 10FH ;C000:0110H Get Cursor X position GET_CURSOR_Y EQU 112H ;C000:0113H Get cursor Y position GET_COLOR EQU 113H ;C000:0116H Get character color ;--------------Other Hardware Equates --------------------------------------------------------- HOLD_STATE EQU 80H ;Set Keyboard flag to indicate a Pause is required NO_HOLD_STATE EQU 7FH ;To clear the above flag SW86 EQU 0EDH ;INPUT FROM THIS PORT SWITCHES THE 8086/80286 BACK to the Z80 in hardware SW86_TM EQU 0EEH ;Output 00H to this port to switch back to Z80 Hardware (on SMB V2 only). SW68K EQU 0ECH ;SWITCHES TO THE 68K TO MASTER MODE FROM THE Z80 CPU, (not used here). STACK_SEG EQU 0D000H ;Normally (Stack D000:FFFCH) STACK_POINTER equ 0FFFCH ;With 1M RAM Stack will normally be at D000:FFFC BASE_POINTER EQU 0E000H ;Default BP at D000:E000H ;================================= Start of BIOS code segment =================================================== CPU 8086 ;No 80286/386 opcodes [BITS 16] SECTION .text org 0H %if CPU_8088 TIMES 8000H DB 0H ;To have code in EEPROMS start at F8000H for 8088/8086 board %endif ;(Note for the the 80286 board the Monitor can start at F0000H with 28C256 EEPROMs) %if CPU_8086 TIMES 8000H DB 0H ;To have code in EEPROMS start at F8000H for 8088/8086 board %endif ;(Note for the the 80286 board the Monitor can start at F0000H with 28C256 EEPROMs) ;All addresses will be relative to this location F/E8000H ;For 8086 debugging/testing this monitor will reside in RAM at E000:8000H with ;the stack at D000:FFFCH. BEGIN: jmp INIT ;Reset all registers, initilize hardware jmp WARM_INIT ;warm start jmp CI ;console input jmp RI ;reader output jmp CO ;console output (Character in CL) jmp POO ;punch output jmp LIST_OUT ;printer output (Character in CL) jmp CSTS ;consol status jmp CICO ;console in with echo jmp LIST_STATUS ;printer status ToMonitor: ;Jump to this 8086 Monitor in ROM INIT: cld ;Set direction up. Through this monitor this is the default direction cli ;Disabel interrupts initially MOV AL,00000000B ;ALL LED's OFF, for VISUAL DIAGNOSTIC we are alive OUT DIAG_LEDS,AL ;LED's will go off one at a time cld ;Set direction up "UP" troughout this monitor, this is the default direction cli ;Disabel interrupts MOV AL,10000000B ;1st LED on, for VISUAL DIAGNOSTIC we are alive OUT DIAG_LEDS,AL ;LED's will come on one at a time as we progress through initilization ;We will now set up a valid stack. Normally there will be 1MG of S-100 RAM ;in the system so there will be RAM below this EEPROM at D000:FFFCH ;If so, we will place the stack below the EPROM. ;If however there is less memory we will find the highest RAM and place ;the stack at the top of availabel RAM mov ax,cs ;Note cs will be F000H (or E000H) mov ds,ax ;DS will also be CS:F000H (or E000H) mov es,ax ;As will ES mov ax,STACK_SEG ;Will start with D000H. This leaves 64K at E000:0H for debugging/test versions mov ss,ax ;For now, SS also set to D000H mov sp,STACK_POINTER ;Initial SP=D000:FFFCH mov bp,BASE_POINTER ;BP for IDE RAM variables (will normally be SS:[BP] or D000:E000H) mov BX,STACK_POINTER ;Normally D000:FFFCH TOP_OF_RAM: ;Check if RAM there, if not find TOS MOV AX,[SS:BX] NOT AX MOV [SS:BX],AX CMP [SS:BX],AX ;Is there real RAM there. JNZ NO_RAM ;If no RAM then search for lower memory MOV SP,BX JMP DoneStack NO_RAM: MOV AX,SS ;Try 64K lower.... SUB AX,1000H MOV SS,AX OR AX,AX JNZ TOP_OF_RAM MOV SP,4FCH ;Special case if <= 64K RAM ;Point to a RAM area (0000:4FC), assume we have at least this ammount. ;In this case BP will be at 0000:E000H. If no RAM there we are out of luck DoneStack: MOV word[CONSOL_FLAG],0 ;Console output Propeller Video Board (unless told otherewise) MOV AL,11000000B ;2nd LED on, VISUAL DIAGNOSTIC for Stack done OUT DIAG_LEDS,AL mov bx,SIGNON ;Signon notice call PRINT_STRING ;Note up to now stack was not used. MOV AL,0FFH ;Clear Printer strobe, comes up 0 on a reset OUT PRINTER_STROBE,AL MOV AL,11100000B ;3rd LED on, VISUAL DIAGNOSTIC OUT DIAG_LEDS,AL ;Initilize the 8259A PIC Controller (This seems to be required to prevent the 8086 mov al,MasterICW1 ;from "locking up" after a power on). out MASTER_PIC_PORT,al mov al,MasterICW2 ;Ints start at 20H in RAM out MASTER_PIC_PORT+1,al mov al,MasterICW4 ;No slaves above, so 8259A does not expect ICW3 out MASTER_PIC_PORT+1,al mov al,11111111b ;Allow No Ints on 8259A for now out MASTER_PIC_PORT+1,al MOV AL,11110000B ;4th LED on, VISUAL DIAGNOSTIC OUT DIAG_LEDS,AL mov bx,SMSG call SPEAK_STRING ;Speak out signon the message MOV AL,11111000B ;5 LED's on if speech sent OUT DIAG_LEDS,AL mov bx,SHOWSTACK ;Show current stack position call PRINT_STRING MOV AX,SS CALL AX_HEXOUT MOV CL,':' CALL CO MOV AX,SP CALL AX_HEXOUT CALL CRLF ; CALL SETUP_INT_TABLE ;Setup RM default INT jump table in RAM 0-3FFH mov al,01111111b ;Send 7FH to 8259A and check it is there out MASTER_PIC_PORT+1,al in AL,MASTER_PIC_PORT+1 CMP AL,01111111b ;Should get same value back if 8259A is present JZ PIC_OK mov bx,NO_8259A_MSG ;Send 8259A not found message call PRINT_STRING PIC_OK: mov al,11111111b ;Allow No Ints on 8259A for now out MASTER_PIC_PORT+1,al MOV AL,11111100B ;6 LED's on if INT Jump table setup OUT DIAG_LEDS,AL IN AL,(VGA_IOBYTE_PORT) AND AL,08H ;SEE IF LCD DISPLAY IS PRESENT JNZ NO_LCD MOV AL,0FFH OUT (ESP32_RESET_PIN),AL MOV AX,0 DELAY_ESP: DEC AX JNZ DELAY_ESP MOV AL,0FFH OUT (ACTIVATE_LCD_PORT),AL ;Must be high for the ESP32 code to run NO_LCD: IN AL,KEYIN ;Flush keyboard MOV AL,11111110B ;7 LED's on, if ALL initilization is done. OUT DIAG_LEDS,AL WARM_INIT: cld ;Set direction up cli ;Disabel interrupts mov ax,cs ;Note cs always will be F000H (or E000H when testing) mov ds,ax ;DS & ES will be set to F000H as default values within this monitor mov es,ax MAINLOOP: mov bx,CLEANUP ;Clear line and '>' call PRINT_STRING call CICO ;Get a command from Console mov ah,0 cmp al,'A' jb WARM_INIT ;must be A to Z cmp al,'Z' jg WARM_INIT sub al,'A' ;calculate offset shl al,1 ;X 2 add ax,ctable mov bx,ax mov ax,[CS:BX] ;Get location of routine CALL AX ;<-----------This is the Main Monitor CMD call jmp WARM_INIT ;finished ;************************************** Basic Monitor Commands ******************************************* ;------------------- PRINT MENU ON CRT ------------------------------------------------------------------------- KCMD: MOV BX,MAIN_MENU CALL PRINT_STRING RET ;------------------- MAP the 1MG Adderss space ------------------------------------------------------ MAP: call CRLF ;Display complete memory map with R=ram, P=PROM and "." empty space mov ax,0 mov ds,ax ;Must start in first segment in DS: mov dl,64 ;character count mov dh,4 ;segment counter(4 lines per segment) mov SI,ax ;need to reset bx (ds = 0 already) call SHOW_ADDRESS_DS ;start with address, Send to console the address DS+SI map1: mov ax,[SI] ;remember ds is assumed not ax ;complement data mov [SI],ax cmp ax,[SI] ;did it change jne not_ram not ax ;correct data mov [SI],ax mov cl,'R' jmp nextbk ;get next block not_ram:cmp ax,0 ;ffff->0 must be rom if not 0 jne prom mov cl,'.' ;no need to correct data for here jmp nextbk ;get next block prom: mov cl,'p' nextbk: call CO ;send the R,P or "." ADD SI,100H ;check every 100h at a time dec dl ;64X1000H across jnz map1 ;one line of 64K done mov dl,64 ;reset counter for next line dec dh ;segment counter jnz noseg mov ax,ds add ax,1000h jc mapdone mov ds,ax mov dh,4 noseg: CALL CRLF_CHECK ;Print current address at start of each line call SHOW_ADDRESS_DS jmp map1 mapdone:ret ;-------Fill memory with a constant value. Up to 64K bytes from xxxxxH to xxxxxH-------------------------- FILL: CALL GET5DIGITS ;Get (up to) 20 bit parameter. 16 bit value (4 digits) to DI. ;If 5 digits, then the first digit is put in ES (highest nibble) PUSH ES PUSH DI ;Save start address for now = ES:DI CALL GET5DIGITS MOV SI,DI ;Put end address in DS:SI MOV AX,ES MOV DS,AX ;If 5 digits, then the first digit is put in DS POP DI POP ES ;Start=ES:DI End=DS:SI CALL CLENGTH ;Length cx = (ds:si-es:di)+1, if >64K then err CALL GET2DIGITS ;Fill value to AL (CX unaltered) ;ES:DI = start address, (DS:SI = end address, not used), CX = count, AL = fill value filoop: mov [ES:DI],al ;Note RAM is es:[di], count in CX inc DI CMP DI,0 ;Check if we are crossing a segment boundry JNZ filoop1 MOV AX,ES ADD AX,1000H MOV ES,AX filoop1:loop filoop ;Dec CX to 0 ret ;--------------Display memory contents (bytes) DISPLAY_RAM_BYTES: CALL GET5DIGITS ;Get (up to) 20 bit parameter. 16 bit value (4 digits) to DI. ;If 5 digits, then the first digit is put in ES (highest nibble) PUSH ES PUSH DI ;Save start address for now. CALL GET5DIGITS MOV SI,DI ;Put end address in SI MOV AX,ES MOV DS,AX ;If 5 digits, then the first digit is put in DS POP DI POP ES ;Start=ES:DI End=DS:SI ; AND DI,0FFF0h ;even up printout OR SI,000Fh ;also nice ending for Ray G. call CLENGTH ;Length cx = (ds:si-es:di)+1, if length > 64K then err dloop6: CALL CRLF_CHECK ;Note BX,CX is saved, ESC at keyboard will abort call SHOW_ADDRESS_ES ;Send start address MOV DL,16 ;First print a line of 16 Hex byte values PUSH CX PUSH DI PUSH ES dloop1: mov al,[es:di] ;Will increment DI call AL_HEXOUT call BLANK call Inc_DI_boundry_check ;Will increase DI DEC DL ;Have we done 16 bytes yet jnz dloop1 ;Now print ascii for those 16 bytes mov cx,6 ;first send 6 spaces call TABS MOV DL,16 ;16 across again POP ES POP DI POP CX dloop2: mov al,[es:DI] and al,7fh cmp al,' ' ;filter out control characters jnc dloop3 dloop4: mov al,'.' dloop3: cmp al,'~' jnc dloop4 PUSH CX mov cl,al call CO POP CX loop dloop5 ;--CX has total byte count ret dloop5: call Inc_DI_boundry_check DEC DL ;Have we done 16 bytes yet jnz dloop2 JMP dloop6 Inc_DI_boundry_check: ;Check if we are crossing a segment boundry inc DI ;If so, inc [ES] CMP DI,0 JNZ bounds1 MOV AX,ES ADD AX,1000H MOV ES,AX bounds1:RET Inc_SI_boundry_check: ;Check if we are crossing a segment boundry inc SI ;If so, inc [DS] CMP DI,0 JNZ bounds2 MOV AX,DS ADD AX,1000H MOV DS,AX bounds2:RET ;----------------DISPLAY Words Memory --------------------------------------------------------- ; This routine forces the CPU to do RAM word reads rather than a byte reads. ; It is used to test the hardware's ability to do 16 bit reads on odd and even addresses. ; This is very important. "Normal" byte reads will not show such a hardware problem. ; A block or RAM/ROM read with the "D" & "P" commands must be identical DISPLAY_RAM_WORDS: CALL GET5DIGITS ;Get (up to) 20 bit parameter. 16 bit value (4 digits) to DI. ;If 5 digits, then the first digit is put in ES (highest nibble) PUSH ES PUSH DI ;Save start address for now. CALL GET5DIGITS MOV SI,DI ;Put end address in SI MOV AX,ES MOV DS,AX ;If 5 digits, then the first digit is put in DS POP DI POP ES ;Start=ES:DI End=DS:SI ; AND DI,0FFF0h ;even up printout OR SI,000Fh ;also nice ending for Ray Gluck. call CLENGTH ;Length cx = (ds:si-es:di)+1, if length > 64K then err shr cx,1 ;divide by 2 because words wdloop6:CALL CRLF_CHECK ;Note BX,CX is saved, ESC at keyboard will abort call SHOW_ADDRESS_ES ;Send start address MOV DL,8 ;First print a line of 16/2 Hex byte values PUSH CX PUSH DI PUSH ES wdloop1:mov ax,[es:di] ;Will increment DI call AL_HEXOUT call BLANK mov al,ah call AL_HEXOUT call BLANK call Inc_DI_boundry_check ;Will increase DI call Inc_DI_boundry_check ;Will increase DI DEC DL ;Have we done 16 bytes yet jnz wdloop1 ;Now print ascii for those 16 bytes mov cx,8 ;first send 6 spaces call TABS MOV DL,8 ;16/2 across again POP ES POP DI POP CX wdloop2:mov ax,[es:DI] push ax and al,7fh cmp al,' ' ;filter out control characters jnc wdloop3 wdloop4:mov al,'.' wdloop3:cmp al,'~' jnc wdloop4 PUSH CX mov cl,al call CO POP CX pop ax mov al,ah and al,7fh cmp al,' ' ;filter out control characters jnc wdloop7 wdloop8:mov al,'.' wdloop7:cmp al,'~' jnc wdloop8 PUSH CX mov cl,al call CO POP CX loop wdloop5 ;--CX has total byte count ret wdloop5:call Inc_DI_boundry_check call Inc_DI_boundry_check DEC DL ;Have we done 16 bytes yet jnz wdloop2 JMP wdloop6 ;----------------MOVE Memory --------------------------------------------------------- MOVE: CALL GET5DIGITS ;Get (up to) 20 bit parameter. 16 bit value (4 digits) to DI. ;If 5 digits, then the first digit is put in ES (highest nibble) PUSH ES ;Do everything relative to first ES value PUSH DI ;Save start address for now. CALL GET5DIGITS MOV SI,DI ;Put end address in SI MOV AX,ES MOV DS,AX ;If 5 digits, then the first digit is put in DS POP DI POP ES ;Start=ES:DI End=DS:SI call CLENGTH ;Length cx = (ds:si-es:di)+1, if length > 64K then err PUSH ES PUSH DI ;Save Start Address ES:DI PUSH CX ;Save length CALL GET5DIGITS ;For Destination, get (up to) 20 bit parameter. 16 bit value (4 digits) to DI. MOV SI,DI ;Put destination address in DS:SI MOV AX,ES MOV DS,AX ;If 5 digits, then the first digit is put in DS POP CX ;Get length POP DI ;Get start ES:DI destination DS:SI POP ES ;Get back the initial ES value (often 0) MOVE1: MOV AL,[ES:DI] ;Note cannot use MOVS opcode because of segment boundries MOV [DS:SI],AL CALL Inc_DI_boundry_check ;Check if we are crossing a segment boundry CALL Inc_SI_boundry_check MOVE3: LOOP MOVE1 RET ;----------------SUBSTITUTE Memory --------------------------------------------------------- SUBSTITUTE: CALL GET5DIGITS ;Get (up to) 20 bit parameter. 16 bit value (4 digits) to DI. ;If 5 digits, then the first digit is put in ES (highest nibble) nusloop:CALL CRLF call SHOW_ADDRESS_ES mov cx,8 ;Display 8 bytes per line sloop: call BLANK mov al,[es:DI] push cx push ax call AL_HEXOUT mov cl,'-' call CO pop ax pop cx call GET2DIGITS ;Get 8 bit value (2 digits) to AL. (BX, CX & DX Unchanged), terminator in AH cmp ah,CR ;CR signals we are done je qtest cmp ah,ESC ;Also ESC je qtest cmp ah,' ' ;is a SP so skip to next byte je snext1 mov [es:DI],al snext1: inc DI CMP DI,0 JNZ snext2 MOV AX,ES ADD AX,1000H MOV ES,AX snext2: loop sloop jmp nusloop qtest: ret ;-------------------------Verify Memory Contents -------------------------------------- VERIFY: CALL GET5DIGITS ;Get (up to) 20 bit parameter. 16 bit value (4 digits) to DI. ;If 5 digits, then the first digit is put in ES (highest nibble) PUSH ES ;Do everything relative to first ES value PUSH DI ;Save start address for now. CALL GET5DIGITS MOV SI,DI ;Put end address in DS:DI MOV AX,ES MOV DS,AX ;If 5 digits, then the first digit is put in DS POP DI POP ES ;Start=ES:SI End=DS:DI call CLENGTH ;Length cx = (ds:si-es:di)+1, if length > 64K then err PUSH ES PUSH DI ;Save Start Address PUSH CX ;Save length CALL GET5DIGITS ;For Destination, get (up to) 20 bit parameter. 16 bit value (4 digits) to DI. MOV SI,DI ;Put destination address in DS:SI MOV AX,ES MOV DS,AX ;If 5 digits, then the first digit is put in DS POP CX POP DI POP ES ;Get back the initial ES value (often 0) MOV BX,0 ;Count of mis-matches VERIFY1:MOV AL,[ES:DI] ;cannot use cmps because of segments CMP AL,[DS:SI] JZ MATCH_OK call verr MATCH_OK: INC DI CMP DI,0 ;Check if we are crossing a segment boundry JNZ VERIFY2 MOV AX,ES ADD AX,1000H MOV ES,AX VERIFY2:INC SI CMP SI,0 ;Check if we are crossing a segment boundry JNZ VERIFY3 MOV AX,DS ADD AX,1000H MOV DS,AX VERIFY3:LOOP VERIFY1 CMP BX,0 ;Was there any errors JNZ TOTAL_MISMATCHES MOV BX,MATCHES_OK CALL PRINT_STRING TOTAL_MISMATCHES: RET verr: CMP BX,0 ;Save count, print error JNZ SKIP_DIFF_MSG PUSH DS MOV AX,CS MOV DS,AX MOV BX,DIFF_Header_Msg CALL PRINT_STRING POP DS SKIP_DIFF_MSG: CALL CRLF ;There is a mis-match show values call SHOW_ADDRESS_ES PUSH CX MOV CX,6 call TABS mov al,[ES:DI] PUSH AX call AL_HEXOUT CALL BLANK POP AX call AL_BINOUT MOV CX,5 call TABS call SHOW_ADDRESS_DS MOV CX,6 call TABS mov al,[ds:SI] PUSH AX call AL_HEXOUT CALL BLANK POP AX call AL_BINOUT POP CX call CTRL_CHECK INC BX ;This prevents the header being show each time RET ;Return verr ;------------- QUERY PORTS ----------------------------------------------- QUERY: call CICO ;is it input or output cmp al,'I' jz input cmp al,'O' jz output jmp ERR ;if not QI or QO then error input: call GET4DIGITS ;Get 8 or 16 bit value (2 or 4 digits) to DI, terminator in AH call CRLF mov dx,DI in al,dx ;Note will assume here we have just an 8 bit port push ax call AL_HEXOUT ;Show value in HEX call BLANK pop ax call AL_BINOUT ;Show value in binary ret output: call GET4DIGITS ;Get 8 or 16 bit value (2 or 4 digits) to DI, terminator in AH mov dx,DI CALL GET2DIGITS ;Output value to AL (BX unaltered) PUSH AX CALL CRLF POP AX out dx,al ;Send 8 bit value in AL to port at [DX] RET ;------------- GO TO A RAM LOCATION ----------------------- GOTO: mov bx,GET_SEG_MSG ;Segment= call PRINT_STRING call GET4DIGITS ;Get (up to) 16 bit value (4 digits) to BX. PUSH DI ;Save Segment (in [DI]) on stack) mov bx,GET_OFFS_MSG ;Offset= call PRINT_STRING call GET4DIGITS PUSH DI ;Save Offset (in [DI]) on stack) RETF ;Will pop offset, then CS and go there Note RETF! ;------------- SWITCH CONTROL BACK TO Z80 (Master) ------------------ Z80: in al,SW86 ;This switches control back over to Z80 MOV AL,00000000B ;Or reset TMA-O back to Z80 control. OUT SW86_TM,AL nop nop nop nop nop JMP BEGIN ; ------------- O Command to test FPGA VGA Board -------------------- FPGA_VGA: MOV BX,VGA_MENU_STRING CALL PRINT_STRING call CICO ;Get a command from Console MOV CL,AL CALL CRLF CMP AL,'0' JZ RESET_ESP32 CMP AL,'1' JZ DO_VGA_INIT CMP AL,'2' JZ DO_VGA_KEYBOARD CMP AL,'3' JZ DO_LCD_KEYBOARD CMP AL,ESC JZ DONE_TEST JMP FPGA_VGA DONE_TEST: RET RESET_ESP32: MOV AL,0FFH OUT (ESP32_RESET_PIN),AL CALL DELAY OUT (ACTIVATE_LCD_PORT),AL ;Must be high for the ESP32 code to run JMP FPGA_VGA DO_VGA_INIT: MOV AL,0 OUT ACTIVATE_VGA_TYPE,AL ;Select 8086+ mode (This makes sure the VGA ROM is visible) MOV CL,02 ;Set to green color CALL word 0C000H:INITILIZE_VGA JMP FPGA_VGA DO_VGA_KEYBOARD: CALL CI ;Routine to input from Propeller/S100 bus keyboard, send to VGA CMP AL,ESC JZ FPGA_VGA ;Back to main menu MOV CL,AL CALL CO CALL word 0C000H:CHARACTER_OUT ;Go to ROM with character in CL JMP DO_VGA_KEYBOARD DO_LCD_KEYBOARD: CALL CRLF MOV BX,S100_INPUT_MSG CALL PRINT_STRING S100B: CALL CI ;Routine to input from Propeller/S100 bus keyboard, send to LCD CMP AL,ESC JZ FPGA_VGA ;Back to main menu OUT (LCD_DATA_PORT),AL ;Send 1 character MOV CL,AL CALL CO JMP S100B ;-------------- Display all active IO input ports in the system ------------- ; 64K of 16 & 8 bit ports INPORTS:mov bx,PORTS_IN_MSG call PRINT_STRING MOV SI,0FFFFH ;Display 12 lines, 4 ports across MOV BP,0000H ;Will contain port number LOOPIO: MOV DX,BP CMP DL,SW86 ;INPUT FROM THIS PORT SWITCHES THE 80286 BACK TO THE Z80 (SKIP) JZ NEXT_P CMP DL,SW68K ;INPUT FROM THIS PORT SWITCHES IN THE 68K CPU (Do not activate) JZ NEXT_P IN AX,DX ;Is it 0FFFFH CMP AX,0FFFFH JZ NEXT_P ;If so skip MOV AX,BP CALL AX_HEXOUT ;Print Port Address MOV CL,'-' ;Put in a "->" CALL CO MOV CL,'>' CALL CO MOV DX,BP IN AX,DX ;Get port WORD data (note, 8 bits even port Input will be in AH) CALL AX_HEXOUT CALL BLANK MOV CL,'-' ;Put in a "->" CALL CO MOV CL,'>' CALL CO MOV DX,BP IN AL,DX ;Get port BYTE data CALL AL_HEXOUT SKIP2: CALL BLANK ;4 ports across CALL BLANK INC SI ;Next cursor position count MOV AX,SI AND AX,0003H CMP AX,0003H JNZ NEXT_P CALL CRLF NEXT_P: INC BP ;Next Port until 0000H OR BP,BP JZ SKIP3 MOV AX,BP AND AX,00FFH ;256 ports at a time JNZ LOOPIO mov BX,MORE_MSG ;Contineue (Y/N) call PRINT_STRING call CICO cmp al,'Y' JNZ SKIP3 CALL CRLF JMP LOOPIO SKIP3: CALL CRLF ;Routine done/aborted RET ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ REGISTERS: ;RM Display all the CPU Registers PUSH AX ;Save everything PUSH BX PUSH CX PUSH DX PUSH SI PUSH DI PUSH BP PUSHF PUSHF PUSH SP ;we will display reverse this order PUSH BP PUSH DI PUSH SI PUSH DX PUSH CX PUSH BX PUSH AX MOV BX,INT_AX_MSG ;"AX=" CALL PRINT_STRING POP AX CALL AX_HEXOUT MOV BX,INT_BX_MSG ;"H BX=" CALL PRINT_STRING POP AX CALL AX_HEXOUT MOV BX,INT_CX_MSG ;"H CX=" CALL PRINT_STRING POP AX CALL AX_HEXOUT MOV BX,INT_DX_MSG ;"H DX=" CALL PRINT_STRING POP AX CALL AX_HEXOUT MOV BX,INT_SI_MSG ;"SI=" CALL PRINT_STRING POP AX CALL AX_HEXOUT MOV BX,INT_DI_MSG ;"DI=" CALL PRINT_STRING POP AX CALL AX_HEXOUT MOV BX,INT_BP_MSG ;"BP=" CALL PRINT_STRING POP AX CALL AX_HEXOUT MOV BX,INT_SP_MSG ;"SP=" CALL PRINT_STRING POP AX ADD AX,14 ; Adjust because we first saved stuff above (PUSHAD) CALL AX_HEXOUT MOV BX,INT_FLAGS_MSG ;[Flags]= CALL PRINT_STRING POP AX ;Flags to AX MOV AL,AH CALL AL_BINOUT ;Output lower 16 bits POP AX CALL AL_BINOUT MOV BX,INT_CS_MSG ;"CS=" CALL PRINT_STRING MOV AX,CS CALL AX_HEXOUT MOV BX,INT_DS_MSG ;"DS=" CALL PRINT_STRING MOV AX,DS CALL AX_HEXOUT MOV BX,INT_ES_MSG ;"ES=" CALL PRINT_STRING MOV AX,ES CALL AX_HEXOUT MOV BX,INT_SS_MSG ;"SS=" CALL PRINT_STRING MOV AX,SS CALL AX_HEXOUT MOV BX,H_MSG_CRLF CALL PRINT_STRING POP BP ;Get Back Everything POP DI POP SI POP DX POP CX POP BX POP AX RET ;------ THIS IS A ROUTINE TO SET THE CURRENT TIME & DATE FOR THE DALLAS RTC CHIP ON THE MS-DOS SUPPORT BOARD ------------ SET_TIME_DATE: CALL RAW_GETTIME ;First Show Time/Date CALL CRLF ;First set Time MOV BX,SET_TIME_MSG CALL PRINT_STRING CALL CICO CMP AL,'Y' JZ SET_TIME RET SET_TIME: CALL InputTime ;Return CH = HOURS IN BCD, CL = Minutes in BCD, DH = Seconds in BCD CALL CRLF ;No registers changed RTC_3: CALL UPD_IN_PR ;CHECK FOR UPDATE IN PROCESS JNC RTC_3A ;GO AROUND IF CLOCK OPERATING CALL INITIALIZE_STATUS RTC_3A: CLI ;INTERRUPTS OFF DURING SET PUSH DX ;SAVE for below MOV DL,-2 ;-2 goes to 0 for PORT_INC_2 CALL PORT_INC_2 ;UPDATE ADDRESS MOV AL,DH ;GET TIME BYTE - SECONDS OUT CMOS_PORT+1,AL ;STORE TIME BYTE CALL PORT_INC_2 ;UPDATE ADDRESS MOV AL,CL ;GET TIME BYTE - MINUTES OUT CMOS_PORT+1,AL ;STORE TIME BYTE CALL PORT_INC_2 ;UPDATE ADDRESS MOV AL,CH ;GET TIME BYTE - HOURS OUT CMOS_PORT+1,AL ;STORE TIME BYTE MOV DL,0AH CALL PORT_INC POP DX ;RESTORE IN AL,CMOS_PORT+1 ;GET CURRENT VALUE AND AL,23H ;MASK FOR VALID BIT POSITIONS OR AL,DL ;GET DST BIT OR AL,02H ;TURN ON 24 HR MODE (For compatability with AT) PUSH AX ; MOV DL,0AH ; CALL PORT_INC ; POP AX ; OUT CMOS_PORT+1,AL SET_DATE: CALL InputDate ;Return CH = HOURS IN BCD, CL = Minutes in BCD, DH = Seconds in BCD CALL CRLF ;No registers changed RTC_5: CALL UPD_IN_PR ;CHECK FOR UPDATE IN PROCESS JNC RTC_5A ;GO AROUND IF CLOCK UPDATING CALL INITIALIZE_STATUS RTC_5A: CLI ;INTERRUPTS OFF DURING SET PUSH CX ;SAVE MOV CH,DL ;SAVE DAY OF MONTH MOV DL,5 ;ADDRESS OF DAY OF WEEK REGISTER CALL PORT_INC MOV AL,0H OUT CMOS_PORT+1,AL ;LOAD ZEROS TO 'DAY OF WEEK' BYTE CALL PORT_INC ;ADDRESS OF DAY OF MONTH REGISTER MOV AL,CH ;GET DAY OF MONTH BYTE OUT CMOS_PORT+1,AL ;STORE IT CALL PORT_INC ;ADDRESS MONTH REGISTER MOV AL,DH ;GET MONTH BYTE OUT CMOS_PORT+1,AL ;STORE IT CALL PORT_INC ;ADDRESS OF YEAR REGISTER MOV AL,CL ;GET YEAR BYTE OUT CMOS_PORT+1,AL ;STORE IT MOV DL,0AH CALL PORT_INC IN AL,CMOS_PORT+1 ;GET CURRENT SET ING AND AL,07FH ;CLEAR 'SET BIT' OUT CMOS_PORT+1,AL ;AND START CLOCK UPDATING POP CX ;GET BACK MOV DL,31H ;POINT TO SAVE AREA CALL PORT_INC ; MOV AL,CH ;GET CENTURY BYTE OUT CMOS_PORT+1,AL ;SAVE IT RET ;Done ;------ THIS IS A ROUTINE TO PLACE TIME & DATE ON CONSOLE AT THE CURRENT CURSOR POSITION ------------ RAW_GETTIME: CALL CRLF MOV BX,Time_Msg CALL PRINT_STRING CALL LOAD_TIME CALL DisplayTime MOV BX,GAP_Msg CALL PRINT_STRING MOV BX,Date_Msg CALL PRINT_STRING CALL LOAD_DATE CALL DisplayDate RET LOAD_TIME: ;Load up registers with TIME info CALL UPD_IN_PR ;CHECK FOR UPDATE IN PROCESS JNC RTC_2A ;GO AROUND IF OK JMP RTC_ERROR ;IF ERROR RTC_2A: MOV DL,-2 ;-2 goes to 0 for PORT_INC_2 CLI ;INTERRUPTS OFF DURING READ CALL PORT_INC_2 ;SET ADDRESS OF SECONDS IN AL,CMOS_PORT+1 ;Get BCD value returned MOV DH, AL ;SAVE IN DH CALL PORT_INC_2 ;SET ADDRESS OF MINUTES IN AL,CMOS_PORT+1 ;Get BCD value returned MOV CL,AL ;SAVE IN CL CALL PORT_INC_2 ;SET ADDRESS OF HOURS IN AL,CMOS_PORT+1 ;Get BCD value returned STI MOV CH,AL ;SAVE MOV DL,0 ;SET DL TO ZERO CLC ;Clear carry flag to indicate all is OK RET LOAD_DATE: ;Load up registers with Date info CALL UPD_IN_PR ;CHECK FOR UPDATE IN PROCESS JNC RTC_2B ;GO AROUND IF OK JMP RTC_ERROR ;IF ERROR RTC_2B: MOV DL,6 CLI ;INTERRUPTS OFF DURING READ CALL PORT_INC ;POINT TO DAY IN AL,CMOS_PORT+1 MOV CH,AL ;TEMPORY SAVE HERE (Return in DL) CALL PORT_INC ;POINT TO MONTH IN AL,CMOS_PORT+1 MOV DH,AL ;SAVE CALL PORT_INC ;POINT TO YEAR IN AL,CMOS_PORT+1 MOV CL,AL ;SAVE MOV DL,31H ;POINT TO CENTURY BYTE SAVE AREA CALL PORT_INC ; IN AL,CMOS_PORT+1 ;GET VALUE STI MOV DL,CH ;GET DAY BACK MOV CH,AL CLC ;Clear carry flag to indicate all is OK RET RTC_ERROR: MOV BX,TIME_ERROR_MSG CALL PRINT_STRING STI STC ;Set carry flag to indicate all is NOT OK RET ;Back to main menu PORT_INC: INC DL ;INCREMENT ADDRESS MOV AL,DL OUT CMOS_PORT,AL RET PORT_INC_2: ADD DL,2 ;INCREMENT ADDRESS MOV AL,DL OUT CMOS_PORT,AL RET INITIALIZE_STATUS: ;Initilize the RTC PUSH DX ;SAVE MOV DL,09H CLI ;INTERRUPTS MASKED DURING RESET CALL PORT_INC MOV AL,26H OUT CMOS_PORT+1,AL ;INITIALIZE 'A' REGISTER CALL PORT_INC MOV AL,82H ;SET 'SET BIT' FOR CLOCK INITIALIZATION ;AND 24 HOUR MODE OUT CMOS_PORT+1,AL ;INITIALIZE 'B' REGISTER CALL PORT_INC IN AL,CMOS_PORT+1 ;READ REGISTER 'C' TO INITIALIZE CALL PORT_INC IN AL,CMOS_PORT+1 ;READ REGISTER 'D' TO INITIALIZE STI POP DX ;RESTORE RET UPD_IN_PR: ;Check we are ready to read clock PUSH CX MOV CX,600 ;SET LOOP COUNT UPDATE: MOV AL,0AH ;ADDRESS OF [A] REGISTER CLI ;INTERRUPTS MASKED DURING RESET OUT CMOS_PORT,AL JMP $+2 ;I/O TIME DELAY IN AL,CMOS_PORT+1 ;READ IN REGISTER [A] TEST AL,80H ;IF 8XH--> UIP BIT IS ON (CANNOT READ TIME) JZ UPD_IN_PREND LOOP UPDATE ;Try again STC ;SET CARRY FOR ERROR XOR AX,AX ; UPD_IN_PREND: POP CX RET ;RETURN ;Display time ; Arrive with CH = HOURS IN BCD ; CL = Minutes in BCD ; DH = Seconds in BCD DisplayTime: PUSH BX PUSH DX PUSH CX MOV AL,CH CALL PRINT_REG ;Hours. Convert BCD to ASCII MOV CL,':' CALL CO POP CX MOV AL,CL CALL PRINT_REG ;Minutes. Convert BCD to ASCII MOV CL,':' CALL CO POP DX MOV AL,DH CALL PRINT_REG ;Seconds. Convert BCD to ASCII POP BX RET ;Input time ; Return CH = HOURS IN BCD ; CL = Minutes in BCD ; DH = Seconds in BCD InputTime: PUSH BX MOV BX,Input_Hours_Msg CALL PRINT_STRING CALL GET2BCD ;Return with 2 BCD digits in AL MOV CH,AL PUSH CX MOV BX,Input_Minutes_Msg CALL PRINT_STRING CALL GET2BCD ;Return with 2 BCD digits in AL POP CX MOV CL,AL PUSH CX MOV BX,Input_Seconds_Msg CALL PRINT_STRING CALL GET2BCD ;Return with 2 BCD digits in AL MOV DH,AL PUSH DX POP DX POP CX POP BX RET ;Display date ; Return CH = CENTURY IN BCD ; CL = Year in BCD ; DH = Month in BCD ; DL = Day in BCD DisplayDate: PUSH BX ;Assume 8086 PUSH DX PUSH DX PUSH CX MOV AL,CH CALL PRINT_REG ;Century (19/20). Convert BCD to ASCII POP CX MOV AL,CL CALL PRINT_REG ;Year. Convert BCD to ASCII MOV CL,'/' CALL CO POP DX MOV AL,DH CALL PRINT_REG ;Month. Convert BCD to ASCII MOV CL,'/' CALL CO POP DX MOV AL,DL CALL PRINT_REG ;Day. Convert BCD to ASCII POP BX RET PRINT_REG: ;Print BCD in [AL] PUSH AX MOV CL,4 RCR AX,CL AND AL,0FH ADD AL,30H MOV CL,AL ;Write high byte mins to CRT CALL CO POP AX AND AL,0FH ADD AL,30H MOV CL,AL CALL CO RET ;Input Date ; Return CH = CENTURY IN BCD ; CL = Year in BCD ; DH = Month in BCD ; DL = Day in BCD InputDate: PUSH BX MOV BX,Input_Year_Msg CALL PRINT_STRING CALL GET2BCD ;Return with 2 BCD digits in AL MOV CL,AL MOV CH,20H ;Assume 20 for century PUSH CX ;Save MOV BX,Input_Month_Msg CALL PRINT_STRING CALL GET2BCD ;Return with 2 BCD digits in AL MOV DH,AL PUSH DX ;Save MOV BX,Input_Day_Msg CALL PRINT_STRING CALL GET2BCD ;Return with 2 BCD digits in AL POP DX ;Get back MOV DL,AL POP CX ;Get back POP BX RET GET2BCD: ;Return with 2 BCD digits in AL CALL CICO mov ah,0 CMP AL,ESC ;Abort if ESC JNZ BCD_OK JMP INIT ;Back to start of Monitor BCD_OK: SUB AL,'@' SHL AL,1 SHL AL,1 SHL AL,1 SHL AL,1 PUSH AX CALL CICO SUB AL,'@' AND AL,0FH MOV CL,AL POP AX OR AL,CL RET ;------------------- Run diagnostic tests on the 8259A PIC. --------------------------------------------- ;Configured below for the S100Computers PIC/RTC S-100 and MSDOS Support Boards ;We will fill out all 256 Interrupt vectors with a diagnostic routine to show ;what interrupt was triggered if not the 8259A bit 1 int. TEST_8259: ;"L" Main menu option mov bx,PIC_SIGNON ;Send a 8259A Test signon message call PRINT_STRING CALL SETUP_INT_TABLE ;Setup Int table (0-400H in RAM) mov ax,cs ;Note this is just a simplified sub-section of the SETUP_IBM_BIOS routine mov ds,ax ;DS is this ROM's CS sub ax,ax mov es,ax ;ES: = 0H in RAM for STOW's below, DS: = CS:(here). CLD ;Default to direction up mov di,3fcH ;Int FFH seems to false trigger on 80386 board (not 8086 board!) mov ax,dummy_return ;Have it point to Dummy return in this monitor stosw ;(ES: used for final location) mov cx,8 ;Set all 8 hardware interrupts for 8259A (at I/O port address 20H) mov si,vec_tbl_8259A ;Move the pointers in vec_tbl-8259A to low RAM starting at 20H mov di,Start8259A_Ints ;Note DS:(=CS:) is source, ES: is destination T2_8259:movsw inc di ;Skip over the segment pointer (already done above), to next vector offset inc di loop T2_8259 mov cx,16 ;Set all 16 MS-DOS software interrupts locations mov si,vec_tbl_soft_ints mov di,CRTINT ;Start location in low RAM T3_8259:movsw ;Note DS: (=CS:) is source, ES: is destination inc di ;Skip over the segment pointer (already done above), to next vector offset inc di ;Note this sets up the VID_PARAMATER_TABLES & INITIAL FLOPPY PARMS TABLE as well loop T3_8259 mov ax,keybuff ;Keyboard buffer interrupt pointers mov [es:bufhd],ax ;Head of buffer = end of buffer mov [es:buftl],ax ;buffer end mov byte [es:chrcnt],0 ;Character count mov al,11111111b ;Block all INTs initially out MASTER_PIC_PORT+1,al mov al,MasterICW1 ;Initilize the 8259A PIC Controller out MASTER_PIC_PORT,al mov al,MasterICW2 ;Ints starts at 20H in RAM out MASTER_PIC_PORT+1,al mov al,MasterICW4 ;No slaves above, so 8259 does not expect ICW3 out MASTER_PIC_PORT+1,al mov al,11111101b ;Allow V1 (ONLY) on 8259A out MASTER_PIC_PORT+1,al sti ;Enable hardware interrupts T51_8259: MOV BX,IN_CHAR_MSG ;'Type one character' CALL PRINT_STRING T5_8259: MOV AH,01H ;Check if anything there int 16H ;Get Keyboard status. Console Input Handler (Software Interrupt 16H) JZ T5_8259 MOV AH,0H ;Get actual character from buffer int 16H ;Get Character. Console Input Handler (Software Interrupt 16H) CMP AL,ESC JZ T6_8259 ;We are done if an ESC character MOV CL,AL CALL CO ;Display character recieved sti ;Ints back on JMP T5_8259 T6_8259: mov al,11111111b ;Do not Allow V1 on 8259A again out MASTER_PIC_PORT+1,al cli ;Turn hardware int's back off JMP ToMonitor ;----------------------- INTERRUPT MODE JUMP TABLE ----------------------------------- ; Note some of the code below is for the 80286 (and 80386 CPU's). RM_INT_JUMP_TABLE: ;Unfortunately we have to do all 256 possible routines! DB 6AH,0H ;Quirk with NASM forces 80H and above to a word so use DB's jmp word RM_Zero_INT_Routine ;0 Divide by 0 DB 6AH,1H ; In every case below we push a byte on the stack to identify the INT jmp word RM_TRACE_INT_Routine ;1 CPU Trace Interrupt DB 6AH,2H jmp word RM_NMI_INT_Routine ;2 NMI default INT DB 6AH,3H jmp word RM_CC_INT_Routine ;3 Software CC Interrupt DB 6AH,4H jmp word RM_Overflow_INT_Routine ;4 Overflow INT DB 6AH,5H jmp word RM_Bounds_INT_Routine ;5 Bounds Check, FAULT DB 6AH,6H jmp word RM_Opcode_INT_Routine ;6 Invalid Opcode, FAULT DB 6AH,7H jmp word RM_Device_INT_Routine ;7 Device not available, FAULT DB 6AH,8H jmp word RM_DFault_INT_Routine ;8 Double fault Fault DB 6AH,9H jmp word RM_MathSeg_INT_Routine ;9 Math Coprocessor Segment error DB 6AH,0AH jmp word RM_TSS_INT_Routine ;10 Invalid TSS (+ Error Number) DB 6AH,0BH jmp word RM_Segment_INT_Routine ;11 Segment Error (+ Error Number) DB 6AH,0CH jmp word RM_Stack_INT_Routine ;12 Stack Exception (+ Error Number) DB 6AH,0DH jmp word RM_General_INT_Routine ;13 General Protection (+ Error Number) DB 6AH,0EH jmp word RM_Page_INT_Routine ;14 Page error, FAULT DB 6AH,0FH jmp word RM_Intel_INT_Routine ;15 Intel reserved TRAP DB 6AH,10H jmp word RM_Coprocessor_INT_Routine ;16 Co-processor error, FAULT DB 6AH,11H jmp word RM_Default_INT_Routine DB 6AH,12H jmp word RM_Default_INT_Routine DB 6AH,13H jmp word RM_Default_INT_Routine DB 6AH,14H jmp word RM_Default_INT_Routine DB 6AH,15H jmp word RM_Default_INT_Routine DB 6AH,16H jmp word RM_Default_INT_Routine DB 6AH,17H jmp word RM_Default_INT_Routine DB 6AH,18H jmp word RM_Default_INT_Routine DB 6AH,19H jmp word RM_Default_INT_Routine DB 6AH,1AH jmp word RM_Default_INT_Routine DB 6AH,1BH jmp word RM_Default_INT_Routine DB 6AH,1CH jmp word RM_Default_INT_Routine DB 6AH,1DH jmp word RM_Default_INT_Routine DB 6AH,1EH jmp word RM_Default_INT_Routine DB 6AH,1FH jmp word RM_Default_INT_Routine DB 6AH,20H jmp word RM_Default_INT_Routine DB 6AH,21H jmp word RM_Default_INT_Routine DB 6AH,22H jmp word RM_Default_INT_Routine DB 6AH,23H jmp word RM_Default_INT_Routine DB 6AH,24H jmp word RM_Default_INT_Routine DB 6AH,25H jmp word RM_Default_INT_Routine DB 6AH,26H jmp word RM_Default_INT_Routine DB 6AH,27H jmp word RM_Default_INT_Routine DB 6AH,28H jmp word RM_Default_INT_Routine DB 6AH,29H jmp word RM_Default_INT_Routine DB 6AH,2AH jmp word RM_Default_INT_Routine DB 6AH,2BH jmp word RM_Default_INT_Routine DB 6AH,2CH jmp word RM_Default_INT_Routine DB 6AH,2DH jmp word RM_Default_INT_Routine DB 6AH,2EH jmp word RM_Default_INT_Routine DB 6AH,2FH jmp word RM_Default_INT_Routine DB 6AH,30H jmp word RM_Default_INT_Routine DB 6AH,31H jmp word RM_Default_INT_Routine DB 6AH,32H jmp word RM_Default_INT_Routine DB 6AH,33H jmp word RM_Default_INT_Routine DB 6AH,34H jmp word RM_Default_INT_Routine DB 6AH,35H jmp word RM_Default_INT_Routine DB 6AH,36H jmp word RM_Default_INT_Routine DB 6AH,37H jmp word RM_Default_INT_Routine DB 6AH,38H jmp word RM_Default_INT_Routine DB 6AH,39H jmp word RM_Default_INT_Routine DB 6AH,3AH jmp word RM_Default_INT_Routine DB 6AH,3BH jmp word RM_Default_INT_Routine DB 6AH,3CH jmp word RM_Default_INT_Routine DB 6AH,3DH jmp word RM_Default_INT_Routine DB 6AH,3EH jmp word RM_Default_INT_Routine DB 6AH,3FH jmp word RM_Default_INT_Routine DB 6AH,40H jmp word RM_Default_INT_Routine DB 6AH,41H jmp word RM_Default_INT_Routine DB 6AH,42H jmp word RM_Default_INT_Routine DB 6AH,43H jmp word RM_Default_INT_Routine DB 6AH,44H jmp word RM_Default_INT_Routine DB 6AH,45H jmp word RM_Default_INT_Routine DB 6AH,46H jmp word RM_Default_INT_Routine DB 6AH,47H jmp word RM_Default_INT_Routine DB 6AH,48H jmp word RM_Default_INT_Routine DB 6AH,49H jmp word RM_Default_INT_Routine DB 6AH,4AH jmp word RM_Default_INT_Routine DB 6AH,4BH jmp word RM_Default_INT_Routine DB 6AH,4CH jmp word RM_Default_INT_Routine DB 6AH,4DH jmp word RM_Default_INT_Routine DB 6AH,4EH jmp word RM_Default_INT_Routine DB 6AH,4FH jmp word RM_Default_INT_Routine DB 6AH,50H jmp word RM_Default_INT_Routine DB 6AH,51H jmp word RM_Default_INT_Routine DB 6AH,52H jmp word RM_Default_INT_Routine DB 6AH,53H jmp word RM_Default_INT_Routine DB 6AH,54H jmp word RM_Default_INT_Routine DB 6AH,55H jmp word RM_Default_INT_Routine DB 6AH,56H jmp word RM_Default_INT_Routine DB 6AH,57H jmp word RM_Default_INT_Routine DB 6AH,58H jmp word RM_Default_INT_Routine DB 6AH,59H jmp word RM_Default_INT_Routine DB 6AH,5AH jmp word RM_Default_INT_Routine DB 6AH,5BH jmp word RM_Default_INT_Routine DB 6AH,5CH jmp word RM_Default_INT_Routine DB 6AH,5DH jmp word RM_Default_INT_Routine DB 6AH,5EH jmp word RM_Default_INT_Routine DB 6AH,5FH jmp word RM_Default_INT_Routine DB 6AH,60H jmp word RM_Default_INT_Routine DB 6AH,61H jmp word RM_Default_INT_Routine DB 6AH,62H jmp word RM_Default_INT_Routine DB 6AH,63H jmp word RM_Default_INT_Routine DB 6AH,64H jmp word RM_Default_INT_Routine DB 6AH,65H jmp word RM_Default_INT_Routine DB 6AH,66H jmp word RM_Default_INT_Routine DB 6AH,67H jmp word RM_Default_INT_Routine DB 6AH,68H jmp word RM_Default_INT_Routine DB 6AH,69H jmp word RM_Default_INT_Routine DB 6AH,6AH jmp word RM_Default_INT_Routine DB 6AH,6BH jmp word RM_Default_INT_Routine DB 6AH,6CH jmp word RM_Default_INT_Routine DB 6AH,6DH jmp word RM_Default_INT_Routine DB 6AH,6EH jmp word RM_Default_INT_Routine DB 6AH,6FH jmp word RM_Default_INT_Routine DB 6AH,70H jmp word RM_Default_INT_Routine DB 6AH,71H jmp word RM_Default_INT_Routine DB 6AH,72H jmp word RM_Default_INT_Routine DB 6AH,73H jmp word RM_Default_INT_Routine DB 6AH,74H jmp word RM_Default_INT_Routine DB 6AH,75H jmp word RM_Default_INT_Routine DB 6AH,76H jmp word RM_Default_INT_Routine DB 6AH,77H jmp word RM_Default_INT_Routine DB 6AH,78H jmp word RM_Default_INT_Routine DB 6AH,79H jmp word RM_Default_INT_Routine DB 6AH,7AH jmp word RM_Default_INT_Routine DB 6AH,7BH jmp word RM_Default_INT_Routine DB 6AH,7CH jmp word RM_Default_INT_Routine DB 6AH,7DH jmp word RM_Default_INT_Routine DB 6AH,7EH jmp word RM_Default_INT_Routine DB 6AH,7FH jmp word RM_Default_INT_Routine DB 6AH,80H ;Quirk with NASM forces 80H and above to a word! jmp word RM_Default_INT_Routine ;So use DB's DB 6AH,81H jmp word RM_Default_INT_Routine DB 6AH,82H jmp word RM_Default_INT_Routine DB 6AH,83H jmp word RM_Default_INT_Routine DB 6AH,84H jmp word RM_Default_INT_Routine DB 6AH,85H jmp word RM_Default_INT_Routine DB 6AH,86H jmp word RM_Default_INT_Routine DB 6AH,87H jmp word RM_Default_INT_Routine DB 6AH,88H jmp word RM_Default_INT_Routine DB 6AH,89H jmp word RM_Default_INT_Routine DB 6AH,8AH jmp word RM_Default_INT_Routine DB 6AH,8BH jmp word RM_Default_INT_Routine DB 6AH,8CH jmp word RM_Default_INT_Routine DB 6AH,8DH jmp word RM_Default_INT_Routine DB 6AH,8EH jmp word RM_Default_INT_Routine DB 6AH,8FH jmp word RM_Default_INT_Routine DB 6AH,90H jmp word RM_Default_INT_Routine DB 6AH,91H jmp word RM_Default_INT_Routine DB 6AH,92H jmp word RM_Default_INT_Routine DB 6AH,93H jmp word RM_Default_INT_Routine DB 6AH,94H jmp word RM_Default_INT_Routine DB 6AH,95H jmp word RM_Default_INT_Routine DB 6AH,96H jmp word RM_Default_INT_Routine DB 6AH,97H jmp word RM_Default_INT_Routine DB 6AH,98H jmp word RM_Default_INT_Routine DB 6AH,99H jmp word RM_Default_INT_Routine DB 6AH,9AH jmp word RM_Default_INT_Routine DB 6AH,9BH jmp word RM_Default_INT_Routine DB 6AH,9CH jmp word RM_Default_INT_Routine DB 6AH,9DH jmp word RM_Default_INT_Routine DB 6AH,9EH jmp word RM_Default_INT_Routine DB 6AH,9FH jmp word RM_Default_INT_Routine DB 6AH,0A0H jmp word RM_Default_INT_Routine DB 6AH,0A1H jmp word RM_Default_INT_Routine DB 6AH,0A2H jmp word RM_Default_INT_Routine DB 6AH,0A3H jmp word RM_Default_INT_Routine DB 6AH,0A4H jmp word RM_Default_INT_Routine DB 6AH,0A5H jmp word RM_Default_INT_Routine DB 6AH,0A6H jmp word RM_Default_INT_Routine DB 6AH,0A7H jmp word RM_Default_INT_Routine DB 6AH,0A8H jmp word RM_Default_INT_Routine DB 6AH,0A9H jmp word RM_Default_INT_Routine DB 6AH,0AAH jmp word RM_Default_INT_Routine DB 6AH,0ABH jmp word RM_Default_INT_Routine DB 6AH,0ACH jmp word RM_Default_INT_Routine DB 6AH,0ADH jmp word RM_Default_INT_Routine DB 6AH,0AEH jmp word RM_Default_INT_Routine DB 6AH,0AFH jmp word RM_Default_INT_Routine DB 6AH,0B0H jmp word RM_Default_INT_Routine DB 6AH,0B1H jmp word RM_Default_INT_Routine DB 6AH,0B2H jmp word RM_Default_INT_Routine DB 6AH,0B3H jmp word RM_Default_INT_Routine DB 6AH,0B4H jmp word RM_Default_INT_Routine DB 6AH,0B5H jmp word RM_Default_INT_Routine DB 6AH,0B6H jmp word RM_Default_INT_Routine DB 6AH,0B7H jmp word RM_Default_INT_Routine DB 6AH,0B8H jmp word RM_Default_INT_Routine DB 6AH,0B9H jmp word RM_Default_INT_Routine DB 6AH,0BAH jmp word RM_Default_INT_Routine DB 6AH,0BBH jmp word RM_Default_INT_Routine DB 6AH,0BCH jmp word RM_Default_INT_Routine DB 6AH,0BDH jmp word RM_Default_INT_Routine DB 6AH,0BEH jmp word RM_Default_INT_Routine DB 6AH,0BFH jmp word RM_Default_INT_Routine DB 6AH,0C0H jmp word RM_Default_INT_Routine DB 6AH,0C1H jmp word RM_Default_INT_Routine DB 6AH,0C2H jmp word RM_Default_INT_Routine DB 6AH,0C3H jmp word RM_Default_INT_Routine DB 6AH,0C4H jmp word RM_Default_INT_Routine DB 6AH,0C5H jmp word RM_Default_INT_Routine DB 6AH,0C6H jmp word RM_Default_INT_Routine DB 6AH,0C7H jmp word RM_Default_INT_Routine DB 6AH,0C8H jmp word RM_Default_INT_Routine DB 6AH,0C9H jmp word RM_Default_INT_Routine DB 6AH,0CAH jmp word RM_Default_INT_Routine DB 6AH,0CBH jmp word RM_Default_INT_Routine DB 6AH,0CCH jmp word RM_Default_INT_Routine DB 6AH,0CDH jmp word RM_Default_INT_Routine DB 6AH,0CEH jmp word RM_Default_INT_Routine DB 6AH,0CFH jmp word RM_Default_INT_Routine DB 6AH,0D0H jmp word RM_Default_INT_Routine DB 6AH,0D1H jmp word RM_Default_INT_Routine DB 6AH,0D2H jmp word RM_Default_INT_Routine DB 6AH,0D3H jmp word RM_Default_INT_Routine DB 6AH,0D4H jmp word RM_Default_INT_Routine DB 6AH,0D5H jmp word RM_Default_INT_Routine DB 6AH,0D6H jmp word RM_Default_INT_Routine DB 6AH,0D7H jmp word RM_Default_INT_Routine DB 6AH,0D8H jmp word RM_Default_INT_Routine DB 6AH,0D9H jmp word RM_Default_INT_Routine DB 6AH,0DAH jmp word RM_Default_INT_Routine DB 6AH,0DBH jmp word RM_Default_INT_Routine DB 6AH,0DCH jmp word RM_Default_INT_Routine DB 6AH,0DDH jmp word RM_Default_INT_Routine DB 6AH,0DEH jmp word RM_Default_INT_Routine DB 6AH,0DFH jmp word RM_Default_INT_Routine DB 6AH,0E0H jmp word RM_Default_INT_Routine DB 6AH,0E1H jmp word RM_Default_INT_Routine DB 6AH,0E2H jmp word RM_Default_INT_Routine DB 6AH,0E3H jmp word RM_Default_INT_Routine DB 6AH,0E4H jmp word RM_Default_INT_Routine DB 6AH,0E5H jmp word RM_Default_INT_Routine DB 6AH,0E6H jmp word RM_Default_INT_Routine DB 6AH,0E7H jmp word RM_Default_INT_Routine DB 6AH,0E8H jmp word RM_Default_INT_Routine DB 6AH,0E9H jmp word RM_Default_INT_Routine DB 6AH,0EAH jmp word RM_Default_INT_Routine DB 6AH,0EBH jmp word RM_Default_INT_Routine DB 6AH,0ECH jmp word RM_Default_INT_Routine DB 6AH,0EDH jmp word RM_Default_INT_Routine DB 6AH,0EEH jmp word RM_Default_INT_Routine DB 6AH,0EFH jmp word RM_Default_INT_Routine DB 6AH,0F0H jmp word word RM_Default_INT_Routine DB 6AH,0F1H jmp word RM_Default_INT_Routine DB 6AH,0F2H jmp word RM_Default_INT_Routine DB 6AH,0F3H jmp word RM_Default_INT_Routine DB 6AH,0F4H jmp word RM_Default_INT_Routine DB 6AH,0F5H jmp word RM_Default_INT_Routine DB 6AH,0F6H jmp word RM_Default_INT_Routine DB 6AH,0F7H jmp word RM_Default_INT_Routine DB 6AH,0F8H jmp word RM_Default_INT_Routine DB 6AH,0F9H jmp word RM_Default_INT_Routine DB 6AH,0FAH jmp word RM_Default_INT_Routine DB 6AH,0FBH jmp word RM_Default_INT_Routine DB 6AH,0FCH jmp word RM_Default_INT_Routine DB 6AH,0FDH jmp word RM_Default_INT_Routine DB 6AH,0FEH jmp word RM_Default_INT_Routine IRET ;For 0FFH just return. (Noise on INTA line?) RM_Default_INT_Routine: ;Unless told otherewise, all the above Ints will come here. PUSH AX ;Save only what will be changed. (Note. IRET has already saves the flags) PUSH BX PUSH BP MOV BP,SP MOV BX,UNASSIGNED_1_INT_MSG ;"Un-assigned Int #" CALL PRINT_STRING ;Note PRINT_STRING always uses the CS: override for the BX pointer MOV AX,[BP+6] ;Get INT# send by the above INT Jump CALL AL_HEXOUT MOV BX,H_MSG_CRLF POP BP INT_INFO_DONE: ;General INT Fault return CALL PRINT_STRING POP BX POP AX ADD SP,2 ;Balance up stack,return IRET ;Remember the byte saved on the stack is extended to a word by the CPU RM_Zero_INT_Routine: ;Int #0, Divide by Zero, (Return address to error, so ABORT) PUSH AX PUSH BX ;Note BP is not saved MOV BX,DIVIDE_MSG ;"Divide by 0 INT #0" INT_HALT: CALL PRINT_STRING MOV BX,CPU_HALTED_MSG ;The CPU is Halted +CRLF CALL PRINT_STRING POP BX POP AX ;In case further INT's ADD SP,2 ;Balance up stack,return HLT ;Halt for all FAULTS (does not matter Stack is messed up, we will reset CPU) RM_NMI_INT_Routine: ;NMI Trap (INT#2) PUSH AX PUSH BX MOV BX,NMI_FAULT_MSG JMP INT_INFO_DONE RM_Overflow_INT_Routine: ;Int #4, Overflow TRAP PUSH AX PUSH BX MOV BX,OVERFLOW_ERR_MSG JMP INT_INFO_DONE RM_Bounds_INT_Routine: ;Int #5, Bounds Check, (Return address to error, so ABORT) PUSH AX PUSH BX MOV BX,BOUNDS_ERR_MSG JMP INT_HALT RM_Opcode_INT_Routine: ;Int #6, Invalid Opcode, (Return address to error, so ABORT) PUSH AX PUSH BX MOV BX,INVALID_ERR_MSG JMP INT_HALT RM_Device_INT_Routine: ;Int #7, Math Coprocessor not available, (Return address to error, so ABORT) PUSH AX PUSH BX MOV BX,DEVICE_ERR_MSG JMP INT_HALT RM_DFault_INT_Routine: ;Int #8, Double, (Return address to error, so ABORT) PUSH AX PUSH BX MOV BX,DOUBLE_ERR_MSG JMP INT_HALT RM_MathSeg_INT_Routine: ;Int #9, No Coprocessor, (ABORT anyway) PUSH AX PUSH BX MOV BX,COPROCESSOR_ERR_MSG JMP INT_HALT RM_TSS_INT_Routine: ;Int #10, Invalid TSS PUSH AX PUSH BX MOV BX,INVALID_TSS_ERR_MSG JMP INT_HALT RM_Segment_INT_Routine: ;Int #11, Segment not present PUSH AX PUSH BX MOV BX,SEGMENT_ERR_MSG JMP INT_HALT RM_Stack_INT_Routine: ;Int #12, Stack Exception PUSH AX PUSH BX MOV BX,STACK_ERR_MSG JMP INT_HALT RM_General_INT_Routine: ;Int #13, General protection error (+ ERROR #) PUSH AX PUSH BX MOV BX,GENERAL_ERR_MSG JMP INT_HALT RM_Page_INT_Routine: ;Int #14, Page fault PUSH AX PUSH BX MOV BX,PAGE_ERR_MSG JMP INT_INFO_DONE RM_Intel_INT_Routine: ;Int #15, Intel reserved Int PUSH AX PUSH BX MOV BX,RESERVED_ERR_MSG JMP INT_INFO_DONE RM_Coprocessor_INT_Routine: ;Int #16 Cprocessor Error PUSH AX PUSH BX MOV BX,COPROCESSOR_ERR_MSG JMP INT_HALT RM_CC_INT_Routine: ;INT #3, Software CC Interrupt CALL REGISTERS ;Display Real Mode Registers PUSH AX PUSH BX PUSH CX PUSH BP MOV BP,SP MOV BX,IP_ADDRESS_MSG ;IP= CALL PRINT_STRING MOV AX,[BP+12] ;Get return IP address on stack, SEGMENT CALL AX_HEXOUT MOV CL,':' CALL CO MOV AX,[BP+10] ;Get return IP address on stack, OFFSET CALL AX_HEXOUT MOV BX,H_MSG_CRLF CALL PRINT_STRING POP BP POP CX POP BX POP AX ADD SP,2 ;Balance up stack,return IRET ;Remember the byte saved on the stack is extended to a word by the CPU RM_TRACE_INT_Routine: ;INT#1, trace mode CALL REGISTERS ;Display Real Mode Registers PUSH AX PUSH BX PUSH CX PUSH BP MOV BP,SP MOV BX,IP_ADDRESS_MSG ;IP= CALL PRINT_STRING MOV AX,[BP+12] ;Get return IP address on stack, SEGMENT CALL AX_HEXOUT MOV CL,':' CALL CO MOV AX,[BP+10] ;Get return IP address on stack, OFFSET CALL AX_HEXOUT MOV BX,H_MSG_CRLF CALL PRINT_STRING POP BP POP CX POP BX POP AX ADD SP,2 ;Balance up stack,return IRET TRACE_MODE_ON: ;Turn on CPU trace mode PUSH AX PUSHF ;EFLAGS to stack POP AX OR AX,0100H ;Turn ON trace Bit PUSH AX POPF ;Move back into EFLAGS POP AX RET TRACE_MODE_OFF: ;Turn off CPU trace mode PUSH AX PUSHF ;EFLAGS to stack POP AX AND AX,0FEFFH ;Turn OFF trace Bit PUSH AX POPF ;Move back into EFLAGS POP AX RET ;------------------- Run diagnostic software Interrupt tests --------------------------------------------- ;>>>>>>>>> Make sure the Timer interrupt (VI0) is not active. <<<<<<<<<<< ;>>>>>>>>> Remove jumper if necessary on board <<<<<<<<<<< ; ;We will fill out all 256 Interrupt vectors with a diagnostic routine to show ;what interrupt was triggered. A menue with a few samples is provided. ; SOFT_INTS: mov bx,INT_SIGNON ;Send a signon message call PRINT_STRING CLD ;Default to direction up CLI ;No hardware Ints mov ax,cs ;Note this is just a simplified sub-section of the SETUP_IBM_BIOS routine mov ds,ax ;DS is this ROM's CS CALL SETUP_INT_TABLE ;Fill all RM 8086 interrupts initially with a default error trapping pointer CALL GET2DIGITS ;Input value to AL CMP AH,ESC ;Was an escape requested JZ INTS_DONE CMP AL,0 JZ DIVIDE_CHECK CMP AL,4 JZ OVERFLOW_CHECK CMP AL,6 JZ INVALID_CHECK CMP AL,0DH JZ BAD_GP_FAULT_CHECK CMP AL,40H JZ BAD_SOFT_40_CHECK CMP AL,0F0H JZ BAD_SOFT_F0_CHECK JMP NOT_FAULTS DIVIDE_CHECK: CALL CRLF MOV AX,0FFFFH MOV BX,0 DIV BX ;Try divide by 0 CALL CRLF JMP SOFT_INTS ;Normally will not get here OVERFLOW_CHECK: CALL CRLF INT 4 CALL CRLF JMP SOFT_INTS INVALID_CHECK: CALL CRLF INT 6 CALL CRLF JMP SOFT_INTS BAD_GP_FAULT_CHECK: CALL CRLF INT 0DH CALL CRLF JMP SOFT_INTS BAD_SOFT_40_CHECK: CALL CRLF INT 40H CALL CRLF JMP SOFT_INTS BAD_SOFT_F0_CHECK: CALL CRLF INT 0F0H CALL CRLF JMP SOFT_INTS NOT_FAULTS: CALL CRLF MOV BX,INT_RANGE_MSG CALL PRINT_STRING JMP SOFT_INTS INTS_DONE: RET ;---------------------------- Routine to Setup the RM Interrupt jump table in RAM (0-400H) ---------------------- SETUP_INT_TABLE: ;Note we assume INTS are turned off PUSHF PUSH AX PUSH BX PUSH CX PUSH DS PUSH ES PUSH SI PUSH DI mov ax,cs ;Note this is just a simplified sub-section of the SETUP_IBM_BIOS routine mov ds,ax ;DS is this ROM's CS sub ax,ax mov es,ax ;ES: = 0H in RAM for STOW's below, DS: = CS:(here). CLD ;Default to direction up CLI ;Just in case mov cx,256 ;Fill all 8086 interrupts initially with a default error trapping pointer sub di,di ;Clear destination register start at RAM 0H sub bx,bx ;Start at location 0 SETI1: mov ax,bx add AX,RM_INT_JUMP_TABLE ;Set to illustrate non assigned int stosw ;Remember ES: is used for final location with STOSW mov ax,cs ;Interrupt segment pointer to here (always the same). stosw ;<-- Note the default segment will be this CS for all ints below add bx,5 ;Point to next int routine below in the 256 list loop SETI1 POP DI POP SI POP ES POP DS POP CX POP BX POP AX POPF RET ;--------------------------- LOAD XMODEM FILE via CONSOLE-IO PORT ------------------------------------ XMODEM_LOAD: mov bx,MODEM_SIGNON ;Send Modem signon message call PRINT_STRING CLD ;Default to direction up CLI ;No hardware Ints mov ax,cs ;Just in case different mov ds,ax ;DS is this ROM's CS PUSH BP MOV AX,SP ;Will store certain variables well below stack MOV BX,20H SUB AX,BX MOV BP,AX MOV byte [BP-RECVD_SECT_NO],0 MOV byte [BP-SECTNO],0 MOV byte [BP-ERRCT],0 ;GOBBLE UP GARBAGE CHARS FROM THE LINE mov bx,RAM_DESTINATION ;Ask for destination call PRINT_STRING CALL GET5DIGITS ;Get (up to) 20 bit parameter. 16 bit value (4 digits) to DI. ;If 5 digits, then the first digit is put in ES (highest nibble) CMP AL,ESC JZ MODEM_DONE MOV BX,START_POINTER ;"Will load data starting at RAM location " CALL PRINT_STRING call SHOW_ADDRESS_ES_NOSPACE ;Show address MOV BX,H_MSG_CRLF CALL PRINT_STRING RECV_LOOP: ;<<< MAIN RECIEVE LOOP XOR AX,AX ;GET 0 MOV [BP-ERRCT],AL ;Start error count with 0 RECV_HDR: PUSH BX MOV BX,RMSG ;Reading sector message CALL PRINT_STRING MOV AL,[BP-SECTNO] INC AL CALL AL_HEXOUT MOV BX,RAM_MSG ;"H. IF OK, will write to RAM location" CALL PRINT_STRING call SHOW_ADDRESS_ES_NOSPACE ;Show address MOV BX,H_MSG CALL PRINT_STRING POP BX MOV CH,(40*MODEM_RTS_DELAY) ;40 SEC TIMEOUT CALL RECV JNB RHNTO ;WE ARE OK, NO TIMEOUT RECV_HDR_TIMEOUT: MOV BX,TOUTM ;PRINT TIMEOUT MESSAGE CALL PRINT_STRING MOV AL,[BP-ERRCT] CALL AL_HEXOUT ;FALL INTO CR/LF CALL CRLF RECV_SECT_ERR: ;PURGE THE LINE OF INPUT CHARS MOV CH,MODEM_RTS_DELAY ;~1 SEC W/NO CHARS CALL RECV JNB RECV_SECT_ERR ;LOOP UNTIL SENDER DONE MOV AL,NAK CALL SEND ;SEND NAK MOV AL,[BP-ERRCT] ;Inc Error Count (ERRCT) INC AL MOV [BP-ERRCT],AL CMP AL,MODEM_ERR_LIMIT ;Currently set for 5 trys JB RECV_HDR ;Go try again CALL CHECK_FOR_QUIT JZ RECV_HDR ;Try again MOV BX,BAD_HEADER ;'Unable to get a valid file header!' CALL PRINT_STRING JMP MODEM_DONE ;Abort back to Monitor start RHNTO: CMP AL,SOH ;GOT CHAR - MUST BE SOH JZ GOT_SOH OR AL,AL ;00 FROM SPEED CHECK? JNZ L_2 JMP RECV_HDR L_2: CMP AL,EOT JNZ L_3 JMP GOT_EOT L_3: CALL AL_HEXOUT MOV BX,ERRSOH ;'H Received',CR,LF,'Did not get Correct SOH' CALL PRINT_STRING JMP RECV_SECT_ERR GOT_SOH: ;We got correct SOH so now get data MOV CH,MODEM_RTS_DELAY CALL RECV JB RECV_HDR_TIMEOUT MOV DH,AL ;D=BLK # MOV CH,MODEM_RTS_DELAY CALL RECV ;GET CMA'D SECT # JB RECV_HDR_TIMEOUT NOT AL CMP AL,DH ;GOOD SECTOR #? JZ RECV_SECTOR ;GOT BAD SECTOR # MOV BX,MODEM_ERR2 ;'++BAD SECTOR # IN HDR' CALL PRINT_STRING JMP RECV_SECT_ERR RECV_SECTOR: ;Now get 128 Bytes MOV AL,DH ;GET SECTOR # MOV [BP-RECVD_SECT_NO],AL MOV CL,0 ;INIT CKSUM MOV BL,80H ;128 Byte sectors always RECV_CHAR: MOV CH,MODEM_RTS_DELAY ;~1 SEC TIMEOUT CALL RECV ;GET CHAR JNB MODL_4 JMP RECV_HDR_TIMEOUT MODL_4: MOV [ES:DI],AL ;<<< STORE CHAR >>> INC DI DEC BL ;128 Bytes done yet? JNZ RECV_CHAR ;NEXT VERIFY CHECKSUM MOV DH,CL ;SAVE CHECKSUM MOV CH,MODEM_RTS_DELAY ;TIMEOUT CALL RECV ;GET CHECKSUM JNB MODL_5 JMP RECV_HDR_TIMEOUT MODL_5: CMP AL,DH ;CHECK JNZ RECV_CKSUM_ERR MOV AL,[BP-RECVD_SECT_NO] ;GOT A SECTOR, WRITE IF = 1+PREV SECTOR MOV CH,AL ;SAVE IT MOV AL,[BP-SECTNO] ;GET PREV INC AL ;CALC NEXT SECTOR # CMP AL,CH ;MATCH? JNZ DO_ACK MOV AL,[BP-RECVD_SECT_NO] ;Indicate we transferred a sector MOV [BP-SECTNO],AL ;UPDATE SECTOR # DO_ACK: MOV AL,ACK CALL SEND JMP RECV_LOOP RECV_CKSUM_ERR: MOV BX,MODEM_ERR3 CALL PRINT_STRING JMP RECV_SECT_ERR GOT_EOT: ;DONE - CLOSE UP SHOP MOV AL,ACK ;ACK THE EOT CALL SEND CALL CRLF MOV BX,FINISH_MSG ;Speek downloading finished CALL SPEAK_STRING MOV BX,TRANS_DONE EXIT2: CALL PRINT_STRING MODEM_DONE: XOR AL,AL POP BP ;RESTORE IT RET EXIT1: MOV BX,ABORT_MSG JMP EXIT2 ;---------------------------------------------------- ; XMODEM SERIAL BOARD USB PORT GET CHARACTER ROUTINE ;---------------------------------------------------- RECV: PUSH DX ;SAVE MSEC: MOV DX,0BBBBH ;~0.1 SEC DCR COUNT MWTI: IN AL,USB_STATUS_PORT AND AL,USB_RXE JZ MCHAR ;GOT CHAR DEC DX ;COUNT DOWN JNZ MWTI ;FOR TIMEOUT DEC CH ;DCR # OF SECONDS (3,2 1,0) JNZ MSEC ;MODEM TIMED OUT RECEIVING POP DX ;RESTORE DX STC ;CARRY SHOWS TIMEOUT RET MCHAR: IN AL,USB_DATA_PORT POP DX ;RESTORE DE LAHF ;CALC CHECKSUM XCHG AL,AH PUSH AX XCHG AL,AH ADD AL,CL MOV CL,AL POP AX XCHG AL,AH OR AL,AL ;TURN OFF CARRY TO SHOW NO TIMEOUT RET ;---------------------------------------------------- ; XMODEM SERIAL PORT SEND CHARACTER ROUTINE ;---------------------------------------------------- SEND: LAHF ;CHECK IF MONITORING OUTPUT XCHG AL,AH PUSH AX XCHG AL,AH ADD AL,CL ;CALC CKSUM MOV CL,AL SENDW: IN AL,USB_STATUS_PORT ;Don't worry PC is always fast enough AND AL,USB_TXE JNZ SENDW POP AX ;GET CHAR XCHG AL,AH SAHF OUT USB_DATA_PORT,AL ;Raise RTS line to prevent the next character arriving RET CHECK_FOR_QUIT: ;MULTIPLE ERRORS, ASK IF TIME TO QUIT XOR AL,AL ;GET 0 MOV [BP-ERRCT],AL ;RESET ERROR COUNT MOV BX,QUITM CALL PRINT_STRING CALL CICO PUSH AX CALL CRLF POP AX CMP AL,'R' JZ DONE_CHECK CMP AL,'Q' JZ NOT_DONE_CHECK CMP AL,ESC JZ NOT_DONE_CHECK JMP CHECK_FOR_QUIT NOT_DONE_CHECK: OR AL,AL ;TURN OFF ZERO FLAG DONE_CHECK: RET ;********************************************************************************************************** ; ; Module to Test and diagnose the www.S100Computers.com IDE Board ; ; Instead of using the CPM86 style DS:[BX] format, we will use SS:[BP] so the the buffers ; can reside at the top segment of available RAM. Normally this will be F000:7000H but the monitor ; will not assume the full 1MG address space is avalable. ; See the monitor initilization section where BP is setup. ; ; ;********************************************************************************************************** MYIDE: MOV BP,DISPLAY_FLAG ;Do we have detail sector data display flag on or off MOV AL,0FFH ;Set default to detailed sector display MOV [BP],AL MOV BX,IDE_HARDWARE ;"Initilizing IDE Drive hardware" CALL PRINT_STRING CALL CLEAR$ID$BUFFER ;Clear ID Buffer CALL SET_DRIVE_A ;Select the first Drive/CF card CALL IDEinit ;Initialize the board and drive #0. If there is no drive abort JZ INIT1_OK MOV BX,INIT_1_ERROR CALL PRINT_STRING JMP INIT INIT1_OK: CALL CLEAR$ID$BUFFER ;Clear ID Buffer CALL SET_DRIVE_B ;Select the second Drive/CF card (Do not mess with CPM Drive 0) CALL IDEinit ;Initialize drive #1. If there is no drive abort JZ INIT2_OK CALL CLEAR$ID$BUFFER ;Clear ID Buffer MOV BX,INIT_2_ERROR ;Warn second IDE drive did not initilize CALL PRINT_STRING ;Since first drive was OK we will still go to INIT2_OK INIT2_OK: CALL SET_DRIVE_A ;Back to first drive/CF Card CALL DRIVE_ID ;Get the drive 0 ID info. If there is no drive just abort JZ INIT3_OK MOV BX,BAD_DRIVE ;"Error obtaining the Drive ID" CALL PRINT_STRING JMP INIT INIT3_OK: ;Check we have a valid IDE drive MOV BP,(IDE_Buffer+12) ;Note always SS: = CS: MOV AX,[BP] OR AX,AX ;If there are zero sectors then something wrong JNZ INIT4_OK MOV BX,BAD_DRIVE ;"Error obtaining first Drive ID" CALL PRINT_STRING JMP INIT INIT4_OK: MOV BP,RAM_DMA ;Set default position will be first sector block MOV word[BP],IDE_Buffer ;DMA always initially to IDE_Buffer, MOV BP,RAM_SEC MOV word[BP],0H ;Sec 0 MOV BP,RAM_TRK MOV word[BP],0H ;Track 0 CALL IDEinit ;For some reason this need to be here after getting the drive ID. ;otherewise sector #'s are off by one! (Probably because on non-LBA reads) CALL WR_LBA ;Update LBA on "1st" drive ;------------- MAIN IDE DRIVE DIAGNOSTIC MENU --------------------------- IDE_LOOP: MOV AX,CS ;Just in case somehow they changed somewhere below MOV DS,AX MOV ES,AX MOV BX,IDE_SIGNON0 ;List IDE command options CALL PRINT_STRING MOV BP,CURRENT_IDE_DRIVE MOV AL,[BP] OR AL,AL JNZ SIGN_B MOV BX,CURRENT_MSG_A JMP IDE_LOOP0 SIGN_B: MOV BX,CURRENT_MSG_B IDE_LOOP0: CALL PRINT_STRING MOV BX,IDE_SIGNON4 ;List IDE command options CALL PRINT_STRING MOV BP,DISPLAY_FLAG ;Do we have detail sector data display flag ON or OFF MOV AL,[BP] ;NZ = on OR AL,AL JNZ IDE_LOOP1 MOV BX,IDE_SIGNON1 ;"ON" JMP IDE_LOOP2 IDE_LOOP1: MOV BX,IDE_SIGNON2 ;"OFF" IDE_LOOP2: CALL PRINT_STRING MOV BX,IDE_SIGNON3 ;List IDE command options CALL PRINT_STRING CALL DISPLAY_POSITION ;Display current Track,sector,head# CALL CRLF MOV BX,IDE_MENU ;Enter a command CALL PRINT_STRING call CICO ;Get a command from Console mov ah,0 CMP AL,ESC ;Abort if ESC JNZ NOT_ESC JMP INIT ;Back to start of Monitor NOT_ESC:cmp al,'A' ;Find meuu option from table jb IDE_LOOP ;must be A to Z cmp al,'Z' jg IDE_LOOP sub al,'A' ;calculate offset shl al,1 ;X 2 add ax,IDE_TABLE ;Note DS:=CS: mov bx,ax CALL CRLF mov ax,[cs:bx] ;get location of routine CS:[BX] call ax ;<----------- This is the IDE Menu CMD call jmp IDE_LOOP ;finished ; INDIVIDUAL IDE DRIVE MENU COMMANDS ;---------------Select Drive/CF card ------------------------------------------ SET_DRIVE_A: ;Select First Drive MOV AL,0 SELECT_DRIVE: MOV BP,CURRENT_IDE_DRIVE MOV [BP],AL OUT IDEDrivePort,AL ;Select Drive 0 or 1 RET SET_DRIVE_B: ;Select Drive 1 MOV AL,1 JMP SELECT_DRIVE ;---------------- Do the IDEntify drive command, and display the IDE_Buffer ------------ DRIVE_ID: CALL IDEwaitnotbusy JNB L_5 XOR AX,AX DEC AX ;NZ if error RET ;If Busy return NZ L_5: MOV DH,COMMANDid MOV DL,REGcommand CALL IDEwr8D ;issue the command CALL IDEwaitdrq ;Wait for Busy=0, DRQ=1 JNB L_6 JMP SHOWerrors L_6: MOV CH,0 ;256 words MOV BP,IDE_Buffer ;Store data here (remember CS: = SS:) CALL MoreRD16 ;Get 256 words of data from REGdata port to ss:[BP] MOV BX,msgmdl ;print the drive's model number CALL PRINT_STRING MOV BP,(IDE_Buffer + 54) MOV CH,10 ;Character count in words CALL Print_ID_Info ;Print [HL], [B] X 2 characters CALL CRLF ; print the drive's serial number MOV BX,msgsn CALL PRINT_STRING MOV BP,(IDE_Buffer + 20) MOV CH,5 ;Character count in words CALL Print_ID_Info CALL CRLF ;PRINT_STRING the drive's firmware revision string MOV BX,msgrev CALL PRINT_STRING MOV BP,(IDE_Buffer + 46) MOV CH,2 CALL Print_ID_Info ;Character count in words CALL CRLF ;print the drive's cylinder, head, and sector specs MOV BX,msgcy CALL PRINT_STRING MOV BP,(IDE_Buffer + 2) CALL Print_ID_HEX MOV BX,msghd CALL PRINT_STRING MOV BP,(IDE_Buffer + 6) CALL Print_ID_HEX MOV BX,msgsc CALL PRINT_STRING MOV BP,(IDE_Buffer + 12) ;Sectors/track CALL Print_ID_HEX CALL CRLF XOR AX,AX ;Ret Z RET ; Print a string located [BP] (Used only by the above DISK ID routine) Print_ID_Info: MOV CL,[BP+1] ;Text is low byte high byte format CALL CO MOV CL,[BP] CALL CO INC BP INC BP DEC CH JNZ Print_ID_Info RET ; Print a 16 bit number, located [BP] (Used only by the above DISK ID routine) ; (Note Special Low Byte First. Used only for Drive ID) Print_ID_HEX: MOV AL,[BP+1] ;Index to high byte first CALL AL_HEXOUT MOV AL,[BP] ;Now low byte CALL AL_HEXOUT RET ;-------------- Read the current selected sector (based on LBA) to the IDE Buffer READ_SEC: MOV AX,CS MOV DS,AX MOV BP,RAM_DMA MOV word [BP],IDE_Buffer ;DMA initially to IDE_Buffer CALL READSECTOR JZ Main1B CALL CRLF ;Here if there was a problem RET Main1B: MOV BX,msgrd ;Sector read OK CALL PRINT_STRING MOV BP,DISPLAY_FLAG ;Do we have detail sector data display flag on or off MOV AL,[BP] ;NZ = on OR AL,AL JNZ SHOW_SEC_RDATA RET SHOW_SEC_RDATA: MOV BP,RAM_DMA MOV word [BP],IDE_Buffer ;DMA initially to IDE_Buffer CALL DISPLAY_SEC MOV BX,CR_To_Continue CALL PRINT_STRING CALL CI RET ;----------------- Write the current selected sector (based on LBA) from the IDE Buffer WRITE_SEC: MOV AX,CS MOV DS,AX MOV BX,CONFIRM_WR_MSG ;Are you sure? CALL PRINT_STRING CALL CICO CMP AL,'Y' JZ WR_SEC_OK1 CALL CRLF ;Here if there was a problem RET WR_SEC_OK1: MOV BP,RAM_DMA MOV word [BP],IDE_Buffer ;DMA initially to IDE_Buffer CALL WRITESECTOR ;Will write whatever is in the IDE_Buffer JZ Main2B CALL CRLF ;Here if there was a problem RET Main2B: MOV BX,msgrd ;Sector written OK CALL PRINT_STRING MOV BP,DISPLAY_FLAG ;Do we have detail sector data display flag on or off MOV AL,[BP] ;NZ = on OR AL,AL JNZ SHOW_SEC_WDATA RET SHOW_SEC_WDATA: MOV BP,RAM_DMA MOV word [BP],IDE_Buffer ;DMA initially to IDE_Buffer CALL DISPLAY_SEC MOV BX,CR_To_Continue CALL PRINT_STRING CALL CI RET ;--------------------- Set a new LBA value from imputted Track/Sec info. Send to drive SET_LBA:MOV AX,CS MOV DS,AX MOV BX,SET_LBA_MSG ;Set new LBA and send to drive CALL PRINT_STRING CALL GEN_HEX32_LBA ;Get new CPM style Track & Sector number and put them in RAM at RAM_SEC & RAM_TRK JB main3b ;Ret C set if abort/error CALL WR_LBA ;Update LBA on drive main3b: CALL CRLF RET ;---------------------- Toggle detailed sector display on/off DISPLAY: MOV AX,CS MOV DS,AX MOV BP,DISPLAY_FLAG ;Do we have detail sector data display flag on or off MOV AL,[BP] ;NZ = on NOT AL MOV [BP],AL RET ;--------------------- Point current sector to next sector NEXT_SECT: CALL GET_NEXT_SECT JNZ AT_END RET AT_END: MOV BX,AT_END_MSG ;Tell us we are at end of disk CALL PRINT_STRING RET ;--------------------- Point current sector to previous sector PREV_SECT: CALL GET_PREV_SECT JNZ AT_START RET AT_START: MOV BX,AT_START_MSG ;Tell us we are at start of disk CALL PRINT_STRING RET ;--------------------- Sequentially read sectors from disk starting at current LBA position SEQ_SEC_RD: MOV AX,CS MOV DS,AX CALL IDEwaitnotbusy JNB MORE_SEC JMP SHOWerrors MORE_SEC: CALL CRLF MOV BP,RAM_DMA ;Set DMA initially to IDE_Buffer MOV CL,'<' CALL CO MOV AX,BP CALL AX_HEXOUT MOV word [BP],IDE_Buffer MOV CL,'.' CALL CO MOV AX,[BP] CALL AX_HEXOUT MOV CL,'>' CALL CO CALL READSECTOR ;If there are errors they will show up in READSECTOR JZ SEQOK MOV BX,CONTINUE_MSG ;If an error ask if we wish to continue CALL PRINT_STRING CALL CICO CMP AL,ESC ;Abort if ESC JNZ SEQOK RET SEQOK: CALL DISPLAY_POSITION ;Display current Track,sector,head# MOV BP,DISPLAY_FLAG ;Do we have detail sector data display flag on or off MOV AL,[BP] ;NZ = on OR AL,AL JZ MORES2 MOV BP,RAM_DMA ;Point DMA to IDE_Buffer again MOV word [BP],IDE_Buffer CALL DISPLAY_SEC MORES2: CALL CSTS ;Any keyboard character will stop display JZ NO_WAIT CALL CI MOV BX,CONTINUE_MSG CALL PRINT_STRING CALL CI CMP AL,ESC JNZ NO_WAIT RET ;Bug, is returning to monitor, must be a stack problem! NO_WAIT:CALL GET_NEXT_SECT ;Point LBA to next sector JZ MORE_SEC ;Note will go to last sec on disk unless stopped RET ;--------------- Read N Sectors to disk ;Note unlike the normal sector read, this routine increments the DMA address after each sector read N_RD_SEC: MOV AX,CS MOV DS,AX MOV BX,READN_MSG CALL PRINT_STRING CALL GET2DIGITS ;Hex to AL MOV BP,SECTOR_COUNT ;store sector count MOV [BP],AL MOV BP,RAM_DMA_STORE MOV word [BP],IDE_Buffer ;DMA_STORE initially to IDE_Buffer NextRSec: MOV BX, READN_S_MSG CALL PRINT_STRING CALL WR_LBA ;Update LBA on drive CALL DISPLAY_POSITION ;Display current Track,sector,head# MOV BP,RAM_DMA_STORE MOV AX,[BP] ;Get last value of DMA address MOV BP,RAM_DMA MOV [BP],AX ;Store it in DMA address CALL READSECTOR ;Actully, Sector/track values are already updated MOV BP,RAM_DMA MOV AX,[BP] ;Store it in DMA_STORE address MOV BP,RAM_DMA_STORE MOV [BP],AX MOV BP,SECTOR_COUNT MOV AL,[BP] DEC AL MOV [BP],AL JNZ NEXT_SEC_NRD RET NEXT_SEC_NRD: CALL GET_NEXT_SECT JZ NextRSec MOV BX,AT_END_MSG ;Tell us we are at end of disk CALL PRINT_STRING RET ;------------------ Write N Sectors to disk ;Note unlike the normal sector write routine, this routine incriments the DMA address after each write. N_WR_SEC: MOV AX,CS MOV DS,AX MOV BX,CONFIRM_WR_MSG ;Are you sure? CALL PRINT_STRING CALL CICO CMP AL,'Y' JZ WR_SEC_OK2 CALL CRLF ;Here if there was a problem RET WR_SEC_OK2: MOV BX,WRITEN_MSG CALL PRINT_STRING CALL GET2DIGITS ;Hex to AL MOV BP,SECTOR_COUNT ;store sector count MOV [BP],AL MOV BP,RAM_DMA_STORE MOV word [BP],IDE_Buffer ;DMA_STORE initially to IDE_Buffer NextWSec: MOV BX, WRITEN_S_MSG CALL PRINT_STRING CALL WR_LBA ;Update LBA on drive CALL DISPLAY_POSITION ;Display current Track,sector,head# MOV BP,RAM_DMA_STORE MOV AX,[BP] ;Get last value of DMA address MOV BP,RAM_DMA MOV [BP],AX ;Store it in DMA address CALL WRITESECTOR ;Actully, Sector/track values are already updated MOV BP,RAM_DMA MOV AX,[BP] ;Store it in DMA_STORE address MOV BP,RAM_DMA_STORE MOV [BP],AX MOV BP,SECTOR_COUNT MOV AL,[BP] DEC AL MOV [BP],AL JNZ NEXT_SEC_NWR RET NEXT_SEC_NWR: CALL GET_NEXT_SECT JZ NextWSec MOV BX,AT_END_MSG ;Tell us we are at end of disk CALL PRINT_STRING RET ;-------------- Format current disk FORMAT: MOV AX,CS MOV DS,AX MOV BP,CURRENT_IDE_DRIVE MOV AL,[BP] OR AL,AL JNZ FORM_B MOV BX,FORMAT_MSG_A JMP FORM_X FORM_B: MOV BX,FORMAT_MSG_B FORM_X: CALL PRINT_STRING MOV BX, CONFIRM_WR_MSG ;Are you sure? CALL PRINT_STRING CALL CICO CMP AL,'Y' JZ FORMAT_OK RET FORMAT_OK: MOV AX,0 ;Back to CPM sector 0 MOV BP,RAM_SEC ;Get Current Sector MOV [BP],AX ;0 to CPM Sectors MOV BP,RAM_TRK ;And track MOV [BP],AX MOV AX,0E5E5H ;First set Sector pattern to E5's CALL RAM_FILL CALL CRLF NEXT_FORMAT: MOV BP, RAM_DMA ;Point DMA to the area MOV word [BP],IDE_Buffer CALL WRITESECTOR ;Will return error if there was one JZ NEXTF1 ;Z means the sector write was OK MOV BX,FORMAT_ERR ;Indicate an error CALL PRINT_STRING CALL SHOW_TRACK_SEC ;Show current location of error CALL CRLF JMP FNEXTSEC3 NEXTF1: MOV BP,RAM_SEC ;Get Current Sector MOV AX,[BP] OR AX,AX ;At start of each track give an update JNZ FNEXTSEC2 CALL SHOW_TRACK FNEXTSEC2: CALL CSTS ;Any keyboard character will stop display JZ FNEXTSEC1 CALL CI ;Flush character FNEXTSEC3: MOV BX,CONTINUE_MSG CALL PRINT_STRING CALL CICO CMP AL,ESC JNZ FNEXTSEC1 F_DONE: MOV AL,0 ;Login drive A: CALL SELECT_DRIVE MOV BP,CURRENT_IDE_DRIVE MOV [BP],AL RET FNEXTSEC1: CALL GET_NEXT_SECT JZ NEXT_FORMAT MOV BX,AT_END_MSG ;Tell us we are at end of disk CALL PRINT_STRING JMP F_DONE ;---------------- Copy Drive A: to Drive B: ------------------------------ COPY_AB: MOV AX,CS MOV DS,AX MOV BX,DiskCopyMsg CALL PRINT_STRING CALL CICO CMP AL,'Y' JZ COPY_AB1 JMP C_DONE COPY_AB1: MOV BP, RAM_SEC ;Start with CPM sector 0 MOV AX,0 MOV [BP],AX MOV BP,RAM_TRK ;Start with CPM Track 0 MOV AX,0 MOV [BP],AX ;High & Low Track to 0 CALL CRLF CALL CRLF NextDCopy: MOV AL,0 ;Login drive A: CALL SELECT_DRIVE CALL WR_LBA ;Update LBA on "A:" drive MOV BP,RAM_DMA MOV word [BP],IDE_Buffer ;DMA initially to IDE_Buffer CALL READSECTOR ;Get sector data from A: drive to buffer MOV AL,1 ;Login drive B: CALL SELECT_DRIVE CALL WR_LBA ;Update LBA on "B:" drive MOV BP,RAM_DMA MOV word [BP],IDE_Buffer ;DMA initially to IDE_Buffer CALL WRITESECTOR ;Write buffer data to sector on B: drive JZ COPY_OK1 MOV BX,COPY_ERR ;Indicate an error CALL PRINT_STRING CALL SHOW_TRACK_SEC ;Show current location of error CALL CRLF JMP COPY_OK3 COPY_OK1: MOV BP,RAM_SEC ;Get Current Sector MOV AX,[BP] OR AX,AX ;At start of each track give an update JNZ COPY_OK2 CALL SHOW_TRACK COPY_OK2: CALL CSTS ;Any keyboard character will stop display JZ C_NEXTSEC1 CALL CI ;Flush character COPY_OK3: MOV BX,CONTINUE_MSG CALL PRINT_STRING CALL CICO CMP AL,ESC JNZ C_NEXTSEC1 C_DONE: MOV AL,0 ;Login drive A: CALL SELECT_DRIVE MOV BP,CURRENT_IDE_DRIVE MOV [BP],AL RET C_NEXTSEC1: CALL GET_NEXT_SECT ;Update to next sector/track JNZ C_NEXTSEC2 JMP NextDCopy C_NEXTSEC2: MOV BX,CopyDone ;Tell us we are all done. CALL PRINT_STRING JMP C_DONE ;-------------- Verify Drive A: = B: ------------------------------ VERIFY_AB: MOV AX,CS MOV DS,AX MOV BX,DiskVerifyMsg CALL PRINT_STRING MOV BP,RAM_SEC ;Start with CPM sector 0 MOV AX,0 MOV [BP],AX MOV BP,RAM_TRK ;Start with CPM Track 0 MOV AX,0 MOV [BP],AX ;High & Low Track to 0 CALL CRLF CALL CRLF NextVCopy: MOV AL,0 ;Login drive A: CALL SELECT_DRIVE CALL WR_LBA ;Update LBA on "A:" drive MOV BP,RAM_DMA MOV word [BP],IDE_Buffer ;DMA initially to IDE_Buffer CALL READSECTOR ;Get sector data from A: drive to buffer MOV AL,1 ;Login drive B: CALL SELECT_DRIVE CALL WR_LBA ;Update LBA on "B:" drive MOV BP,RAM_DMA MOV word [BP],IDE_Buffer2 ;DMA initially to IDE_Buffer2 CALL READSECTOR MOV DI,IDE_Buffer2 MOV SI,IDE_Buffer MOV CX,512 ;Length of sector in words NEXT_CMP: MOV AL, [SS:DI] ;Note we have to use SS: CMP AL, [SS:SI] JNZ VER_ERROR INC DI INC SI LOOP NEXT_CMP ;CX will contain count of words done so far, (0 if done OK) JMP VERIFY_OK VER_ERROR: MOV BX,VERIFY_ERR ;Indicate an error CALL PRINT_STRING CALL SHOW_TRACK_SEC ;Show current location of error MOV BX,DRIVE1_MSG ;' Drive A',CR,LF CALL PRINT_STRING MOV SI,IDE_Buffer MOV CX,512 ;Length of sector in words VER_SOURCE: MOV AL, [SS:SI] ;Note we have to use SS: CALL AL_HEXOUT INC SI LOOP VER_SOURCE CALL CRLF CALL SHOW_TRACK_SEC ;Show current location of error MOV BX,DRIVE2_MSG ;' Drive B',CR,LF CALL PRINT_STRING MOV SI,IDE_Buffer2 MOV CX,512 ;Length of sector in words VER_DEST: MOV AL, [SS:DI] ;Note we have to use SS: CALL AL_HEXOUT INC DI LOOP VER_DEST CALL CRLF JMP VERIFYT ;Do not ask for a continue message here. Just continue ;If you want it change to VERIFYT1 VERIFY_OK: MOV BP,RAM_SEC ;Get Current Sector MOV AX,[BP] OR AX,AX ;At start of each track give an update JNZ VERIFYT CALL SHOW_TRACK VERIFYT:CALL CSTS ;Any keyboard character will stop display JZ V_NEXTSEC1 CALL CI ;Flush character VERIFYT1: MOV BX,CONTINUE_MSG CALL PRINT_STRING CALL CICO CMP AL,ESC JNZ V_NEXTSEC1 JMP V_NEXTSEC3 V_NEXTSEC1: CALL GET_NEXT_SECT ;Update to next sector/track JNZ V_NEXTSEC2 JMP NextVCopy V_NEXTSEC2: MOV BX,VerifyDone ;Tell us we are all done. CALL PRINT_STRING V_NEXTSEC3: MOV AL,0 ;Login drive A: CALL SELECT_DRIVE MOV BP,CURRENT_IDE_DRIVE MOV [BP],AL RET ;------------------ Fill RAM buffer with 0's RAMCLEAR: MOV AX,CS MOV DS,AX MOV AX,0 RAM_FILL: MOV BP,IDE_Buffer MOV CX,256 ;512 bytes total CLEAR1: MOV [BP],AX ;Note this will be SS:BP INC BP INC BP LOOP CLEAR1 MOV BX,FILL_MSG CALL PRINT_STRING RET ;---------------- Power up a Hard Disk SPINUP: MOV DH,COMMANDspinup spup2: MOV DL,REGcommand CALL IDEwr8D CALL IDEwaitnotbusy JNB L_7 JMP SHOWerrors L_7: OR AL,AL ;Clear carry RET ;-------------------- Tell the Hard disk to power down SPINDOWN: CALL IDEwaitnotbusy JNB L_8 JMP SHOWerrors L_8: MOV DH,COMMANDspindown JMP spup2 ;-------------------- Back to parent 8086 Monitor commands QUIT_IDE: JMP INIT ;==================== Support Routines FOR IDE MODULE ================================== ;Generate an LBA sector number with data input from CPM style Track# & Sector# GEN_HEX32_LBA: MOV BX,ENTERRAM_SECL ;Enter sector number, low CALL PRINT_STRING CALL GET2DIGITS ;Get 8 bit value (2 digits) to AL. (BX, CX & DX Unchanged) MOV BP,RAM_SEC MOV [BP],AL ;Note: no check that data is < MAXSEC CALL CRLF MOV BX,ENTERRAM_TRKL ;Enter low byte track number CALL PRINT_STRING CALL GET2DIGITS ;Get 8 bit value (2 digits) to AL. (BX, CX & DX Unchanged) MOV BP,RAM_TRK MOV [BP],AL CALL CRLF MOV BX,ENTERRAM_TRKH ;Enter high byte track number CALL PRINT_STRING CALL GET2DIGITS ;Get 8 bit value (2 digits) to AL. (BX, CX & DX Unchanged) MOV BP,RAM_TRK+1 MOV [BP],AL XOR AL,AL OR AL,AL ;To return NC RET DISPLAY_POSITION: ;Display current track,sector & head position MOV BX,msgCPMTRK ;Display in LBA format CALL PRINT_STRING ;---- CPM FORMAT ---- MOV BP,RAM_TRK+1 MOV AL,[BP] ;High TRK byte CALL AL_HEXOUT DEC BP MOV AL,[BP] ;Low TRK byte CALL AL_HEXOUT MOV BX,msgCPMSEC CALL PRINT_STRING ;SEC = (16 bits) MOV BP,RAM_SEC+1 ;High Sec MOV AL,[BP] CALL AL_HEXOUT DEC BP MOV AL,[BP] ;Low sec CALL AL_HEXOUT ;---- LBA FORMAT ---- MOV BX,msgLBA CALL PRINT_STRING ;(LBA = 00 (<-- Old "Heads" = 0 for these drives). MOV BP,RAM_DRIVE_TRK+1 ;High "cylinder" byte MOV AL,[BP] CALL AL_HEXOUT DEC BP MOV AL,[BP] ;Low "cylinder" byte CALL AL_HEXOUT MOV BP,RAM_DRIVE_SEC MOV AL,[BP] CALL AL_HEXOUT MOV BX,MSGBracket ;)$ CALL PRINT_STRING RET SHOW_TRACK_SEC: ;Display current (CPM) track,sector MOV BX,msgCPMTRK CALL PRINT_STRING ;---- CPM FORMAT ---- MOV BP,RAM_TRK+1 MOV AL,[BP] ;High TRK byte CALL AL_HEXOUT DEC BP MOV AL,[BP] ;Low TRK byte CALL AL_HEXOUT MOV BX,msgCPMSEC CALL PRINT_STRING MOV BP,RAM_SEC ;Low Sec (Only) MOV AX,[BP] CALL AL_HEXOUT MOV BX,H_Msg CALL PRINT_STRING RET SHOW_TRACK: MOV BX,msgCPMTRK CALL PRINT_STRING ;---- CPM FORMAT ---- MOV BP,RAM_TRK+1 MOV AL,[BP] ;High TRK byte CALL AL_HEXOUT MOV BP,RAM_TRK MOV AL,[BP] ;Low TRK byte CALL AL_HEXOUT MOV BX,OK_CR_MSG CALL PRINT_STRING ;---- CPM FORMAT ---- RET DISPLAY_SEC: ;Print a DISPLAY_SEC of the data in the 512 byte IDE_Buffer (RAM_DMA) CALL CRLF ;Note written so it can be easily converted to a "normal: DS: based" routine MOV BP,RAM_DMA ;Get Current DMA Address MOV SI,[BP] ;Both DS:DI & SI point to buffer MOV DI,SI MOV DH,32 ;print 32 lines SF172: CALL CRLF call SHOW_ADDRESS_SS ;Show SS:SI mov cx,2 ;send 2 spaces call TABS MOV DL,16 ;32 characters across SF175: MOV AL,[SS:SI] CALL AL_HEXOUT ;Display A on CRT/LCD MOV AL,'~' CALL CO INC SI DEC DL JNZ SF175 mov cx,3 ;first send 3 spaces call TABS MOV DL,16 ;24 across again Sloop2: mov al,[SS:DI] and al,7fh cmp al,' ' ;filter out control characters jnc Sloop3 Sloop4: mov al,'.' Sloop3: cmp al,'~' jnc Sloop4 mov cl,al call CO INC DI DEC DL JNZ Sloop2 DEC DH JNZ SF172 ;--DH has total byte count CALL CRLF ret ;Point to next sector. Ret Z if all OK NZ if at end of disk GET_NEXT_SECT: MOV BP,RAM_SEC ;Get Current Sector MOV AX,[BP] INC AX MOV [BP],AX ;0 to MAXSEC CPM Sectors CMP AX,MAXSEC-1 ;Assumes < 255 sec /track JNZ NEXT_SEC_DONE MOV AX,0 ;Back to CPM sector 0 MOV [BP],AX MOV BP,RAM_TRK ;Bump to next track MOV AX,[BP] INC AX CMP AX,100H ;Tracks 0-0FFH only JZ AT_DISK_END MOV [BP],AX NEXT_SEC_DONE: CALL WR_LBA ;Update the LBC pointer XOR AX,AX RET ;Ret z if all OK AT_DISK_END: XOR AX,AX DEC AX RET ;Point to previous sector. Ret Z if all OK GET_PREV_SECT: MOV BP,RAM_SEC ;Get Current Sector MOV AX,[BP] CMP AX,0 JZ PREVIOUS_TRACK DEC AX MOV [BP],AX ;0 to MAXSEC CPM Sectors JMP PREVIOUS_SEC_DONE PREVIOUS_TRACK: MOV AX,MAXSEC-1 ;Back to CPM last sector on previous track MOV [BP],AX MOV BP,RAM_TRK ;Bump to next track MOV AX,[BP] CMP AX,0 ;If On track 0 already then problem JNZ AT_00 DEC AX MOV [BP],AX PREVIOUS_SEC_DONE: CALL WR_LBA ;Update the LBC pointer XOR AX,AX ;Return Z if all OK RET AT_00: MOV BX,ATHOME_MSG CALL PRINT_STRING XOR AX,AX DEC ax ;NZ if problem RET ; SHOWerrors: CALL CRLF MOV DL,REGstatus ;Get status in status register CALL IDErd8D MOV AL,DH AND AL,1H JNZ MoreError ;Go to REGerr register for more info ;All OK if 01000000 PUSHF ;<<< Save for return below AND AL,80H JZ NOT7 MOV BX,DRIVE_BUSY ;Drive Busy (bit 7) stuck high. Status = CALL PRINT_STRING JMP DONEERR NOT7: AND AL,40H JNZ NOT6 MOV BX,DRIVE_NOT_READY ;Drive Not Ready (bit 6) stuck low. Status = CALL PRINT_STRING JMP DONEERR NOT6: AND AL,20H JNZ NOT5 MOV BX,DRIVE_WR_FAULT ;Drive write fault. Status = CALL PRINT_STRING JMP DONEERR NOT5: MOV BX,UNKNOWN_ERROR CALL PRINT_STRING JMP DONEERR MoreError: ;Get here if bit 0 of the status register indicted a problem MOV DL,REGerr ;Get error code in REGerr CALL IDErd8D MOV AL,DH PUSHF ;<<<< Save flags for below AND AL,10H JZ NOTE4 MOV BX,SEC_NOT_FOUND CALL PRINT_STRING JMP DONEERR NOTE4: AND AL,80H JZ NOTE7 MOV BX,BAD_BLOCK CALL PRINT_STRING JMP DONEERR NOTE7: AND AL,40H JZ NOTE6 MOV BX,UNRECOVER_ERR CALL PRINT_STRING JMP DONEERR NOTE6: AND AL,4H JZ NOTE2 MOV BX,INVALID_CMD CALL PRINT_STRING JMP DONEERR NOTE2: AND AL,2H JZ NOTE1 MOV BX,TRK0_ERR CALL PRINT_STRING JMP DONEERR NOTE1: MOV BX,UNKNOWN_ERROR1 CALL PRINT_STRING JMP DONEERR DONEERR:POPF ;>>>>> get back flags PUSH AX CALL AL_BINOUT ;Show error bit pattern CALL CRLF POP AX XCHG AL,AH OR AL,AL ;Set Z flag STC ;Set Carry flag RET ;================================================================================================ ; IDE Drive BIOS Routines written in a format that can be used with CPM86 (Note MSDOS/DOS has its own ; modules see further below. However instead of using DS:[BX] (as we do in the CPM86 BIOS), throughout we ; will use SS:[BP] so the the buffers can reside at the top segment of available RAM. ; Normally this will be D000:E000H (below the ROM) but the monitor will not assume that there is a ; full 1MG address space avalable and may put them lower. See monitor initilization code at start. ;================================================================================================ IDEinit: ;Initilze the 8255 and drive then do a hard reset on the drive, ;By default the drive will come up initilized in LBA mode. MOV AL,READcfg8255 ;10010010b OUT IDECtrlPort,AL ;Config 8255 chip, READ mode MOV AL,IDErstline OUT IDEportC,AL ;Hard reset the disk drive MOV CH,IDE_Reset_Delay ;;Time delay for reset/initilization (~66 uS, with 8MHz 8086, 1 I/O wait state) ResetDelay: DEC CH JNZ ResetDelay ;Delay (IDE reset pulse width) XOR AL,AL OUT IDEportC,AL ;No IDE control lines asserted CALL DELAY_SHORT ;Allow time for CF/Drive to recover MOV DH,11100000b ;Data for IDE SDH reg (512bytes, LBA mode,single drive,head 0000) ; MOV DH,10100000b ;For Trk,Sec,head (non LBA) use 10100000 (This is the mode we use for MSDOS) ;Note. Cannot get LBA mode to work with an old Seagate Medalist 6531 drive. ;have to use the non-LBA mode. (Common for old hard disks). MOV DL,REGshd ;00001110,(0EH) for CS0,A2,A1, CALL IDEwr8D ;Write byte to select the MASTER device MOV CH,03H ;<<< May need to adjust delay time WaitInit: MOV DL,REGstatus ;Get status after initilization CALL IDErd8D ;Check Status (info in [DH]) MOV AL,DH AND AL,80H JZ DoneInit ;Return if ready bit is zero CALL DELAY_LONG ;Long delay, drive has to get up to speed DEC CH JNZ WaitInit XOR AL,AL DEC AL RET ;Return NZ. Well check for errors when we get back DoneInit: RET ;Return Z indicating all is well DELAY_LONG: ;Long delay (Seconds) for hard disk to get up to speed PUSH CX PUSH DX MOV CX,0FFFFH DELAY2: MOV DH,2 ;May need to adjust delay time to allow cold drive to DELAY1: DEC DH ;to speed JNZ DELAY1 DEC CX JNZ DELAY2 POP DX POP CX RET DELAY_SHORT: MOV AX,8000H ;DELAY ~32 MS (DOES NOT SEEM TO BE CRITICAL) DELAY3: DEC AX JNZ DELAY3 RET ;Read a sector, specified by the 4 bytes in LBA ;Z on success, NZ call error routine if problem READSECTOR: CALL WR_LBA ;Tell which sector we want to read from. ;Note: Translate first in case of an error otherewise we ;will get stuck on bad sector CALL IDEwaitnotbusy ;make sure drive is ready JNB L_19 JMP SHOWerrors ;Returned with NZ set if error L_19: MOV DH,COMMANDread MOV DL,REGcommand CALL IDEwr8D ;Send sec read command to drive. CALL IDEwaitdrq ;wait until it's got the data JNB L_20 JMP SHOWerrors L_20: MOV BP,RAM_DMA ;Get Current DMA Address at SS:RAM_DMA MOV AX,[BP] ;Note SS: is assumed here MOV BP,AX MOV CH,0 ;Read 512 bytes to [HL] (256X2 bytes) MoreRD16: MOV AL,REGdata ;REG regsiter address OUT IDEportC,AL OR AL,IDErdline ;08H+40H, Pulse RD line OUT IDEportC,AL IN AL,IDEportA ;Read the lower byte first MOV [BP],AL INC BP IN AL,IDEportB ;THEN read the upper byte MOV [BP],AL INC BP MOV AL,REGdata ;Deassert RD line OUT IDEportC,AL DEC CH JNZ MoreRD16 MOV DL,REGstatus CALL IDErd8D MOV AL,DH AND AL,1H JZ L_21 CALL SHOWerrors ;If error display status L_21: RET ;Write a sector, specified by the 3 bytes in LBA (_ IX+0)", ;Z on success, NZ to error routine if problem WRITESECTOR: CALL WR_LBA ;Tell which sector we want to read from. ;Note: Translate first in case of an error otherewise we ;will get stuck on bad sector CALL IDEwaitnotbusy ;make sure drive is ready JNB L_22 JMP SHOWerrors L_22: MOV DH,COMMANDwrite MOV DL,REGcommand CALL IDEwr8D ;tell drive to write a sector CALL IDEwaitdrq ;wait unit it wants the data JNB L_23 JMP SHOWerrors L_23: MOV BP, RAM_DMA ;Get Current DMA Address MOV AX,[BP] MOV BP,AX MOV CH,0 ;256X2 bytes MOV AL,WRITEcfg8255 OUT IDECtrlPort,AL WRSEC1_IDE: MOV AL,[BP] INC BP OUT IDEportA,AL ;Write the lower byte first MOV AL,[BP] INC BP OUT IDEportB,AL ;THEN High byte on B MOV AL,REGdata PUSH AX OUT IDEportC,AL ;Send write command OR AL,IDEwrline ;Send WR pulse OUT IDEportC,AL POP AX OUT IDEportC,AL ;Send write command DEC CH JNZ WRSEC1_IDE MOV AL,READcfg8255 ;Set 8255 back to read mode OUT IDECtrlPort,AL MOV DL,REGstatus CALL IDErd8D MOV AL,DH AND AL,1H JZ L_24 CALL SHOWerrors ;If error display status L_24: RET WR_LBA: ;Write the logical block address to the drive's registers ;Note we do not need to set the upper nibble of the LBA ;It will always be 0 for these small CPM drives (so no High Cylinder ;numbers etc). MOV BP,RAM_SEC MOV AX,[BP] ;LBA mode, Low sectors go directly INC AX ;Sectors are numbered 1 -- MAXSEC (even in LBA mode) MOV BP,RAM_DRIVE_SEC MOV [BP],AL ;For Diagnostic Diaplay Only MOV DH,AL MOV DL,REGsector ;Send info to drive CALL IDEwr8D ;Write to 8255 A Register ;Note: For drive we will have 0 - MAXSEC sectors only MOV BP,RAM_TRK MOV AX,[BP] MOV BP,RAM_DRIVE_TRK MOV [BP],AL MOV DH,AL ;Send Low TRK# MOV DL,REGcylinderLSB CALL IDEwr8D ;Write to 8255 A Register MOV BP,RAM_DRIVE_TRK+1 MOV [BP],AH MOV DH,AH ;Send High TRK# MOV DL,REGcylinderMSB CALL IDEwr8D ;Send High TRK# (in DH) to IDE Drive CALL IDEwr8D_X ;Special write to 8255 B Register (Not A) to update LED HEX Display ;High 8 bits ignored by IDE drive MOV DH,1 ;For CPM, one sector at a time MOV DL,REGseccnt CALL IDEwr8D ;Write to 8255 A Register RET ;Special version for MS-DOS system BIOS (see IBM BIOS Section) DOS_WR_LBA: ;This will display Head, Cylinder and Sector on the LED HEX display ;instead of LBA sector numbers. MOV DH,[CURRENT_HEAD] ;OR in head info to lower 4 bits AND DH,0FH ;Just in case OR DH,10100000B ;Set to >>>>> NON-LBA mode <<<<< MOV DL,REGshd ;Send "Head #" (in DH) to IDE drive CALL IDEwr8D MOV DH,[CURRENT_TRACK_HIGH] ;Send High TRK# MOV DL,REGcylinderMSB CALL IDEwr8D ;Send High TRK# (in DH) to IDE Drive MOV DH,[CURRENT_HEAD] ;Get head info to lower 8 bits of the special AND DH,0FH ;top two LED HEX displays. SHL DH,1 ;These 8 (high) data lines are ignored by the IDE drive SHL DH,1 SHL DH,1 SHL DH,1 OR DH,[CURRENT_TRACK_HIGH] ;Will display the Head in top nibble and the two bits of the HIGH bits MOV DL,REGcylinderMSB ;of the high cylinder in the low nibble. CALL IDEwr8D_X ;Special output to 8255 B Register (Not A) to update LED HEX Display ONLY MOV DH,[CURRENT_TRACK] ;Get low Track # MOV DL,REGcylinderLSB ;Send Low TRK# (in DH) CALL IDEwr8D ;Special write to 8255 B Register (Not A) MOV DH,[CURRENT_SECTOR] ;Bits 0-5 only (currently 1-17) MOV DL,REGsector ;Send "Sector#" CALL IDEwr8D ;Write to 8255 A Register MOV DH,[SECTORS_TO_DO] ;# of CONTIGOUS sectors to send MOV DL,REGseccnt CALL IDEwr8D ;Write to 8255 A Register RET IDEwaitnotbusy: ;Drive READY if 01000000 MOV CH,0FFH MOV AH,0FFH ;Delay, must be above 80H for 4MHz Z80. Leave longer for slower drives PUSH BX ;AH is not changed in IDErd8D below MoreWait: MOV DL,REGstatus ;wait for RDY bit to be set CALL IDErd8D ;Note AH or CH are unchanged MOV AL,DH AND AL,11000000B XOR AL,01000000B JZ DONE_NOT_BUSY DEC CH JNZ MoreWait DEC AH JNZ MoreWait STC ;Set carry to indicate an error POP BX RET DONE_NOT_BUSY: OR AL,AL ;Clear carry it indicate no error POP BX RET ;Wait for the drive to be ready to transfer data. IDEwaitdrq: ;Returns the drive's status in Acc MOV CH,0FFH MOV AL,0FFH ;Delay, must be above 80H for 4MHz Z80. Leave longer for slower drives PUSH BX MoreDRQ: MOV DL,REGstatus ;wait for DRQ bit to be set CALL IDErd8D ;Note AH or CH are unchanged MOV AL,DH AND AL,10001000B CMP AL,00001000B JZ DoneDRQ DEC CH JNZ MoreDRQ DEC AH JNZ MoreDRQ STC ;Set carry to indicate error POP BX RET DoneDRQ: OR AL,AL ;Clear carry POP BX RET CLEAR$ID$BUFFER: ;Clear the ID Buffer area MOV AX,2020H ;Clear to spaces MOV BP,IDE_Buffer ;Remember CS: = SS MOV CX,256 ;512 bytes total CLEAR2: MOV [BP],AX ;Note this will be SS:[BP] INC BP INC BP LOOP CLEAR2 MOV AX,0H ;Put in 0's for cylinder,heads,sectors etc MOV BP,IDE_Buffer MOV CX,7 ;14 bytes total CLEAR3: MOV [BP],AX ;Note this will be SS:[BP] INC BP INC BP LOOP CLEAR3 RET ;------------------------------------------------------------------ ; Low Level 8 bit R/W to the drive controller. These are the routines that talk ; directly to the drive controller registers, via the 8255 chip. ; Note the 16 bit Sector I/O to the drive is done directly ; in the routines READSECTOR & WRITESECTOR for speed reasons. IDErd8D: ;READ 8 bits from IDE register @ [DL], return info in [DH] MOV AL,DL ;select IDE register OUT IDEportC,AL ;drive address onto control lines OR AL,IDErdline ;RD pulse pin (40H) OUT IDEportC,AL ;Assert read pin IN AL,IDEportA MOV DH,AL ;return with data in [DH] MOV AL,DL ;<---Ken Robbins suggestion OUT IDEportC,AL ;Drive address onto control lines XOR AL,AL OUT IDEportC,AL ;Zero all port C lines RET IDEwr8D: ;WRITE Data in [DH] to IDE register @ [DL] MOV AL,WRITEcfg8255 ;Set 8255 to write mode OUT IDECtrlPort,AL MOV AL,DH ;Get data put it in 8255 A port OUT IDEportA,AL MOV AL,DL ;select IDE register OUT IDEportC,AL OR AL,IDEwrline ;lower WR line OUT IDEportC,AL MOV AL,DL ;<-- Ken Robbins suggestion, raise WR line OUT IDEportC,AL ;deassert RD pin XOR AL,AL ;Deselect all lines including WR line OUT IDEportC,AL MOV AL,READcfg8255 ;Config 8255 chip, read mode on return OUT IDECtrlPort,AL RET IDEwr8D_X: ;WRITE Data in [DH] to IDE register @ [DL] MOV AL,WRITEcfg8255 ;Set 8255 to write mode OUT IDECtrlPort,AL MOV AL,DH ;Get data and put it in 8255 >>>> Port B <<<< OUT IDEportB,AL MOV AL,DL ;select IDE register OUT IDEportC,AL OR AL,IDEwrline ;lower WR line OUT IDEportC,AL MOV AL,DL ;<-- Ken Robbins suggestion, raise WR line OUT IDEportC,AL ;Deassert RD pin XOR AL,AL ;Deselect all lines including WR line OUT IDEportC,AL MOV AL,READcfg8255 ;Config 8255 chip, read mode on return OUT IDECtrlPort,AL RET ;********************************************************************************************************** ; ; "BIOS" section to allow MS-DOS 4.1 to run on non-IBM hardware. ; 8086 assembly language for the NASM assembler. This is a highly ; modified version of a BIOS first written by LogiCom Inc back in 1985. ; ;********************************************************************************************************** ; ; The normal interrupts for the IBM, and their entry points ; in this code are as follows: ; ; Int Name BIOS entry ; 0 Divide by zero DUMMY_RETURN ; 1 Single Step DUMMY_RETURN ; 2 Non-maskable NMIINT ; 3 Breakpoint DUMMY_RETURN ; 4 Overflow DUMMY_RETURN ; 5 Print Screen DUMMY_RETURN ; 6 Reserved DUMMY_RETURN ; 7 Reserved DUMMY_RETURN ; 8 Timer Tic TIMER \ ; 9 Keypressed KEYHND \ ; A Reserved DUMMY_RETURN \ ; B Comm Hardware DUMMY_RETURN \ Normal location for ; C Comm Hardware DUMMY_RETURN / IBM hardware interrupts ; D Disk Hardware DUMMY_RETURN / ; E Diskette Hardware DUMMY_RETURN / ; F Printer Hardware DUMMY_RETURN / ; 10 Video Output CONOUT (10 through 1F are ; 11 Equipment check EQUIP software interrupts) ; 12 Memory Size MEMSIZ ; 13 Disk I/O DISKIO <------ ALL DISK IO (Floppy & HDISK) ; 14 Comm I/O COMMIO ; 15 Cassette I/O DUMMY_RETURN ; 16 Keyboard I/O CONIN ; 17 Printer I/O LSTOUT ; 18 Basic DUMMY_RETURN ; 19 Bootstrap BOOT_DOS_INT ; 1A Time of Day TIME_OF_DAY ; 1B Keyboard Break DUMMY_RETURN ; 1C User timer tic DUMMY_RETURN ; 1D Video Init. VIDEO_PARM ; 1E Diskette Parms DISK_BASE (Pointer only) ; 1F Graphics Char 0 ; ; 40 Copy of Disk/IO DISKIO (for systems with a HDISK) IBM_BIOS: cli ;No interrupts yet please MOV BX,IBM_SIGNON_MSG ;Announce we are here CALL PRINT_STRING ;Note PRINT_STRING always uses the CS: override for the BX pointer CALL SETUP_IBM_BIOS ;Initilize RAM and hardware IBM_LOOP: CALL CRLF MOV BX,IBM_MENU2 ;Enter the IBM menu CALL PRINT_STRING MOV AX,CS MOV DS,AX ;Just to be safe for below call CICO ;Get a command from Console mov ah,0 CMP AL,ESC ;Abort if ESC JNZ NOT_ESC_IBM JMP INIT ;Back to start of Monitor NOT_ESC_IBM: cmp al,'A' ;Find meuu option from table jb IBM_LOOP ;must be A to Z cmp al,'Z' jg IBM_LOOP sub al,'A' ;calculate offset shl al,1 ;X 2 add ax,IBM_TABLE ;Note DS:=CS: in this monitor by default mov bx,ax CALL CRLF mov ax,[cs:bx] ;get location of routine CS:[BX] call ax ;<----------- This is the PC-BIOS Menu CMD call jmp IBM_LOOP ;finished ;----------- Initilize RAM and hardware to look like an IBM-PC setup ;XXXX: ; SETUP_IBM_BIOS: mov ax,cs mov ds,ax ;DS is this ROM's CS sub ax,ax mov es,ax ;ES: = 0H in RAM for STOW's below CLD ;Default to direction up CALL SETUP_INT_TABLE ;Fill all RM 8086 interrupts initially with a default error trapping pointer mov di,PrintScreen ;Setup PrintScreen vector in low RAM (at 14H) mov ax,PrintScreenRoutine ;Have it point to the relevent return in this monitor stosw ;(ES: used for final location) mov cx,8 ;Set all 8 hardware interrupts for 8259A (at I/O port address 20H) mov si,vec_tbl_8259A ;Move the pointers in vec_tbl-8259A to low RAM starting at 20H mov di,Start8259A_Ints ;Note DS:(=CS:) is source, ES: is destination iloop1: movsw inc di ;Skip over the segment pointer (already done above), to next vector offset inc di loop iloop1 mov cx,16 ;Set all 16 software interrupts mov si,vec_tbl_soft_ints mov di,CRTINT ;Start location in low RAM iloop2: movsw ;Note DS: (=CS:) is source, ES: is destination inc di ;Skip over the segment pointer (already done above), to next vector offset inc di loop iloop2 MOV CX,IVGA_VAL_LEN ;Some RAM variables need to be initilized for S-100 Lomas CGA Board (@0:449H) MOV SI,INITIAL_VGA_VALUES MOV DI,CRT_MODE ;0:449H iloop3: movsw ;Note DS: (=CS:) is source, ES: is destination loop iloop3 ;To be safe, do not use "rep" in case marginal EPROM's cannot handle speed. IN AL,IOBYTE TEST AL,2 ;Bit 1 of IOBYTE Port will force output to CGA/VGA JNZ NO_FORCE_CGA_DISPLAY ;is there a request to switch CRT outputs MOV word [ES:CONSOL_FLAG],1 ;IOBYTE 1=0, Force console output to CGA/VGA Video Board upon MS_DOS Bootup, TO_VGA: MOV BX,VIDIO_VGA_MSG ;Video to VGA CALL PRINT_STRING JMP VIDEO_BOARD_ASSIGNED NO_FORCE_CGA_DISPLAY: CMP word [ES:CONSOL_FLAG],1 ;Already requested by "B" menu main command? JZ TO_VGA CMP word [ES:CONSOL_FLAG],2 ;Is output already set for LAVA board by "B" menu main command? JNZ NOT_LAVA ;Not 2, then not LAVA MOV BX,VIDIO_LAVA_MSG ;2 = Lava Board. (There is a 1/32K chance RAM had 02H at CONSOL_FLAG at startup) CALL PRINT_STRING ;Note PRINT_STRING always uses the CS: override for the BX pointer JMP VIDEO_BOARD_ASSIGNED NOT_LAVA: CMP word [ES:CONSOL_FLAG],3 ;3 = FPGA_VGA board by "B" menu main command? JNZ NOT_FPGA_VGA ;Not 3, then not FPGA_VGA MOV BX,VIDIO_FPGA_VGA_MSG ;Announce we are going to FPGA_VGA Board. (There is a 1/32K chance RAM had 02H at CONSOL_FLAG at startup) CALL PRINT_STRING ;Note PRINT_STRING always uses the CS: override for the BX pointer JMP VIDEO_BOARD_ASSIGNED NOT_FPGA_VGA: MOV word [ES:CONSOL_FLAG],0 ;Default, Force Console output to Propeller Video Board if anything else VIDEO_BOARD_ASSIGNED: ;The 496H-490H area needs to be 0's for MS-DOS 4.01 ;Clear the whole IBM-AT "extra store area" to 0's ;It seems MSDOS V4.01 counts on at least the diskette area being 0's mov cx,(496H-490H) ;It hangs on a boot otherewise! Count of bytes in the area mov di,DSK_STATE xor AX,AX iloop4: MOV [ES:DI],AX ;ES: = 0, is destination inc di ;Skip over the segment pointer (already done above), to next vector offset inc di loop iloop4 ;Now a few special case situations... ;Note, in every case ES:=0, is destination segment MOV AX,CRT_CHAR_GEN ;7CH, Upper 128 Bytes of 256 Byte character set mov DI,EXT_CHAR_PTR ;(1FH*4) (Note no valid table is actully present for 8088/8086 EEPROMS) stosw MOV AX,OLD_DISKIO ;100H, We need to handle software Int 40H (The relocated old INT 13H PC Bios Floppy I/O) mov DI,OLD_DISK_VEC ;(40H*4) stosw MOV AX,FDISK_3PARM_TBL ;We need to move the boot diskette paramater table to Int 1EH*4 area. (Use 1.44M 3" Floppy) mov DI,FDISK_PARMS stosw MOV AX,HDISK_PARM_TBL ;104H, Setup the default HARD DISK #1, table POINTER offset mov DI,HDISK_PARMS ;(41H*4), stosw MOV AX,CRT_CHAR_GEN ;10CH, 256 Byte character set mov DI,EXT_CHAR_PTR2 ;(43H*4) stosw MOV AX,HDISK_PARM_TBL ;118H, Setup the same default HARD DISK #2, table POINTER offset mov DI,HDISK2_PARMS ;(46H*4) stosw ;ES: 0, is destination segment ;Now set up the memory variables XOR AX,AX ;Now set DS: (=0) to data area for ROM usage in low RAM @400H MOV DS,AX mov word [expram],msize-64 ;show expansion ram size mov word [memrsz],msize ;and total memory size (640K) mov word [EQFLAG],0100001001100001B ;set equipment flag so IBM is happy ;bit 0 disk drives present ;bit 1 8087 Present ;bit 2 Mouse present ;bit 3 ---- ;bits 4,5 default to colour card ; 00 EGA ; 01 40X25 Color ; 10 80X25 Color ; 11 80X25 Monochrome ;bits 6,7 floppy drives -1 (if bit 0 =1) ;bit 8 DMA support installed (PCjr, Tandy) ;bits 9,10,11 number of serial ports ;bit 12 no game adaptor ;bit 13 serial printer attachd (PCjr) ;bits 14,15 no of printers mov ax,keybuff ;keyboard interrupt pointers mov [bufhd],ax mov [buftl],ax mov byte [chrcnt],0 mov byte [VERIFY_FLAG],0 ;Initially set for sector reads (rather than sector verifies) ;Initilize hardware to emmulate IBM-PC settings mov bx,PIC_INIT_MSG ;Send a signon about initilizing the 8259A call PRINT_STRING mov al,MasterICW1 ;Initilize the 8259A PIC Controller out MASTER_PIC_PORT,al mov al,MasterICW2 ;Ints starts at 20H in RAM out MASTER_PIC_PORT+1,al mov al,MasterICW4 ;No slaves above, so 8259 does not expect ICW3 out MASTER_PIC_PORT+1,al mov al,11111111b ;No V0 & V1 for now out MASTER_PIC_PORT+1,al ;Initilize the timer MOV AL,36H ;Sel TIM 0, LSB,MSB,Mode 3 OUT TIM_CTL,AL ;Write to Timer mode register (43H) MOV AL,0 OUT TIMER,AL ;LSB = 0 OUT TIMER,AL ;MSB = 0 ;Next move the current time into the system tick bytes in low RAM ;Remember DS: is already set to data area for ROM usage in low RAM (400H) mov word [timlow],0 ;Default setup timer/RTC default values mov word [timhi],0 mov word [timofl],0 ;Set clock tick info to 0 in low ram MOV AL,CMOS_VALID ;Before getting current CMOS time check chip is there and working OUT CMOS_PORT,AL JMP SHORT $+2 ;Delay IN AL,CMOS_PORT+1 SUB AL,80H ;Check bad battery is OK. (Note different from AT. Dallas DS12887 says valid = 80H) JNZ TOD_ERROR ;If Not valid leave timer at 0 SUB CX,CX UIP: MOV AL,CMOS_REGA OUT CMOS_PORT,AL JMP SHORT $+2 IN AL,CMOS_PORT+1 TEST AL,UPDATE_TIMER JZ READ_SECONDS LOOP UIP JMP TOD_ERROR1 ;CMOS clock "stuck" READ_SECONDS: MOV AL,CMOS_SECONDS OUT CMOS_PORT,AL JMP SHORT $+2 IN AL,CMOS_PORT+1 CMP AL,059H ;within range 0-59 JA TOD_ERROR2 CALL CVT_BINARY MOV BL,COUNTS_SEC MUL BL MOV CX,AX MOV AL,CMOS_MINUTES OUT CMOS_PORT,AL JMP SHORT $+2 IN AL,CMOS_PORT+1 CMP AL,059H ;Within range 0-59 JA TOD_ERROR2 CALL CVT_BINARY MOV BX,COUNTS_MIN ;1092 MUL BX ADD AX,CX MOV CX,AX MOV AL,CMOS_HOURS OUT CMOS_PORT,AL JMP SHORT $+2 IN AL,CMOS_PORT+1 CMP AL,023H ;0-23 JA TOD_ERROR2 CALL CVT_BINARY MOV DX,AX MOV BL,COUNTS_HOUR ;7 MUL BL ADD AX,CX ADC DX,0000H mov [timhi],DX ;Store in RAM mov [timlow],AX ; mov DX,0080H ; mov AX,340H ; mov [timhi],DX ;Store in RAM ; mov [timlow],AX JMP TOD_DONE TOD_ERROR: MOV BX,CMOS_CLOCK_MSG ;Error reading CMOS Clock chip CALL PRINT_STRING JMP TOD_DONE TOD_ERROR1: MOV BX,CMOS_STUCK_MSG ;Error reading CMOS Clock chip CALL PRINT_STRING JMP TOD_DONE TOD_ERROR2: MOV BX,CMOS_RANGE_MSG ;Error reading CMOS Clock chip CALL PRINT_STRING JMP TOD_DONE TOD_DONE: CLI IN AL,MASTER_PIC_PORT+1 ;Allow timer tick AND AL,0FEH OUT MASTER_PIC_PORT+1,AL STI INIT_VGA: ;We will try and initilize the CGA/VGA video board RAM area/ports anyway (even if not used) MOV AX,0B800H ;Segment of CGA Board RAM mov di,[EQFLAG] and di,30h ;Isolate crt switches (This is what IBM PC has - not used here!) ;bits 4,5 default to colour card ; 00 EGA ; 01 40X25 Color ; 10 80X25 Color ; 11 80X25 Monochrome cmp di,30h jne INIT_VGA1 mov ax,0B000h ;Segment for Monochrome card INIT_VGA1: mov es,ax ;Set ES: to point to video area MOV AL,03H ;Default to 80X25 Color MOV DI,0 ;CGA/VGA Board. If B/W card then DI = 30H CALL VGA_INIT ;<<<<<< Initilize the video board to 80X25 >>>>>>>> ;This seem OK because IBM-CGA board comes up fine with the ;ISA->S100 Adaptor board. Also the Lomas S-100 CGA board comes up fine. MOV AH,0H ;Initilize Serial Port (Used for debugging display if required) MOV AL,80H ;This sets for 9600 Baud. (However we will run at 38,400, see INT 14H) MOV DX,0 int 14H ;Serial out Handler (Software Interrupt 14H) IN AL,IOBYTE ;Allow IOBYTE to abort initilizing extra ROMS starting at C0000H TEST AL,4 JNZ VGA_ROM_CHECK ;<<< Check for VGA ROM at C000:0000H >>> RET ;Else skip/ignore looking for a VGA ROM ;Next, check if the is an extra ROM's/Software on board. This follows the IBM ;format by looking at C0000H-F6000H (on 2K pages) for 55H,AAH and (length/512) ;in the 3rd byte. (Note this BIOS is larger, should stop at D0000H) ;We will just force initilization of the one VGA ROM if present, at C0000H ;Can add more if required later. ;If a valid "ROM" then we do a Call Far to byte 3 in that ROM/Code. VGA_ROM_CHECK: ;It assumes that the code there will finish with a far return. MOV DX,0C000H ;Will just look for Video ROM, so start at C0000H MOV DS,DX ;DS=C000H SUB BX,BX MOV AX,[BX] ;[DS:BX] C000:0H CMP AX,0AA55H ;Is the indicator flag there JZ TRIDENT_VGA_ROM CMP AX,0AA00H ;Is the indicator flag there JZ FPGA_VGA_ROM JMP NO_ROM TRIDENT_VGA_ROM: MOV BX,ROMCHECK_MSG ;Announce we found a ROM at C000:0H CALL PRINT_STRING ;Remember PRINT_STRING always uses the CS: override for the BX pointer ;so no need to mess with DS MOV AX,40H ;Set ES=DSEG MOV ES,AX ;ES=40H PUSH DX ;Set things up just like IBM did (Just in case)! MOV word [ES:IO_ROM_INIT],0003H ;Offset @ 467H MOV [ES:IO_ROM_SEG],DS ;Load segment @ 469H CALL 0C000H:0003H ;<<< Initilize EGA/VGA ROM >>>> ;Note we assume there are no other extra ROM's PUSH AX ;Just in case values are needed PUSH BX MOV BX,ROMCHECK_MSG_OK ;VGA ROM Initilized, returned back to BIOS. CALL PRINT_STRING ;Note PRINT_STRING always uses the CS: override for the BX pointer POP BX POP AX POP DX ;From above mov ax,40h ;Test for EGA/VGA mov es,ax mov ah,12h mov bx,0FF10h int 10h ;Video Get EGA Info cmp BH,0FFh ;If EGA or later present BH != FFh je not_ega and byte[es:EQFLAG],11001111b ;Set video flag in equipment list to EGA/VGA ;bits 4,5 default to colour card ; 00 EGA ; 01 40X25 Color ; 10 80X25 Color ; 11 80X25 Monochrome not_ega: mov ah,1 mov cx,1415h ;correction from old code. int 10h ;Set cursor type call clear_screen ;clear display push cs pop ds RET FPGA_VGA_ROM: MOV BX,FPGA_VGA_ROM_MSG ;Announce we found a FPGA_VGA ROM at C000:0H CALL PRINT_STRING ;Remember PRINT_STRING always uses the CS: override for the BX pointer RET ;so no need to mess with DS NO_ROM: CMP AX,0AA00H ;Is the indicator flag there JNZ NO_ROM2 MOV BX,FPGA_VGA_ROM_MSG ;Announce no VGA ROM present CALL PRINT_STRING ;Note PRINT_STRING always uses the CS: override for the BX pointer RET NO_ROM2: MOV BX,NO_VGA_MSG ;Announce no VGA ROM present CALL PRINT_STRING ;Note PRINT_STRING always uses the CS: override for the BX pointer RET clear_screen: mov dx,184Fh ; Lower right corner of scroll xor cx,cx ; Upper left corner of scroll mov ax,600h ; Blank entire window mov bh,7 ; Set regular cursor int 10h ; Call video service scroll mov ah,2 ; Set cursor position xor dx,dx ; upper left corner mov bh,0 ; page 0 int 10h ; call video service mov ax,0500h ; Set active display page zero int 10h ret CVT_BINARY: ;Convert BCD in [AL] to Binary in [AL] PUSH CX PUSH AX AND AX,0FH MOV CX,AX ;Save low digit POP AX PUSH CX ;On Stack MOV CL,4 ROR AX,CL AND AL,0FH MOV CL,10 MUL CL POP CX ADD AX,CX ;Add in low digit POP CX RET ;----------- Menu CMD to Boot MS-DOS from a Floppy Disk using this BIOS MENU_FBOOT_DOS: ;Come here from IBM BIOS menu (Debug mode MAY be on) MOV BX,FBOOT_DOS_MSG ;Booting MS-DOS CALL PRINT_STRING MOV DL,0 ;Make sure bit 7 is 0 for Floppy PUSH DX ;Save value in DX (DL=0 for Floppy Boot) COMMON_BOOT_DOS: ;Common BOOT MS-DOS/FreeDOS entry point CALL SETUP_IBM_BIOS ;Initilize RAM and hardware mov al,11111100b ;Allow S-100 bus ints V0 & V1 (only) now out MASTER_PIC_PORT+1,al sti ;Enable hardware interrupts POP DX ;Get back Floppy/HDISK info int 19H ;<<<<<<< Boot PC-DOS with software int 19H ;Should never return here IF no problem JMP word 0F000H:INIT ;Far Jump to F000H:INIT (Start of this monitor) ;----------- Menu CMD to Boot MS-DOS from a HARD Disk using this BIOS BOOT_MSDOS: MENU_HBOOT_DOS: MOV BX,HBOOT_DOS_MSG ;Booting MS-DOS CALL PRINT_STRING MOV DX,0080H ;Make sure bit 7 is 1 for HDisk PUSH DX ;Save value in DX (DL=80H for HDisk Boot) JMP COMMON_BOOT_DOS ;----------- Menu CMD to test 8259A Interrupt driven Keypress code using this IBM BIOS MENU_KEY_TEST: MOV BX,KEY_TEST_MSG ;Keyboard test CALL PRINT_STRING mov al,11111101b ;Allow V1 on 8259A now out MASTER_PIC_PORT+1,al sti ;Enable hardware interrupts Next_Key: MOV BX,IN_CHAR_MSG ;Input character = CALL PRINT_STRING Next_Key1: MOV AH,01H ;Check if anything there int 16H ;Get Keyboard status. Console Input Handler (Software Interrupt 16H) JZ Next_Key1 MOV AH,0H ;Get actual character from buffer int 16H ;Get Character. Console Input Handler (Software Interrupt 16H) CMP AL,ESC JZ Key_Done ; MOV CL,AL ; CALL CO ;Send direct to Console CALL AL_HEXOUT ;Display the hex character recieved MOV BX,GOT_CHAR_MSG ;Recieved character = CALL PRINT_STRING JMP Next_Key Key_Done: mov al,11111111b ;Do not Allow V1 on 8259A again out MASTER_PIC_PORT+1,al cli ;Turn hardware int's back off JMP IBM_BIOS ;----------- Menu CMD to test Console out code using this BIOS MENU_CO_TEST: MOV BX,CO_TEST_MSG ;Keyboard test CALL PRINT_STRING Next_CO:MOV BX,IN_CHAR_MSG ;Input character = CALL PRINT_STRING CALL CI ;Return the char in AL CMP AL,ESC JZ CO_Done PUSH AX MOV CL,AL CALL CO MOV BX,OUT_CHAR_MSG ;"<---- Character recieved",CR,LF, Char displayed via Int 10H =" CALL PRINT_STRING POP AX MOV AH,0EH ;AH=0EH = TTY output, char in AL int 10H ;Console out Handler (Software Interrupt 10H) CALL CRLF JMP Next_CO CO_Done: cli ;Turn hardware int's back off JMP IBM_BIOS ;------------ Menu CMD to test combined key-in / video out using this BIOS MENU_BUFF_IO: MOV BX,BUFF_TEST_MSG ;Keyboard buffer test CALL PRINT_STRING mov al,11111101b ;Allow V1 on 8259A now out MASTER_PIC_PORT+1,al sti ;Enable hardware interrupts Next_CI: MOV AH,01H ;Check if anything there int 16H ;Get Keyboard status. Console Input Handler (Software Interrupt 16H) JZ Next_CI MOV AH,0H ;Get actual character from buffer to AL int 16H ;Get Character. Console Input Handler (Software Interrupt 16H) CMP AL,ESC JZ CO_Done MOV AH,0EH ;AH=0EH = TTY output, char in AL int 10H ;Console out Handler (Software Interrupt 10H) JMP Next_CI ;----------- Menu CMD to test Timer code using this BIOS MENU_TIMER_TEST: MOV BX,TIMER_TEST_MSG ;Timer test CALL PRINT_STRING mov al,11111110b ;Allow V0 on 8259A now out MASTER_PIC_PORT+1,al sti ;Enable hardware interrupts Next_Timer: MOV BX,TIMER_DATA_MSG ;Get Timer values CALL PRINT_STRING CALL CI ;Return the char in AL CMP AL,ESC JZ Timer_Done MOV BX,TIMER_LOW_MSG ;timlow = CALL PRINT_STRING PUSH DS XOR AX,AX ;Set DS to data area for ROM usage in low RAM @ 400H....) MOV DS,AX mov AX,[timlow] CALL AX_HEXOUT MOV BX,TIMER_HIGH_MSG ;timhi = CALL PRINT_STRING mov AX,[timhi] CALL AX_HEXOUT MOV BX,TIMER_OFLOW_MSG ;timofl = CALL PRINT_STRING mov AX,[timofl] CALL AX_HEXOUT MOV BX,H_Msg ;"H$" CALL PRINT_STRING POP DS JMP Next_Timer Timer_Done: mov al,11111111b ;Do not Allow V0 on 8259A again out MASTER_PIC_PORT+1,al cli ;Turn hardware int's back off JMP IBM_BIOS ;----------- Menu CMD to test Floppy Disk (5") sequential sector reads using this BIOS ; Will read sequentially up to 9 X 512 byte sectors from 5" DDDS 360K floppy (9 Sec/Track) ; into RAM using the ZFDC controller board. (IBM says never more than ; 9 sectors at a time for this type of disk, actully never changes the track #, but the ; ZFDC can handle this if it did anyway!) ; Will always read into RAM starting at 500H using the ZFDC controller board FSEQ_5RD_TEST: PUSH DS ;Save Monitor current DS XOR AX,AX ;Set DS to data area for ROM usage in low RAM @ 400H....) MOV DS,AX MOV BX,SEC_5RD_MSG ;Say Reading sectors CALL PRINT_STRING MOV AL,0H ;Flag to indicate ZFDC board is NOT Initilized MOV [ZFDC_INIT_FLAG],AL ;DS is already set for low RAM area CALL INIT_ZFDC ;Initilize the ZFDC board hardware CMP byte [ZFDC_INIT_FLAG],0FFH ;Is Board initilized correctly JZ ZFDC_5OK1 POP DS ;Balance up Monitor stack JMP IBM_BIOS ZFDC_5OK1: mov dl,01H ;Drive 1, side A mov ah,0H int 13h ;AH=0, reset floppy disk system JNC RESET_5OK1 MOV BX,RESET_FAIL_MSG CALL PRINT_STRING POP DS ;Balance up stack JMP IBM_BIOS RESET_5OK1: MOV BX,SIDE_REQUEST_MSG CALL PRINT_STRING call CICO ;Get a command from Console PUSH AX MOV BX,CRLFMSG ;"CR,LF" CALL PRINT_STRING POP AX CMP AL,'B' JZ B5_SIDE MOV BX,SIDE_A_SET_MSG CALL PRINT_STRING MOV DX,0001H ;Side A (DL bit 7 = 0 so Floppy disk) JMP OVER5_SIDE B5_SIDE:MOV BX,SIDE_B_SET_MSG CALL PRINT_STRING MOV DX,0101H ;Side B, Disk 1 (ZFDC #2) OVER5_SIDE: PUSH DX ;Save side info for below MOV BX,ENTERRAM_FTRKL ;"Track number,(xxH)" CALL PRINT_STRING CALL GET2DIGITS ;Get 8 bit value (2 digits) to AL. (BX, CX & DX Unchanged) MOV CH,AL PUSH CX ;Save for below MOV BX,H_MSG_CRLF ;"H CR,LF" CALL PRINT_STRING MOV BX,ENTERRAM_SECL ;"Starting sector number,(xxH) = " CALL PRINT_STRING CALL GET2DIGITS ;Get 8 bit value (2 digits) to AL. (BX, CX & DX Unchanged) POP CX MOV CL,AL PUSH CX ;Save Track & Sec for below MOV BX,H_MSG_CRLF ;"H CR,LF" CALL PRINT_STRING SEQ_5OK4: MOV BX,ENTER_COUNT ;Enter # of sectors CALL PRINT_STRING CALL GET2DIGITS ;Get 8 bit value (2 digits) to AL. (BX, CX & DX Unchanged) CMP AL,09 JBE S5OK3 S5OK5: MOV BX,OVER_COUNT_10 CALL PRINT_STRING JMP SEQ_5OK4 ;Try again S5OK3: OR AL,AL JZ S5OK5 PUSH AX ;Save sector count (already in AL) MOV BX,H_MSG_CRLF ;"H CR,LF" CALL PRINT_STRING SUB AX,AX MOV ES,AX MOV BX,500H ;Will always dump data to 0000:500H POP AX POP CX ;Track, Sec POP DX ;Side & Drive 0 mov ah,02h ;Read x sectors (IBM has a max of 15 sectors/call fot IBM-AT) ;on a 1.2M Floppy disk in their IBM PC-AT Bios. I assume 18 for 1.44 Disk) ;(This is where MS-DOS loads MSDOS.SYS from on disk) int 13H ;AH=2, CX=0001, read 6 byte sectors -- as in early MSDOS systems! JNC SEQ_5OK1 ;If NC then no errors MOV BX,SQRD5FAILMSG CALL PRINT_STRING POP DS ;Balance up Monitor stack JMP IBM_BIOS ;Will return back up to start of Monitor SEQ_5OK1: MOV BX,SQRD5OKMSG CALL PRINT_STRING MOV CX,16 ;Display the first 16 bytes at ES:BX in RAM SUB AX,AX MOV ES,AX MOV BX,500H ;Will always dump data to 0000:500H CALL SIMPLE_SECTOR_DUMP ;Dump first CX bytes of sector data at ES:BX on CRT POP DS ;Balance up stack JMP IBM_BIOS ;All done ;----------- Menu CMD to test Floppy Disk (3") sequential sector reads using this BIOS ; Will read sequentially 18 X 512 byte sectors from 3" DDDS 1.44M floppy (18 Sec/Track) ; into RAM using the ZFDC controller board. (IBM says never more than ; 18 sectors at a time for this type of disk) ; Will always read into RAM starting at 500H using the ZFDC controller board FSEQ_3RD_TEST: PUSH DS ;Save Monitor current DS XOR AX,AX ;Set DS to data area for ROM usage in low RAM @ 400H....) MOV DS,AX MOV BX,SEC_3RD_MSG ;Say Reading sectors CALL PRINT_STRING MOV AL,0H ;Flag to indicate ZFDC board is NOT Initilized MOV [ZFDC_INIT_FLAG],AL ;DS is already set for low RAM area CALL INIT_ZFDC ;Initilize the ZFDC board hardware CMP byte [ZFDC_INIT_FLAG],0FFH ;Is Board initilized correctly JZ ZFDC_3OK1 POP DS ;Balance up stack JMP IBM_BIOS ZFDC_3OK1: mov dl,0H ;Drive 0, side A mov ah,0H int 13H ;AH=0, reset floppy disk system JNC RESET_3OK1 MOV BX,RESET_FAIL_MSG CALL PRINT_STRING POP DS ;Balance up stack JMP IBM_BIOS RESET_3OK1: MOV BX,SIDE_REQUEST_MSG CALL PRINT_STRING call CICO ;Get a command from Console PUSH AX MOV BX,CRLFMSG ;"CR,LF" CALL PRINT_STRING POP AX CMP AL,'B' JZ B3_SIDE MOV BX,SIDE_A_SET_MSG CALL PRINT_STRING MOV DX,0000H ;Side A (DL bit 7 = 0 so Floppy disk) JMP OVER3_SIDE B3_SIDE:MOV BX,SIDE_B_SET_MSG CALL PRINT_STRING MOV DX,0100H ;Side B, Disk 0 OVER3_SIDE: PUSH DX ;Save side for below MOV BX,ENTERRAM_FTRKL ;"Track number,(xxH)" CALL PRINT_STRING CALL GET2DIGITS ;Get 8 bit value (2 digits) to AL. (BX, CX & DX Unchanged) MOV CH,AL PUSH CX ;Save for below MOV BX,H_MSG_CRLF ;"H CR,LF" CALL PRINT_STRING MOV BX,ENTERRAM_SECL ;"Starting sector number,(xxH) = " CALL PRINT_STRING CALL GET2DIGITS ;Get 8 bit value (2 digits) to AL. (BX, CX & DX Unchanged) POP CX MOV CL,AL PUSH CX ;Save Track & Sec for below MOV BX,H_MSG_CRLF ;"H CR,LF" CALL PRINT_STRING SEQ_3OK4: MOV BX,ENTER_COUNT ;Enter # of sectors CALL PRINT_STRING CALL GET2DIGITS ;Get 8 bit value (2 digits) to AL. (BX, CX & DX Unchanged) CMP AL,18 JBE S3OK3 S3OK5: MOV BX,OVER_COUNT_19 CALL PRINT_STRING JMP SEQ_3OK4 ;Try again S3OK3: OR AL,AL JZ S3OK5 PUSH AX ;Save sector count (already in AL) MOV BX,H_MSG_CRLF ;"H CR,LF" CALL PRINT_STRING SUB AX,AX MOV ES,AX MOV BX,500H ;Will always dump data to 0000:500H POP AX POP CX ;Track, Sec POP DX ;Side & Drive 0 mov ah,02h ;Read x sectors (IBM has a max of 15 sectors/call fot IBM-AT) ;on a 1.2M Floppy disk in their IBM PC-AT Bios. I assume 18 for 1.44 Disk) ;(This is where MS-DOS loads MSDOS.SYS from on disk) int 13H ;AH=2, CX=0001, read 6 byte sectors -- as in early MSDOS systems! JNC SEQ_3OK1 ;If NC then no errors MOV BX,SQRD5FAILMSG CALL PRINT_STRING POP DS ;Balance up stack JMP IBM_BIOS ;Will return back up to start of Monitor SEQ_3OK1: MOV BX,SQRD3OKMSG ;Read sectors from 3" 1.44M Floppy disk OK CALL PRINT_STRING MOV CX,16 ;Display the first 16 bytes at ES:BX in RAM SUB AX,AX MOV ES,AX MOV BX,500H ;Will always dump data to 0000:500H CALL SIMPLE_SECTOR_DUMP ;Dump first CX bytes of sector data at ES:BX on CRT POP DS ;Balance up stack JMP IBM_BIOS ;All done ;----------- Menu CMD to test HDISK sequential sector READ's using this BIOS ; Will read 512 byte sectors from 2nd IDE CF-Card ; into RAM starting at 500H using the IDE controller board HSEQ_RD_TEST: PUSH DS ;Save Monitor current DS XOR AX,AX ;Set DS to data area for ROM usage in low RAM @ 400H....) MOV DS,AX MOV BX,SEC_HDRD_MSG ;Say Reading sectors CALL PRINT_STRING MOV BX,ONE_MOMENT_MSG ;One moment while IDE disk is being initilized CALL PRINT_STRING CALL SET_DRIVE_B ;Select the second Drive/CF card CALL IDEinit ;Initialize drive 1. If there is no drive abort JZ HSEQ_RD1 MOV BX,INIT_2_ERROR ;Warn second IDE drive did not initilize CALL PRINT_STRING POP DS ;From above at start JMP IBM_BIOS ;Will return back up to start of Monitor HSEQ_RD1: mov dl,80H ;Hard Disk mov ah,0H int 13h ;AH=0, reset floppy disk system JNC HRESET_OK1 MOV BX,HRESET_FAIL_MSG ;"Reset of HDisk Failed" CALL PRINT_STRING POP DS ;From above at start JMP IBM_BIOS ;Will return back up to start of Monitor HRESET_OK1: XOR AX,AX ;Set DS to data area for ROM usage in low RAM @ 400H....) MOV DS,AX MOV BX,HRESET_OK_MSG ;"Reset of HDisk OK" CALL PRINT_STRING AGAIN: MOV BX,ENTERRAM_HEAD ;"Starting HEAD number,(xxH) = " CALL PRINT_STRING CALL GET2DIGITS ;Get 8 bit value (2 digits) to AL. (BX, CX & DX Unchanged) AND AL,0FH MOV [CURRENT_HEAD],AL MOV BX,H_MSG_CRLF ;"H CR,LF" CALL PRINT_STRING MOV BX,ENTERRAM_FTRKL ;"Track number,(xxH)" CALL PRINT_STRING CALL GET2DIGITS ;Get 8 bit value (2 digits) to AL. (BX, CX & DX Unchanged) MOV [CURRENT_TRACK],AL MOV BX,H_MSG_CRLF ;"H CR,LF" CALL PRINT_STRING MOV BX,ENTERRAM_SECL ;"Starting sector number,(xxH) = " CALL PRINT_STRING CALL GET2DIGITS ;Get 8 bit value (2 digits) to AL. (BX, CX & DX Unchanged) AND AL,00111111B MOV [CURRENT_SECTOR],AL MOV BX,H_MSG_CRLF ;"H CR,LF" CALL PRINT_STRING MOV BX,ENTER_COUNT ;Enter # of sectors CALL PRINT_STRING CALL GET2DIGITS ;Get 8 bit value (2 digits) to AL. (BX, CX & DX Unchanged) MOV [SECTORS_TO_DO],AL MOV BX,H_MSG_CRLF ;"H CR,LF" CALL PRINT_STRING MOV BX,LOOP_ESC_MSG ;"Will continously loop until ESC to abort " CALL PRINT_STRING CALL CI ;Wait for CR to start CMP AL,CR JZ XSEQ_5OK4 POP DS ;From above at start JMP IBM_BIOS ;Will return back up to start of Monitor XSEQ_5OK4: SUB AX,AX MOV ES,AX MOV DS,AX MOV BX,500H ;Will always dump data to 0000:500H MOV AH,02 ;Read sector(s) MOV AL,[SECTORS_TO_DO] MOV CH,[CURRENT_TRACK] MOV CL,[CURRENT_SECTOR] MOV DH,[CURRENT_HEAD] MOV DL,80H INT 13H ;Disk I/O Int JNC READ_OK JMP RD_ERROR READ_OK: MOV BX,SEC_READ_OK ;Sector(s) read OK CALL PRINT_STRING MOV CX,16 ;Display the first 16 bytes at ES:BX in RAM SUB AX,AX MOV ES,AX MOV DS,AX ;Just to be safe below also MOV BX,500H ;Will always dump data to 0000:500H CALL SIMPLE_SECTOR_DUMP ;Dump first CX bytes of sector data at ES:BX on CRT CALL CSTS ;Any keyboard character will stop display JZ HSEC_R7 CALL CI MOV BX,CONTINUE_MSG CALL PRINT_STRING CALL CI CMP AL,ESC JZ IBM_BIOS1 HSEC_R7: CALL CRLF MOV CL,[CURRENT_SECTOR] INC CL CMP CL,DOS_MAXSEC ;1-63 Sectors for custom Drive JLE R_SAME_HEAD MOV DH,[CURRENT_HEAD] INC DH CMP DH,DOS_MAXHEADS-1 ;(0...15), 16 heads Total for custom Drive JLE R_SAME_TRACK MOV byte [CURRENT_SECTOR],1 ;Back to sector 1 MOV byte [CURRENT_HEAD],0 ;back to head 0 MOV CH,[CURRENT_TRACK] ;Next track INC CH MOV [CURRENT_TRACK],CH JMP XSEQ_5OK4 ;Do next sector block R_SAME_TRACK: MOV byte [CURRENT_SECTOR],1 ;Back to sector 1 MOV [CURRENT_HEAD],DH ;Next head JMP XSEQ_5OK4 ;Do next sector block R_SAME_HEAD: MOV [CURRENT_SECTOR],CL JMP XSEQ_5OK4 ;Do next sector block IBM_BIOS1: POP DS JMP IBM_BIOS RD_ERROR: MOV BX,RD_ERR_MSG ;"Read Error Sector Head =" CALL PRINT_STRING MOV AL,[CURRENT_HEAD] CALL AL_HEXOUT MOV BX,TRACK_MSG ;"H Track =" CALL PRINT_STRING MOV AL,[CURRENT_TRACK] CALL AL_HEXOUT MOV BX,SEC_MSG ;"H Sector =" CALL PRINT_STRING MOV AL,[CURRENT_SECTOR] CALL AL_HEXOUT MOV BX,H_MSG_CRLF ;"H CR,LF" CALL PRINT_STRING POP DS ;Balance up stack JMP IBM_BIOS ;----------- IBM Menu CMD to check Sector R/W functions on IDE Board using INT 13H. HSEC_RW_TEST: PUSH DS MOV BX,HRW_TEST_MSG ;Test Sector INT 13H Reade Write on Drive #2 CALL PRINT_STRING CALL CICO CMP AL,'Y' JZ HSEC_RW0 POP DS ;Balance up stack JMP IBM_BIOS HSEC_RW0: MOV BX,ONE_MOMENT_MSG ;One moment while IDE disk is being initilized CALL PRINT_STRING CALL SET_DRIVE_B ;Select the second Drive/CF card CALL IDEinit ;Initialize drive 1. If there is no drive abort JZ HSEC_RW1 MOV BX,INIT_2_ERROR ;Warn second IDE drive did not initilize CALL PRINT_STRING POP DS ;Balance up stack JMP IBM_BIOS HSEC_RW1: mov dl,80H ;Reset Hard Disk mov ah,0H int 13h ;AH=0, reset floppy disk system JNC HSEC_RW2 MOV BX,HRESET_FAIL_MSG ;"Reset of HDisk Failed" CALL PRINT_STRING POP DS ;From above at start JMP IBM_BIOS ;Will return back up to start of Monitor HSEC_RW2: XOR AX,AX ;Set DS to data area for ROM usage in low RAM @ 400H....) MOV DS,AX MOV BX,HRESET_OK_MSG ;"Reset of HDisk OK" CALL PRINT_STRING HSEC_RW3: MOV BX,ENTERRAM_HEAD ;"Starting HEAD number,(xxH) = " CALL PRINT_STRING CALL GET2DIGITS ;Get 8 bit value (2 digits) to AL. (BX, CX & DX Unchanged) AND AL,0FH MOV [CURRENT_HEAD],AL MOV BX,H_MSG_CRLF ;"H CR,LF" CALL PRINT_STRING MOV BX,ENTERRAM_FTRKL ;"Track number,(xxH)" CALL PRINT_STRING CALL GET2DIGITS ;Get 8 bit value (2 digits) to AL. (BX, CX & DX Unchanged) MOV [CURRENT_TRACK],AL MOV BX,H_MSG_CRLF ;"H CR,LF" CALL PRINT_STRING MOV BX,ENTERRAM_SECL ;"Starting sector number,(xxH) = " CALL PRINT_STRING CALL GET2DIGITS ;Get 8 bit value (2 digits) to AL. (BX, CX & DX Unchanged) AND AL,00111111B MOV [CURRENT_SECTOR],AL MOV BX,H_MSG_CRLF ;"H CR,LF" CALL PRINT_STRING MOV BX,ENTER_COUNT ;Enter # of sectors CALL PRINT_STRING CALL GET2DIGITS ;Get 8 bit value (2 digits) to AL. (BX, CX & DX Unchanged) MOV [SECTORS_TO_DO],AL MOV BX,H_MSG_CRLF ;"H CR,LF" CALL PRINT_STRING MOV BX,LOOP_ESC_MSG ;"Will continously loop until ESC to abort " CALL PRINT_STRING CALL CI ;Wait for CR to start CMP AL,CR JZ HSEC_RW4 POP DS ;From above at start JMP IBM_BIOS ;Will return back up to start of Monitor HSEC_RW4: SUB AX,AX MOV ES,AX MOV DS,AX ;just in case MOV BX,500H ;Will always dump data to 0000:500H MOV AH,02 ;Read sector(s) MOV AL,[SECTORS_TO_DO] MOV CH,[CURRENT_TRACK] MOV CL,[CURRENT_SECTOR] MOV DH,[CURRENT_HEAD] MOV DL,80H INT 13H ;Disk I/O Int JNC HSEC_RW5 JMP RD_ERROR HSEC_RW5: MOV CX,16 ;Display the first 16 bytes at ES:BX in RAM SUB AX,AX MOV ES,AX MOV DS,AX ;Just in case MOV BX,500H ;Will always dump data to 0000:500H CALL SIMPLE_SECTOR_DUMP ;Dump first CX bytes of sector data at ES:BX on CRT SUB AX,AX ;Now WRITE the secti=or back MOV ES,AX MOV DS,AX ;just in case MOV BX,500H ;Will always dump data to 0000:500H MOV AH,03 ;Write sector(s) MOV AL,[SECTORS_TO_DO] MOV CH,[CURRENT_TRACK] MOV CL,[CURRENT_SECTOR] MOV DH,[CURRENT_HEAD] MOV DL,80H INT 13H ;Write sector(s) JNC HSEC_RW6 JMP WR_ERROR HSEC_RW6: MOV BX,SEC_BACK_OK ;Sector(s) written BACK OK CALL PRINT_STRING CALL CSTS ;Any keyboard character will stop display JZ HSEC_RW7 CALL CI MOV BX,CONTINUE_MSG CALL PRINT_STRING CALL CI CMP AL,ESC JZ IBM_BIOS2 HSEC_RW7: CALL CRLF MOV CL,[CURRENT_SECTOR] INC CL CMP CL,DOS_MAXSEC ;1-63 Sectors for custom Drive JLE WR_SAME_HEAD MOV DH,[CURRENT_HEAD] INC DH CMP DH,DOS_MAXHEADS-1 ;(0...15), 16 heads Total for custom Drive JLE WR_SAME_TRACK MOV byte [CURRENT_SECTOR],1 ;Back to sector 1 MOV byte [CURRENT_HEAD],0 ;back to head 0 MOV CH,[CURRENT_TRACK] ;Next track INC CH MOV [CURRENT_TRACK],CH JMP HSEC_RW4 ;Do next sector block WR_SAME_TRACK: MOV byte [CURRENT_SECTOR],1 ;Back to sector 1 MOV [CURRENT_HEAD],DH ;Next head JMP HSEC_RW4 ;Do next sector block WR_SAME_HEAD: MOV [CURRENT_SECTOR],CL JMP HSEC_RW4 ;Do next sector block IBM_BIOS2: POP DS JMP IBM_BIOS WR_ERROR: MOV BX,WR_ERR_MSG ;"Write Error Sector Head =" CALL PRINT_STRING MOV AL,[CURRENT_HEAD] CALL AL_HEXOUT MOV BX,TRACK_MSG ;"H Track =" CALL PRINT_STRING MOV AL,[CURRENT_TRACK] CALL AL_HEXOUT MOV BX,SEC_MSG ;"H Sector =" CALL PRINT_STRING MOV AL,[CURRENT_SECTOR] CALL AL_HEXOUT MOV BX,H_MSG_CRLF ;"H CR,LF" CALL PRINT_STRING POP DS ;Balance up stack JMP IBM_BIOS ;----------- IBM Menu CMD to check HEX display / LBA selection on IDE Board. ; Should show High Cylinder, Low Cylinder and Sector # in Hex Display on IDE Board LBA_DISPLAY_TEST: MOV BX,LBA_TEST_MSG ;Test LBA on Drive #2 CALL PRINT_STRING CALL SET_DRIVE_B ;Select the second Drive/CF card CALL IDEinit ;Initialize drive 1. If there is no drive abort JZ LBA_002 MOV BX,INIT_2_ERROR ;Warn second IDE drive did not initilize CALL PRINT_STRING POP DS JMP IBM_BIOS LBA_002: CALL CRLF MOV DH,11100000B ;<<<< Set to LBA mode, head 0 MOV DL,REGshd ;Send "Head #" (in DH) CALL IDEwr8D ;Write to 8255 A Register MOV BX,TRKH_NUM ;Enter High byte track number CALL PRINT_STRING CALL GET2DIGITS ;Get 8 bit value (2 digits) to AL. (BX, CX & DX Unchanged) MOV DH,AL MOV DL,REGcylinderMSB CALL IDEwr8D ;Send High TRK# (in DH) CALL IDEwr8D_X ;Special write to 8255 B Register (Not A) to update LED HEX Display ;High 8 bits ignored by IDE drive MOV BX,TRKL_NUM ;"Low Track number,(xxH)" CALL PRINT_STRING CALL GET2DIGITS ;Get 8 bit value (2 digits) to AL. (BX, CX & DX Unchanged) MOV DH,AL ;Get low Track # MOV DL,REGcylinderLSB ;Send Low TRK# (in DH) CALL IDEwr8D ;Special write to 8255 A MOV BX,SECTOR_NUM ;"Sector number,(xxH) = " CALL PRINT_STRING CALL GET2DIGITS ;Get 8 bit value (2 digits) to AL. (BX, CX & DX Unchanged) MOV DH,AL ;Sector 1, Bits 0-5 only (currently 1-17) MOV DL,REGsector ;Send "Sector#" CALL IDEwr8D ;Write to 8255 A Register MOV AL,READcfg8255 ;Set 8255 back to read mode OUT IDECtrlPort,AL MOV BX,CHECK_DISPLAY_MSG ;Check display CALL PRINT_STRING RET ;We arive here from IDE Menu, return ;----------- IBM Menu CMD to check HEX display CHS selection on IDE Board. ; Should show Cylinder, Head and Sector # in Hex Display on IDE Board CHS_DISPLAY_TEST: MOV BX,CHS_TEST_MSG ;Test CHS on Drive #2 CALL PRINT_STRING CALL SET_DRIVE_B ;Select the second Drive/CF card CALL IDEinit ;Initialize drive 1. If there is no drive abort JZ CHS_002 MOV BX,INIT_2_ERROR ;Warn second IDE drive did not initilize CALL PRINT_STRING POP DS JMP IBM_BIOS CHS_002: CALL CRLF OR DH,10100000B ;Set to >>>>> NON-LBA mode <<<<< MOV DL,REGshd ;Send "Head #" (in DH) CALL IDEwr8D ;Write to 8255 A Register MOV BX,TRKH_NUM ;"Cylinder number High,(xxH) CALL PRINT_STRING CALL GET2DIGITS ;Get 8 bit value (2 digits) to AL. (BX, CX & DX Unchanged) AND AL,00000011B ;Only 2 bits accepted MOV DH,AL PUSH AX ;Save for below MOV DL,REGcylinderMSB CALL IDEwr8D ;Send High TRK# (in DH) to IDE Drive MOV BX,HEAD_NUM ;Enter Head number (0-FH) CALL PRINT_STRING CALL GET2DIGITS ;Get 8 bit value (2 digits) to AL. (BX, CX & DX Unchanged) MOV DH,AL AND DH,0FH ;top two LED HEX displays. SHL DH,1 ;These 8 (high) data lines are ignored by the IDE drive SHL DH,1 SHL DH,1 SHL DH,1 POP AX ;Get the tow bits of the high cylinder OR DH,AL MOV DL,REGcylinderMSB ;of the high cylinder in the low nibble. CALL IDEwr8D_X ;Special output to 8255 B Register (Not A) to update LED HEX Display ONLY MOV BX,TRKL_NUM ;"Low Cylinder number,(xxH)" CALL PRINT_STRING CALL GET2DIGITS ;Get 8 bit value (2 digits) to AL. (BX, CX & DX Unchanged) MOV DH,AL ;Get low Track # MOV DL,REGcylinderLSB ;Send Low TRK# (in DH) CALL IDEwr8D ;Special write to 8255 A MOV BX,SECTOR_NUM ;"Sector number,(xxH) = " CALL PRINT_STRING CALL GET2DIGITS ;Get 8 bit value (2 digits) to AL. (BX, CX & DX Unchanged) MOV DH,AL ;Sector 1, Bits 0-5 only (currently 1-17) MOV DL,REGsector ;Send "Sector#" CALL IDEwr8D ;Write to 8255 A Register MOV AL,READcfg8255 ;Set 8255 back to read mode OUT IDECtrlPort,AL MOV BX,CHECK_DISPLAY_MSG ;Check display CALL PRINT_STRING JMP IBM_BIOS ;Will return back up to start IBM Menu ;-------------- Menu command to dump a floppy BOOT sector on the CRT ; Note must have a functional INT 13H routine for this section to work DUMP_B_SEC: PUSH DS ;Save Monitor current DS XOR AX,AX ;Set DS to data area for ROM usage in low RAM (400H)) MOV DS,AX MOV BX,BOOT_3RD_MSG ;Say Reading Boot sector CALL PRINT_STRING MOV AL,0H ;Flag to indicate ZFDC board is NOT Initilized MOV [ZFDC_INIT_FLAG],AL ;DS is already set for low RAM area CALL INIT_ZFDC ;Initilize the ZFDC board hardware CMP byte [ZFDC_INIT_FLAG],0FFH ;Is Board initilized correctly JZ BS_ZFDC_3OK1 pop ds ;Balance up Monitor stack JMP IBM_BIOS BS_ZFDC_3OK1: MOV BX,DRIVE_SELECT_MSG ;Floppy disk A: or B: CALL PRINT_STRING call CICO ;Get a command from Console PUSH AX MOV BX,CRLFMSG ;"CR,LF" CALL PRINT_STRING POP AX CMP AL,'B' JZ B_DRIVE_SEL MOV DX,0000H ;Side A, Disk 0 JMP OVER_DRIVE_SEL B_DRIVE_SEL: MOV DX,00001H ;Side A, Disk 1 OVER_DRIVE_SEL: PUSH DX ;Save side for below mov ah,0H int 13h ;AH=0, reset floppy disk system JNC BS_RESET_3OK1 MOV BX,RESET_FAIL_MSG CALL PRINT_STRING pop dx pop ds ;Balance up stack JMP IBM_BIOS BS_RESET_3OK1: SUB AX,AX MOV ES,AX MOV BX,500H ;Will always dump data to 0000:500H POP DX ;Side & Drive 0 MOV CX,0001 ;1st sector on track 0 MOV AL,1 ;1 sector mov ah,02h ;Read 1 sector int 13H JNC BS_SEQ_3OK1 ;If NC then no errors MOV BX,BOOT_INFO_FAIL_MSG pop ds ;Balance up Monitor stack JMP IBM_BIOS ;Will return back up to start of Monitor BS_SEQ_3OK1: MOV BX,BOOT_INFOOKMSG CALL PRINT_STRING SUB AX,AX MOV DS,AX MOV SI,500H ;Will always dump data to 0000:500H LODSB ;WRITE 1 BYTE BYTE, DS:[SI++] -> AL CALL AL_HEXOUT LODSB CALL AL_HEXOUT LODSB CALL AL_HEXOUT MOV BX,JMP_MSG ;" BOOT JUMP VECTOR" CALL PRINT_STRING MOV DL,8 BS_1: LODSB ;Get a byte from RAM, DS:[SI++] -> AL MOV CL,AL CALL CO DEC DL JNZ BS_1 MOV BX,NAME_MSG ;" OEM NAME" CALL PRINT_STRING LODSW CALL AX_HEXOUT MOV BX,BYTES_MSG ;" Bytes/Sec" CALL PRINT_STRING LODSB CALL AL_HEXOUT MOV BX,CLUSTER_MSG ;" Sec/Cluster" CALL PRINT_STRING LODSW CALL AX_HEXOUT MOV BX,RES_MSG ;" Reserved Sectors" CALL PRINT_STRING LODSB CALL AL_HEXOUT MOV BX,FATS_MSG ;" FATS" CALL PRINT_STRING LODSW CALL AX_HEXOUT MOV BX,ROOT_MSG ;" Root Dir Entries" CALL PRINT_STRING LODSW CALL AX_HEXOUT MOV BX,SECTORS_MSG ;" Sectors" CALL PRINT_STRING LODSB CALL AL_HEXOUT MOV BX,MEDIA_MSG ;" Media Byte" CALL PRINT_STRING LODSW CALL AX_HEXOUT MOV BX,FAT_SEC_MSG ;" FAT Sectors" CALL PRINT_STRING LODSW CALL AX_HEXOUT MOV BX,SEC_TRK_MSG ;" Sectors/Track" CALL PRINT_STRING LODSW CALL AX_HEXOUT MOV BX,HEADS_MSG ;" Heads" CALL PRINT_STRING LODSW CALL AX_HEXOUT LODSW CALL AX_HEXOUT MOV BX,HIDDEN_MSG ;" Hidden Sectors" CALL PRINT_STRING LODSW CALL AX_HEXOUT LODSW CALL AX_HEXOUT MOV BX,HUGE_MSG ;" Huge Sectors" CALL PRINT_STRING LODSB CALL AL_HEXOUT MOV BX,DRIVE_NO_MSG ;" Drive #" CALL PRINT_STRING LODSB CALL AL_HEXOUT MOV BX,RESERVED_MSG ;" Reserved" CALL PRINT_STRING LODSB CALL AL_HEXOUT MOV BX,BOOT_SIG_MSG ;" Boot Signature" CALL PRINT_STRING LODSW CALL AX_HEXOUT LODSW CALL AX_HEXOUT MOV BX,VOL_ID_MSG ;" Volunme ID" CALL PRINT_STRING MOV DL,11 BS_2: LODSB ;Get a byte from RAM, DS:[SI++] -> AL MOV CL,AL CALL CO DEC DL JNZ BS_2 MOV BX,VOLUME_MSG ;" Volume Label" CALL PRINT_STRING MOV DL,8 BS_3: LODSB ;Get a byte from RAM, DS:[SI++] -> AL CALL AL_HEXOUT DEC DL JNZ BS_3 MOV BX,SYS_TYPE_MSG ;" File Sys Type" CALL PRINT_STRING pop ds ;Balance up Monitor DS from stack JMP IBM_BIOS ;All done ; ;-------------- Menu command to dump the Hard Disk MBR (Master Boot Record) Info on the CRT ; Note must have a functional INT 13H routine for this section to work DUMP_MBR: PUSH DS ;Save Monitor current DS XOR AX,AX ;Set DS to data area for ROM usage in low RAM (400H)) MOV DS,AX MOV BX,BOOT_MBR_MSG ;Say Reading MBR sector CALL PRINT_STRING CALL SET_DRIVE_B ;Select the second Drive/CF card CALL IDEinit ;Initialize drive 1. If there is no drive abort JZ MBR_002 MOV BX,INIT_2_ERROR ;Warn second IDE drive did not initilize CALL PRINT_STRING POP DS JMP IBM_BIOS MBR_002: SUB AX,AX MOV ES,AX MOV BX,500H ;Will always dump data to 0000:500H MOV DX,0080H ;Head 0, HDidk 0 MOV CX,0001 ;1st sector on track 0 MOV AL,1 ;read 1 sector mov ah,02h ;Read 1 sector int 13H JNC MBR_003 ;If NC then no errors MOV BX,BOOT_MBR_FAIL_MSG pop ds ;Balance up Monitor stack JMP IBM_BIOS ;Will return back up to start of Monitor MBR_003: MOV BX,MBR_INFOOKMSG CALL PRINT_STRING SUB AX,AX MOV DS,AX MOV SI,500H + 1B8H ;Will always dump data to 0000:500H LODSB ;WRITE 1 BYTE BYTE, DS:[SI++] -> AL CALL AL_HEXOUT LODSB CALL AL_HEXOUT LODSB CALL AL_HEXOUT LODSB CALL AL_HEXOUT MOV BX,DISK_SIG_MSG ;" Disk Signature (Optional)" CALL PRINT_STRING LODSB CALL AL_HEXOUT LODSB CALL AL_HEXOUT MOV BX,NULS_MSG ;" Usually Nulls (Optional)" CALL PRINT_STRING LODSB ;0 CALL AL_HEXOUT MOV BX,STATUS_MSG ;" Status Byte" CALL PRINT_STRING MOV BX,PT1_MSG ;"First Partition Table " CALL PRINT_STRING CALL DUMP_PTBL LODSB ;0 CALL AL_HEXOUT MOV BX,STATUS_MSG ;" Status Byte" CALL PRINT_STRING MOV BX,PT2_MSG ;"Second Partition Table " CALL PRINT_STRING CALL DUMP_PTBL LODSB ;0 CALL AL_HEXOUT MOV BX,STATUS_MSG ;" Status Byte" CALL PRINT_STRING MOV BX,PT3_MSG ;"Third Partition Table " CALL PRINT_STRING CALL DUMP_PTBL LODSB ;0 CALL AL_HEXOUT MOV BX,STATUS_MSG ;" Status Byte" CALL PRINT_STRING MOV BX,PT4_MSG ;"Forth Partition Table " CALL PRINT_STRING CALL DUMP_PTBL LODSW CALL AX_HEXOUT MOV BX,SIGNATURE_MSG ;" LBR Signature Word " CALL PRINT_STRING pop ds ;Balance up Monitor DS from stack JMP IBM_BIOS ;All done DUMP_PTBL: LODSB ;1-3 CALL AL_HEXOUT LODSB CALL AL_HEXOUT LODSB CALL AL_HEXOUT MOV BX,STLBA_MSG ;" Start CHS Address" CALL PRINT_STRING LODSB ;4 CALL AL_HEXOUT MOV BX,PAR_TYPE_MSG ;" Partition Type" CALL PRINT_STRING LODSB ;5-7 CALL AL_HEXOUT LODSB CALL AL_HEXOUT LODSB CALL AL_HEXOUT MOV BX,ECHS_MSG ;" End CHS Address" CALL PRINT_STRING LODSW ;8-B CALL AX_HEXOUT LODSW CALL AX_HEXOUT MOV BX,SLB_MSG ;" Start LBA Address" CALL PRINT_STRING LODSW ;C-F CALL AX_HEXOUT LODSW CALL AX_HEXOUT MOV BX,ELBA_MSG ;" End LBA Address" CALL PRINT_STRING RET ;*********************************************************************************** ; ; Bootstrap Handler (IBM-PC Software Interrupt 19H) ; ; SYSTEM - BOOTSTRAP LOADER ; ; For a floppy the BIOS will try to read sector 1, head 0, track 0 from drive A: ; to 0000h:7C00h. If this fails we will just abort. ; For the IDE/CF Cards the BIOS will try to read sector 1, head 0, track 0 from ; drive #2 of the IDE Board to 0000h:7C00h. If this fails we will just abort. ; ; For a hard disk, the BIOS will read sector 1, head 0, track 0 of the 2nd CF-Card ; on the Dual IDE board. This sector should contain a master bootstrap loader and ; a partition table (see http://www.ctyme.com/intr/rb-2270.htm#Table650). ; ; After loading the master boot sector at 0000h:7C00h, ; the master bootstrap loader is given control with:- ; ; CS:IP = 0000h:7C00h. ; DH = access bits 7-6,4-0: Don't care ; bit 5:=0 device supported by INT 13. ; DL = boot drive ; 00h first floppy ; 80h first hard disk ; ; True IBM PCs and most clones issue an INT 18 (cassette) if neither floppy nor hard ; disk have a valid boot sector. We will just abort. ; ; To accomplish a warm boot equivalent to Ctrl-Alt-Del, store 1234h in ; 0040h:0072h and jump to FFFF:0000h. For a cold boot equivalent to ; a reset, store 0000h at 0040h:0072h before jumping.. ; ; BUG: If when loading the remainder of the DOS system files fails, various versions ; of IBMBIO.COM/IO.SYS incorrectly restore INT 1E before calling INT 19, assuming ; that the boot sector had stored the contents of INT 1E at DS:SI instead of on ; the stack as it actually does. ;***************************************************************************************** BOOT_DOS_INT: STI ;Bootstrap Handler (Interrupt 19H) CMP DL,80H ;Floppy or HD? (80H = First HD) JNZ BOOT_FLOPPY JMP BOOT_HDISK ;Z then BOOT FLOPPY. Note if called, ZFDC Board MUST be active (IDE may be offline) BOOT_FLOPPY: PUSH DS ;Save current DS on stack XOR AX,AX ;Set DS to data area for ROM usage in low RAM @ 400H....) MOV DS,AX MOV AL,0H ;Flag to indicate ZFDC board is NOT Initilized MOV [ZFDC_INIT_FLAG],AL CALL INIT_ZFDC ;Initilize the ZFDC board hardware (360K & 1.44M disks) CMP byte [ZFDC_INIT_FLAG],0FFH ;Is Board initilized correctly POP DS ;Balance up stack JZ ZFDC_OK JMP IBM_BIOS ;Return will drop back to IBM_BIOS location ZFDC_OK: CALL SET_DRIVE_B ;Select the second Drive/CF card CALL IDEinit ;Initialize drive 1. If there is no drive abort JZ FH_RESET_OK MOV BX,INIT_2_ERROR ;Warn second IDE drive did not initilize CALL PRINT_STRING ;Continue anyway with ZFDC/Floppy FH_RESET_OK: sub ax,ax mov ds,ax ;DS -> 0 mov dx,0080H ;DL = 80L will always boot from IDE #2 disk for now. mov ah,0 int 13h ;AH=0, reset floppy disk system JNC F_RESET_OK MOV BX,RESET_FAIL_MSG CALL PRINT_STRING JMP IBM_BIOS ;Will return back up to IBM_BIOS location F_RESET_OK: XOR AX,AX mov DS,AX mov ES,AX ;DS = ES = 0000H mov ax,201h ;read one sector mov bx,DOS_BOOT_LOC ;set ES:BX to data destination 7C00H (BB,00,7c) mov cx,0001H ;Track 0, sec 01 mov dx,0000H ;side A, (DL bit 7 = 0) drive 0, int 13H ;AH=2, CX=1, read 1 (the boot), sector JNC F_BOOT_OK ;If NC, then no errors MOV BX,BOOT_FAIL_MSG CALL PRINT_STRING JMP IBM_BIOS ;Will return back up to IBM_BIOS location F_BOOT_OK: XOR AX,AX MOV DS,AX CMP word [DOS_BOOT_SIGNATURE],0AA55H ;Check we have a valid MBL signature JZ F_BOOT_OK1 MOV BX,NO_MBL_MSG ;No Floppy Boot Loader Signature detected CALL PRINT_STRING JMP IBM_BIOS ;Will return back up to IBM_BIOS location F_BOOT_OK1: MOV BX,BOOT_OK_MSG CALL PRINT_STRING ; Call CI ;Wait for CRT input for boot debugging (info at 7C00H) MOV DX,0 ;Required see above JMP word 0000H:DOS_BOOT_LOC ;Far Jump, execute the boot code @0:7C00H ;<<< BOOT HDISK . IDE Board MUST be active (ZFDC board may be offline) BOOT_HDISK: ;Boot MSDOS (or FreeDOS) from IDE/CF Card CALL SET_DRIVE_B ;Select the second Drive/CF card CALL IDEinit ;Initialize drive 1. If there is no drive abort JZ BOOT_RESET_OK MOV BX,INIT_2_ERROR ;Warn second IDE drive did not initilize CALL PRINT_STRING JMP IBM_BIOS ;Will return back up to start of Monitor BOOT_RESET_OK: PUSH DS XOR AX,AX ;Set DS to data area for ROM usage in low RAM @ 400H....) MOV DS,AX MOV AL,0H ;Flag to indicate ZFDC board is NOT Initilized MOV [ZFDC_INIT_FLAG],AL CALL INIT_ZFDC ;Initilize the ZFDC board hardware (360K & 1.44M disks) POP DS ;Balance up stack BOOT_ZFDC_OK: sub ax,ax mov ds,ax ;DS -> 0 mov dx,0080H ;DL = 80H will always boot from HDisk #2 mov ah,0 int 13H ;AH=0, reset Hard Disk system JNC HBOOT_RESET_OK MOV BX,RESET_FAIL_MSG CALL PRINT_STRING JMP IBM_BIOS ;Will return back up to IBM_BIOS location HBOOT_RESET_OK: XOR AX,AX mov DS,AX mov ES,AX ;DS = ES = 0000H mov ax,201h ;read one sector mov bx,DOS_BOOT_LOC ;set ES:BX to data destination 7C00H (BB,00,7c) mov cx,0001H ;Track 0, sec 01 for MBL >>> Boot on Sector 12H <<< mov dx,0080H ;head 0, HDisk 0, (DL bit 7 = 1) int 13H ;AH=2, CX=1, read 1 (the boot), sector JNC HDOS_BOOT_OK ;If NC, then no errors MOV BX,BOOT_FAIL_MSG CALL PRINT_STRING JMP IBM_BIOS ;Will return back up to IBM_BIOS location HDOS_BOOT_OK: MOV BX,BOOT_OK_MSG CALL PRINT_STRING ; Call CI ;Wait for CRT input for boot debugging ;(Can reset and look at BOOT sector) MOV DX,0080H ;Required see above JMP word 0000H:DOS_BOOT_LOC ;Far Jump, execute the boot code @0:7C00H ;************************************************************************************************** ; ; Disk I/O Handler (Software Interrupt 13H & 40H) ; ;Input: AH = 00h DISK - RESET DISK SYSTEM ; DL = drive (if bit 7 is set, both hard disks and floppy disks are reset) ;Return:AH = status (see below) ; CF clear if successful (returned AH=00h) ; CF set on error ; ; ;Input: AH = 01h DISK - GET STATUS OF LAST OPERATION ; DL = drive (bit 7 set for hard disk) ;Return:CF clear if successful (returned status 00h) ; CF set on error ; AH = status of previous operation (see below) ; ; ;Input: AH = 02h READ 03H,WRITE SECTOR DATA ; AL = number of sectors to read (must be nonzero) ; CH = low eight bits of cylinder number ; CL = sector number 1-63 (bits 0-5, high two bits of cylinder (bits 6-7, hard disk only) ; DH = head number ; DL = drive number (bit 7 set, for hard disk) ; ES:BX -> data buffer ; ;Return:CF set on error ; if AH = 11h (corrected ECC error), AL = burst length ; CF clear if successful ; AH = status (see below) ; AL = number of sectors transferred (only valid if CF set for some BIOSes) ; ; ;Input: AH = 04h DISK - VERIFY DISK SECTOR(S) ; AL = number of sectors to verify (must be nonzero) ; CH = low eight bits of cylinder number ; CL = sector number 1-63 (bits 0-5) high two bits of cylinder (bits 6-7, hard disk only) ; DH = head number ; DL = drive number (bit 7 set, for hard disk) ; ES:BX -> data buffer (PC,XT,AT with BIOS prior to 1985/11/15) ; ;Return:CF set on error ; CF clear if successful ; AH = status (see below) ; AL = number of sectors verified ; ; ;Input: AH = 05h FLOPPY - FORMAT TRACK ; AL = number of sectors to format ; CH = track number ; DH = head number ; DL = drive number ; ES:BX -> address field buffer:- ; 00h BYTE track number ; 01h BYTE head number (0-based) ; 02h BYTE sector number ; 03h BYTE sector size (00h=128 bytes, 01h=256 bytes, 02h=512, 03h=1024) ;Return:CF set on error ; CF clear if successful ; AH = status (see below) ; Note: On AT or higher, call AH=17h first. The number of sectors per track is read from the diskette ; parameter table pointed at by INT 1E ; ;Input: AH = 08h RETURN DRIVE PARAMATERS ; DL = drive number (bit 7 set, for hard disk) ; ES:DI = 0000H:0000H ; Note: For systems predating the IBM AT, this call is only valid for hard disks, as it is implemented ; by the hard disk BIOS rather than the ROM BIOS. The IBM ROM-BIOS returns the total number of hard disks ; attached to the system regardless of whether DL >= 80h on entry ;Return:CF set on error ; CF clear if successful ; AH = status (see below) ; AL = 00h on at least some BIOSes ; BL = drive type (AT/PS2 floppies only) ; Values for diskette drive type: ; 01h 360K ; 02h 1.2M ; 03h 720K ; 04h 1.44M ; CH = low eight bits of maximum cylinder number ; CL = maximum sector number (bits 5-0) ; high two bits of maximum cylinder number (bits 7-6) ; DH = maximum head number ; DL = number of drives ; ES:DI -> drive parameter table (floppies only) ;Input: AH = 15h GET DISK TYPE ; DL = drive number (bit 7 set, for hard disk) ;Return:CF set on error ; CF clear if successful ; AH = type code (see below) ; 00h no such drive ; 01h floppy without change-line support ; 02h floppy (or other removable drive) with change-line support ; 03h hard disk ; CX:DX = number of 512-byte sectors ;RETURNED ERROR CODES IN AH:- ; 00h successful completion ; 01h invalid function in AH or invalid parameter ; 02h address mark not found ; 03h disk write-protected ; 04h sector not found/read error ; 05h reset failed (hard disk) ; 05h data did not verify correctly (TI Professional PC) ; 06h disk changed (floppy) ; 07h drive parameter activity failed (hard disk) ; 08h DMA overrun ; 09h data boundary error (attempted DMA across 64K boundary or >80h sectors) ; 0Ah bad sector detected (hard disk) ; 0Bh bad track detected (hard disk) ; 0Ch unsupported track or invalid media ; 0Dh invalid number of sectors on format (PS/2 hard disk) ; 0Eh control data address mark detected (hard disk) ; 0Fh DMA arbitration level out of range (hard disk) ; 10h uncorrectable CRC or ECC error on read ; 11h data ECC corrected (hard disk) ; 20h controller failure ; 31h no media in drive (IBM/MS INT 13 extensions) ; 32h incorrect drive type stored in CMOS (Compaq) ; 40h seek failed ; 80h timeout (not ready) ; AAh drive not ready (hard disk) ; B0h volume not locked in drive (INT 13 extensions) ; B1h volume locked in drive (INT 13 extensions) ; B2h volume not removable (INT 13 extensions) ; B3h volume in use (INT 13 extensions) ; B4h lock count exceeded (INT 13 extensions) ; B5h valid eject request failed (INT 13 extensions) ; B6h volume present but read protected (INT 13 extensions) ; BBh undefined error (hard disk) ; CCh write fault (hard disk) ; E0h status register error (hard disk) ; FFh sense operation failed (hard disk) ;******************************************************************************************************* OLD_DISKIO: ;Come here via INT 40H, (rearly) for the old Floppy Disk relocated INTs DISKIO: ;Normal INT 13H Entry point STI ;Normal INT 13H Entry point PUSH DS ;For all commands use variables in low RAM if needed PUSH AX XOR AX,AX ;Set DS to data area for ROM usage in low RAM @ 400H....) MOV DS,AX POP AX ;Fall through to COMMON_DISK_COMMANDS COMMON_DISK_COMMANDS: TEST DL,80H ;HDisk or Floppy CMD JZ FD_COMMANDS ;For Floppy disk commands JMP HD_COMMANDS ;For HDISK Commands ;----------------------- Floppy Disk Commands --------------------------------------------- FD_COMMANDS: TEST AH,AH ;Is it a FDisk reset JNZ N_FDISK_RESET JMP FDISK_RESET N_FDISK_RESET: CMP AH,1 ;Is it a FDisk status request JNZ N_FDISK_STATUS JMP FDISK_STATUS N_FDISK_STATUS: CMP AH,2 ;Is it a FDisk read request JNZ N_FDISK_READ MOV byte [VERIFY_FLAG],0H ;Turn off verify flag JMP FDISK_READ N_FDISK_READ: CMP AH,3 ;Is it a FDisk write request JNZ N_FDISK_WRITE JMP FDISK_WRITE N_FDISK_WRITE: CMP AH,4 ;Is it a FDisk Verify request JNZ N_FDISK_VERIFY MOV byte [VERIFY_FLAG],0ffH ;Turn on verify flag JMP FDISK_READ ;Modified read N_FDISK_VERIFY: CMP AH,5 ;Is it a FDisk format request JNZ N_FDISK_FORMAT JMP FDISK_FORMAT N_FDISK_FORMAT: CMP AH,8 ;Is it a FDisk paramaters request JNZ N_FDISK_PARAMS JMP FDISK_PARAMS N_FDISK_PARAMS: CMP AH,15H ;GET DISK TYPE (XT 1986/1/10 or later,XT286,AT,PS) JNZ N_FDISK_DASB JMP FDISK_DASB N_FDISK_DASB: CMP AH,16H ;FDisk media change check request JNZ NOT_VALID_DISK JMP FDISK_MEDIA_CHANGE NOT_VALID_DISK: ;Thats all for now PUSH AX MOV BX,INVALID_AH_FMSG CALL PRINT_STRING POP AX MOV AL,AH CALL AL_HEXOUT MOV BX,H_MSG_CRLF CALL PRINT_STRING mov byte [IBM_DISK_STATUS],cmderr ;Show bad command ;Fall through to DONE_DISK DONE_DISK: ;Most (but not all), floppy commands come back here before returning to DOS mov ah,[IBM_DISK_STATUS] OR AH,AH ;Was there an error JZ ALL_OK STC ;Set carry to indicate an error ALL_OK: POP ds ;Get back the origional saved DS at start RETF 2 ;Remove the origional status flags on return (remember we got here via an INT) ;---------------------- Floppy Disk Routines --------------------------------------- FDISK_RESET: ;Home the disk head etc. PUSH BX ;Save ALL PUSH CX PUSH DX MOV [CURRENT_DRIVE],DL MOV CL,CMD_SET_DRIVE ;Set Drive Drive, ZFDC will just return if current drive CALL S100OUT MOV CL,[CURRENT_DRIVE] OR CL,CL ;DL = 0 --> ZFDC Drive #3. DL = 1 -->ZFDC Drive #2 MOV CL,3 ;Default to Drive #3 JZ R_FLOPPY MOV CL,2 ;Drive #2 R_FLOPPY: CALL S100OUT CALL WAIT_FOR_ACK ;Return Z (or NZ with error # in [AH]) JNZ FDISK_RESET_ERROR MOV CL,CMD_SET_HOME ;Home the heads of the current drive CALL S100OUT CALL WAIT_FOR_ACK ;Return Z (or NZ with error # in [AH]) JNZ FDISK_RESET_ERROR mov byte [SEEK_STATUS],0 ;show good seek status mov byte [IBM_DISK_STATUS],0 ;and good disk status POP DX POP CX POP BX JMP DONE_DISK ;and return FDISK_RESET_ERROR: MOV BX,HOME_ERR_MSG CALL PRINT_STRING mov byte [IBM_DISK_STATUS],seekerr ;show seek error mov byte [VERIFY_FLAG],0 ;Initially sector reads (rather than sctor verifys) POP DX POP CX POP BX JMP DONE_DISK ;and return (with error) FDISK_STATUS: ;AH = 0 mov al,[IBM_DISK_STATUS] ;Return past floppy status mov byte [IBM_DISK_STATUS],0 ;reset status in low RAM for next time JMP DONE_DISK ;and return FDISK_PARAMS: ;AH = 8 CMP DL,00H ;DL=1 from INT call if drive B: (ZFDC controller drive #2, 5" disk) JZ IS_144M_DISK MOV DI,FDISK_5PARM_TBL ;Return with drive paramater table in ES:DI MOV AX,CS MOV ES,AX ;And segment int ES: XOR AX,AX ;Disk paramaters for 360K 5" Drive MOV BH,0 ;Always MOV BL,01H ;0=Unknown, 1=360K, 2=1.2M, 3=720K, 4=1.44M MOV CH,27H ;Max Track 39 MOV CL,9 ;Max sector MOV DH,1 ;Max value of head MOV DL,2 ;Number of floppy disks mov byte [IBM_DISK_STATUS],0 ;Show OK JMP DONE_DISK ;and return IS_144M_DISK: MOV DI,FDISK_3PARM_TBL ;Return with drive paramater table in ES:DI MOV AX,CS MOV ES,AX ;And segment int ES: XOR AX,AX ;Disk paramaters for 1.44M 3" Drive MOV BH,0 ;Always MOV BL,04H ;0=Unknown, 1=360K, 2=1.2M, 3=720K, 4=1.44M MOV CH,4FH ;Max Track 79 MOV CL,18 ;Max sector MOV DH,1 ;Max value of head MOV DL,2 ;Number of floppy disks! mov byte [IBM_DISK_STATUS],0 ;Show OK JMP DONE_DISK ;and return FDISK_DASB: ;AH = 15H, GET DISK TYPE (XT 1986/1/10 or later,XT286,AT,PS) XOR AX,AX MOV AH,01 ;For now return flag "no disk change line support implemnented" mov byte [IBM_DISK_STATUS],0 ;Show OK CLC ;Clear CF JMP ALL_OK ;Do not check status, just return FDISK_MEDIA_CHANGE: ;AH = 16H XOR AX,AX MOV AX,06 ;change line not support implemnented" mov byte [IBM_DISK_STATUS],0 ;Show OK CLC ;Clear CF JMP ALL_OK ;Do not check status, just return ;-------------------- READ FLOPPY DISK SECTORS ----------------------------------- FDISK_READ: ;AH=2, Read disk sector(s) PUSH BX ;Save everything, DS already on stack PUSH CX PUSH DX PUSH ES PUSH DI ;Used in LES below and DMA_ADJUST MOV [SECTORS_TO_DO],AL ;save everything first MOV byte [SECTORS_DONE],0 MOV [CURRENT_TRACK],CH MOV [CURRENT_SECTOR],CL MOV [CURRENT_HEAD],DH MOV [CURRENT_DRIVE],DL MOV [DMA_SEGMENT],ES ;Save for below MOV [DMA_OFFSET],BX CALL DMA_ADJUST ;Some DMA controllers cannot cross seg boundries, adjust READ_COMMON: MOV CL,CMD_SET_DRIVE ;Set Drive Drive, ZFDC will just return if current drive CALL S100OUT MOV CL,[CURRENT_DRIVE] ;DL from INT call OR CL,CL ;DL = 0 --> ZFDC Drive #3. DL = 1 -->ZFDC Drive #2 MOV CL,3 ;Default to Drive #3 JZ RDD_FLOPPY MOV CL,2 ;Drive #2 RDD_FLOPPY: CALL S100OUT CALL WAIT_FOR_ACK ;Return Z (or NZ with error # in [AH]) JZ READ_1 mov byte [IBM_DISK_STATUS],seekerr ;show seek error JMP ZFDC_READ_ERROR READ_1: MOV CL,CMD_SET_TRACK ;Set Track CALL S100OUT MOV CL,[CURRENT_TRACK] CALL S100OUT ;Send Selected track number CALL WAIT_FOR_ACK ;Return Z (or NZ with error # in [AH]) JZ READ_2 mov byte [IBM_DISK_STATUS],seekerr ;show seek error JMP ZFDC_READ_ERROR READ_2: MOV CL,CMD_SET_SIDE ;Set Drive Side/Head CALL S100OUT MOV CL,[CURRENT_HEAD] ;Set side (Head 0,1) CALL S100OUT CALL WAIT_FOR_ACK ;Return Z (or NZ with error # in [AH]) JZ READ_3 mov byte [IBM_DISK_STATUS],seekerr ;show seek error JMP ZFDC_READ_ERROR READ_3: MOV CL,CMD_DOS_SET_SECTOR ;Set MS_DOS Sector (Note not CMD_SET_SECTOR for CPM) CALL S100OUT MOV CL,[CURRENT_SECTOR] CALL S100OUT ;Send Selected track number CALL WAIT_FOR_ACK ;Return Z (or NZ with error # in [AH]) JZ READ_4 mov byte [IBM_DISK_STATUS],seekerr ;show seek error JMP ZFDC_READ_ERROR READ_4: MOV CL,CMD_SEEEK_TRACK ;Seek to that track (if not already there) CALL S100OUT CALL WAIT_FOR_ACK ;Return Z (or NZ with error # in [AH]) JZ READ_5 mov byte [IBM_DISK_STATUS],seekerr ;show seek error JMP ZFDC_READ_ERROR READ_5: MOV CL,CMD_DOS_RD_MULTI_SEC ;Routine assumes required Drive Table,Drive,(Side),Track, and sector are already sent to board CALL S100OUT MOV CL,[SECTORS_TO_DO] ;Count of sectors to be done (IBM says it will be (1---9 Max) CMP CL,18 ;IBM says it will always be <= 18 for 3" (9 for 5") JLE READ_5a mov byte [IBM_DISK_STATUS],dmaerr ;show as DMA error JMP ZFDC_READ_ERROR READ_5a:CALL S100OUT ;Send sector count CALL WAIT_FOR_ACK ;Return Z (or NZ with error # in [AH]) JZ READ_6 mov byte [IBM_DISK_STATUS],rnferr ;show RNF error JMP ZFDC_READ_ERROR READ_6: LES DI,[DMA_OFFSET] ;Point to initial DMA address (ES:DI) RD_LOOP: RD_LOOP1: ;<<<<<<<<<<<< CORE DOS FLOPPY READ SECTOR LOOP >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> MOV CX,512 ;Assume 512 byte sectors always CMP byte [VERIFY_FLAG],0ffH ;Is it just a sector verify JZ VERIFY_SECTOR RDSEC: MOV BX,SECTOR_TIMEOUT ;Put in a timeout count (Loop for status reads at most 256X4 times) RDSEC1: DEC BX ;Dec BC JNZ RDSEC2 ;Will wait 400H times before timing out MOV AH,TIMEOUT_ERROR ;Send Timeout error mov byte [IBM_DISK_STATUS],timerr ;show as timeout error JMP ZFDC_READ_ERROR RDSEC2: IN AL,S100STATUSB ;Send data to ZFDC output TEST AL,80H ;Is ZFDC in INPUT mode, if not wait JZ RDSEC1 TEST AL,01H ;Has previous (if any) character been read. JZ RDSEC1 ;Z if not yet ready IN AL,S100DATAB ;Get data STOSB ;READ 1 BYTE BYTE, AL->ES:[DI++] LOOP RDSEC RDSEC5: mov al,[SECTORS_DONE] ;We have done one sector, are there more INC al mov [SECTORS_DONE],al ;Store it CMP [SECTORS_TO_DO],al ;Have we done all yet JNZ RD_LOOP CALL WAIT_FOR_ACK ;Return Z (or NZ with error # in [AH]) JNZ RD_SEC_ERR mov byte [IBM_DISK_STATUS],0 ;Show good operation POP DI ;Get back all origional registers POP ES POP DX POP CX POP BX mov AL, [SECTORS_DONE] ;Return # of sectors done JMP DONE_DISK ;and return RD_SEC_ERR: mov byte [IBM_DISK_STATUS],crcerr ;Show CRC error ;Fall through to ZFDC_READ_ERROR ZFDC_READ_ERROR: ;General read sector error reporting routine PUSH AX MOV BX,READ_ERR_MSG CALL PRINT_STRING POP AX MOV AL,AH CALL AL_HEXOUT MOV BX,H_MSG_CRLF CALL PRINT_STRING POP DI ;Get back all origional registers POP ES POP DX POP CX POP BX mov AL, [SECTORS_DONE] ;Return # of sectors done JMP DONE_DISK ;and return VERIFY_SECTOR: ;Special case where we just check sector for CRC errors/verify MOV BX,SECTOR_TIMEOUT ;Put in a timeout count (Loop for status reads at most 256X4 times) VRDSEC1:DEC BX ;Dec BC JNZ VRDSEC2 ;Will wait 400H times before timing out MOV AH,TIMEOUT_ERROR ;Send Timeout error mov byte [IBM_DISK_STATUS],timerr ;show as timeout error JMP ZFDC_READ_ERROR VRDSEC2:IN AL,S100STATUSB ;Send data to ZFDC output TEST AL,80H ;Is ZFDC in INPUT mode, if not wait JZ VRDSEC1 TEST AL,01H ;Has previous (if any) character been read. JZ VRDSEC1 ;Z if not yet ready IN AL,S100DATAB ;Get data LOOP VERIFY_SECTOR JMP RDSEC5 ;Are there more sectors to verify ;-------------------- WRITE FLOPPY DISK SECTORS ----------------------------------- FDISK_WRITE: ;AH=3, Write disk PUSH BX ;Save everything, DS already on stack PUSH CX PUSH DX PUSH ES PUSH DI ;Used in DMA_ADJUST PUSH SI ;Need for LDS below MOV [SECTORS_TO_DO],AL ;save everything first MOV byte [SECTORS_DONE],0 MOV [CURRENT_TRACK],CH MOV [CURRENT_SECTOR],CL MOV [CURRENT_HEAD],DH MOV [CURRENT_DRIVE],DL MOV [DMA_SEGMENT],ES ;Save for below MOV [DMA_OFFSET],BX CALL DMA_ADJUST ;Some DMA controllers cannot cross seg boundries, adjust WRITE_COMMON: MOV CL,CMD_SET_DRIVE ;Set Drive Drive, ZFDC will just return if current drive CALL S100OUT MOV CL,[CURRENT_DRIVE] ;DL from INT call OR CL,CL ;DL = 0 --> ZFDC Drive #3. DL = 1 -->ZFDC Drive #2 MOV CL,3 ;Default to Drive #3 JZ WDD_FLOPPY MOV CL,2 ;Drive #2 WDD_FLOPPY: CALL S100OUT CALL WAIT_FOR_ACK ;Return Z (or NZ with error # in [AH]) JZ WRITE_1 mov byte [IBM_DISK_STATUS],seekerr ;Show seek error JMP ZFDC_WRITE_ERROR WRITE_1: MOV CL,CMD_SET_TRACK ;<<< Set Track CALL S100OUT MOV CL,[CURRENT_TRACK] CALL S100OUT ;Send Selected track number CALL WAIT_FOR_ACK ;Return Z (or NZ with error # in [AH]) JZ WRITE_2 mov byte [IBM_DISK_STATUS],seekerr ;show seek error JMP ZFDC_WRITE_ERROR WRITE_2: MOV CL,CMD_SET_SIDE ;<<< Set Drive Side/Head CALL S100OUT MOV CL,[CURRENT_HEAD] ;Set side (Head 0,1) CALL S100OUT CALL WAIT_FOR_ACK ;Return Z (or NZ with error # in [AH]) JZ WRITE_3 mov byte [IBM_DISK_STATUS],seekerr ;show seek error JMP ZFDC_WRITE_ERROR WRITE_3: MOV CL,CMD_DOS_SET_SECTOR ;Set MS_DOS Sector (Note not CMD_SET_SECTOR for CPM) CALL S100OUT MOV CL,[CURRENT_SECTOR] CALL S100OUT ;Send Selected track number CALL WAIT_FOR_ACK ;Return Z (or NZ with error # in [AH]) JZ WRITE_4 mov byte [IBM_DISK_STATUS],seekerr ;show seek error JMP ZFDC_WRITE_ERROR WRITE_4: MOV CL,CMD_SEEEK_TRACK ;<<< Seek to that track (if not already there) CALL S100OUT CALL WAIT_FOR_ACK ;Return Z (or NZ with error # in [AH]) JZ WRITE_5 mov byte [IBM_DISK_STATUS],seekerr ;show seek error JMP ZFDC_WRITE_ERROR WRITE_5:MOV CL,CMD_DOS_WR_MULTI_SEC ;Routine assumes required Drive Table,Drive,(Side),Track, and sector are already sent to board CALL S100OUT MOV CL,[SECTORS_TO_DO] ;Count of sectors to be done (IBM says it will be (1---9 Max) CMP CL,18 ;IBM says it will always be <= 18 for 3" (9 for 5") JLE WRITE_5a mov byte [IBM_DISK_STATUS], dmaerr ;show as DMA error JMP ZFDC_WRITE_ERROR WRITE_5a:CALL S100OUT ;Send sector count CALL WAIT_FOR_ACK ;Return Z (or NZ with error # in [AH]) JZ WRITE_6 mov byte [IBM_DISK_STATUS],rnferr ;show RNF error JMP ZFDC_WRITE_ERROR WRITE_6:PUSH DS ;Remember low RAM DS pointer is no lonver valid MOV AX,DS MOV ES,AX ;ES will now have low RAM pointer LDS SI,[DMA_OFFSET] WR_LOOP:MOV CX,512 ;<<<<<<<<<<<< CORE DOS FLOPPY WRITE SECTOR LOOP >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> WRSEC: MOV BX,SECTOR_TIMEOUT ;Put in a timeout count (Loop for status reads at most 256X4 times) WRSEC1: DEC BX ;Dec BC JNZ WRSEC2 ;Will wait 400H times before timing out MOV AH,TIMEOUT_ERROR ;Send Timeout error POP DS ;get back origional DS mov byte [IBM_DISK_STATUS],timerr ;show as timeout error JMP ZFDC_WRITE_ERROR WRSEC2: IN AL,S100STATUSB ;Send data to ZFDC output TEST AL,80H ;Is ZFDC in INPUT mode, if not wait JNZ WRSEC1 TEST AL,02H ;Has previous (if any) character been written. JZ WRSEC1 ;Z if not yet ready LODSB ;WRITE 1 BYTE BYTE, DS:[SI++] -> AL OUT S100DATAB,AL ;Send it LOOP WRSEC mov al,[ES:SECTORS_DONE] ;We have done one sector, are there more INC al mov [ES:SECTORS_DONE],al ;Store it CMP [ES:SECTORS_TO_DO],al ;Have we done all yet JNZ WR_LOOP ;read next 512 bytes POP DS ;Balance up stack CALL WAIT_FOR_ACK ;Return Z (or NZ with error # in [AH]) JNZ WR_SEC_ERR mov byte [IBM_DISK_STATUS],0 ;Show good operation POP SI POP DI ;Get back all origional registers POP ES POP DX POP CX POP BX mov AL, [SECTORS_DONE] ;Return # of sectors done JMP DONE_DISK ;and return WR_SEC_ERR: mov byte [IBM_DISK_STATUS],crcerr ;Show CRC error ;Fall through to ZFDC_WRITE_ERROR ZFDC_WRITE_ERROR: ;General write sector error reporting routine CMP AH,DISK_WP_ERR ;Special case for Write Protected Disk error JZ F_DISK_WP_ERROR PUSH AX MOV BX,WRITE_ERR_MSG CALL PRINT_STRING POP AX MOV AL,AH CALL AL_HEXOUT MOV BX,H_MSG_CRLF CALL PRINT_STRING WP_DONE:POP SI POP DI ;Get back all origional registers POP ES POP DX POP CX POP BX mov AL, [SECTORS_DONE] ;Return # of sectors done JMP DONE_DISK ;and return F_DISK_WP_ERROR: mov byte [IBM_DISK_STATUS],wpterr ;Write protected disk JMP WP_DONE ;-------------------- FORMAT FLOPPY DISK ------------------------------------------------------------ ;Code not tested/complete yet! FDISK_FORMAT: ;Format the current disk using the ZFDC format track command PUSH BX PUSH CX PUSH DX MOV [CURRENT_DRIVE],DL MOV [CURRENT_TRACK],CH CMP DL,0 ;If first track home heads JNZ FORMAT_F1 MOV CL,CMD_SET_HOME ;Note this is a restore with NO verify. (disk my not be formatted) CALL S100OUT CALL WAIT_FOR_ACK ;Return Z (or NZ with error # in [AH]) JZ FORMAT_F1 mov byte [IBM_DISK_STATUS],seekerr ;show seek error JMP ZFDC_FORMAT_ERROR FORMAT_F1: MOV CL,CMD_FORMAT_TRACK ;Format a complete track on ZFDC controller CALL S100OUT MOV CL,[CURRENT_TRACK] ;Send the track number CALL S100OUT MOV CL,CONFIRM_FORMAT ;Now send SPECIAL OK to FORMAT Disk flag CALL S100OUT ;<<< Now wait until track is formatted >>> WAIT_F: CALL S100STAT ;Wait until ZFDC Board is ready JNZ TRACK_DONE ;NZ, something there! MOV AH,1 int 16H ;KEYBOARD - CHECK FOR KEYSTROKE JZ WAIT_F ;Nothing, then wait some more MOV AH,0 ;Get character int 16H CMP AL,ESC ;Was an ESC character eneterd JZ ZFDC_FORMAT_ERROR JMP WAIT_F TRACK_DONE: CALL S100IN ;Get returned Error # (Note this releases the SEND_DATA routine on the ZFDC board) CMP AL,NO_ERRORS_FLAG ;Was SEND_OK/NO_ERRORS_FLAG sent back from ZFDC Board JNZ ZFDC_FORMAT_ERROR mov byte [IBM_DISK_STATUS],0 ;and good disk status POP DX POP CX POP BX JMP DONE_DISK ;and return ZFDC_FORMAT_ERROR: mov byte [IBM_DISK_STATUS],cmderr ;Show as CMD error PUSH AX MOV BX,FORMAT_ERR_MSG CALL PRINT_STRING POP AX MOV AL,AH CALL AL_HEXOUT MOV BX,H_MSG_CRLF CALL PRINT_STRING POP DX POP CX POP BX mov AL, [SECTORS_DONE] ;Return # of sectors done JMP DONE_DISK ;and return ;---------------- HARD DISK Routines ------------------------------------------------------------------ ;We will use for MS-DOS Drive C: the second IDE Drive. ;Leaving the first for CPM86 (or, later the second MS-DOS hard disk) HD_COMMANDS: TEST AH,AH ;Is it a FDisk reset JNZ N_HDISK_RESET JMP HDISK_RESET N_HDISK_RESET: CMP AH,1 ;Is it a HDISK status request JNZ N_HDISK_STATUS JMP HDISK_STATUS N_HDISK_STATUS: CMP AH,2 ;Is it a HDISK read request JNZ N_HDISK_READ MOV byte [VERIFY_FLAG],0H ;Turn off verify flag JMP HDISK_READ N_HDISK_READ: CMP AH,3 ;Is it a HDISK write request JNZ N_HDISK_WRITE JMP HDISK_WRITE N_HDISK_WRITE: CMP AH,4 ;Is it a HDISK Verify request JNZ N_HDISK_VERIFY MOV byte [VERIFY_FLAG],0FFH ;Turn on verify flag JMP HDISK_READ ;Modified read N_HDISK_VERIFY: CMP AH,5 ;Is it a HDisk format request JNZ N_HDISK_FORMAT JMP HDISK_FORMAT N_HDISK_FORMAT: CMP AH,8 ;Is it a HDisk paramaters request JNZ N_HDISK_PARAMS JMP HDISK_PARAMS N_HDISK_PARAMS: CMP AH,9 ;Is it a HDisk Controller Initilize request JNZ N_HDISK_INIT_REQ JMP HDISK_INIT_REQ N_HDISK_INIT_REQ: CMP AH,0DH ;Is it a HDisk Reset request (Alternative) JNZ N_HDISK_RESET2 JMP HDISK_RESET N_HDISK_RESET2: CMP AH,10H ;Is it a HDisk Ready check request JNZ N_HDISK_READY_CHK JMP HDISK_READY_CHK N_HDISK_READY_CHK: CMP AH,15H ;Is it a HDISK read DASB request JNZ N_NOT_VALID_DISK JMP HDISK_DASB N_NOT_VALID_DISK: JMP NOT_VALID_DISK ;Go to common/floppy error return HDISK_RESET: ;AH = 0, Home the disk head etc. CALL SET_DRIVE_B ;Select the second Drive/CF card as MS-DOS Drive C: CALL IDEinit ;Initialize drive 2. If there is no drive abort JNZ HDISK_RESET_ERROR mov byte [SEEK_STATUS],0 ;show good seek status mov byte [IBM_DISK_STATUS],0 ;and good disk status JMP DONE_DISK ;and return HDISK_RESET_ERROR: MOV BX,HOME_ERR_MSG CALL PRINT_STRING mov byte [IBM_DISK_STATUS],seekerr ;show seek error JMP DONE_DISK ;and return (with error) HDISK_STATUS: ;AH = 1 mov al,[IBM_DISK_STATUS] ;Return past disk status mov byte [IBM_DISK_STATUS],0 ;reset status in low RAM for next time JMP DONE_DISK ;and return HDISK_PARAMS: ;AH = 8H Get Hard Drive Parms (We will assume one hard disk only, Custom type) MOV AH,0 MOV AL,DOS_MAXSEC ;Do NOT change ES or BX MOV CH,DOS_MAXCYL_L-1 ;0FEH, low eight bits of maximum cylinder number MOV CL,DOS_MAXSEC_CYL ;3FH, maximum sector number (bits 5-0)+ two Cyl High Bits (Sectors numbered 1....x) ;high two bits of maximum cylinder number (bits 7-6) MOV DH,DOS_MAXHEADS-1 ;0FH, (0...15) 16 Heads MOV DL,1 ;Number of Hard Disks mov byte [IBM_DISK_STATUS],0 ;Show OK JMP DONE_DISK ;and return. This will put AH=0 & Clear CF HDISK_INIT_REQ: ;AH = 9H, INITIALIZE CONTROLLER WITH DRIVE PARAMETERS (AT,PS) HDISK_READY_CHK: ;AH = 10H, HARD DISK - CHECK IF DRIVE READY mov byte [IBM_DISK_STATUS],0 ;Since we have only one HDisk just return for now JMP DONE_DISK HDISK_DASB: ;AH = 15H, GET DISK TYPE (XT 1986/1/10 or later,XT286,AT,PS) MOV AX,0310H ;AH, Indicates a Hard Disk MOV CX,000FH MOV DX,0BC10H ;This is what the AMI Bios returns for our cystom drive (CX:DX = Total sectors) mov byte [IBM_DISK_STATUS],0 ;Show OK CLC ;Clear CF JMP ALL_OK ;Do not check status, just return HDISK_FORMAT: ;AH = 05H, Format disk - Return immediately with status ok mov byte [IBM_DISK_STATUS],0 ;show good operation no matter what JMP DONE_DISK ;and return ;-------------------- READ HARD DISK DISK SECTORS ----------------------------------- HDISK_READ: PUSH BX ;Save everything, DS already on stack PUSH CX PUSH DX PUSH ES PUSH DI ;Used in LES below and DMA_ADJUST MOV [SECTORS_TO_DO],AL ;save everything first MOV byte [SECTORS_DONE],0 MOV AL,CL ;Store Sector AND CL,00111111B ;Strip High 2 track bits MOV [CURRENT_SECTOR],CL MOV AH,0 ;Shift the top 2 bits of AL into AH SHL AX,1 SHL AX,1 MOV [CURRENT_TRACK_HIGH],AH MOV [CURRENT_TRACK],CH ;Store low track# MOV [CURRENT_HEAD],DH ;Store Head# MOV [CURRENT_DRIVE],DL ;Actully for now always drive #2 on IDE Board MOV [DMA_SEGMENT],ES ;Save for below MOV [DMA_OFFSET],BX CALL DMA_ADJUST ;Some DMA controllers cannot cross seg boundries, adjust HREAD_COMMON: CALL DOS_WR_LBA ;Setup Drive, Track, Sector for MS-DOS formatted disk. CALL IDEwaitnotbusy ;Make sure drive is ready JNB HL_19 ;Carry flag set if problem CALL SHOWerrors ;Show error data on CRT mov byte [IBM_DISK_STATUS],seekerr ;show seek error JMP H_READ_ERROR ;General read HDisk sector error reporting routine ;and return (with error) HL_19: MOV DH,COMMANDread MOV DL,REGcommand CALL IDEwr8D ;Send Sec read command to drive. CALL IDEwaitdrq ;Wait until it's got the data JNB HL_20 ;Carry flag set if problem CALL SHOWerrors ;Show error data on CRT mov byte [IBM_DISK_STATUS],crcerr ;Show as CRC error JMP H_READ_ERROR ;General read HDisk sector error reporting routine ;and return (with error) HL_20: LES DI,[DMA_OFFSET] ;Point to initial DMA address (ES & DI already saved above) HRD_LOOP: MOV CX,256 ;ALWAYS read 512 bytes to [CX] (256X2 bytes) HRD_LOOP_BYTES: MOV AL,REGdata ;REG regsiter address OUT IDEportC,AL OR AL,IDErdline ;08H+40H, Pulse RD line OUT IDEportC,AL IN AL,IDEportA ;Read the LOWER byte first STOSB ;READ 1 BYTE BYTE, AL->ES:[DI++] IN AL,IDEportB ;THEN read the UPPER byte STOSB ;READ 1 BYTE BYTE, AL->ES:[DI++] MOV AL,REGdata ;Deassert RD line OUT IDEportC,AL LOOP HRD_LOOP_BYTES ;256 words, for 512 bytes HRDSEC4: MOV CX,0FFFFH ;Need to wait until the IDE drive is ready HRDSEC5: ;with status data after potentially a long MOV DL,REGstatus ;series of sector reads. CALL IDErd8D ;Returned data in DH AND DH,80H ;Is IDE Drive still busy (bit 7 low) JZ HRDSEC6 ;No, then check returned status LOOP HRDSEC5 ;wait until ready HRDSEC6: MOV AL,DH ;Was previous command completed without errors AND AL,1H ;Ret AL=0 for all OK JZ HNEXT_SECTOR_RD CALL SHOWerrors ;Show error data on CRT mov byte [IBM_DISK_STATUS],crcerr ;Show as CRC error JMP H_READ_ERROR ;General write HDisk sector error reporting routine ;and return (with error) ;We have done one sector, are there more ;On hard disks (with XT and AT BIOSes), a multi-sector read ;continues on the next higher head of the same cylinder and if HNEXT_SECTOR_RD: ;necessary, advances to the next higher cylinder on the first head. mov al,[SECTORS_DONE] INC al mov [SECTORS_DONE],al ;Store it CMP [SECTORS_TO_DO],al ;Have we done all yet JNE HRD_LOOP mov byte [IBM_DISK_STATUS],0 ;Show good operation HRD_DONE: POP DI ;Get back all origional registers POP ES POP DX POP CX POP BX mov AL, [SECTORS_DONE] ;Return # of sectors done JMP DONE_DISK ;and return H_READ_ERROR: PUSH AX MOV BX,HREAD_ERR_MSG CALL PRINT_STRING CALL H_PRINT_CHS ;Print current Cyl, Head, Sector (DS: points to low RAM data stores) POP AX JMP HRD_DONE HDISK_WRITE: ;Arrive here with DS: pointing to low RAM data area PUSH BX ;Save everything, DS already on stack PUSH CX PUSH DX PUSH ES PUSH DI ;Used in LES below and DMA_ADJUST PUSH SI ;Need for LDS below MOV [SECTORS_TO_DO],AL ;save everything first MOV byte [SECTORS_DONE],0 MOV AL,CL ;Store Sector AND CL,00111111B ;Strip High 2 track bits MOV [CURRENT_SECTOR],CL MOV AH,0 ;Shift the top 2 bits of AL into AH SHL AX,1 SHL AX,1 MOV [CURRENT_TRACK_HIGH],AH MOV [CURRENT_TRACK],CH ;Store low track# MOV [CURRENT_HEAD],DH ;Store Head# MOV [CURRENT_DRIVE],DL ;Actully for now always drive #2 on IDE Board MOV [DMA_SEGMENT],ES ;Save for below MOV [DMA_OFFSET],BX CALL DMA_ADJUST ;Some DMA controllers cannot cross seg boundries, adjust HWRITE_COMMON: CALL DOS_WR_LBA ;Setup Drive, Track, Sector for MS-DOS formatted disk. CALL IDEwaitnotbusy ;Make sure drive is ready JNB HW_19 ;Carry flag set if problem CALL SHOWerrors ;Show error data on CRT mov byte [IBM_DISK_STATUS],seekerr ;show seek error JMP H_WRITE_ERROR ;General write HDisk sector error reporting routine ;and return (with error) HW_19: MOV DH,COMMANDwrite MOV DL,REGcommand CALL IDEwr8D ;Send Sec write command to drive. CALL IDEwaitdrq ;Wait until it's got the data JNB HW_20 ;Carry flag set if problem CALL SHOWerrors ;Show error data on CRT mov byte [IBM_DISK_STATUS],crcerr ;Show as CRC error JMP H_WRITE_ERROR ;General write HDisk sector error reporting routine ;and return (with error) HW_20: PUSH DS ;Remember from now on, low RAM DS pointer is no longer valid MOV AX,DS XOR AX,AX MOV ES,AX ;ES will now temporly have the low RAM pointer LDS SI,[DMA_OFFSET] HWR_LOOP: MOV AL,WRITEcfg8255 ;8255 to write mode OUT IDECtrlPort,AL MOV CX,256 ;ALWAYS read 512 bytes to [CH] (256X2 bytes) HWR_LOOP_BYTES: LODSB ;WRITE 1 BYTE, DS:[SI++] -> AL OUT IDEportA,AL ;Write the LOWER byte first LODSB ;WRITE 1 BYTE, DS:[SI++] -> AL OUT IDEportB,AL ;THEN UPPER byte on B MOV AL,REGdata PUSH AX OUT IDEportC,AL ;Send write command OR AL,IDEwrline ;Send WR pulse OUT IDEportC,AL POP AX OUT IDEportC,AL ;Send write command LOOP HWR_LOOP_BYTES ;One sector done MOV AL,READcfg8255 ;Set 8255 back to read mode OUT IDECtrlPort,AL MOV CX,0FFFFH ;Need to wait until the IDE drive is ready HW_21: ;with status data after potentially a long MOV DL,REGstatus ;Series of sector writes CALL IDErd8D ;Returned data in DH AND DH,80H ;Is IDE Drive still busy JZ HW_22 ;No, then check returned staus LOOP HW_21 HW_22: MOV AL,DH ;Was previous command completed without errors AND AL,1H ;Ret AL=0 for all OK JZ HNEXT_SECTOR_WR POP DS ;Get back DS for above CALL SHOWerrors ;Show error data on CRT mov byte [IBM_DISK_STATUS],crcerr ;Show as CRC error JMP H_WRITE_ERROR ;General write HDisk sector error reporting routine ;We have done one sector, are there more ;On hard disks (with XT and AT BIOSes), a multi-sector read ;continues on the next higher head of the same cylinder and if HNEXT_SECTOR_WR: ;necessary, advances to the next higher cylinder on the first head. mov al,[ES:SECTORS_DONE] INC al mov [ES:SECTORS_DONE],al ;Store it CMP [ES:SECTORS_TO_DO],al ;Have we done all yet JNZ HWR_LOOP POP DS ;Get back DS for above. mov byte [IBM_DISK_STATUS],0 ;Show good operation HWR_DONE: POP SI POP DI ;Get back all origional registers POP ES POP DX POP CX POP BX mov AL, [SECTORS_DONE] ;Return # of sectors done JMP DONE_DISK ;and return H_WRITE_ERROR: MOV AL,READcfg8255 ;Set 8255 back to read mode OUT IDECtrlPort,AL PUSH AX MOV BX,HWRITE_ERR_MSG ;"HDisk Sector Write Error" CALL PRINT_STRING CALL H_PRINT_CHS ;Print current Cyl, Head, Sector (DS: points to low RAM data stores) POP AX JMP HWR_DONE H_PRINT_CHS: ;DS: points to low RAM data stores MOV BX,HD_MSG ;" Head = " CALL PRINT_STRING MOV AL,[CURRENT_HEAD] CALL AL_HEXOUT MOV BX,CYL_MSG ;"H Cyl = " CALL PRINT_STRING MOV AH,[CURRENT_TRACK_HIGH] MOV AL,[CURRENT_TRACK] CALL AX_HEXOUT MOV BX,SEC_MSG ;"H Sec = " CALL PRINT_STRING MOV AL,[CURRENT_SECTOR] CALL AL_HEXOUT MOV BX,BRAC1_MSG ;"H (" CALL PRINT_STRING MOV AL,[SECTORS_DONE] CALL AL_HEXOUT MOV BX,OF_MSG ;"H of " CALL PRINT_STRING MOV AL,[SECTORS_TO_DO] CALL AL_HEXOUT MOV BX,BRAC2_MSG ;H") " CALL PRINT_STRING RET ;----------------- SUPPORT ROUTINES FOR ZFDC BOARD FOR MSDOS/FREEDOS ---------------------------------------- INIT_ZFDC: ;Return 0FFH in [ZFDC_INIT_FLAG] and Z flag set if all OK OUT RESETZFDCPORT,AL ;Do a hardware reset. Does not matter what is in [AL] MOV AX,5 ;~0.5 second at 10 MHz MOV CX,0 ;Delay to allow board to setup hardware WAITD: LOOP WAITD ;Delay for ~0.5 seconds DEC AX JNZ WAITD IN AL,S100DATAB ;Check the board is there CMP AL,CMD_HANDSHAKE ;Make sure we get HANDSHAKE byte back MOV AH,ZFDC_ABSENT ;If not then no ZFDC board present JNZ BADZFDC ;If not there, just abort MOV AL,CMD_HANDSHAKE ;Send another byte just to be sure. OUT S100DATAB,AL ;This clears up ints on ZFDC board CALL WAIT_FOR_ACK ;Return Z (or NZ with error # in [AH]) OR AL,AL MOV AH,ZFDC_INIT_ERROR ;If not then no ZFDC board present JNZ BADZFDC ;just abort ;Leave drives 0,1 UNFORMATTED/UNINITILIZED for now MOV CL,CMD_SET_FORMAT ;Send Set Disk Format to Drive CMD for drive #3 (1.44M 3" disk) CALL S100OUT MOV CL,3 ;Floppy Drive 3, (ZFDC Board expects a 0H, 1H, 2H or 3H) CALL S100OUT MOV CL,IBM144 ;1.4M (For MSDOS) DDDS, 18 X 512 Byte Sectors, 80 Tracks. (See ZFDC Board Code for more info) CALL S100OUT CALL WAIT_FOR_ACK ;Return Z (or NZ with error # in [AH]) JNZ BADZFDC MOV CL,CMD_SET_FORMAT ;Send Set Disk Format to Drive CMD for drive #2 (360K 5" disk) CALL S100OUT MOV CL,2 ;Floppy Drive 2, (ZFDC Board expects a 0H, 1H, 2H or 3H) CALL S100OUT MOV CL,MSDOS2 ;5", IBM PC, MSDOS 2.x, 512 byte, DDDS, 9 sector format (See ZFDC Board Code for more info) CALL S100OUT CALL WAIT_FOR_ACK ;Return Z (or NZ with error # in [AH]) JNZ BADZFDC MOV CL,CMD_SET_DRIVE ;<<< Set Drive Drive DOS A: ZFDC will just return if current drive CALL S100OUT MOV CL,3 ;Set drive #3 as the current drive CALL S100OUT CALL WAIT_FOR_ACK ;Return Z (or NZ with error # in [AH]) JNZ BADZFDC ;just abort PUSH BX ;Return BX unaltered MOV AL,0FFH ;Flag to indicate ZFDC board is setup OK MOV [ZFDC_INIT_FLAG],AL ;Note DS is already set for ROM usage in low RAM (400H) MOV BX,ZFDC_OK_MSG ;Announce success CALL PRINT_STRING POP BX XOR AL,AL RET ;Return Z for all OK BADZFDC: PUSH BX ;Return BX unaltered MOV AL,0H ;Flag to indicate ZFDC board is NOT OK MOV [ZFDC_INIT_FLAG],AL ;Note DS is already set for ROM usage in low RAM (400H) MOV BX,ZFDC_FAIL_MSG ;Announce failure CALL PRINT_STRING POP BX XOR AL,AL DEC AL RET ;Return NZ WITH ERROR IN AH SIMPLE_SECTOR_DUMP: ;Dump first CX bytes of sector data at ES:BX on CRT PUSH DS PUSH BX PUSH CX PUSH BX PUSH CX XOR AX,AX ;Set DS to data area for ROM usage in low RAM @ 400H....) MOV DS,AX MOV BX,SEQAT500 ;"First [CX] bytes of loaded Sector (@ES:BX) Head =" CALL PRINT_STRING MOV AL,[CURRENT_HEAD] CALL AL_HEXOUT MOV BX,TRACK_MSG ;"H Track =" CALL PRINT_STRING MOV AL,[CURRENT_TRACK] CALL AL_HEXOUT MOV BX,SEC_MSG ;"H Sector =" CALL PRINT_STRING MOV AL,[CURRENT_SECTOR] CALL AL_HEXOUT MOV BX,START_DATA_MSG ;"H Start of Data = CR,LF" CALL PRINT_STRING POP CX ;From above POP BX ONE_LINE_SECTOR1: MOV AX,[ES:BX] ;High byte/low byte order PUSH AX CALL AL_HEXOUT POP AX MOV AL,AH CALL AL_HEXOUT INC BX INC BX LOOP ONE_LINE_SECTOR1 CALL CRLF POP CX ;Again from above POP BX SECTOR_DUMP1: PUSH CX MOV CL,[ES:BX] ;High byte/low byte order and cl,7fh cmp cl,' ' ;filter out control characters jnc xloop3 xloop4: mov cl,'.' xloop3: cmp cl,'~' jnc xloop4 CALL CO INC BX ;Next character POP CX LOOP SECTOR_DUMP1 CALL CRLF POP DS ;Balance up stack RET S100STAT: ;Check if ZFDC has any data for S-100 system IN AL,S100STATUSB TEST AL,01H ;Anything there ? JZ S100ST1 ;Return 0 if nothing XOR AL,AL DEC AL ;Return NZ, & 0FFH in AL if something there S100ST1:RET S100IN: IN AL,S100STATUSB ;Check if ZFDC has any data for S-100 system TEST AL,80H ;Is ZFDC in input mode, if not, wait JZ S100IN ;If low then ZFDC board is still in input mode, wait TEST AL,01H JZ S100IN IN AL,S100DATAA ;return with character in AL RET S100OUT:IN AL,S100STATUSB ;Send data to ZFDC output (arrive with character to be sent in C) TEST AL,80H ;Is ZFDC in output mode, if not wait JNZ S100OUT TEST AL,02H ;Has previous (if any) character been read. JZ S100OUT ;Z if not yet ready MOV AL,CL OUT S100DATAB,AL RET WAIT_FOR_ACK: ;Delay to wait for ZFDC to return data. There is a timeout of about 2 sec. PUSH BX ;This can be increased if you are displaying debugging info on the ZFDC PUSH DX ;HEX LED display. MOV BX,0 MOV DL,STATUSDELAY ;Timeout, (about 2 seconds) XWAIT1: IN AL,S100STATUSB ;Check if ZFDC has any data for S-100 system TEST AL,80H ;Is ZFDC in input mode JZ XWAIT2 ;if low then ZFDC is still in input mode CALL S100STAT ;Wait until ZFDC Board sends something JZ XWAIT2 CALL S100IN ;Get returned Error # (Note this releases the SENDDATA routine on the ZFDC board) MOV AH,AL ;<<< Store Error Code (if any) in AH CMP AL,NO_ERRORS_FLAG ;Was SENDOK/NOERRORSFLAG sent back from ZFDC Board POP DX ;Balance up stack POP BX RET ;Return NZ if problem, Z if no problem XWAIT2: DEC BH JNZ XWAIT1 ;Try for ~2 seconds DEC BH DEC BL JNZ XWAIT1 DEC BH DEC BL DEC DL JNZ XWAIT1 XOR AL,AL DEC AL MOV AH,3FH ;Flag as local Time out error POP DX ;Balance up stack POP BX RET ;Return NZ flag set if timeout & 0FFH in [AL] ;Error code in AH ; Adjust DMASEG:DMAOFF via [ES:DI] so that the in DI is the ; smallest possible. This process is called normalization. ; Registers: Only ES and DI altered DMA_ADJUST: MOV ES,[DMA_SEGMENT] MOV DI,[DMA_OFFSET] PUSH AX PUSH DI SHR DI,1 ; Get paragraph to low 12 bits SHR DI,1 ; Shift 0's in at hi 4 bits SHR DI,1 SHR DI,1 MOV AX,ES ; Get segment to Bx ADD AX,DI ; Add in segment skew MOV ES,AX ; Restore dma segment POP DI ; Get back original offset AND DI,0FH ; Only need within paragraph MOV [DMA_SEGMENT],ES MOV [DMA_OFFSET],DI ;<<< Later use LES (or for Sec Write LDS) POP AX RET ;******************************** ; ; Non Maskable Interrupt Handler (for IBM-PC is int #2, or 08H in RAM) ; ;******************************** NMI_hnd: ;Non Maskable Interrupt Handler (Note uses current stack!) PUSHF ;Should not get here. If so send warning and continue PUSH AX PUSH BX PUSH CX MOV BX,NMI_MSG ;Announce we got an NMI Interrupt CALL PRINT_STRING ;Note PRINT_STRING always uses the CS: override for the BX pointer POP CX POP BX POP AX POPF ;Note NMI does not push the flags on to the stack IRET ;******************************** ; ; Print Screen Software Interrupt Handler (14H in RAM) ; ;******************************** PrintScrTest: ;Test interrupt from Monitor Menu MOV BX,PSCR_TEST_MSG ;Announce we are goint to print the screen CALL PRINT_STRING ;Note PRINT_STRING always uses the CS: override for the BX pointer MOV AX,0001H ;AH = 01h Initilize Printer MOV DX,0 ;DX = printer number (00h-02h) INT 17H ;Printer Int PUSH ES ;Used for INT 10H Write String PUSH BP PUSH DS ;Need DS=0 XOR AX,AX ;Set DS to data area for ROM usage in low RAM @ 400H....) MOV DS,AX MOV AX,word [CONSOL_FLAG] ;Save current Console Output device flag PUSH AX MOV word[CONSOL_FLAG],1 ;Set (temporly) Console Output device flag to CGA/VGA MOV AX,CS MOV ES,AX MOV BP,PSCR_TEST_MSG ;ES:BP = string pointer for INT 10H MOV CX,PSCR_TEST_LEN ;CX = string length MOV AH,13H ;AH = 0EH, String Output mode MOV AL,1 ;Update cursor, no attribute MOV BH,0 ;Page 0 MOV BL,02 ;Attribute B/W MOV DX,0 ;0,0 INT 10H INT 5H ;Call the Print Screen Interrupt routine below MOV AX,000CH ;AH = 00h PRINTER - WRITE CHARACTER, AL=0CH, Flush printer buffer MOV DX,0 ;DX = printer number (00h-02h) INT 17H ;Printer Int POP AX ;Get back saved current Console Output device flag MOV [CONSOL_FLAG],AX ;DS still = 0 POP DS POP BP POP ES RET PrintScreenRoutine: ;In PC BIOS is at 0FF54H STI ;Can allow further interrupts push ds push ax push bx push cx push dx xor ax,ax mov ds,ax cmp byte[STATUS_BYTE],1 ;are we already here jz pexit CMP word [CONSOL_FLAG],0 ;Skip if current Console is Propeller board (0) JZ pexit mov Byte [STATUS_BYTE],byte 1 MOV AH,15 ;request current screen mode INT 10H ;AL=mode, AH=columns,BH=page mov cl,ah mov ch,25 ;CX= row & columns count call pcrlf push cx mov ah,3 ;Get current cursor position int 10H pop cx push dx ;Save cursor position to DX xor dx,dx ;to position 0,0 pri10: mov ah,2 ;Directly from IBM ROM BIOS int 10h ;set cursor mov ah,8 int 10h ;read character or al,al ;valid character? jnz pri15 mov al,' ' pri15: push dx xor dx,dx xor ah,ah int 17H ;print character pop dx test ah,25h ;check for error jnz err10 inc dl cmp cl,dl jnz pri10 ;next character xor dl,dl ;to col 0 mov ah,dl push dx call pcrlf pop dx inc dh cmp ch,dh ;all lines done? jnz pri10 pri20: pop dx ;Done, recall cursor position mov ah,2 int 10h mov byte[STATUS_BYTE],0 jmp pexit err10: pop dx mov ah,2 int 10H ;Restore cursor position err20: mov byte[STATUS_BYTE],0FFH ;Flag error pexit: pop dx pop cx pop bx pop ax pop ds IRET ;Note IRET pcrlf: xor dx,dx xor ah,ah mov al,LF int 17H XOR ah,ah mov al,CR int 17H ret ;******************************** ; ; Keypressed Handler (for IBM-PC is int #9 via 8259A to 24H in RAM) ; ; IRQ1 - KEYBOARD DATA READY ; This interrupt is generated when data is received from the keyboard. This is normally ; a scan code (from either a keypress OR a key release), but may also be an ACK or NAK ; of a command on AT-class keyboards. (Note My Propeller Board translates the scan codes ASCII chars) ; ; Note: This IRQ may be masked by setting bit 1 on the 8259A I/O port 21h. ; ; If the BIOS supports an enhanced (101/102-key)keyboard, it calls INT 15/AH=4Fh after reading the ; scan code from the keyboard and before further processing all further processing uses the scan code ; returned from INT 15/AH=4Fh. (This is not done here) ; ; The default interrupt handler is at F000h:E987h in 100%-compatible BIOSes. The interrupt handler performs ; the following actions for certain special keystrokes:- ; ; Ctrl-Break clear keyboard buffer, place word 0000h in buffer, invokes INT 1B, and sets flag at 0040h:0071h ; SysReq invokes INT 15/AH=85h (SysReq is often labeled SysRq) ; Ctrl-Numlock place system in a tight wait loop until next INT 09 ; <<<<<< None of the above "extra" items are yet implemented >>>>>> ; ; Shift-PrtSc invokes INT 05 (This is now implemented here). ; Ctrl-Alt-Del jump to BIOS startup code (either F000h:FFF0h or the destination of the jump at that address) ; Pause & Ctrl-Num_Lock will halt Console Output until the next keyboard input ; ; ;******************************** keyhnd: push ax ;This interrupt can strike any time, so save all push ds push bx XOR AX,AX ;Set DS to data area for ROM usage in low RAM @ 400H....) MOV DS,AX in al,KEYIN ;Get KEYBOARD DATA CMP AL,1CH ;Propeller Board will return 1CH for a "Print Screen" key press JNZ NO_PRN_SCR mov al,NS_EOI ;End the current interrupt OUT MASTER_PIC_PORT,al INT 5H ;Activate software Print Screen Interrupt MOV AX,000CH ;AH = 00h PRINTER - WRITE CHARACTER, AL=0CH, Flush printer buffer MOV DX,0 ;DX = printer number (00h-02h) INT 17H ;Printer Int POP BX JMP K27 ;Finish up NO_PRN_SCR: CMP AL,1DH ;Propeller Board will return 1DH for "Ctrl+Alt+Del" key press JNZ NO_CAD_SCR mov al,NS_EOI ;End the current interrupt OUT MASTER_PIC_PORT,al JMP word 0F000H:0FFF0H ;Far Jump to F000H:FFF0H ;To Reset the CPU address NO_CAD_SCR: CMP AL,1EH ;Propeller Board will return 1EH for "Pause" key press JNZ NO_PAUSE_SCR OR byte[KB_FLAG_1],HOLD_STATE ;Set flag to indicate a Pause is required mov al,NS_EOI ;End the current interrupt OUT MASTER_PIC_PORT,al POP BX pop ds pop ax IRET NO_PAUSE_SCR: AND byte[KB_FLAG_1],NO_HOLD_STATE ;Set flag to indicate a NO PAUSE is required and al,7fh ;strip parity bit (if any) mov bl,[chrcnt] ;get current character count cmp bl,chrmax ;is the buffer full? jge keyxt ;ignore if buffer full inc bl mov [chrcnt],bl ;store new character count mov bx,[buftl] ;get destination address mov [bx],al ;store the character inc bx ;bump buffer address cmp bx,keybuff+32 ;at end of buffer? jl keyhn1 ;skip if not mov bx,keybuff ;reset to start of buffer keyhn1: mov [buftl],bx ;store adr for next character keyxt: pop bx mov al,NS_EOI OUT MASTER_PIC_PORT,al K27: pop ds pop ax iret ;******************************** ; ; Timer Handler (for IBM-PC is int #8 via 8259A to 20H in RAM) ; IRQ0 - SYSTEM TIMER ; On a PC this is generated 18.2 times per second by channel 0 of the 8254 system timer. ; This interrupt is used to keep the time-of-day clock updated. It can strike any time in a program! ; ;******************************** ;Note: The IBM PC clock interrupts at ;1193180/65536 counts/sec (Approx 18.2 per second). ;Our clock interrupts at ~60 hz so adjust to approximate ;the IBM clock, the time constants in this routine must be ;adjusted accordingly if accurate time is to be kept by PC-DOS. timer: push ax ;This interrupt can strike any time, so save all (flags are already saved) push ds XOR AX,AX ;Set DS to data area for ROM usage in low RAM @ 400H....) MOV DS,AX inc word [timlow] ;Bump count jnz timer1 inc word [timhi] ;Bump high part of count timer1: cmp word [timhi],18h ;End of a day? jnz timer2 ;24 hours at 3600 sec/hr cmp word [timlow],0b0h ;and 1193180/65536 tics/sec jnz timer2 ;= 1573040 tics (1800B0 hex) sub ax,ax ;0 to AX mov [timlow],ax mov [timhi],ax mov byte[timofl],1 timer2:INT 1CH ;Go to user timer int at 1CH, IRET when done <<<< (Currently just a return) sti mov al,NS_EOI ;End with Send_EOI OUT MASTER_PIC_PORT,al pop ds pop ax iret ;IRET will return flags Send_EOI: ;General routine to send EOI to 85293A PUSH AX mov al,NS_EOI OUT MASTER_PIC_PORT,al POP AX dummy_return: iret ;Remember IRET will pop the flags ;**************************************************************************** ; ; Time of Day Handler (For IBM-PC Software Interrupt 1AH) ; ;Input AH = 00h TIME - GET SYSTEM TIME ;Return:CX:DX = number of clock ticks since midnight ; AL = midnight flag, nonzero if midnight passed since time last read ; ; ;Input AH = 01h TIME - SET SYSTEM TIME ; CX:DX = number of clock ticks since midnight ;Return:Nothing ; ; ;Input: AH = 02h TIME - GET REAL-TIME CLOCK TIME (AT, XT286, PS) ; CF clear to avoid a bug ;Return:CF clear if successful ; CH = hour (BCD) ; CL = minutes (BCD) ; DH = seconds (BCD) ; DL = daylight savings flag (00h standard time, 01h daylight time) ; CF set on error (i.e. clock not running or in middle of update) ; ; ;Input: AH = 03h TIME - SET REAL-TIME CLOCK TIME (AT, XT286, PS) ; CH = hour (BCD) ; CL = minutes (BCD) ; DH = seconds (BCD) ; DL = daylight savings flag (00h standard time, 01h daylight time) ;Return:Nothing ; ; ;Input: AH = 04h TIME - GET RTC DATE (AT, XT286, PS) ; CH = century (BCD) ; CL = year (BCD) ; DH = month (BCD) ; DL = day (BCD) ; CF clear if OK ; ; ;Return:CF clear if successful ; CH = century (BCD) ; CL = year (BCD) ; DH = month (BCD) ; DL = day (BCD) ; CF set on error ; ; ;Input: AH = 05h TIME - SET REAL-TIME CLOCK DATE (AT, XT286, PS) ; CH = century (BCD) ; CL = year (BCD) ; DH = month (BCD) ; DL = day (BCD) ;Return:Nothing ; ;********************************************************************************************* time_of_day: sti push ds PUSH AX XOR AX,AX ;Set DS to data area for ROM usage in low RAM @ 400H....) MOV DS,AX POP AX Xtime_of_day: TEST AH,AH ;AH=0 read system tick time? JZ READ_TICKS ;go do it if so CMP AH,1 ;AH = 1 set tick time? JZ SET_TICKS CMP AH,2 ;AH = 2 Get RTC Time? JZ READ_RTC_TIME CMP AH,4 ;AH = 4 Get RTC Date? JZ READ_RTC_DATE JMP TIME_DONE READ_TICKS: ;Read the system tick time cli mov al,[timofl] mov byte [timofl],0 mov cx,[timhi] mov dx,[timlow] sti pop ds iret SET_TICKS: ;Set the system tick time cli ;no interrupts while we set it mov [timlow],dx mov [timhi],cx mov byte [timofl],0 sti ;interrupts ok now TIME_DONE: pop ds iret ;AH = 2H, Read CMOS RTC Time ;CH = hour (BCD, CL = minutes (BCD), DH = seconds (BCD), DL = daylight savings flag (00h standard time, 01h daylight time) READ_RTC_TIME: ;CF set on error (i.e. clock not running or in middle of update) CALL LOAD_TIME POP ds ;Get back the origional saved DS at start retf 2 ;Remove the origional status flags on return (remember we got here via an INT) ;AH = 4H, Read CMOS RTC ;CH = century (BCD), CL = year (BCD), DH = month (BCD), DL = day (BCD) READ_RTC_DATE: ;CF set on error CALL LOAD_DATE POP ds ;Get back the origional saved DS at start retf 2 ;Remove the origional status flags on return (remember we got here via an INT) ;----------- Routines to set flag for Consol Output to Propeller or Lava Video board SET_CO_FLAG: MOV BX,VIDIO_OUTPUT_MSG ;Video Board XY positioning etc tests. Enter AX Value CALL PRINT_STRING CALL CICO ;1st Console input digit to AL PUSH DS PUSH BX PUSH AX CALL CRLF POP AX XOR BX,BX ;Set DS to data area for ROM usage in low RAM @ 400H....) MOV DS,BX CMP AL,'0' JZ CRT_TO_PROPELLER CMP AL,'3' JZ CRT_TO_FPGA_VGA CMP AL,'2' JZ CRT_TO_LAVA CMP AL,'1' JZ CRT_TO_VGA MOV BX,INT10_ERR_MSG ;Invalid Selection CMP AL,ESC JNZ SET_CRT_DONE POP BX POP DS RET CRT_TO_PROPELLER: MOV word[CONSOL_FLAG],0 ;Console output Propeller Video Board MOV BX,VIDIO_PROP_SMSG ;Video to PROPELLER JMP SET_CRT_DONE CRT_TO_VGA: MOV word[CONSOL_FLAG],1 ;Console output to CGA/VGA Video Board MOV BX,VIDIO_VGA_MSG ;Video to (Trident) VGA board JMP SET_CRT_DONE CRT_TO_LAVA: MOV word[CONSOL_FLAG],2 ;Console output to LAVA Video Board CALL INITILIZE_LAVA ;Clear Screen, Green/Black Cursor 0,0 MOV BX,VIDIO_LAVA_MSG ;Video to LAVA JMP SET_CRT_DONE CRT_TO_FPGA_VGA: MOV word[CONSOL_FLAG],3 ;Console output to LAVA Video Board CALL INITILIZE_FPGA_VGA ;Clear Screen, Green/Black Cursor 0,0 MOV BX,VIDIO_FPGA_VGA_MSG ;Video to FPGA VGA Board JMP SET_CRT_DONE SET_CRT_DONE: CALL PRINT_STRING POP BX POP DS RET ;----------- Routines to test Video Board Int 10H Functions out using this IBM PC BIOS section ; The value of AH, CX, etc are used to control the positioning of characters on then CRT see below XY_VIDEO: MOV BX,VIDIO_TEST_MSG ;Video Board XY positioning etc tests. Enter AX Value CALL PRINT_STRING CALL GET4DIGITS PUSH DI ;AX value in DI MOV BX,ENTER_BX_MSG ;Enter BX Value CALL PRINT_STRING CALL GET4DIGITS PUSH DI ;BX value in DI MOV BX,ENTER_CX_MSG ;Enter CX Value CALL PRINT_STRING CALL GET4DIGITS PUSH DI ;CX value in DI MOV BX,ENTER_DX_MSG ;Enter DX Value CALL PRINT_STRING CALL GET4DIGITS PUSH DI ;DX value in DI MOV BX,ACTIVATE_INT_MSG ;Will now activate the Int 10H command CALL PRINT_STRING CALL CICO CMP AL,ESC JNZ XY_VIDEO1 JMP IBM_BIOS XY_VIDEO1: ;Select below which hardware board you are testing PUSH DS ;Note [CONSOL_FLAG] value determines current video board XOR AX,AX MOV DS,AX ; MOV word [CONSOL_FLAG],0 ;Send output to Propeller Video board ; MOV word [CONSOL_FLAG],1 ;Send output to CGA/VGA Video board ; MOV word [CONSOL_FLAG],2 ;Send output to LAVA-10 Video board ; MOV word [CONSOL_FLAG],3 ;Send output to FPGA_VGA Video board POP DS POP DX POP CX POP BX POP AX INT 10H ;<<<<<< Carry out the INT 10H interrupt >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> CALL CICO CMP AL,ESC JNZ XY_VIDEO JMP IBM_BIOS ;********************************* ;XXXXX: ; Video Output Handler (Software Int# 10H) ; Will recognize the following settings:- ; ;Input: AH = 00h VIDEO - SET VIDEO PARAMATERS ; AL = Display Mode ; ;Input: AH = 01h VIDEO - SET TEXT-MODE CURSOR SHAPE ; CH = cursor start and options (see below) ; CL = bottom scan line containing cursor (bits 0-4) ; Bitfields for cursor start and options: ; 7 should be zero ; 6,5 cursor blink. ; (00=normal, 01=invisible, 10=erratic, 11=slow). ; (00=normal, other=invisible on EGA/VGA) ; 4-0 topmost scan line containing cursor ;Return Nothing ; ;Input: AH = 02h VIDEO - SET CURSOR POSITION ; BH = page number (0-3 in modes 2&3. 0-7 in modes 0&1. 0 in graphics modes) ; DH = row (00h is top) ; DL = column (00h is left) ;Return:Nothing ; ;Input: AH = 03h VIDEO - GET CURSOR POSITION AND SIZE ; BH = page number (0-3 in modes 2&3. 0-7 in modes 0&1. 0 in graphics modes) ;Return:AX = 0000h (Phoenix BIOS - only) ; CH = start scan line of cursor ; CL = end scan line of cursor ; DH = row (00h is top) ; DL = column (00h is left) ; ;Input: AH = 05h VIDEO - SET PAGE ; BH = page number (0-3 in modes 2&3. 0-7 in modes 0&1. 0 in graphics modes) ; ;Input: AH = 06h VIDEO - SCROLL UP WINDOW ; AL = number of lines by which to scroll up (00h = clear entire window) ; BH = attribute used to write blank lines at bottom of window ; CH,CL = row,column of window's upper left corner ; DH,DL = row,column of window's lower right corner ;Return:Nothing ; ;Input: AH = 07h VIDEO - SCROLL DOWN WINDOW ; AL = number of lines by which to scroll down (00h=clear entire window) ; BH = attribute used to write blank lines at top of window ; CH,CL = row,column of window's upper left corner ; DH,DL = row,column of window's lower right corner ;Return:Nothing ; ;Input:AH = 08h VIDEO - READ CHARACTER AND ATTRIBUTE AT CURSOR POSITION ; BH = page number (00h to number of pages - 1) (see #00010) ;Return: AH = character's attribute (text mode only) ; AL = character ; ;Input: AH = 09h VIDEO - WRITE CHARACTER AND ATTRIBUTE AT CURSOR POSITION ; AL = character to display ; BH = page number (00h to number of pages - 1) ; BL = attribute (text mode) or color (graphics mode) ; if bit 7 set in <256-color graphics mode, character is XOR'ed onto screen ; CX = number of times to write character ;Return:Nothing ;Input: AH = 0Ah VIDEO - WRITE CHARACTER ONLY AT CURSOR POSITION ; AL = character to display ; BH = page number (00h to number of pages - 1) ; BL = attribute color (graphics mode) ; if bit 7 set in <256-color graphics mode, character is XOR'ed onto screen ; CX = number of times to write character ;Return:Nothing ; ; ; ;Input: AH = 0Eh VIDEO - TELETYPE OUTPUT ; AL = character to write ; BH = page number ; BL = foreground color (graphics modes only) ;Return:Nothing ; ; ;Input: AH = 0Fh VIDEO - GET VIDEO PARAMATERS ;Return: ; AH = Number of CRT Columns ; AL = Display Mode ; BH = Current page ; ;********************************* VIDEO_TABLE: DW SET_MODE ;<--0 Set Mode DW VIDEO_TBD ;1 Set Cursor Type DW SET_CURSOR_POS ;<--2 Set Cursor Positrion DW GET_CURSOR_POS ;<--3 Get Cursor Position DW VIDEO_TBD ;4 Read Light Pen DW SET_PAGE ;<--5 Set page DW SCROOL_UP ;<--6 Scoll up [AL] lines DW SCROOL_DOWN ;<--7 Scroll down [AL] lines DW READ_CHAR_ATT ;<--8 Read Char & Attribute at cursor position DW WRITE_AT_CURSOR_ATT ;<--9 Write character & attribute at current cursor position DW WRITE_AT_CURSOR ;<--0AH Write character at current cursor position DW VIDEO_TBD ;0BH Set Color DW VIDEO_TBD ;0cH Write Dot DW VIDEO_TBD ;0dH Read Dot DW VIDEO_TTY ;<--0EH ****** Simple TTY mode ***** DW GET_VIDEO_PARMS ;<--0FH Get Video state DW VIDEO_TBD ;10H reserved DW VIDEO_TBD ;11H reserved DW VIDEO_VGA ;12H VIDEO - ALTERNATE FUNCTION SELECT (VGA, MCGA) - VIDEO ADDRESSING DW WRITE_STRING ;13H Write String M1L equ $-VIDEO_TABLE CONOUT: STI ;For now just dump character on Propeller Console IO board CLD ;This section of code will very carefully reproduce everything PUSH ES ;that is in the IBM-PC BIOS ROM PUSH DS PUSH DX PUSH CX PUSH BX PUSH SI PUSH DI PUSH BP ;New for AT BIOS PUSH AX ;<<< Save character (in AH) on stack >>> PUSH AX ;Note extra AX on stack for VIDEO_NOT_FINISHED etc routines below PUSH AX ;Need for Debugging output below XOR AX,AX ;Set DS to data area for ROM usage in low RAM @ 400H....) MOV DS,AX POP AX MOV [ES_STORE],ES ;Save for AH=13H String write (Normally ES is used for the Video RAM pointer) MOV AL,AH XOR AH,AH ;0 to AH SAL AX,1 ;X2 for table lookup MOV SI,AX CMP AX,M1L ;Check we are within range JB VIDEO_AH_OK JMP VIDEO_RETURN VIDEO_AH_OK: MOV AX,0B800H ;Segment of CGA Board RAM mov di,[EQFLAG] and di,30h ;isolate crt switches cmp di,30h jne MX3 mov ax,0B000h ;segment for B/W card MX3: mov es,ax ;Set ES: to point to video area POP AX ;<--- Get requested AH & AL values MOV AH,[CRT_MODE] ;Current mode now in AH (used by CGA/VGA video board) JMP [CS:SI+VIDEO_TABLE] ;go to appropiate routine with card type in DI ;mode in AH, video ram in ES and value in AL. ;--------------------- SET_MODE: ;AH = 0h, AL= Mode VIDEO - GET VIDEO PRAMATERS CMP word [CONSOL_FLAG],0 ;Send output to Propeller board (0), VGA Video board (1), or LAVA Board (2) JZ PROPELLER_SET_MODE CMP word [CONSOL_FLAG],2 JZ LAVA_SET_MODE CMP word [CONSOL_FLAG],3 JZ FPGA_VGA_SET_MODE JMP VGA_SET_MODE ;Set the display mode of the CGA/VGA Board PROPELLER_SET_MODE: MOV AX,0003H JMP VIDEO_RETURN LAVA_SET_MODE: ;LAVA has one mode only CALL INITILIZE_LAVA ;Clear Screen, Green/Black, Cursor 0,0 MOV AX,0003H JMP VIDEO_RETURN FPGA_VGA_SET_MODE: ;FPGA_VGA has one mode only CALL INITILIZE_FPGA_VGA ;Clear Screen, Green/Black, Cursor 0,0 MOV AX,0003H JMP VIDEO_RETURN ;--------------------- ;AH = 02h VIDEO - SET CURSOR POSITION SET_CURSOR_POS: ;DH = row (00h is top), DL = column (00h is left) CMP word [CONSOL_FLAG],0 ;Send output to Propeller board (0),VGA Video board (1), or LAVA Board (2) JZ PROPELLER_SET_CURSOR_POS CMP word [CONSOL_FLAG],2 JZ LAVA_SET_CURSOR_POS CMP word [CONSOL_FLAG],3 JZ FPGA_VGA_SET_CURSOR_POS JMP VGA_SET_CURSOR_POS PROPELLER_SET_CURSOR_POS: CALL PROPELLER_SET_CURSOR ;Set Cursor at [DX] on Propeller Board JMP VIDEO_RETURN LAVA_SET_CURSOR_POS: ;Set Cursor at [DX] on LAVA Board CALL L_HIDE_CURSOR ;DX is unchanged CALL L_SET_CURSOR JMP VIDEO_RETURN FPGA_VGA_SET_CURSOR_POS: ;Set Cursor at [DX] on FPGA_VGA Board PUSH CX MOV CL,DL CALL word 0C000H:SET_CURSOR_X ;Go to ROM with X position in CL MOV CL,DH CALL word 0C000H:SET_CURSOR_Y ;Go to ROM with X position in CL POP CX JMP VIDEO_RETURN ;--------------------- ;AH = 03h VIDEO - GET CURSOR POSITION AND SIZE GET_CURSOR_POS: ;DH = row (00h is top), DL = column (00h is left) CMP word [CONSOL_FLAG],0 ;Send output to Propeller board (0), or Video board (1), or LAVA Board (2) or FPGA_VAG (3) JZ PROPELLER_GET_CURSOR_POS CMP word [CONSOL_FLAG],2 JZ LAVA_GET_CURSOR_POS CMP word [CONSOL_FLAG],3 JZ FPGA_VGA_GET_CURSOR_POS JMP VGA_GET_CURSOR_POS PROPELLER_GET_CURSOR_POS: JMP VIDEO_NOT_FINISHED ;<<<< Ignore for now LAVA_GET_CURSOR_POS: CALL L_GET_CURSOR JMP VIDEO_RETURN FPGA_VGA_GET_CURSOR_POS: POP AX ;Note extra AX on stack for VIDEO_NOT_FINISHED etc routines below POP AX POP BP POP DI ;Remove the "extra AX on stack" POP SI POP BX POP CX POP DX POP DS POP ES CALL word 0C000H:GET_CURSOR_X ;Go to ROM with X position in CL MOV DL,AL CALL word 0C000H:GET_CURSOR_Y ;Go to ROM with X position in CL MOV DH,AL IRET ;Direct return to return new DX values. Note IRET ;--------------------- ;AH = 05h VIDEO - SET PAGE SET_PAGE: ;BH = page number (0-3 in modes 2&3. 0-7 in modes 0&1. 0 in graphics modes) CMP word [CONSOL_FLAG],0 ;Send output to Propeller board (0), or Video board (1), or LAVA Board (2) JZ PROPELLER_SET_PAGE CMP word [CONSOL_FLAG],2 JZ LAVA_SET_PAGE CMP word [CONSOL_FLAG],3 JZ FPGA_VGA_SET_PAGE JMP VGA_SET_PAGE PROPELLER_SET_PAGE: MOV BH,0 ;Always JMP VIDEO_RETURN LAVA_SET_PAGE: MOV BH,0 ;<<<<< Ignore for now (Add 0 & 1 later) JMP VIDEO_RETURN FPGA_VGA_SET_PAGE: MOV BH,0 ;<<<<< Ignore for now (Add 0 & 1 later) JMP VIDEO_RETURN ;--------------------- ;AH = 06h VIDEO - SCROLL UP WINDOW SCROOL_UP: ;AL = number of lines by which to scroll up (00h = clear entire window) CMP word [CONSOL_FLAG],0 ;Send output to Propeller board (0), or Video board (1), or LAVA Board (2) JZ PROPELLER_SCROOL_UP CMP word [CONSOL_FLAG],2 JZ LAVA_SCROOL_UP CMP word [CONSOL_FLAG],3 JZ FPGA_VGA_SCROOL_UP JMP VGA_SCROOL_UP PROPELLER_SCROOL_UP: OR CX,CX ;Start 0,0?, (CH,CL = row,column start, DH,DL = row,column end) JZ SCROLL_UP_0 PUSH AX PUSH DX MOV DX,CX ;At least we will reposition cursor to 0,0 CALL PROPELLER_SET_CURSOR ;Set Cursor at [DX] POP DX POP AX JMP VIDEO_NOT_FINISHED ;Will ignore DX for now SCROLL_UP_0: OR AL,AL ;AL has number of lines to scroll JNZ SCROLL_UP_1 MOV AL,40 ;0 for current 40 line CRT SCROLL_UP_1: PUSH AX MOV AH,ESC CALL FAST_CONOUT MOV AH,'D' CALL FAST_CONOUT POP AX DEC AL JNZ SCROLL_UP_1 JMP VIDEO_RETURN LAVA_SCROOL_UP: OR CX,CX ;Start 0,0?, (CH,CL = row,column start, DH,DL = row,column end) JZ LAVA_SCROLL_UP_L0 PUSH AX PUSH DX MOV DX,CX ;At least we will reposition cursor to 0,0 CALL L_SET_CURSOR ;Set Cursor at [DX] POP DX POP AX JMP VIDEO_RETURN ; JMP VIDEO_NOT_FINISHED ;Will ignore DX for now LAVA_SCROLL_UP_L0: JNZ LAVA_SCROLL_UP_L1 CALL L_CLEAR_SCREEN ;AL=0 then clear whole screen JMP VIDEO_RETURN LAVA_SCROLL_UP_L1: PUSH AX CALL L_SCROLL_UP_1 POP AX DEC AL JNZ LAVA_SCROLL_UP_L1 JMP VIDEO_RETURN FPGA_VGA_SCROOL_UP: OR CX,CX ;Start 0,0?, (CH,CL = row,column start, DH,DL = row,column end) JZ FPGA_VGA_SCROLL_UP_L0 ;Just clear screen if 0,0 PUSH AX PUSH CX CALL word 0C000H:SET_CURSOR_X ;Go to ROM with X position in CL MOV CL,CH CALL word 0C000H:SET_CURSOR_Y ;Go to ROM with X position in CL JMP VIDEO_NOT_FINISHED ;Will ignore DX for now FPGA_VGA_SCROLL_UP_L0: MOV CL,02 ;Set to green color CALL word 0C000H:INITILIZE_VGA JMP VIDEO_RETURN ;--------------------- ;AH = 07h VIDEO - SCROLL DOWN WINDOW SCROOL_DOWN: ;AL = number of lines by which to scroll up (00h = clear entire window) CMP word [CONSOL_FLAG],0 ;Send output to Propeller board (0), Video board (1), or LAVA Board (2) JZ PROPELLER_SCROOL_DOWN CMP word [CONSOL_FLAG],2 ;Send output to Propeller board (0), Video board (1), or LAVA Board (2) JZ LAVA_SCROOL_DOWN CMP word [CONSOL_FLAG],3 ;Send output to Propeller board (0), Video board (1), or LAVA Board (2) JZ FPGA_VGA_SCROOL_DOWN JMP VGA_SCROOL_DOWN PROPELLER_SCROOL_DOWN: OR CX,CX ;Start 0,0?, (CH,CL = row,column start, DH,DL = row,column end) JZ SCROLL_DOWN_0 PUSH AX PUSH DX MOV DX,CX ;At least we will reposition cursor CALL PROPELLER_SET_CURSOR ;Set Cursor at [DX] POP DX POP AX JMP VIDEO_NOT_FINISHED ;Will ignore DX for now SCROLL_DOWN_0: CMP AL,0 ;AL has number of lines to scroll JNZ SCROLL_DOWN_1 MOV AL,40 ;0 for current 40 line CRT SCROLL_DOWN_1: PUSH AX MOV AH,ESC CALL FAST_CONOUT MOV AH,'M' CALL FAST_CONOUT POP AX DEC AL JNZ SCROLL_DOWN_1 JMP VIDEO_RETURN LAVA_SCROOL_DOWN: OR CX,CX ;Start 0,0?, (CH,CL = row,column start, DH,DL = row,column end) JZ SCROLL_DOWN_L0 PUSH AX PUSH DX MOV DX,CX ;At least we will reposition cursor CALL L_SET_CURSOR ;Set Cursor at [DX] POP DX POP AX JMP VIDEO_NOT_FINISHED ;Will ignore DX for now SCROLL_DOWN_L0: CMP AL,0 ;AL has number of lines to scroll JNZ SCROLL_DOWN_L1 CALL L_CLEAR_SCREEN ;AL=0 then clear whole screen JMP VIDEO_RETURN SCROLL_DOWN_L1: JMP VIDEO_NOT_FINISHED ;<<<< Will ignore DX for now PUSH AX ; CALL L_SCROLL_DOWN ;<<<<< Not Done Yet POP AX DEC AL JNZ SCROLL_DOWN_L1 JMP VIDEO_RETURN FPGA_VGA_SCROOL_DOWN: MOV CL,LF ;Will use LF as a scrool down CALL word 0C000H:CHARACTER_OUT ;Go to ROM with character in CL JMP VIDEO_RETURN ;--------------------- ;AH = 08h VIDEO - READ CHARACTER AND ATTRIBUTE AT CURSOR POSITION READ_CHAR_ATT: ;AL = character to display CMP word [CONSOL_FLAG],0 ;Send output to Propeller board (0), Video board (1), or LAVA Board (2) JZ PROPELLER_READ_CHAR_ATT CMP word [CONSOL_FLAG],2 JZ LAVA_READ_CHAR_ATT CMP word [CONSOL_FLAG],3 JZ FPGA_VGA_READ_CHAR_ATT JMP VGA_READ_AC_CURRENT PROPELLER_READ_CHAR_ATT: ;AL = character to display OR BH,BH ;BH = page number (00h to number of pages - 1) JNZ VIDEO_NOT_FINISHED ;BL = attribute (text mode) or color (graphics mode) MOV AH,07 ;Return: AH = character's attribute (text mode only) MOV AL,0 ; AL = character (Not implemented) JMP VIDEO_RETURN LAVA_READ_CHAR_ATT: ;AL = character to display OR BH,BH ;BH = page number (00h to number of pages - 1) JNZ VIDEO_NOT_FINISHED ;BL = attribute (text mode) or color (graphics mode) MOV AH,07 ;Return: AH = character's attribute (text mode only) MOV AL,0 ; AL = character (Not implemented) JMP VIDEO_RETURN FPGA_VGA_READ_CHAR_ATT: MOV AH,07 ;Return: AH = character's attribute (text mode only) MOV AL,0 ; AL = character (Not implemented) JMP VIDEO_RETURN ;--------------------- ;AH = 09h VIDEO - WRITE CHARACTER AND ATTRIBUTE AT CURSOR POSITION WRITE_AT_CURSOR_ATT: ;AL = character to display CMP word [CONSOL_FLAG],0 ;Send output to Propeller board (0), Video board (1), or LAVA Board (2), FPGA_VGA (3) JZ PROPELLER_WRITE_AT_CURSOR_ATT CMP word [CONSOL_FLAG],2 JZ LAVA_WRITE_AT_CURSOR_ATT CMP word [CONSOL_FLAG],3 JZ FPGA_VGA_WRITE_AT_CURSOR_ATT JMP VGA_WRITE_AC_CURRENT ;Send to display on CGA/VGA Board PROPELLER_WRITE_AT_CURSOR_ATT: OR BH,BH ;BH = page number (00h to number of pages - 1) JNZ VIDEO_NOT_FINISHED ;BL = attribute (text mode) or color (graphics mode) MOV AH,AL ;CX = number of times to write character AT_CURSOR1: CALL FAST_CONOUT ;Fast direct output to Propeller boadr LOOP AT_CURSOR1 ;Repeat CX times JMP VIDEO_RETURN LAVA_WRITE_AT_CURSOR_ATT: OR BH,BH ;BH = page number (00h to number of pages - 1) JNZ VIDEO_NOT_FINISHED ;BL = attribute (text mode) or color (graphics mode) MOV AH,AL ;CX = number of times to write character L_AT_CURSOR: CALL L_TTY_OUT ;Fast direct output to LAVA board (Character in AH) LOOP L_AT_CURSOR ;Repeat CX times JMP VIDEO_RETURN FPGA_VGA_WRITE_AT_CURSOR_ATT: MOV CL,AL ;Will use just dump character CALL word 0C000H:CHARACTER_OUT ;Go to ROM with character in CL JMP VIDEO_RETURN ;--------------------- ;AH = 0Ah VIDEO - WRITE CHARACTER ONLY AT CURSOR POSITION WRITE_AT_CURSOR: ;AL = character to display CMP word [CONSOL_FLAG],0 ;Send output to Propeller board (0), Video board (1), or LAVA Board (2) JZ PROPELLER_WRITE_AT_CURSOR CMP word [CONSOL_FLAG],2 JZ PROPELLER_WRITE_AT_CURSOR CMP word [CONSOL_FLAG],3 JZ FPGA_VGA_WRITE_AT_CURSOR JMP VGA_WRITE_C_CURRENT ;Send to display on CGA/VGA Board PROPELLER_WRITE_AT_CURSOR: OR BH,BH ;BH = page number (00h to number of pages - 1) JNZ VIDEO_NOT_FINISHED ;BL = attribute (text mode) or color (graphics mode) MOV AH,AL ;CX = number of times to write character AT_CURSOR2: CALL FAST_CONOUT ;Fast direct output to Propeller board LOOP AT_CURSOR2 ;Repeat CX times JMP VIDEO_RETURN LAVA_WRITE_AT_CURSOR: OR BH,BH ;BH = page number (00h to number of pages - 1) JNZ VIDEO_NOT_FINISHED ;BL = attribute (text mode) or color (graphics mode) MOV AH,AL ;CX = number of times to write character AT_CURSOR2L: CALL L_TTY_OUT ;Fast direct output to LAVA board (Character in AH) LOOP AT_CURSOR2L ;Repeat CX times JMP VIDEO_RETURN FPGA_VGA_WRITE_AT_CURSOR: MOV CL,AL ;Get character CALL word 0C000H:CHARACTER_OUT ;Go to ROM with character in CL JMP VIDEO_RETURN ;--------------------- ;AH = 0EH ****** Simple TTY Output mode ***** VIDEO_TTY: ;AL = character, BL Background (2= green), BH = page TEST byte[KB_FLAG_1],HOLD_STATE ;Is Pause flag set JNZ VIDEO_TTY CMP word [CONSOL_FLAG],0 ;Send output to Propeller board (0), Video board (1), or LAVA Board (2) JZ PROPELLER_VIDEO_TTY CMP word [CONSOL_FLAG],2 JZ LAVA_VIDEO_TTY CMP word [CONSOL_FLAG],3 JZ FPGA_VGA_VIDEO_TTY JMP VGA_WRITE_TTY PROPELLER_VIDEO_TTY: IN AL,KEYSTAT ;Default Propeller or SD SYSTEMS VIDIO BOARD PORT AND AL,4H ;Is board ready for character JZ VIDEO_TTY POP AX ;<-- Get character from AX on stack above OUT KEYOUT,AL JMP VIDEO_RETURN1 ;Note the normal extra AX was removed from stack above LAVA_VIDEO_TTY: MOV AH,AL CALL L_TTY_OUT ;Fast direct output to LAVA board (Character in AH) JMP VIDEO_RETURN FPGA_VGA_VIDEO_TTY: MOV CL,AL ;Get character CALL word 0C000H:CHARACTER_OUT ;Go to ROM with character in CL JMP VIDEO_RETURN ;--------------------- ;AH = 0Fh VIDEO - GET VIDEO PARAMATERS GET_VIDEO_PARMS: ;AH = Number of CRT Columns, AL = Display Mode CMP word [CONSOL_FLAG],0 ;Send output to Propeller board (0) or Video board (1), or LAVA Board (2) JZ PROPELLER_GET_VIDEO_STATE CMP word [CONSOL_FLAG],2 JZ LAVA_GET_VIDEO_STATE CMP word [CONSOL_FLAG],3 JZ FPGA_VGA_GET_VIDEO_STATE JMP VGA_GET_VIDEO_STATE PROPELLER_GET_VIDEO_STATE: MOV AX,5003H MOV BX,0 ;BH = Current page JMP VIDEO_RETURN LAVA_GET_VIDEO_STATE: MOV AX,6303H ;99 Characters/line MOV BX,0 ;BH = Current page JMP VIDEO_RETURN FPGA_VGA_GET_VIDEO_STATE: MOV AX,5003H ;80 Characters/line MOV BX,0 ;BH = Current page JMP VIDEO_RETURN ;-------------------------- ;AH = 12H VIDEO - ALTERNATE FUNCTION SELECT (VGA, MCGA) - VIDEO ADDRESSING VIDEO_VGA: ;BL = 32, return AL = new state. 0 = enabled, 1 = disable CMP BL,32H ;Use for Cirrus VGA Board initilization (only) JNZ VIDEO_TBD MOV AL,12H ;Return AL = 12h if function is supported JMP VIDEO_RETURN ;--------------------- ;AH = 13H VIDEO - WRITE CHARACTER AND ATTRIBUTE AT CURSOR POSITION WRITE_STRING: ;ES:BP = string pointer MOV ES,[ES_STORE] ;Saved at the start CMP word [CONSOL_FLAG],0 ;Send output to Propeller board (0), Video board (1), or LAVA Board (2) JZ PROPELLER_WRITE_STRING ;CX = string length CMP word [CONSOL_FLAG],2 JZ LAVA_WRITE_STRING ;CX = string length CMP word [CONSOL_FLAG],3 JZ FPGA_VGA_WRITE_STRING ;CX = string length JMP VGA_WRITE_STRING ;DX = cursor position PROPELLER_WRITE_STRING: OR BH,BH ;Can do only page 0 JNZ VIDEO_NOT_FINISHED ;BH = page number (00h to number of pages - 1) OR CX,CX ;For zero length string, just return (as IBM does) JZ PrW2 OR AL,AL ;AL = 0, do not move cursor, AL = 1, update cursor. AL=3 or 4 add attriute also JZ PrW1 ;Currently only AL=0 & 1 mode implemented CALL PROPELLER_SET_CURSOR ;Set Cursor at [DX] PrW1: MOV AH,[ES:BP] ;Send string to console CALL FAST_CONOUT INC BP ;No need to save BP LOOP PrW1 PrW2: JMP VIDEO_RETURN LAVA_WRITE_STRING: OR BH,BH ;Can do only page 0 JNZ VIDEO_NOT_FINISHED ;BH = page number (00h to number of pages - 1) OR CX,CX ;For zero length string, just return (as IBM does) JZ LPrW2 PUSH AX ;Save Cursor update info OR AL,AL ;AL = 0, do not move cursor, AL = 1, update cursor. AL=3 or 4 add attriute also JZ LPrW1 CALL L_HIDE_CURSOR LPrW1: MOV AH,[ES:BP] ;Send string to console CALL L_TTY_OUT_NO_UPDATE INC BP ;No need to save BP LOOP LPrW1 POP AX OR AL,AL ;AL = 0, do not move cursor, AL = 1, update cursor. AL=3 or 4 add attriute also JZ LPrW2 CALL L_NEXT_POSITION ;Advance the cursor one position, next line if at EOL, Scroll up if at bottom of screen CALL L_SHOW_CURSOR ;Show new cursor position LPrW2: JMP VIDEO_RETURN FPGA_VGA_WRITE_STRING: ;CX = string length OR BH,BH ;Can do only page 0 JNZ VIDEO_NOT_FINISHED ;BH = page number (00h to number of pages - 1) FPGA_WR: MOV CL,[ES:BP] ;Send string to console CALL word 0C000H:CHARACTER_OUT ;Go to ROM with character in CL INC BP ;No need to save BP LOOP FPGA_WR JMP VIDEO_RETURN ;--------------- CGA/VGA Video board routines (direct from IBM PC BIOS) ----------------------------------------- ; ; Note all INT 10H generated Console outputs will come here if [CONSOLE_FLAG] = 1 ; VGA_SET_MODE: CALL VGA_INIT ;Want this callable because it is used at Initilization JMP VIDEO_RETURN ;Arrive here with ES: set to Video RAM area, DS:=0, AL=Mode VGA_INIT: ;Initilize the S-100 Lomas CGA video board (or compatible board) mov dx,c6845port+4 ;address of colour card mov bl,0 ;mode set for colour cmp di,30h jne m8 mov al,7 mov dx,bw6845port+4 ;address of b/w card inc bl ;mode set for bw card m8: mov ah,al ;save mode in ah mov [CRT_MODE],al ;store it mov [ADDR_6845],dx ;also chip ports PUSH DS ;Stuff in capitals below are mods in the AT-BIOS ROM push ax push dx ;save 6845 base reg add dx,4 ;point to control reg = 3d8h mov al,bl ;get mode out dx,al ;setup chip for new mode pop dx ;back to base 6845 reg sub ax,ax mov ds,ax ;DS: to 0 LDS bx,[VID_PARM_PTR] ;DS=0, BX=VID_PARM_PTR, will set DS=CS (here), BX to VID_PARM_TABLES pop ax ;get back parameters mov cx,Index_Reg_Count ;length of row table cmp ah,2 ;Need to figure out which patamater table to use jc m9 ;mode 0 or 1 (40X25) add bx,cx ;go to next row of int table, ie 16 bytes higher cmp ah,4 jc m9 ;mode 2 or 3 (80X25) add bx,cx cmp ah,7 jc m9 ;mode is 4,5 or 6 (graphics mode) add bx,cx ;else BW Card paramaters m9: push ax ;BX points to correct row of init Table PUSH ES XOR AX,AX ;Not clear why AT BIOS has this stuff MOV ES,AX ;ES:-> 0 MOV AX,[BX+10] ;Uses DS:=0 XCHG AH,AL MOV [ES:CURSOR_MODE],AX POP ES xor ah,ah m10: mov al,ah ;Block output iniation parms to chip. out dx,al inc dx ;next port inc ah ;next value mov al,[bx] ;Note this will use [DS:BX] from the above LDS out dx,al inc bx dec dx ;back to pointer reg loop m10 pop ax POP DS xor di,di ;fill video with blanks mov [CRT_START],di ;start address mov byte[ACTIVE_PAGE],0 mov cx,8192 ;number of words in colour card cmp ah,4 ;Test for colour card jc m12 cmp ah,7 je m11 xor ax,ax ;fill for graphics mode jmp short m13 m11: mov CH,08H ;buffer size for b/w card m12: mov ax,' '+ (02H*256) ;<<< [ES:DI] (Normally B800:0 upwards) mov al,[CRT_MODE] ;;;get the mode ->AL xor ah,ah ;AH to 0 mov si,ax mov dx,[ADDR_6845] add dx,4 mov al,[CS:si+m7] ;Make sure we use the CS: override (DS:=0) out dx,al mov [CRT_MODE_SET],al ;save that value mov al,[CS:si+m6] xor ah,ah mov [CRT_COLS],ax and si,0eh ;word offset into clear length table mov cx,[CS:si+m5] ;Make sure we use teh CS: override (DS:=0) mov [CRT_LEN],cx ;save length of crt mov cx,2 ;clear all cursor positions (we have space for only 2) mov di,[CURSOR_POSN] push ds ;DS=0 pop es ;ES=0 xor ax,ax ;AX=0 -> [ES:DI] rep stosw ;Repeat 2 times inc dx ;Set overscan port to a default mov al,30h cmp byte[CRT_MODE],6 jnz m14 mov al,3fh ;640 x 200 is special case m14: out dx,al mov [CRT_PALLETTE],al ;store value ret ; SET CURRENT CURSOR VALUE ; CX = CURSOR VALUE, CH (BITS 4-0) START LINE, CL (BITS (4-0) STOP LINE VGA_SET_CURSOR_TYPE: ;AH = 1 mov ah,10 ;set cursor value mov [CURSOR_MODE],cx call m16 JMP VIDEO_RETURN m16: mov dx,[ADDR_6845] ;this routine outputs cx to 6845 reg in ah mov al,ah out dx,al inc dx JMP short+$+2 ;IO delay (AT-BIOS) mov al,ch out dx,al dec dx JMP short+$+2 ;IO delay (AT-BIOS) mov al,ah inc al ;point to other data reg out dx,al inc dx JMP short+$+2 ;IO delay (AT-BIOS) mov al,cl out dx,al ret ; SET CURRENT CURSOR POSITION TO NEW X-Y VALUE ; DX = ROW,COLUMN OF NEW CURSOR ; BH = DISPLAY PAGE OF NEW CURSOR (MUST BE 0 FOR GRAPHICS MODE) VGA_SET_CURSOR_POS: ;AH = 2 mov cl,bh ;get display page xor ch,ch sal cx,1 mov si,cx mov [si+CURSOR_POSN],dx ;DS=0 cmp [ACTIVE_PAGE],BH jnz m17 ;if not current page abort mov ax,dx call m18 m17: JMP VIDEO_RETURN m18: call POSITION ;Set Cursor pas. AX has Row/Col info mov cx,ax add cx,[CRT_START] sar cx,1 mov ah,14 ;reg no of cursor call m16 ret ; READ CURSOR POSITION ; BH = PAGE OF CURSOR ;output:- ; DX = ROW,COLUMN OF THE CURSOR POSITION ; CX = CURRENT CURSOR MODE VGA_GET_CURSOR_POS: ;AH = 03h VIDEO - GET CURSOR POSITION AND SIZE mov bl,bh xor bh,bh sal bx,1 mov dx,[bx+CURSOR_POSN] mov cx,[CURSOR_MODE] POP AX ;Remove the "extra AX' POP BP ;New for AT-BIOS POP DI POP SI POP BX POP AX ;Discard old CX & DX POp AX POP DS POP ES IRET ; SET THE ACTIVE DISPLAY PAGE ; AL = NEW DISPLAY PAGE VGA_SET_PAGE: ;AH = 5 mov [ACTIVE_PAGE],al mov cx,[CRT_LEN] cbw push ax mul cx mov [CRT_START],ax mov cx,ax sar cx,1 mov ah,12 call m16 pop bx sal bx,1 mov ax,[bx+CURSOR_POSN] call m18 JMP VIDEO_RETURN ; SET BACKGROUND COLOUR,OVERSCAN COLOUR, AND FORGROUND COLOUR FOR MEDIUM RESOLUTION GRAPHICS ; BH = 0 THEN BACKGROUND SET FROM LOW BITS OF BL (0-31) ; BH = 1 THE PALLET SELECTION IS MADE BASED ON LOW BITS OF BL:- ; 0 = GREEN, RED,YELLOW FOR COLOURS 1,2,3 ; 1 = BLUE,CYAN,MAGENTA FOR COLOURS 1,2,3 ; BL = COLOUR VALUE TO BE USED VGA_SET_COLOR: ;AH = 0BH mov dx,[ADDR_6845] add dx,5 mov al,[CRT_PALLETTE] or bh,bh jnz m20 and al,0e0h ;handle for colour 0 and bl,1fh or al,bl m19: out dx,al mov [CRT_PALLETTE],al JMP VIDEO_RETURN m20: and al,0dfh ;handel colour 1 shr bl,1 jnc m19 or al,20h jmp m19 ; GET CURRENT VIDIO STATE ; AL = CURRENT VIDIO MODE ; BH = CURRENT ACTIVE PAGE VGA_GET_VIDEO_STATE: ;AH = 0FH mov ah,[CRT_COLS] mov al,[CRT_MODE] mov bh,[ACTIVE_PAGE] POP DI ;Remove the "extra AX' POP BP ;New for AT-BIOS POP DI POP SI POP CX ;Discard saved BX JMP M15 ;Jump to remainder on VIDEO_RETURN ; Scroll up text on screen ; AL = NUMBER OF ROOLS TO SCROOL ; CX = ROW/COL UPPER LEFT ; DX = ROW/COL LOWER RIGHT ; BH = ATTRIBUTE ; DS = DATA SEGMENT ; ES = VIDEO BUFFER VGA_SCROOL_UP: ;AH = 6 CALL TEST_LINE_COUNT ;New in AT-BIOS cmp ah,4 jc n1 cmp ah,7 je n1 jmp graphics_up n1: push bx mov ax,cx call scrool_position jz n7 add si,ax mov ah,dh sub ah,bl n2: call n10 add si,bp add di,bp dec ah jnz n2 n3: pop ax mov al,' ' ;fill with blanks n4: call n11 add di,bp dec bl jnz n4 ;(DDS) the lomas board does not need video on here n5: xor ax,ax ;get location 0 mov ds,ax cmp byte [CRT_MODE],7 je n6 mov al,[CRT_MODE_SET] mov dx,3d8h ;set colour port out dx,al n6: JMP VIDEO_RETURN n7: mov bl,dh jmp n3 ;the lomas board does not need video off here scrool_position: ;also no need to wait for retrace cmp byte [CRT_MODE],2 jb n9 cmp byte [CRT_MODE],3 ja n9 push dx ;must be 80x25 colour scroll mov dx,3dah push ax n8: in al,dx test al,8 ;wait for vertical retrace jz n8 mov al,25h mov dx,3d8h out dx,al ;turn off vidio pop ax ;during retrace pop dx n9: call POSITION add ax,[CRT_START] mov di,ax mov si,ax sub dx,cx inc dh inc dl xor ch,ch mov bp,[CRT_COLS] add bp,bp mov al,bl mul byte [CRT_COLS] add ax,ax push es pop ds cmp bl,0 ret n10: mov cl,dl ;no of columns to move push si push di rep movsw pop di pop si ret n11: mov cl,dl ;no of columns to clear push di rep stosw pop di ret ; Scroll down text on screen ; Ah = CURRENT CRT MODE ; AL = NUMBER OF ROOLS TO SCROOL ; CX = ROW/COL UPPER LEFT ; DX = ROW/COL LOWER RIGHT ; BH = ATTRIBUTE ; DS = DATA SEGMENT ; ES = VIDEO BUFFER ; VGA_SCROOL_DOWN: ;AH = 7 std CALL TEST_LINE_COUNT ;New in AT-BIOS cmp ah,4 jc n12 cmp ah,7 je n12 jmp graphics_down n12: push bx mov ax,dx call scrool_position jz n16 sub si,ax mov ah,dh sub ah,bl n13: call n10 sub si,bp sub di,bp dec ah jnz n13 n14: pop ax mov al,' ' n15: call n11 sub di,bp dec bl jnz n15 jmp n5 n16: mov bl,dh jmp n14 TEST_LINE_COUNT: ;New in AT-BIOS MOV BL,AL ;If lines to be scrolled = lines in window, adjust AL else return OR AL,AL JZ BL_SET PUSH AX MOV AL,DH SUB AL,CH INC AL CMP AL,BL POP AX JNE BL_SET SUB BL,BL BL_SET RET ; READ CURRENT CHARACTER AND ATTRIBUTE ; AH = CURRENT CRT MODE ; BH = DISPLAY PAGE ; DS = DATA SEGMENT ; ES = REGEN SEGMENT ;output:- ; AH = ATTRIBUTE READ ; AL = CHAR READ ; VGA_READ_AC_CURRENT: ;AH = 08H cmp ah,4 jc p1 cmp ah,7 je p1 jmp graphics_read p1: call find_position mov si,bx mov dx,[ADDR_6845] ;wait for retreace add dx,6 push es pop ds p2: in al,dx test al,1 jnz p2 cli ;no more ints p3: in al,dx test al,1 jz p3 lodsw JMP VIDEO_RETURN find_position: mov cl,bh xor ch,ch mov si,cx sal si,1 mov ax,[si+CURSOR_POSN] xor bx,bx jcxz p5 p4: add bx,[CRT_LEN] loop p4 p5: call POSITION add bx,ax ret ; WRITE CHAR AND ATTRIBUATE AT CURRENT CURSOR POSITION ; AH = CURRENT CRT MODE ; BH = DISPLAY PAGE ; CX = COUNT OF CHARACTERS TO WRITE ; AL = CHAR TO WRITE ; BL = ATTRIBUATE OF CHAR TO WRITE ; DS = DATA SEGMENT ; ES = REGEN SEGMENT VGA_WRITE_AC_CURRENT: ;AH = 9 cmp ah,4 jc p6 cmp ah,7 je p6 jmp graphics_write p6: mov ah,bl push ax push cx call find_position mov di,bx pop cx pop bx p7: mov dx,[ADDR_6845] add dx,6 p8: in al,dx test al,1 jnz p8 cli p9: in al,dx test al,1 jz p9 mov ax,bx stosw sti loop p7 JMP VIDEO_RETURN ; WRITE CHAR AT CURSOR POSITION DO NOT CHANGE ATTRIBUATE ; BH = DISPLAY PAGE ; CX = COUNT OF CHARACTERS TO WRITE ; AL = CHAR TO WRITE ; DS = DATA SEGMENT ; ES = REGEN SEGMENT VGA_WRITE_C_CURRENT: ;AH = 0AH cmp ah,4 jc p10 cmp ah,7 je p10 jmp graphics_write p10: push ax push cx call find_position mov di,bx pop cx pop bx p11: mov dx,[ADDR_6845] add dx,6 p12: in al,dx test al,1 jnz p12 cli p13: in al,dx test al,1 jz p13 mov al,bl stosb sti inc di ;go past attribuate loop p11 JMP VIDEO_RETURN ;AH = 13H VIDEO - WRITE CHARACTER AND ATTRIBUTE AT CURSOR POSITION VGA_WRITE_STRING: ;ES:BP = string pointer (Note: New in AT-BIOS) CMP AL,04 ;Test for invalid request JB W0 JMP DONE W0: OR CX,CX ;Return if zero length JNZ W1 JMP DONE W1: PUSH BX MOV BL,BH ;get current cursor position for that page XOR BH,BH SAL BX,1 ;X2 MOV SI,[BX+CURSOR_POSN] ;0,1,2,..UP TO 8 PAGES POP BX PUSH SI ;save current cursor position PUSH AX ;save write string option MOV AX,0200H INT 10H ;set new cursor position POP AX WRITE_CHAR: PUSH CX PUSH BX PUSH AX PUSH ES XCHG AH,AL MOV AL,[ES:BP] INC BP CMP AL,08H ;special cases, BS JE DD_TTY CMP AL,0DH JE DD_TTY CMP AL,0AH JE DD_TTY CMP AL,07H JNE GET_ATTRIBUTE DD_TTY: MOV AH,0EH ;write to tty INT 10H MOV BL,BH SAL BH,1 ;X2 MOV DX,[BX+CURSOR_POSN] POP ES POP AX POP BX POP CX JMP ROWS_SET GET_ATTRIBUTE: MOV CX,1 CMP AH,2 ;If AL is 1 or 2 them AL has ASCII character, BL has the Atttribute JB GOT_IT ;If 3 or 4 then attrib, char, arttrib, char..... MOV BL,[ES:BP] INC BP GOT_IT: MOV BH,0 MOV CX,1 MOV AH,09H ;write char & attribute on crt INT 10H POP ES POP AX POP BX POP CX INC DL ;inc column count CMP DL,[CRT_COLS] JB COLUMNS_SET INC DH SUB DL,DL CMP DH,25 ;bottom of page JB ROWS_SET PUSH ES PUSH AX MOV AX,0E0AH ;scroll down one line INT 10H DEC DH POP AX POP ES ROWS_SET: COLUMNS_SET: PUSH AX MOV AX,0200H ;set cursor position INT 10H POP AX LOOP WRITE_CHAR POP DX CMP AL,1 JE DONE CMP AL,3 JE DONE MOV AX,0200H ;set cursor position DONE: JMP VIDEO_RETURN ; READ OR WRITE A DOT AT INDICATED POSITION ; DX = ROW (0-199) ; CX = COLUMN (0-639) ; AL = DOT VALUE (see text) ; DS = DATA SEGMENT ; ES = REGEN SEGMENT ;output:- ; AL = DOT VALUE READ, RIGHT JUSTIFIED VGA_READ_DOT: ;AH = 0DH call RX3 mov al,[es:si] and al,ah shl al,cl mov cl,dh rol al,cl JMP VIDEO_RETURN VGA_WRITE_DOT: ;AH = 0CH push ax push ax call RX3 shr al,cl and al,ah mov cl,[es:si] pop bx test bl,80h jnz rx2 not ah and cl,ah or al,cl rx1: mov [es:si],al pop ax JMP VIDEO_RETURN rx2: xor al,cl jmp rx1 ; ; THIS ROUTINE DETERMINES THE RAM LOCATION OF COL/ROW ;input:- ; DX = ROW (0-199) ; CX = COLUMN (0-639) ;output:- ; SI = OFFSET INTO RAM ; AH = MASK TO STRIP OF BITS OF INTREST ; CL = BITS TO SHIFT TO RIGHT JUSTIFY MASK IN AH ; DH = NO OF BITS IN RESULT ; RX3: push bx push ax mov al,40h push dx and dl,0FEH mul dl pop dx test dl,1 jz rx4 add ax,2000H rx4: mov si,ax pop ax mov dx,cx mov bx,2C0H ;determine graphics mode currently in effect mov cx,302h cmp byte [CRT_MODE],6 jc rx5 mov bx,180h mov cx,703h rx5: and ch,dl shr dx,cl add si,dx mov dh,bh sub cl,cl rx6: ror al,1 add cl,ch dec bh jnz rx6 mov ah,bl shr ah,cl pop bx ret ; GRAPHICS SCROOL UP ; CH,CL = UPPER LEFT HAcD CORNER OF SCREEN ; DH,DL = LOWER RIGHT HAND CORNER OF SCREEN ; BH = FILL CHAR FOR BLANK LINES ; DS = DATA SEGMENT ; ES = REGEN SEGMENT graphics_up: mov bl,al ;save line count mov ax,cx call graph_posn mov di,ax sub dx,cx add dx,101h sal dh,1 sal dh,1 cmp byte [CRT_MODE],6 jnc rx7 sal dl,1 sal dl,1 rx7: push es pop ds sub ch,ch sal bl,1 sal bl,1 jz rx11 mov al,bl mov ah,80 mul ah mov si,di add si,ax mov ah,dh sub ah,bl rx8: call rx17 sub si,2000h-80 ;next row sub di,2000h-80 dec ah jnz rx8 rx9: mov al,bh ;fill in vacent lines rx10: call RX18 sub di,2000h-80 dec bl jnz rx10 JMP VIDEO_RETURN rx11: mov bl,dh jmp rx9 ; GRAPHICS SCROOL DOWN ; CH,CL = UPPER LEFT HAND CORNER OF SCREEN ; DH,DL = LOWER RIGHT HAND CORNER OF SCREEN ; BH = FILL CHAR FOR BLANK LINES ; DS = DATA SEGMENT ; ES = REGEN SEGMENT graphics_down: std mov bl,al mov ax,dx call graph_posn mov di,ax sub dx,cx add dx,101h sal dh,1 sal dh,1 cmp byte [CRT_MODE],6 jnc rx12 sal dl,1 sal di,1 inc di rx12: push es pop ds sub ch,ch add di,240 sal bl,1 sal bl,1 jz rx16 mov al,bl mov ah,80 mul ah mov si,di sub si,ax mov ah,dh sub ah,bl rx13: call rx17 sub si,2000h+80 sub di,2000h+80 dec ah jnz rx13 rx14: mov al,bh rx15: call RX18 sub di,2000h+80 dec bl jnz rx15 cld JMP VIDEO_RETURN rx16: mov bl,dh jmp rx14 rx17: mov cl,dl push si push di rep movsb pop di pop si add si,2000h add di,2000h push si push di mov cl,dl rep movsb pop di pop si ret RX18: mov cl,dl push di rep stosb pop di add di,2000h push di mov cl,dl rep stosb pop di ret ; GRAPHICS WRITE ; AL = CHAR TO WRITE ; BL = COLOUR ; CX = NO OF CHARACTERS ; DS = DATA SEGMENT ; ES = REGEN SEGMENT graphics_write: mov ah,0 push ax call s26 mov di,ax pop ax cmp al,80h ;is image in "rom" ie second half jae s1 mov si,CRT_CHAR_GEN ;Location of Image of characters in IBM Rom push cs ;<<<< NOTE FOR 27128K EPROM or 8088 Board I HAVE REMOVED THIS CHARACTER TABLE jmp short s2 ;THERE IS NOT ENOUGH ROOM IN ROM >>>> s1: sub al,80h ;image in second half push ds ;save DS: for a moment sub si,si mov ds,si ;ie make DS: = 0 lds si,[EXT_CHAR_PTR] ;get offset of custom table mov dx,ds ;get segment of table ;<<<<<<<<<<< Different than IBM BIOS pop ds ;back to normal DS: push dx s2: sal ax,1 sal ax,1 sal ax,1 add si,ax cmp byte [CRT_MODE],6 pop ds jc s7 s3: push di push si mov dh,4 s4: lodsb test bl,80h jnz s6 stosb lodsb s5: mov [es:di+1fffh],al add di,79 dec dh jnz s4 pop si pop di inc di loop s3 JMP VIDEO_RETURN s6: xor al,[es:di] stosb lodsb xor al,[es:di+1fffh] jmp s5 s7: mov dl,bl ;high res write sal di,1 call s19 s8: push di push si mov dh,4 s9: lodsb call s21 and ax,bx test dl,80h jz s10 xor ah,[es:di] xor al,[es:di+1] s10: mov [es:di],ah mov [es:di+1],al lodsb call s21 and ax,bx test dl,80h jz s11 xor ah,[es:di+2000h] xor al,[es:di+2001h] s11: mov [es:di+2000h],ah mov [es:di+2001h],al add di,80 dec dh jnz s9 pop si pop di inc di inc di loop s8 JMP VIDEO_RETURN ; GRAPHICS READ ; NONE (0 IS ASSUMED FOR BACKGROUND COLOUR) ;output:- ; AL = CHAR (0 IF NONE THERE) graphics_read: call s26 mov si,ax sub sp,8 mov bp,sp cmp byte [CRT_MODE],6 push es pop ds jc s13 mov dh,4 s12: mov al,[si] mov [bp],al inc bp mov al,[si+2000h] mov [bp],al inc bp add si,80 dec dh jnz s12 jmp s15 s13: sal si,1 mov dh,4 s14: call s23 add si,2000h call s23 sub si,2000h-80 dec dh jnz s14 s15: mov di,CRT_CHAR_GEN ;char gen in IBM Rom push cs ;<<<< NOTE FOR 27128K EPROM OR 8088 BOARD I HAVE REMOVED THIS CHARACTER TABLE pop es ;THERE IS NOT ENOUGH ROOM IN ROM. SELDOM USED ANYWAY>>>> sub bp,8 mov si,bp cld mov al,0 s16: push ss pop ds mov dx,128 s17: push si push di mov cx,8 repe cmpsb pop di pop si jz s18 inc al add di,8 dec dx jnz s17 cmp al,0 je s18 sub ax,ax mov ds,ax ;set ds to 0 les di,[EXT_CHAR_PTR] mov ax,es or ax,di jz s18 mov al,128 jmp s16 s18: add sp,8 ;<<<<<<<< Check! JMP VIDEO_RETURN s19: and bl,3 mov al,bl push cx mov cx,3 s20: sal al,1 sal al,1 or bl,al loop s20 mov bh,bl pop cx ret s21: push dx push cx push bx sub DX,DX mov cx,1 s22: mov bx,ax and bx,cx or dx,bx shl ax,1 shl cx,1 mov bx,ax and bx,cx or dx,bx shl cx,1 jnc s22 mov ax,dx pop bx pop cx pop dx ret s23: mov ah,[si] mov al,[si+1] mov cx,0c000h mov dl,0 s24: test ax,cx clc jz s25 stc s25: rcl dl,1 shr cx,1 shr cx,1 jnc s24 mov [bp],dl inc bp ret s26: mov ax,[CURSOR_POSN] graph_posn: push bx mov bx,ax mov al,ah mul byte [CRT_COLS] shl ax,1 shl ax,1 sub bh,bh add ax,bx pop bx ret ; WRITE_TTY <<<< MAIN VIDEO BOARD CHARACTER OUTPUT ROUTINE >>>>>> ; AL = CHARACTER ; BL = BACKGROUND CHAR IF IN GRAPHICS MODE VGA_WRITE_TTY: ;AH = 0EH push ax push ax mov ah,3 MOV BH,[ACTIVE_PAGE] int 10h ;DX now has current Cursor position pop ax ;Get character cmp al,8 ;is it BS je u8 cmp al,0dh ;Is it CR je u9 cmp al,0ah ;Is it LF je u10 cmp al,07 ;Is it BELL je u11 mov ah,10 ;Write char on screen mov cx,1 ;1X int 10h inc dl cmp dl,byte [CRT_COLS] jnz u7 mov dl,0 cmp dh,24 jnz u6 u1: mov ah,2 ;Set Cursor int 10h ;;Difference on AT-BIOS (PC has BH=0) mov al,[CRT_MODE] cmp al,4 jc u2 cmp al,7 mov bh,0 jne u3 u2: mov ah,8 ;Read cursor int 10h mov bh,ah u3: mov ax,601h ;Scroll up one line sub cx,cx mov dh,24 mov dl,byte [CRT_COLS] dec dl u4: int 10h u5: pop ax JMP VIDEO_RETURN u6: inc dh u7: mov ah,2 jmp u4 u8: cmp dl,0 je u7 dec dl jmp u7 u9: mov dl,0 jmp u7 u10: cmp dh,24 jne u6 jmp u1 u11: mov bl,2 call BELL1 ;send hardware bell jmp u5 ;---------------------- VIDEO SUPPORT ROUTINES ------------------------------------- VIDEO_RETURN: ;Most (but not all) routines finish up here POP DI ;Remove the "extra AX on stack" VIDEO_RETURN1: POP BP POP DI POP SI POP BX M15: POP CX POP DX POP DS POP ES IRET ;Note IRET FAST_CONOUT: ;Fast send Character (in AH) to Propeller board IN AL,KEYSTAT ;Propeller or SD SYSTEMS VIDIO BOARD PORT AND AL,4H ;Is board ready for character JZ FAST_CONOUT MOV AL,AH OUT KEYOUT,AL RET PROPELLER_SET_CURSOR: ;Set cursor location to DH & DL MOV AH,ESC CALL FAST_CONOUT ;Send is VT100 Format "ESC [ row ; column H" MOV AH,'[' CALL FAST_CONOUT MOV AL,DH ;DH = row (00h is top) CALL HEX_TO_BCD ;(DX unaltered for below) PUSH AX MOV AH,AL ROR AH,1 ROR AH,1 ROR AH,1 ROR AH,1 AND AH,0FH ADD AH,30H ;Convert to ASCII CALL FAST_CONOUT ;Send ROW 10's digit POP AX MOV AH,AL AND AH,0FH ;Low nibble ADD AH,30H ;Convert to ASCII CALL FAST_CONOUT ;Send ROW 1's digit MOV AH,';' CALL FAST_CONOUT MOV AL,DL ;DL = Column (00h is left) INC AL ;1...80 CALL HEX_TO_BCD PUSH AX MOV AH,AL ROR AH,1 ROR AH,1 ROR AH,1 ROR AH,1 AND AH,0FH ADD AH,30H ;Convert to ASCII CALL FAST_CONOUT ;Send ROW 10's digit POP AX MOV AH,AL AND AH,0FH ;Low nibble ADD AH,30H ;Convert to ASCII CALL FAST_CONOUT ;Send ROW 1's digit MOV AL,AH MOV AH,'H' CALL FAST_CONOUT RET ;Calculate th Video RAM address from row/column POSITION: ;ax = row,column push bx ;calculates ram address mov bx,ax mov al,ah mul byte [CRT_COLS] xor bh,bh add ax,bx sal ax,1 pop bx ret VIDEO_TBD: ;Video functions not yet done VIDEO_NOT_FINISHED: PUSH BX MOV BX,VID_PARM_TBD_MSG ;"Int 10H Video paramater routine not fully implemented" CALL ERROR_PRINT_STRING POP BX POP AX ;Recover that extra AX on stack JMP VIDEO_RETURN1 ;Remember we have removed that one extra AX on stack ; Input: AL = input number Output: AL = BCD HEX_TO_BCD: pushf ; Save flags register push cx ; Save general-purpose regs push dx push ax sub ah, ah ; We don't want a high-order byte so we don't have a divide overflow mov dl, 0Ah ; Divide by 10 div dl ; Unsigned divide. Quotient in al,remainder in ah. mov dl, ah ; Save remainder mov ah, al ; Move quotient (multiple of 10) mov cl, 4 ; and shift into high nibble of al shr ax, cl ; (8086 imposes stupid restrictions on shr operands) or al, dl ; Set low nibble of al to remainder pop dx ; Recover ah (pulling its value into dx first) mov ah,dh ; restore cx, dx and flags pop dx pop cx popf ret ; All done. ;------------------ BASIC FPGA_VGA0 CRT TREMINAL COMMANDS --------------------------------------------- ; Only AL register changed unless stated otherewise INITILIZE_FPGA_VGA: MOV AL,0 OUT ACTIVATE_VGA_TYPE,AL ;0, sets Board to 8088/80486 mode MOV CL,02 ;Set color to green CALL word 0C000H:INITILIZE_VGA ;Go to ROM with color in CL RET FAST_FPGA_VGA_CONOUT: ;Fast send Character (in AH) to FPGA_VGA Board MOV CL,AH ;Get character CALL word 0C000H:CHARACTER_OUT ;Go to ROM with character in CL RET ;------------------ BASIC LAVA-10 CRT TREMINAL COMMANDS --------------------------------------------- ; Only AL register changed unless stated otherewise INITILIZE_LAVA: ;Clear Screen, Green/Black Cursor 0,0 MOV AL,00000000B ;Set to WRITE mode, no strobes etc OUT LavaStatus,AL ;Send to lava status port (91H) CALL L_CLEAR_BUFFER ;Clear a buffer LAVA RAM area for Clear line etc CALL L_CLEAR_SCREEN CALL L_HOME ;Set cursor X,Y to 0,0 MOV BX,L_GREEN_COLOR CALL L_SET_COLOR CALl L_SHOW_CURSOR RET L_TTY_OUT: ;<< CORE FUNCTION >>Write 1 character (in [AH]) to current cursor X,Y position. Update cursor CMP AH,SPACE ;Special treatment for control characters. JGE L_NOT_SEPCIAL CMP AH,CR ;First treat the special case sitations JNZ L_NOT_CR CALL L_DO_CR RET L_NOT_CR: CMP AH,LF JNZ L_NOT_LF CALL L_DO_LF RET L_NOT_LF: CMP AH,BS JNZ L_NOT_BS CALL L_BACK_SPACE RET L_NOT_BS: CMP AH,SCROLL ;Scroll up one line with 01H JNZ L_NOT_SCROLL CALL L_SCROLL_UP_1 RET L_NOT_SCROLL: CMP AH,CLEAR JNZ L_NOT_CLEAR CALL L_CLEAR_SCREEN RET L_NOT_CLEAR: CMP AH,BELL JNZ L_NOT_BELL CALL BELL1 ;Send Bell to Propeller Board RET L_NOT_BELL: L_NOT_SEPCIAL: ;We need to also take care of DEL (7FH) CMP AH,DELETE JNZ L_NOT_DEL CALL L_DEL_SPACE RET L_NOT_DEL: ;Else do "regular" ASCII characters CALL L_HIDE_CURSOR MOV AL,DRAW$TEXT ;Send Draw Text Command CALL L_PULSE$WR MOV AL,1 ;Send 1 character only CALL L_PULSE$WR MOV AL,AH CALL L_PULSE$WR ;Send Ascii MOV AL,0 CALL L_PULSE$WR ;send Ascii X2 (So we have an even number of bytes sent) L_TTY_DONE: CALL L_NEXT_POSITION ;Advance the cursor one position, next line if at EOL, Scroll up if at bottom of screen CALL L_SHOW_CURSOR ;Show new cursor position RET L_TTY_OUT_NO_UPDATE: ;<< CORE FUNCTION >>Write 1 character (in [AH]) to current cursor X,Y position. NO Update cursor MOV AL,DRAW$TEXT ;Send Draw Text Command CALL L_PULSE$WR MOV AL,1 ;Send 1 character only CALL L_PULSE$WR MOV AL,AH CALL L_PULSE$WR ;Send Ascii MOV AL,0 CALL L_PULSE$WR ;send Ascii X2 (So we have an even number of bytes sent) RET L_HOME: ;Cursor to Top left of screen PUSH BX CALL L_HIDE_CURSOR XOR BX,BX CALL L_SET_X CALL L_SET_Y CALL L_SHOW_CURSOR POP BX RET L_SET_CURSOR: ;AH = 02h VIDEO - SET CURSOR POSITION PUSH BX ;DH = row (00h is top), DL = column (00h is left) XOR BX,BX MOV BL,DL SHL BX,1 ;X2 SHL BX,1 ;X4 SHL BX,1 ;X8 (8 Pixels/character) CALL L_SET_X XOR BX,BX MOV BL,DH SHL BX,1 ;X2 SHL BX,1 ;X4 SHL BX,1 ;X8 SHL BX,1 ;X16 (16 Pixels/character) CALL L_SET_Y POP BX RET ;AH = 03h VIDEO - GET CURSOR POSITION AND SIZE L_GET_CURSOR: ;DH = row (00h is top), DL = column (00h is left) PUSH BX CALL L_GET_X SHR BX,1 ;/2 SHR BX,1 ;/4 SHR BX,1 ;/8 (8 Pixels/character) MOV DL,BL CALL L_GET_Y SHR BX,1 ;/2 SHR BX,1 ;/4 SHR BX,1 ;/8 SHR BX,1 ;/16 (16 Pixels/character) MOV DH,BL POP BX RET L_SHOW_CURSOR: ;Show cursor at current position MOV AL,DRAW$TEXT ;Send Draw Text Command CALL L_PULSE$WR MOV AL,1 ;Send 1 character only CALL L_PULSE$WR MOV AL,'_' CALL L_PULSE$WR ;Send Ascii MOV AL,0 CALL L_PULSE$WR ;Send Ascii X2 (So we have an even number of bytes sent) RET L_HIDE_CURSOR: ;Hide cursor at current position PUSH BX CALL L_GET_COLOR ;Normally white on black PUSH BX ;Save For below MOV BX,L_BLACK_COLOR CALL L_SET_COLOR MOV AL,DRAW$TEXT ;Send Draw Text Command CALL L_PULSE$WR MOV AL,1 ;Send 1 character only CALL L_PULSE$WR MOV AL,'_' CALL L_PULSE$WR ;Send Ascii MOV AL,0 CALL L_PULSE$WR ;Send Ascii X2 (So we have an even number of bytes sent) POP BX ;Get Back origional color CALL L_SET_COLOR POP BX RET L_DO_CR: PUSH BX ;Move cursor to start of line CALL L_HIDE_CURSOR XOR BX,BX CALL L_SET_X CALL L_SHOW_CURSOR POP BX RET L_DO_LF: PUSH BX ;Move cursor down vertically one line CALL L_HIDE_CURSOR CALL L_GET_Y CMP BX,(L_SCREEN_LINES * L_CHAR_HEIGHT) - L_CHAR_HEIGHT JL L_DO_LF1 CALL L_SCROLL_UP_1 ;Scroll up 1 line JMP L_DO_LF2 L_DO_LF1: ADD BX,L_CHAR_HEIGHT CALL L_SET_Y L_DO_LF2: CALL L_SHOW_CURSOR POP BX RET L_GET_COLOR: ;READ Register command, Get Text Color. Data in BX MOV AL,READ$CSR CALL L_PULSE$WR ;Send MOV AL,0 CALL L_PULSE$WR MOV AL,0 CALL L_PULSE$WR MOV AL,0H ;Point to CSR_COLOR CALL L_PULSE$WR CALL L_PULSE$2RD ;<<< Read 2 byte into [BX] RET L_SET_COLOR: ;WRITE Register command, Set Text Color. Data in BX MOV AL,WRITE$CSR CALL L_PULSE$WR ;Send MOV AL,0 CALL L_PULSE$WR MOV AL,0 CALL L_PULSE$WR MOV AL,0H ;Point to CSR_COLOR CALL L_PULSE$WR MOV AL,BH CALL L_PULSE$WR MOV AL,BL CALL L_PULSE$WR RET L_NEXT_POSITION: ;Advance LAVA cursor to next position (Cursor is not displayed here) PUSH BX CALL L_GET_X ;Get X position in BX CMP BX,(L_CHARS_PER_LINE * L_CHAR_WIDTH) - L_CHAR_WIDTH JL L_SAME_LINE ;On Same line just update CALL L_DO_LF CALL L_HIDE_CURSOR XOR BX,BX ;X=0 always to start of next line CALL L_SET_X POP BX RET L_SAME_LINE: ;This is the normal situation ADD BX,8 CALL L_SET_X POP BX RET L_CLEAR_CURRENT_LINE: ;Clear a whole line at current cursor Y position (Any X position on that lne) PUSH BX PUSH CX ;No need to hide cursor PUSH SI CALL L_GET_X PUSH BX ;Store it for when we return below CALL L_GET_Y MOV SI,BX CALL L_CLEAR_LINE POP BX ;Get Back origional Cursor position CALL L_SET_X POP SI POP CX POP BX RET L_CLEAR_SCREEN: ;Clear the whole screen. Cursor to 0,0 PUSH BX PUSH CX PUSH SI MOV SI,0 MOV CX,L_SCREEN_LINES+1 ;Count of total lines on screen L_CLEAR1: PUSH CX PUSH SI CALL L_CLEAR_LINE POP SI POP CX ADD SI,L_CHAR_HEIGHT LOOP L_CLEAR1 XOR BX,BX ;Set cursor position 0,0 CALL L_SET_X CALL L_SET_Y POP SI POP CX POP BX RET L_CLEAR_LINE: ;Clear line at [SI]. Note BX & DX changed MOV CX,0 ;Count for lines below L_CLEAR_LINE1: MOV BX,L_BELOW_SCREEN ;SOURCE: Below bottom of screen (will display as background, see L_CLEAR_BUFFER) ADD BX,CX MOV DX,0 ;X position is 0 CALL L_MAKE_24_ADDRESS ;Generate LAVA 24 bit address DX+BX -> DX+BH MOV AL,COPY$MEMORY ;Sent COPY MEMORY command CALL L_PULSE$WR MOV AL,BH CALL L_PULSE$WR ;Source Address 23:16 MOV AL,DH CALL L_PULSE$WR ;Source Address 15:8 MOV AL,DL CALL L_PULSE$WR ;Source Address 7:0 MOV AL,03H CALL L_PULSE$WR ;Next two size bytes MOV AL,0FFH CALL L_PULSE$WR MOV AX,0 CALL L_PULSE$WR ;Filler byte MOV BX,SI ;DESTINATION: Get Y position ADD BX,CX MOV DX,0 ;X position is 0 CALL L_MAKE_24_ADDRESS ;Generate LAVA 24 bit address DX+BX -> DX+BH MOV AL,BH CALL L_PULSE$WR ;Send Address 23:16 MOV AL,DH CALL L_PULSE$WR ;Send Address 15:8 MOV AL,DL CALL L_PULSE$WR ;Send Address 7:0 INC CX CMP CX,L_CHAR_HEIGHT JNZ L_CLEAR_LINE1 RET L_CLEAR_EOL: ;Clear to EOL (Any X position to end of that line) PUSH BX PUSH CX PUSH DX PUSH SI PUSH DI CALL L_HIDE_CURSOR CALL L_GET_X ;GET X POSITION OF CURSOR IN BX (Number of character positions) PUSH BX ;Save Cursor for when done MOV SI,BX ;>>> X Position in SI <<< MOV DX,L_CRT_WIDTH SUB DX,BX ;>>> Length in DX <<<< of line in delete area left to EOL CALL L_GET_Y ;GET Y POSITION OF CURSOR IN BX (Number of character positions) MOV DI,BX ;>>> Y Position in DI <<< MOV CX,0 ;Count for lines for below EOL_LINE1: ;Will move a clear memory block into the area PUSH DX ;Save data MOV BX,L_BELOW_SCREEN ;SOURCE: Below bottom of screen (will display as background, see L_CLEAR_BUFFER) ADD BX,CX MOV DX,SI CALL L_MAKE_24_ADDRESS ;Generate LAVA 24 bit address DX+BX -> DX+BH MOV AL,COPY$MEMORY ;Sent COPY MEMORY command CALL L_PULSE$WR MOV AL,BH CALL L_PULSE$WR ;Source Address 23:16 MOV AL,DH CALL L_PULSE$WR ;Source Address 15:8 MOV AL,DL CALL L_PULSE$WR ;Source Address 7:0 POP DX ;Get back saved length MOV AL,DH CALL L_PULSE$WR ;Next two size bytes MOV AL,DL CALL L_PULSE$WR PUSH DX ;Save length again MOV AX,0 CALL L_PULSE$WR ;Filler byte MOV BX,DI ;DESTINATION: Get Y position ADD BX,CX MOV DX,SI ;X position is 0 CALL L_MAKE_24_ADDRESS ;Generate LAVA 24 bit address DX+BX -> DX+BH MOV AL,BH CALL L_PULSE$WR ;Send Address 23:16 MOV AL,DH CALL L_PULSE$WR ;Send Address 15:8 MOV AL,DL CALL L_PULSE$WR ;Send Address 7:0 POP DX ;balance up stack INC CX CMP CX,L_CHAR_HEIGHT JNZ EOL_LINE1 POP BX ;Get Back origional Cursor position CALL L_SET_X CALL L_SHOW_CURSOR POP DI POP SI POP DX POP CX POP BX RET L_SCROLL_UP_1: ;Move the whole screen up one line (quickly) PUSH BX PUSH CX PUSH SI PUSH DI CALL L_GET_Y PUSH BX ;Store it for when we return below CALL L_HIDE_CURSOR MOV CX,(L_CHAR_HEIGHT * L_SCREEN_LINES) - L_CHAR_HEIGHT ;(Count for screen scan lines below) MOV SI,L_CHAR_HEIGHT ;Source, one line down MOV DI,0 ;Destination, top of screen UP1: MOV BX,SI ;SOURCE MOV DX,0 ;X position is 0 CALL L_MAKE_24_ADDRESS ;Generate LAVA 24 bit address DX+BX -> DX+BH MOV AL,COPY$MEMORY ;Sent COPY MEMORY command CALL L_PULSE$WR MOV AL,BH CALL L_PULSE$WR ;Source Address 23:16 MOV AL,DH CALL L_PULSE$WR ;Source Address 15:8 MOV AL,DL CALL L_PULSE$WR ;Source Address 7:0 MOV AL,03H CALL L_PULSE$WR ;Next two size bytes MOV AL,0FFH CALL L_PULSE$WR MOV AX,0 CALL L_PULSE$WR ;Filler byte MOV BX,DI ;DESTINATION MOV DX,0 ;X position is 0 CALL L_MAKE_24_ADDRESS ;Generate LAVA 24 bit address DX+BX -> DX+BH MOV AL,BH CALL L_PULSE$WR ;Send Address 23:16 MOV AL,DH CALL L_PULSE$WR ;Send Address 15:8 MOV AL,DL CALL L_PULSE$WR ;Send Address 7:0 INC SI ;Next scan line INC DI LOOP UP1 MOV SI,(L_CHAR_HEIGHT * L_SCREEN_LINES) CALL L_CLEAR_CURRENT_LINE POP BX ;Get Back origional Y Cursor position CALL L_SHOW_CURSOR POP DI POP SI POP CX POP BX RET L_DEL_SPACE: ;DEL requires special treatment because LAVA does not PUSH BX ;Overwrite characters. ie a space will not delete a character if overwritten PUSH CX PUSH DX CALL L_HIDE_CURSOR CALL L_GET_X JMP L_PUT_SPACE L_BACK_SPACE: ;Back space requires special treatment because LAVA does not PUSH BX ;Overwrite characters. ie a space will not delete a character if overwritten PUSH CX PUSH DX CALL L_HIDE_CURSOR CALL L_GET_X CMP BX,8 JL L_PUT_SPACE SUB BX,8 CALL L_SET_X ;Back space one character L_PUT_SPACE: ;Print a space on Screen at current X,Y position CALL L_GET_COLOR PUSH BX ;Save for below MOV BX,L_BLACK_COLOR ;The trick is to overlay with two ASCII characters that fill the complete CALL L_SET_COLOR ;8X16 pixel area in black (If a different background color, then change) MOV AL,DRAW$TEXT ;Send Draw Text Command CALL L_PULSE$WR MOV AL,1 ;Send 1 character only CALL L_PULSE$WR MOV AL,03H CALL L_PULSE$WR ;Send Ascii 'Heart figure" MOV AL,0 CALL L_PULSE$WR ;send Ascii X2 (So we have an even number of bytes sent) MOV AL,DRAW$TEXT ;Send Draw Text Command CALL L_PULSE$WR MOV AL,1 ;Send 1 character only CALL L_PULSE$WR MOV AL,08H CALL L_PULSE$WR ;Overlay with ASCII "Circle figure" MOV AL,0 CALL L_PULSE$WR ;send Ascii X2 (So we have an even number of bytes sent) POP BX ;Get back color CALL L_SET_COLOR CALL L_SHOW_CURSOR POP DX POP CX POP BX MOV AL,BS ;Return with space in AL RET L_MAKE_24_ADDRESS: ;Generate LAVA 24 bit memory address from X in DX, and Y in BX MOV AX,DX ;Get X address, isolate bits 8 & 9 AND AH,03H SHL BX,1 ;Shift over Y by 2 bits SHL BX,1 OR AH,BL ;Combine in lower 6 bits of Y coordinate MOV DH,AH RET ;Return Address 7:0 in DL, 15:8 in DH, and 23:16 in BH L_GET_X: MOV AL,READ$CSR ;READ Register command for X Position into BX CALL L_PULSE$WR ;Send MOV AL,0 CALL L_PULSE$WR MOV AL,0 CALL L_PULSE$WR MOV AL,01H ;Point to CSR_FONT_X CALL L_PULSE$WR CALL L_PULSE$2RD ;<<< Read 2 byte into [BX] RET L_GET_Y: MOV AL,READ$CSR ;READ Register command for Y Position into BX CALL L_PULSE$WR ;Send MOV AL,0 CALL L_PULSE$WR MOV AL,0 CALL L_PULSE$WR MOV AL,02H ;Point to CSR_FONT_Y CALL L_PULSE$WR CALL L_PULSE$2RD ;<<< Read 2 byte into [BX] RET L_SET_X: MOV AL,WRITE$CSR ;WRITE Register command, X Position, data in BX CALL L_PULSE$WR ;Send MOV AL,0 CALL L_PULSE$WR MOV AL,0 CALL L_PULSE$WR MOV AL,01H ;Point to CSR_FONT_X CALL L_PULSE$WR MOV AL,BH CALL L_PULSE$WR MOV AL,BL CALL L_PULSE$WR RET L_SET_Y: MOV AL,WRITE$CSR ;WRITE Register command, Y Position, data in BX CALL L_PULSE$WR ;Send MOV AL,0 CALL L_PULSE$WR MOV AL,0 CALL L_PULSE$WR MOV AL,02H ;Point to CSR_FONT_Y CALL L_PULSE$WR MOV AL,BH CALL L_PULSE$WR MOV AL,BL CALL L_PULSE$WR RET ;Clear an area of the LAVA screen RAM for use with Clear Line, EOL etc. L_CLEAR_BUFFER: ;We will us this for fast LAVA block moves etc. MOV BX,L_BELOW_SCREEN ;Y position of RAM below bottom of visible screen CLEARB2:MOV DX,0 ;X position is 0 CLEARB1:PUSH BX PUSH DX CALL L_MAKE_24_ADDRESS ;Generate LAVA 24 bit address DX+BX -> DX+BH MOV AL,WRITE$MEMORY ;Sent COPY MEMORY command CALL L_PULSE$WR MOV AL,BH ;Address 23:16 CALL L_PULSE$WR MOV AL,DH ;Address 15:8 CALL L_PULSE$WR MOV AL,DL ;Address 7:0 CALL L_PULSE$WR MOV AL,L_BLACK_COLOR ;BLACK (0FH = Blue for testing) CALL L_PULSE$WR MOV AL,L_BLACK_COLOR ;BLACK CALL L_PULSE$WR POP DX POP BX INC DX ;Are we at end of line CMP DX,L_CRT_WIDTH+10 JLE CLEARB1 INC BX ;Go to next scan line CMP BX,L_BELOW_SCREEN+L_CHAR_HEIGHT ;16 scan lines total JLE CLEARB2 RET ;------------------------ LAVA CORE WRITE ROUTINE ------------------------- ;Note only [AL] altered L_PULSE$WR: ;>>>>> WRITE ONE BYTE OF DATA TO LAVA CHIP, Data in [AL] <<<<< OUT LavaData,AL ;Send [AL] to Lava data port (91H) MOV AL,00000001B ;Output enable U10 to LAVA data bus, and set LAVA to WRITE mode OUT LavaStatus,AL ;Send to lava status port (90H) MOV AL,10000001B ;Then pulse status port strobe bit LOW (Bit 7 high, pulsed strobe low) OUT LavaStatus,AL ;Send to lava status port (90H) L_WR$NOT$RDY: IN AL,LavaStatus ;Wait until LAVA "Done" signal clears U12A. Then we are done AND AL,80H ;This will set strobe bit back HIGH. Note still in WRITE LAVA mode JZ L_WR$NOT$RDY RET ;------------------------ LAVA CORE READ ROUTINE ------------------------- ;Note only [AL] & [BX] altered L_PULSE$2RD: ;>>>>> READ TWO BYTES OF DATA FROM LAVA CHIP, Data in [BX] <<<<< MOV AL,00001000B ;Set to LAVA READ MODE, Disable U10 to LAVA data bus OUT LavaStatus,AL ;Send to lava status port (91H) MOV AL,10001000B ;Then pulse strobe bit LOW OUT LavaStatus,AL ;Send to lava status port (91H) L_RD$NOT$RDY: IN AL,LavaStatus ;Wait until JAVA "Done" signal clears U12A. Then we are done AND AL,80H ;This will set strobe bit back HIGH. Note still in READ LAVA mode JZ L_RD$NOT$RDY IN AL,LavaData ;Data [15:8] from port (90H) MOV BH,AL ;Save in BH MOV AL,10001000B ;Pulse strobe bit LOW OUT LavaStatus,AL ;Send to lava status port (91H) L_RD$NOT$RDY1: IN AL,LavaStatus ;Wait until JAVA "Done" signal clears U12A. Then we are done AND AL,80H ;This will set strobe bit back HIGH. Note still in READ LAVA mode JZ L_RD$NOT$RDY1 ;Now Second Byte IN AL,LavaData ;Data [7:0] from port (90H) MOV BL,AL RET ;Return with data in [BX] ;********************************* ; ; Console Input Handler (Software Interrupt 16H) ; Return with keyboard buffer character in AL ; ;Input: AH = 00h KEYBOARD - GET KEYSTROKE ; ;Return:AH = BIOS scan code ; AL = ASCII character ; Note: On extended keyboards, this function discards any extended keystrokes, ; returning only when a non-extended keystroke is available. The BIOS ; scan code is usually, but not always, the same as the hardware scan ; code processed by INT 09. It is the same for ASCII keystrokes and most ; unshifted special keys (F-keys, arrow keys, etc.), but differs for shifted ; special keys. Some (older) clone BIOSes do not discard extended keystrokes ; and manage function AH=00h and AH=10h the same. ; ;Input: AH = 01h KEYBOARD - CHECK FOR KEYSTROKE ; ;Return:ZF set if no keystroke available ; ZF clear if keystroke available ; AH = BIOS scan code ; AL = ASCII character ; Note: If a keystroke is present, it is not removed from the keyboard buffer; ; however, any extended keystrokes which are not compatible with 83/84- key keyboards ; are removed by IBM and most fully-compatible BIOSes in the process of checking ; whether a non-extended keystroke is available. Some (older) clone BIOSes do not ; discard extended keystrokes and manage function AH=00h and AH=10h the same. ; ;Input: AH = 02h KEYBOARD - GET SHIFT FLAGS ; ;Return:AL = shift flags (see below) ; AH destroyed by many BIOSes ; Bitfields for keyboard shift flags:- ; 7 Insert active ; 6 CapsLock active ; 5 NumLock active ; 4 ScrollLock active ; 3 Alt key pressed (either Alt on 101/102-key keyboards) ; 2 Ctrl key pressed (either Ctrl on 101/102-key keyboards) ; 1 left shift key pressed ; 0 right shift key pressed ;********************************* CONIN: sti push ds push bx XOR BX,BX ;Set DS to data area for ROM usage in low RAM @ 400H....) MOV DS,BX Xconi0: or ah,ah ;read keyboard? jnz coni1 ;skip if not coni0: TEST byte[KB_FLAG_1],HOLD_STATE ;Is Pause flag set JNZ coni0 mov al,[chrcnt] ;any data in buffer? test al,al je coni0 ;wait for a key mov bx,[bufhd] ;get buffer address mov al,[bx] ;character to al mov ah,0 ;scan code always zero inc bx cmp bx,keybuff+32 ;at end of buffer? jl coni00 mov bx,keybuff ;reset buffer address if so coni00: mov [bufhd],bx cli ;turn off interrupts dec byte [chrcnt] ;while we adjust count sti pop bx pop ds iret ;return char in AL, AH=0 coni1: cmp ah,1 ;read status? jne coni2 ;skip if not mov al,[chrcnt] ;get character count test al,al ;Z-flag = availability mov bx,[bufhd] mov al,[bx] ;character to al mov ah,0 ;scan code = 0 conirt: pop bx pop ds retf 2 ;throw away flags coni2: cmp ah,3 ;read shift status jne coni3 mov al,0 ;set status to zero coni3: pop bx pop ds iret ;********************************* ; ; Printer Output Handler (Software Interrupt 17H) ; ;Input: AH = 00h PRINTER - WRITE CHARACTER ; AL = character to write ; DX = printer number (00h-02h) ; ;Return:AH = printer status ; Bitfields set for printer status: ; 7 not busy ; 6 acknowledge ; 5 out of paper ; 4 selected ; 3 I/O error ; 2-1 unused ; 0 timeout ; ;Input: AH = 01h PRINTER - INITIALIZE PORT ; DX = printer number (00h-02h) ; ;Return:AH = printer status (same as above) ; ;Input: AH = 02h PRINTER - GET STATUS ; DX = printer number (00h-02h) ; ;Return:AH = printer status (see above) ; ;********************************* LST_OUT:PUSH AX ;Note we will assume only one printer PUSH BX PUSH CX CMP AH,0 ;AH=0 Print Character JZ PRN_CHAR CMP AH,1 JZ INIT_PRN ;AH=1 Initilize Printer (Set Font etc) JMP STATUS_PRN ;AH=2 Get status PRN_CHAR: CALL LIST_OUT1 ;AH = 0; Print a character (in AL) on printer LDONE: POP CX POP BX POP AX XOR AH,AH ;Retur Z set (and AH = 0 ) if all OK IRET ;<- Note IRET STATUS_PRN: ;Get List Status CALL LIST_STATUS ;Must be initilize or a status check. Same ending JZ LDONE ;If it matches xxxx0110B we are OK PSTAT: TEST AL,00001000B ;Test for paper out JNZ PAPER_OUT POP CX ;Else just return busy signal POP BX POP AX ;Just in case return with character in AL MOV AH,00000001B ;return with timeout bit set IRET PAPER_OUT: POP CX POP BX POP AX ;Just in case return with character in AL MOV AH,00100000B ;Flag for paper out IRET INIT_PRN: MOV BX,PRN_INIT_STR ;Set Font etc. INIT_PRN1: MOV CL,[CS:BX] INC BX OR CL,CL JZ LDONE CALL LIST_OUT JMP INIT_PRN1 LIST_OUT1: ;Remember can be called by IBM BIOS section or the monitor section MOV CL,AL ;For BIOS interrupt printing character is in AL LIST_OUT: ;Within this monitor character is in CL MOV CH,0FFH ;Check status up to 255 times LO2: CALL LIST_STATUS ;XXXX0110 if ready JZ LIST_OK DEC CH JNZ LO2 LIST_OK:MOV AL,0FFH ;Setup strobe high to low then high OUT PRINTER_STROBE,AL MOV AL,CL OUT PRINTER_OUT,AL ;Now Data MOV AL,0FEH ;Bit 0, STROBE FOR CENTRONICS OUT PRINTER_STROBE,AL MOV AL,0FFH ;Raise strobe again OUT PRINTER_STROBE,AL RET LIST_STATUS: ;Remember can be called by IBM BIOS section or the monitor section IN AL,PRINTER_STATUS CENSTAT:AND AL,00001111B ;XXXX0110 IS READY (BIT 3=PAPER BIT 2=FAULT CMP AL,00000110B ;BIT 1=SELECT BIT 0=BUSY RET ;******************************* ; ; BASIC Handler (Software Interrupt 18h) ; ;******************************* basic: PUSH AX PUSH BX PUSH CX MOV BX,NO_BASIC_MSG ;Announce we got an BASIC Interrupt NO_INT_SUPPORT: ;Common for warning about un-implemented int CALL PRINT_STRING ;Send msg pointed to by CS:BX POP CX ;Note this routine is also used by the MS-DOS BIOS section POP BX POP AX iret ;Remember IRET collects the saved Flags ;******************************** ; ; Equipment Check Handler (Software Interrupt 11H) ; ;******************************** equip: push ds ;save data segment XOR AX,AX ;Set DS to data area for ROM usage in low RAM @ 400H....) MOV DS,AX mov ax,[EQFLAG] pop ds iret ;********************************* ; ; Memory Size Handler (Software Interrupt 12H) ; BIOS - GET MEMORY SIZE ; Return:AX = kilobytes of contiguous memory starting at absolute address 00000h ; Note: This call returns the contents of the word at 0040h:0013h; ; in PC and XT, this value is set from the switches on the motherboard ;********************************* memsiz: push ds XOR AX,AX ;Set DS to data area for ROM usage in low RAM @ 400H....) MOV DS,AX mov ax,[memrsz] pop ds iret ;********************************** ; ; Interrupt 1Bh Keyboard Break ; ;********************************** kbd_break: PUSH AX PUSH BX PUSH CX MOV BX,NO_BREAK_MSG ;Announce we got an BREAK Interrupt jmp NO_INT_SUPPORT ;********************************** ; ; Interrupt 1Ch (28 Decimal) User Timer Tic ; ;********************************** user_timer: IRET ;Just return ;********************************* ; ; Comm I/O Handler (Software Interrupt 14H) ; ; Note: We will leave it at 19,200 Baud (faster than on origional PC ; ;Input: AH = 00h SERIAL - INITIALIZE PORT ; AL = port parameters ; Paramater Bit Description ; 7-5 data rate (110,150,300,600,1200,2400,4800,9600 bps) ; 4-3 parity (00 or 10 = none, 01 = odd, 11 = even) ; 2 stop bits (set = 2, clear = 1) ; 1-0 data bits (00 = 5, 01 = 6, 10 = 7, 11 = 8) ; DX = port number (00h-03h) ;Return:AH = line status ; Bit(s) Description ; 7 carrier detect ; 6 ring indicator ; 5 data set ready ; 4 clear to send ; 3 delta carrier detect ; 2 trailing edge of ring indicator ; 1 delta data set ready ; 0 delta clear to send ; ;Input: AH = 01h SERIAL - WRITE CHARACTER TO PORT ; AL = character to write ; DX = port number (00h-03h) ;Return:AH bit 7 clear if successful ; AH bit 7 set on error ; AH bits 6-0 = port status ; ;Input: AH = 02h SERIAL - READ CHARACTER FROM PORT ; AL = 00h (ArtiCom) ; DX = port number (00h-03h ; Return:AH = line status ; AL = received character if AH bit 7 clear ;S100Computers Serial I/O Board Initilization ;Note only SSC A of the Zilog SCC serial ports will be set used (and set to 38,400 Baud initially). ;Will leave SSC B at 38,400 for speech synthizer (untouched). So DX will be ignored commio: PUSH AX ;Note we will assume only two serial ports PUSH BX ;so DX = 0 or 1 PUSH CX CMP AH,0 JZ INIT_SIO ;Initilize serial port CMP AH,1 JZ WR_SIO ;Write to serial port JMP RD_SIO ;Must be AH=2, read from serial port INIT_SIO: ;Program Channel A MOV AH,AL ;Store Baud etc in AH CMP DX,0 JNZ SIO_DONE ;Skip serial ports 1,2 & 3 MOV AL,04H ;Point to WR4 OUT ACTL,AL MOV AL,44H ;X16 clock,1 Stop,NP OUT ACTL,AL MOV AL,03H ;Point to WR3 OUT ACTL,AL MOV AL,0C1H ;Enable reciever, Auto Enable, Recieve 8 bits ; MOV AL,0E1H ;Enable reciever, No Auto Enable, Recieve 8 bits (for CTS bit) OUT ACTL,AL MOV AL,05H ;Point to WR5 OUT ACTL,AL MOV AL,0EAH ;Enable, Transmit 8 bits OUT ACTL,AL ;Set RTS,DTR, Enable MOV AL,0BH ;Point to WR11 OUT ACTL,AL MOV AL,56H ;Recieve/transmit clock = BRG OUT ACTL,AL MOV AL,0CH ;Point to WR12 OUT ACTL,AL ; MOV AL,40H ;Low Byte 2400 Baud (Note can expand later, AH has Baud rate bits) ; MOV AL,1EH ;Low Byte 4800 Baud ; MOV AL,0EH ;Low Byte 9600 Baud ; MOV AL,06H ;Low byte 19,200 Baud MOV AL,02H ;Low byte 38,400 Baud <<<<<<<<<<<<<<< OUT ACTL,AL MOV AL,0DH ;Point to WR13 OUT ACTL,AL MOV AL,00H ;High byte for Baud OUT ACTL,AL MOV AL,0EH ;Point to WR14 OUT ACTL,AL MOV AL,01H ;Use 4.9152 MHz Clock. OUT ACTL,AL MOV AL,0FH ;Point to WR15 OUT ACTL,AL MOV AL,00H ;Generate Int with CTS going high OUT ACTL,AL SIO_DONE: POP CX ;We will assume no problem, always! POP BX POP AX XOR AH,AH IRET ;Note IRET not RET WR_SIO: ;Write a character to SSC Channel A MOV AH,AL ;Store char in AH MOV CX,256 ;Will try 256 times, then timeout WR_SIO1:IN AL,ACTL ;(A0), Is SCC TX Buffer empty AND AL,04H JNZ SENDSER ;NZ if ready to recieve character LOOP WR_SIO1 BAD_SER:POP CX POP BX POP AX XOR AH,AH OR AH,80H ;Flag we have a problem IRET ;Note IRET not RET SENDSER:MOV AL,AH OUT ADTA,AL ;(A2), Send it JMP SIO_DONE RD_SIO: ;Read a character from SSC Channel A MOV CX,256 ;Will try 256 times, then timeout RD_SIO1:IN AL,ACTL ;(A0), Is SCC TX Buffer empty AND AL,01H JNZ GETSER ;NZ if something there LOOP RD_SIO1 JMP BAD_SER GETSER: POP CX ;Get back everything POP BX POP AX XOR AH,AH IN AL,ADTA ;(A2), return with data IRET ;Note IRET not RET SERIAL_OUT: ;Simple write a character to SSC Channel#1 on S100Computers Serial IO Board MOV AH,CL ;Store char in AH PUSH CX MOV CX,256 ;Will try 256 times, then timeout SERIAL_OUT1: IN AL,ACTL ;(A0), Is SCC TX Buffer empty AND AL,04H JNZ SERIAL_OUT2 ;NZ if ready to recieve character LOOP SERIAL_OUT1 POP CX XOR AH,AH OR AH,80H ;Flag we have a problem RET ;Note RET not IRET SERIAL_OUT2: MOV AL,AH OUT ADTA,AL ;(A2), Send it POP CX ;We will assume no problem, always! XOR AH,AH ;Z for no problem RET ;Note RET not IRET ;********************************* ; ; Old Cassette Handler (Software Interrupt 15H) ; We will use this as a staging point for a far Jump if an extra ; ROM is discovered duting the BIOS initilization sequence ; Things like SCSI adaptors etc. ; ;********************************* CASSETTE: push DS PUSH AX Cassette1: POP AX POP DS CMP AH,44H ;Cirrus Logic VGA board used this to check BIOS is capable JNZ Cassette2 MOV BX,VGA_OK_MSG ;Announce we can handle Cirrus Logic VGA Board CALL PRINT_STRING ;Send msg pointed to by CS:BX XOR AX,AX CLC ;Clear carry (required) retf 2 ;Remove the origional status flags on return Cassette2: CMP AH,41H ;Extenal Wait event (Unused) JZ EXT_WAIT CMP AH,0C0H JZ GET_DESCRIPTION_TABLE CMP AH,0C1H ;RETURN EXTENDED-BIOS DATA-AREA SEGMENT ADDRESS (PS) JZ EXT_BIOS_DATA CMP AH,88H JZ HIGH_RAM_CHECK PUSH AX PUSH BX PUSH CX PUSH AX MOV BX,CASSETTE_MSG ;Announce we got an EXTRA Interrupt CALL PRINT_STRING ;Send msg pointed to by CS:BX POP AX MOV AL,AH CALL AL_HEXOUT MOV BX,H_MSG_CRLF ;"H",CR,LF CALL PRINT_STRING ;Send msg pointed to by CS:BX POP CX POP BX POP AX STC ;Set carry to indicate INT is not supported retf 2 ;Remove the origional status flags on return (remember we got here via an INT) GET_DESCRIPTION_TABLE: ;AH=C0H MOV AX,CS ;Return pointer with ES:BX MOV ES,AX MOV BX,SYS_TABLE XOR AX,AX CLC ;Clear carry retf 2 ;Remove the origional status flags on return HIGH_RAM_CHECK: ;AH=88H MOV AX,0h ;Using 8086, so 0H RAM above 1M CLC ;Set carry retf 2 ;Remove the origional status flags on return EXT_WAIT: ;AH=41H STC ;Set carry retf 2 ;Remove the origional status flags on return EXT_BIOS_DATA: ;AH= C1H, Extended BIOS Data Area Segment in ES STC ;Set carry (Used on PS/2, not needed here) retf 2 ;Remove the origional status flags on return ;----------------- SUPPORT ROUTINES FOR IBM-PC BIOS ---------------------------------------- dumpreg: ;Dump all 8086 registers to screen CALL PRINT_8086_REGISTERS CALL PRINT_SEG_REGISTERS RET SERIAL_DISPLAY_REGISTERS: ;For Debugging only, Send to serial port Register values of registers with INTs PUSH AX ;Save everything PUSH BX PUSH CX PUSH DX PUSH DX ;we will display in this order PUSH CX PUSH BX PUSH AX MOV BX,INT_AX_MSG ;"AX=" CALL SERIAL_PRINT_STRING POP AX CALL SERIAL_AX_HEXOUT ;Get AX MOV BX,INT_BX_MSG ;"H BX=" CALL SERIAL_PRINT_STRING POP AX ;Get BX CALL SERIAL_AX_HEXOUT MOV BX,INT_CX_MSG ;"H CX=" CALL SERIAL_PRINT_STRING POP AX ;Get CX CALL SERIAL_AX_HEXOUT MOV BX,INT_DX_MSG ;"H DX=" CALL SERIAL_PRINT_STRING POP AX ;Get DX CALL SERIAL_AX_HEXOUT MOV BX,H_Msg ;"H" CALL SERIAL_PRINT_STRING POP DX ;Restore everything POP CX POP BX POP AX RET ;=============CORE SUPPORT ROUTINES ========================================= ; Calculate length difference between DS:SI(end) and ES:DI(start) CLENGTH: MOV AX,DS ;DS has segment of final value MOV CX,ES ;ES has segment of start value SUB AX,CX ;Check if finish is the next segment up JZ SAME_SEGMENT CMP AX,1000H ;Max length must be < 64K JG BAD_RANGE MOV AX,0FFFFH SUB AX,DI ;Calculate start up to end of segment ADD AX,SI ;Add in the part from the next segment up. INC AX ;Count = difference +1 MOV CX,AX ;Return value in CX RET SAME_SEGMENT: MOV CX,SI sub CX,DI CMP CX,0FFFEH JZ BAD_RANGE inc cx ;count = difference +1 ret BAD_RANGE: PUSH BX PUSH CX MOV BX,RangeErrMsg ;Range error CALL PRINT_STRING jmp ToMonitor ;Note this will clean up the stack ; Send to console the address ES+DI ;CX Unchanged SHOW_ADDRESS_ES: push cx mov ax,es mov cl,12 shr ax,cl ;Get high nibble down to AL call hexdigout MOV BX,DI call BX_HEXOUT ;Then next 4 digits in BX call BLANK pop cx ret SHOW_ADDRESS_ES_NOSPACE: ;Same but no trailing blank push cx mov ax,es mov cl,12 shr ax,cl ;Get high nibble down to AL call hexdigout MOV BX,DI call BX_HEXOUT ;Then next 4 digits in BX pop cx ret ; BINARY OUTPUT ;Send what is in [al] in bits AL_BINOUT: ;No registers altered (except AL) push cx mov cx,8 binout1: push cx shl al,1 jb bout1 mov cl,'0' push ax call CO pop ax jmp binend bout1: mov cl,'1' push ax call CO pop ax binend: pop cx loop binout1 pop cx ret ; HEXCHK ;check for a valid HEX DIGIT HEX_check: sub al,'0' ;convert to binary if ok set carry if problem jb hret cmp al,0ah cmc jnb hret sub al,7 cmp al,10 jb hret cmp al,16 cmc hret: ret ; Send to console the address DS+SI ;CX Unchanged SHOW_ADDRESS_DS: push cx ;Same but send upper nibble of ds reg mov ax,ds mov cl,12 shr ax,cl ;Get high nibble down to AL call hexdigout MOV BX,SI call BX_HEXOUT ;Then next 4 digits in BX call BLANK pop cx ret ; Send to console the address SS+SI ;Used (Only) by sector display routine. CX Unchanged SHOW_ADDRESS_SS: push cx ;Same but send upper nibble of ds reg mov ax,ss mov cl,12 shr ax,cl ;Get high nibble down to AL call hexdigout MOV BX,SI call BX_HEXOUT ;Then next 4 digits in BX call BLANK pop cx ret ; Get 8 bit value (2 digits) to AL. (BX, CX & DX Unchanged), terminator in AH - normally 0 GET2DIGITS: PUSH BX PUSH CX mov bx,0 ;Default to 0H call CICO ;1st Console input digit to AL cmp al,'0' ;alphanumeric? jb bexit2 call HEX_check ;convert to binary and check it jb err2 add bl,al ;Move into BX mov cl,4 shl bx,cl ;shift in last addition to high nibble on BL push BX ;Just in case call CICO ;2nd Console input digit to AL pop BX cmp al,'0' ;alphanumeric? jb bexit2 call HEX_check ;convert to binary and check it jb err2 add bl,al ;Move into BX MOV AL,BL MOV AH,0 ;Ret 0 in AH if all OK POP CX POP BX ret err2: POP CX ;Cleanup stack POP BX JMP ERR ;Then normal error exit bexit2: cmp al,' ' ;save terminator, if SP,CR accept only 1 digit je bgood2 cmp al,',' je bgood2 cmp al,CR je bgood2 cmp al,ESC je bgood2 POP CX ;Cleanup stack POP BX JMP ERR ;Then normal error exit bgood2: mov ah,al ;Save SP,",' or CR in AH MOV BH,0 mov cl,4 shr bx,cl ;shift down last addition to low nibble on BL MOV AL,BL POP CX POP BX ret ; Get (up to) 16 bit value (4 digits) to DI. Termination byte in AH GET4DIGITS: PUSH BX PUSH CX MOV CX,5 ;4 characters mnaximum + CR mov bx,0 loop4b: call CICO ;Console input to AL cmp al,'0' ;alphanumeric? jb bexit push cx mov cl,4 shl bx,cl ;shift in last addition pop cx call HEX_check ;convert [AL] to binary and check it jb AddressError add bl,al loop loop4b MOV DI,BX POP CX POP BX ret ;Will return BX = xxxxH ; Get (up to) 20 bit parameter. 16 bit value (4 digits) to DI. ; If 5 digits, first digit entered to ES (BX,CX, DX unaltered) GET5DIGITS: ;Will return ES=000xH, DI = xxxxH PUSH BX PUSH CX mov cx,6 ;Max count of 5 characters + CR mov bx,0 ;So initially ES=0, see below loopb: call CICO ;Console input to AL cmp al,'0' ;alphanumeric? jb bexit push cx ;Save character count push bx ;force the highest nibble to ds: and bx,0f000h mov es,bx pop bx mov cl,4 shl bx,cl ;shift in last addition pop cx call HEX_check ;convert to binary and check it jb AddressError add bl,al loop loopb ;Do up to 5 characters bexit: MOV DI,BX ;Move data to DI cmp al,' ' ;Terminate with a SP, "," or CR only je bgood cmp al,',' je bgood cmp al,CR je bgood jmp ERR bgood: mov ah,al ;Save terminator POP CX ;Balance up stack POP BX ret AddressError: MOV BX,AddressErrMsg ;Range error CALL PRINT_STRING jmp ToMonitor ;Note this will clean up the stack ; For debugging display DEBUG_AX: PUSH AX PUSH BX PUSH CX CALL AX_HEXOUT POP CX POP BX POP AX RET ; Display ALL 8086 registers PRINT_8086_REGISTERS: ;Print AX,BX,CX,DX,SI & DI Registers PUSHF ;Will print all on CRT on one line followed by a CRLF PUSH AX PUSH BX PUSH CX PUSH SI ;Will pop from stack from here PUSH DI PUSH DX PUSH CX PUSH BX PUSH AX MOV BX,AXMSG ;[AX]= CALL PRINT_STRING POP AX CALL AX_HEXOUT MOV BX,BXMSG ;[BX]= CALL PRINT_STRING POP AX CALL AX_HEXOUT MOV BX,CXMSG ;[CX]= CALL PRINT_STRING POP AX CALL AX_HEXOUT MOV BX,DXMSG ;[DX]= CALL PRINT_STRING POP AX CALL AX_HEXOUT MOV BX,DIMSG ;[DI]= CALL PRINT_STRING POP AX CALL AX_HEXOUT MOV BX,SIMSG ;[SI]= CALL PRINT_STRING POP AX CALL AX_HEXOUT MOV BX,H_MSG ;Final H CALL PRINT_STRING POP CX POP BX POP AX POPF RET ; Display 8086 Segment registers PRINT_SEG_REGISTERS: ;Print current RAM loction of the stack PUSHF ;Will print all on CRT on one line followed by a CRLF PUSH AX PUSH BX PUSH CX MOV BX,SSMSG ;[SS]= CALL PRINT_STRING MOV AX,SS CALL AX_HEXOUT MOV BX,SPMSG ;[SP]= CALL PRINT_STRING MOV AX,SP SUB AX,10 ;Adjust because we saved stuff first CALL AX_HEXOUT MOV BX,CSMSG ;[CS]= CALL PRINT_STRING MOV AX,CS CALL AX_HEXOUT MOV BX,DSMSG ;[DS]= CALL PRINT_STRING MOV AX,DS CALL AX_HEXOUT MOV BX,ESMSG ;[ES]= CALL PRINT_STRING MOV AX,ES CALL AX_HEXOUT MOV BX,BPMSG ;[BP]= CALL PRINT_STRING MOV AX,BP CALL AX_HEXOUT MOV BX,H_MSG ;Final H CALL PRINT_STRING POP CX POP BX POP AX POPF RET ; CHECK FOR ^S or ESC AT CONSOL CTRL_CHECK: call CSTS cmp al,0 jz ctlexit call CICO cmp al,'S'-40h ;^S will pause jnz ctlcchek ;possibly ^C xwait: call CSTS cmp al,0 jz xwait ret ctlcchek: cmp al,ESC ;ESC will abort jz ERR ctlexit:ret ; SEND CRLF with an ESC at keyboard check CRLF_CHECK: push cx push bx call CTRL_CHECK ;Will jump to err if ESC mov cl,CR call CO mov cl,LF call CO pop bx pop cx ret ; SIMPLE SEND CRLF CRLF: push AX push cx push bx mov cl,CR call CO mov cl,LF call CO pop bx pop cx POP AX ret ; PRINT A BLANK SPACE BLANK: push cx mov cx,1 call TABS pop cx ret ; TABS ;[cx] = number of spaces TABS: push cx mov cl,' ' call CO pop cx loop TABS ret ; ERROR ABORT ROUTINE ERR: MOV BX,ERR_MSG ;Invalid Command (or code not yet done) CALL PRINT_STRING jmp ToMonitor ; BX_HEXOUT ;bx output as 4 hex digits BX_HEXOUT: ;No registers altered push ax mov al,bh call AL_HEXOUT mov al,bl call AL_HEXOUT pop ax ret ; AX_HEXOUT ;output the 4 hex digits in [AX] AX_HEXOUT: ;No registers altered PUSH AX MOV AL,AH CALL AL_HEXOUT POP AX CALL AL_HEXOUT RET ; AL_HEXOUT ;output the 2 hex digits in [AL] AL_HEXOUT: ;No registers altered (except AL) push cx push ax mov cl,4 ;first isolate low nibble shr al,cl call hexdigout pop ax call hexdigout ;get upper nibble pop cx ret hexdigout: and al,0fh ;convert nibble to ascii add al,90h daa adc al,40h daa mov cl,al call CO ret ; ROUTINE TO PRINT A STRING CS:BX = START OF STRING $ or 0 = FINISH PRINT_STRING: push cx print1: mov al,[CS:bx] ;Note this routine does NOT assume DS = CS here. inc bx ;By using the CS over-ride we will always have cmp al,'$' ;a valid pointer to messages at the end of this monitor jz print2 cmp AL,0 ;Also terminate with 0's JZ print2 mov cl,al call CO jmp print1 print2: pop cx ret ERROR_PRINT_STRING: push cx print4: mov al,[CS:bx] ;Note this routine does NOT assume DS = CS here. inc bx ;By using the CS over-ride we will always have cmp al,'$' ;a valid pointer to messages at the end of this monitor jz print3 cmp AL,0 ;Also terminate with 0's JZ print3 mov cl,al call CO jmp print4 print3: pop cx ret ; ROUTINE TO PRINT A STRING TO S100Computers Serial Port #1 BX = START OF STRING $ or 0 = FINISH ; This routine is used mainly for Debugging the IBM BIOS section. No registers altered SERIAL_PRINT_STRING: push AX push cx sprint1:mov al,[CS:bx] ;Note this routine does NOT assume DS = CS here. inc bx ;By using the CS over-ride we will always have cmp al,'$' ;a valid pointer to messages at the end of this monitor jz sprint2 cmp AL,0 JZ sprint2 mov cl,al call SERIAL_OUT ;Send to serial port #1 jmp sprint1 sprint2:pop cx pop AX ret ; SERIAL_AX_HEXOUT ;Output the 4 hex digits in [AX] to serial port (used for debugging) SERIAL_AX_HEXOUT: ;No registers altered PUSH AX MOV AL,AH CALL SERIAL_AL_HEXOUT POP AX CALL SERIAL_AL_HEXOUT RET ; SERIAL_AL_HEXOUT ;output the 2 hex digits in [AL] SERIAL_AL_HEXOUT: ;No registers altered (except AL) push cx push ax mov cl,4 ;first isolate low nibble shr al,cl call SERIAL_hexdigout pop ax call SERIAL_hexdigout ;get upper nibble pop cx ret SERIAL_hexdigout: and al,0fh ;convert nibble to ascii add al,90h daa adc al,40h daa MOV AH,01H ;AH=char output, char in AL MOV DX,0 int 14H ;Serial out Handler (Software Interrupt 14H) ret ;<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< MAIN CONSOL OUTPUT ROUTINE >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> CO: IN AL,KEYSTAT ;PROPELLER CONSOLE (or SD SYSTEMS) VIDIO BOARD PORT AND AL,4H JZ CO MOV AL,CL CMP AL,BELL ;IS IT A BELL JZ BELL1 CMP AL,0H ;SD BOARD CANNOT TAKE A NULL JNZ LXX3 RET LXX3: CMP AL,ESC ;Don't actully echo an ESC character JNZ LX2 RET LX2: OUT KEYOUT,AL MOV AL,CL ;MAKE SURE TO RETURN WITH [AL] CONTAINING CHAR RET BELL1: MOV AL,06H ;SEND A BELL OUT KEYOUT,AL MOV AL,1FH CALL DELAY MOV AL,CL OUT KEYOUT,AL RET DELAY: DEC AL ;GENERAL COUNT DOWN TIME DELAY JNZ LX4 RET ;LENGTH SET IN [A] LX4: PUSH AX MOV AL,05H MORE: DEC AL PUSH AX XOR AL,AL MORE2: DEC AL JNZ MORE2 POP AX JNZ MORE POP AX JMP DELAY ;<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< MAIN CONSOL STATUS ROUTINE >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> CSTS: IN AL,KEYSTAT TEST AL,02H JZ NONE XOR AL,AL DEC AL RET ;RETURN WITH 0FFH IN [A] IF SOMETHING NONE: XOR AL,AL RET ;<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< MAIN CONSOL INPUT ROUTINE >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> CI: CALL CSTS ;Wait until something is there JZ CI IN AL,KEYIN AND AL,7FH RET ;<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< CONSOLE INPUT WITH ECHO ON CONSOLE + LC->UC <<<<<<<<<<<< CICO: CALL CI ;Char -> AL AND AL,7FH JZ BAD_CHAR ;No Nulls CMP AL,',' ;Allow "," character JZ CIC1 CMP AL,CR ;ACCEPT ONLY CR,LF,SP JZ CIC1 CMP AL,LF JZ CIC1 CMP AL,SPACE JZ CIC1 CMP AL,ESC ;Also ESC JZ CIC1 CMP AL,'0' JB BAD_CHAR CMP AL,':' ;Allow 0-9 JB CIC1 CMP AL,'A' JB BAD_CHAR ;do not allow : to @ CMP AL,'[' ;Is upper case A to Z JB CIC1 CMP AL,'a' JB BAD_CHAR CMP AL,'{' JB UPPER_CASE JMP BAD_CHAR UPPER_CASE: AND AL,5FH ;THIS CONVERTS ALL LC->UC CIC1: PUSH AX PUSH CX MOV CL,AL CALL CO ;DISPLAY ON CONSOLE POP CX POP AX RET ; BAD_CHAR: MOV AL,BELL ;SEND BELL TO INDICATE BAD DATA CALL CIC1 MOV AL,'?' ;SEND ? TO INDICATE BAD DATA JMP CIC1 SPEAKOUT: MOV AL,0H ;Will try 256 times, then timeout SOUT1: PUSH AX IN AL,BCTL ;Are we ready for a character AND AL,04H JNZ SENDS POP AX DEC AL JNZ SOUT1 RET SENDS: POP AX MOV AL,CL OUT BDTA,AL ;Send it RET ;SPEAKTOMM THIS IS A ROUTINE TO SEND A STRING TO TALKER [BX] AT STRING SPEAK_STRING: MOV AL,[CS:BX] CMP AL,'$' ;Terminate with "$" or 0 JZ STOMM1 OR AL,AL JZ STOMM1 MOV CL,AL CALL SPEAKOUT INC BX JMP SPEAK_STRING STOMM1: MOV CL,CR ;MUST END WITH A CR JMP SPEAKOUT POO: RET ;NO PUNCH OUTPUT AT THE MOMENT RI: MOV AL,1AH ;NO READER AT THE MOMENT RET NOT_DONE_WARNING: mov bx,TO_BE_DONE ;Signon notice call PRINT_STRING RET ;End of the bios code ;+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ; Data contained in BIOS (Does not get modified, rommable) ;************************************** DATA SECTION ******************************************* ; ; ; Interrupt vector table for 8259A vec_tbl_8259A: ;Pointer to 8259A Hardware interrupts used here dw timer ;Interrupt Base + 0 ;Will use timer dw keyhnd ;Interrupt Base + 1 ;Will use for keyboard press dw Send_EOI ;Interrupt Base + 2 dw Send_EOI ;Interrupt Base + 3 dw Send_EOI ;Interrupt Base + 4 dw Send_EOI ;Interrupt Base + 5 dw Send_EOI ;Interrupt Base + 6 dw Send_EOI ;Interrupt Base + 7 vec_tbl_soft_ints: ;Pointer to software interrupts used here dw CONOUT ;interrupt 10 dw equip ;interrupt 11 dw memsiz ;interrupt 12 dw DISKIO ;interrupt 13 dw commio ;interrupt 14 dw CASSETTE ;interrupt 15 dw CONIN ;interrupt 16 dw LST_OUT ;interrupt 17 dw basic ;interrupt 18 dw BOOT_DOS_INT ;interrupt 19 dw time_of_day ;interrupt 1A dw kbd_break ;interrupt 1B dw user_timer ;interrupt 1C dw VID_PARM_TABLES ;interrupt 1D dw FDISK_3PARM_TBL ;interrupt 1E ;Default to 3" 1.44M Floppy Disk dw 0 ;interrupt 1F ;Paramaters that MUST be in low RAM for the Lomas CGA board INITIAL_VGA_VALUES: ;to initilize properly with MS-DOS. (Starting at 0:449H...) DB 03H ;CRT_MODE DW 0050H ;CRT_COLS DW 1000H ;CRT_LEN DW 0000H ;CRT_START DW 0000H,0000H,0000H,0000H ;CURSOR_POSN (8 Total) (Must be 0000 for first one at initilization!) DW 0000H,0000H,0000H,0000H DW 0607H ;CURSOR_MODE DB 0H ;ACTIVE_PAGE DW 3D4H ;ADDR_6845 DB 29H ;CRT_MODE_SET DB 30H ;CRT_PALLETTE IVGA_VAL_LEN EQU $-INITIAL_VGA_VALUES VID_PARM_TABLES db 38h,28h,2dh,0ah,1fh,6,19h ;for 40 x 25 db 1ch,2,7,6,7 db 0,0,0,0 db 71h,50h,5ah,0ah,1fh,6,19h ;for 80 x 25 db 1ch,2,7,6,7 db 0,0,0,0 db 38h,28h,2dh,0ah,7fh,6,64h ;for graphics db 70h,2,1,6,7 db 0,0,0,0 db 61h,50h,52h,0fh,19h,6,19h ;for 80 x 25 on b/w card db 19h,2,0dh,0bh,0ch db 0,0,0,0 m5 dw 2048 ;40 x 25 length dw 4096 ;80 x 25 dw 16384 ;graphics dw 16384 m6 db 40,40,80,80,40,40,80,80 ;columns m7 db 2ch,28h,2dh,29h,2ah,2eh,1eh,29h ;table of Video board mode sets DB '<-JMP to VIDIO PARMS TABLE ' ;<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< ; Default Floppy Disk Parameters Tables ; Most are unique to the NEC 765 controller used in the IBM-PC. ; I do not use them in this BIOS FDISK_5PARM_TBL db 0DFH ;For 5" 360K Disks db 2 db 25 ;Time delay for motor db 2 ;512 byte sectors db 09H ;sectors per track! db 02ah ;GAP length db 0ffh ;DTL db 050h ;GAP length for format db 0f6h ;Fill byte for format db 25 ;Head settle time db 4 ;Motor stat time db 11 ;length of Table FDISK_3PARM_TBL db 0AFH ;For 3" 1.44M Disks db 2 db 25 ;Time delay for motor db 2 ;512 byte sectors db 12H ;18 sectors per track db 1BH ;GAP length db 0FFH ;DTL db 6CH ;GAP length for format db 0F6H ;Fill byte for format db 0FH ;Head settle time db 8 ;Motor stat time db 11 ;length of Table ; Default Hard Disk Parameters Table:- ; Custom HDISK: 1024 Cylinders, 15 heads, 63 sectors, 512MB Total HDISK_PARM_TBL DW DOS_MAXCYL ;0, Max Cylinders DB DOS_MAXHEADS ;2, Max heads (15) DW 0000H ;3, Not used on AT DW 0FFFFH ;5, Start Write Precomp (not used) DB 0H ;7, ECC burst length (not used) DB 08H ;8, "Control Byte" (Bit 7 = disable retrys) DB 0H,0H,0H ;9, Timeouts no used on AT DW 0400H ;A, Landing zone DB DOS_MAXSEC ;B, Sec/track DB 0H,0H,0H,0H ;C, Reserved SYS_TABLE DW 8H ;Called by INT 15H, AH=C0H called by MSDOS V3+ DB 0FCH ;Machine ID Byte DB 0 ;Sub model DB 0 ;BIOS version DB 10H ;Keyboard Int DB 0,0,0 ; Interrupt messages for checkout ; msg10 db 13,10,'Int 10h',0 msg11 db 13,10,'Int 11h',0 msg12 db 13,10,'Int 12h',0 msg13 db 13,10,'Int 13h',0 msg14 db 13,10,'Int 14h',0 msg15 db 13,10,'Int 15h',0 msg16 db 13,10,'Int 16h',0 msg17 db 13,10,'Int 17h',0 msg18 db 13,10,'Int 18h',0 msg19 db 13,10,'Int 19h',0 msg1a db 13,10,'Int 1Ah',0 msg1b db 13,10,'Int 1Bh',0 msg1c db 13,10,'Int 1Ch',0 msg1d db 13,10,'Int 1Dh',0 msg1e db 13,10,'Int 1Eh',0 msg1f db 13,10,'Int 1Fh',0 ; xtmsg db 13,10,' Exit',0 ;MAIN MENU COMMAND BRANCH TABLE ctable dw MAP ;A ;Display Memory Map dw SET_CO_FLAG ;B ;Set Console output to Propeller or CGA/VGA Video board DW MENU_FBOOT_DOS ;C ;LOAD MS-DOS from 5" Floppy ((No debugging)) dw DISPLAY_RAM_BYTES ;D ;Display Memory contents (Read RAM in Bytes) dw SET_TIME_DATE ;E ;Display/Set Time & Date dw FILL ;F ;Fill memory contents dw GOTO ;G ;Jump to a SEG:ADDRESS location dw ERR ;H ; dw SOFT_INTS ;I ;Test Software interrupts dw ERR ;J ; dw KCMD ;K ;Display this menu dw TEST_8259 ;L ;Test 8259A hardware dw MOVE ;M ;Move memory dw MYIDE ;N ;Sub-menu to test/diagnose IDE Board dw FPGA_VGA ;O ;Test FPGA VGA BOARD dw BOOT_MSDOS ;P ;LOAD MS-DOS from HDISK (No debugging) dw QUERY ;Q ;Query In or Out to a port dw REGISTERS ;R ;Display the 8086 registers in RM dw SUBSTITUTE ;S ;Substitute byte values in RAM dw DISPLAY_RAM_WORDS ;T ;Display Memory contents (Read RAM in Words) dw INPORTS ;U ;Display all active 8086 INPUT ports dw VERIFY ;V ;Verify two memory regions are the same dw XMODEM_LOAD ;W ;Load code to RAM from Modem/Serial port dw IBM_BIOS ;X ;IBM-PC Sub menu DW ERR ;Y ; dw Z80 ;Z ;Return back to Z80 master ;IDE COMMAND BRANCH TABLE IDE_TABLE DW SET_DRIVE_A ; "A" Select Drive A DW SET_DRIVE_B ; "B" Select Drive B DW ERR ; "C" LOAD CPM (If present) DW DISPLAY ; "D" Sector contents display:- ON/OFF DW RAMCLEAR ; "E" Clear RAM buffer DW FORMAT ; "F" Format current disk DW ERR ; "G" Restore backup DW ERR ; "H" Backup partition DW NEXT_SECT ; "I" Next Sector DW PREV_SECT ; "J" Previous sector DW IDE_LOOP ; "K" DW SET_LBA ; "L" Set LBA value (Set Track,sector) DW ERR ; "M" DW SPINDOWN ; "N" Power down hard disk command DW DRIVE_ID ; "O" Show current Drive ID DW ERR ; "P" DW LBA_DISPLAY_TEST ; "Q" Check the LBA mode HEX display on the IDE board is working correctly DW READ_SEC ; "R" Read sector to data buffer DW SEQ_SEC_RD ; "S" Sequental sec read and display contents DW ERR ; "T" DW SPINUP ; "U" Power up hard disk command DW N_RD_SEC ; "V" Read N sectors DW WRITE_SEC ; "W" Write data buffer to current sector DW N_WR_SEC ; "X" Write N sectors DW COPY_AB ; "Y" Copy Drive A to Drive B DW VERIFY_AB ; "Z" Verify Drive A:= Drive B: ;IBM_BIOS COMMAND BRANCH TABLE IBM_TABLE dw MENU_TIMER_TEST ;A dw SET_CO_FLAG ;B Set Console output to Propeller or CGA/VGA Video board dw MENU_FBOOT_DOS ;C Boot MS-DOS from 5" floppy (Allow Debugging) dw ERR ;D dw MENU_KEY_TEST ;E dw MENU_CO_TEST ;F dw MENU_BUFF_IO ;G dw XY_VIDEO ;H dw PrintScrTest ;I Print Screen test dw ERR ;J dw ERR ;K dw ERR ;L dw ERR ;M dw ERR ;N dw ERR ;O dw MENU_HBOOT_DOS ;P Boot MS-DOS from HDISK (Allow Debugging) dw CHS_DISPLAY_TEST ;"Q" Check the CHS mode HEX display on the IDE board is working correctly dw ERR ;R dw FSEQ_5RD_TEST ;S dw FSEQ_3RD_TEST ;T dw HSEQ_RD_TEST ;U dw ERR ;V dw HSEC_RW_TEST ;W Hard Disk Sector Read/Write test using INT 13H dw ERR ;X dw DUMP_B_SEC ;Y Display Floppy Boot sector info dw DUMP_MBR ;Z Display the Hard Disk MBR information ;Initilization table for ZILOG SCC registers (For XMODEM Input) SCCINIT DB 04H ;1, Point to WR4 DB 44H ;2, X16 clock,1 Stop,NP ; DB 03H ;3, Point to WR3 DB 0C1H ;4, Enable reciever, No Auto Enable (Hardware CTS), Recieve 8 bits ; DB 0E1H ;4, Enable reciever, Auto Enable, Recieve 8 bits (for CTS bit) ; DB 05H ;5, Point to WR5 DB 0EAH ;6, Enable, Transmit 8 bits ; ; Set RTS,DTR, Enable ; DB 0BH ;7, Point to WR11 DB 56H ;8, Recieve/transmit clock = BRG ; DB 0CH ;9, Point to WR12 DB 02H ;10, Low byte 38,400 Baud ; DB 06H ;10, Low byte 19,200 Baud <<<<<<<<<<< ; DB 0EH ;10, Low byte 9600 Baud ; DB 1EH ;10, Low byte 4800 Baud ; DB 7EH ;10, Low byte 1200 Baud for debugging. ; DB 0FEH ;10, Low byte 300 Baud for debugging. DB 0DH ;11, Point to WR13 DB 00H ;12, High byte for Baud ; DB 01H ;12, High byte for Baud ; DB 0EH ;13, Point to WR14 DB 01H ;14, Use 4.9152 MHz Clock. Note SD Systems uses a 2.4576 MHz clock, enable BRG ; DB 0FH ;15, Point to WR15 DB 00H ;16, Generate Int with CTS going high SIGNON db SCROLL,QUIT,BELL,CR,LF,LF, %if CPU_80286 ;NASM does not seem to have a "%else if" db '80286' %endif %if CPU_8088 db '8088' %endif %if CPU_8086 db '8086' %endif DB ' Monitor V10.7 (5/20/2024) $' SMSG DB 'THE' %if CPU_80286 DB '80 2 86' %endif %if CPU_8088 DB '80 88' %endif %if CPU_8086 DB '80 86' %endif DB ' ROM MONITOR VERSION 10.7 IS NOW ACTIVE$' CLEANUP DB CR,LF,BELL,'>$' SHOWSTACK DB 'Stack pointer = $' TO_BE_DONE DB CR,LF,'Code not done yet!',CR,LF,'$' AXMSG DB 'AX=$' BXMSG DB 'H BX=$' CXMSG DB 'H CX=$' DXMSG DB 'H DX=$' DIMSG DB 'H DI=$' SIMSG DB 'H SI=$' CSMSG DB 'CS=$' SPMSG DB 'H SP=$' SSMSG DB 'H SS=$' DSMSG DB 'H DS=$' ESMSG DB 'H ES=$' BPMSG DB 'H BP=$' H_MSG DB 'H$' INT_FLAGS_MSG DB 'H Flags=$' AddressErrMsg DB CR,LF,'Address paramater error.$' RangeErrMsg DB CR,LF,'Paramater range error.$' MAIN_MENU DB CR,LF DB 'A=Memmap B=Video C=DOS(F) D=Disp RAM E=Time & Date',CR,LF DB 'F=Fill RAM G=Goto H= I=Interrupts J=Test RAM',CR,LF DB 'K=Menu L=8259A M=Move RAM N=IDE Menu O=FPGA VGA',CR,LF DB 'P=DOS(H) Q=Ports R=Registers S=Subs T=Disp RAM (Words)',CR,LF DB 'U=All Ports V=Verify W=XModem X=PC-BIOS Z=Z80',CR,LF,'$' DIFF_Header_Msg DB CR,LF,'First RAM HEX Binary Second RAM HEX Binary$' MATCHES_OK DB CR,LF,'Both RAM locations match$' PORTS_IN_MSG DB CR,LF,'Input Ports, 0-0FFFFH Ports. (16 Bit Port DX->AX and DX->AL)',CR,LF,LF,'$' MORE_MSG DB CR,LF,'Continue ? (Y/N) $' MSG30 DB CR,LF,'Adj :- $' MSG12T DB ' $' MSG16T DB '/20$' TMMSG DB CR,LF,'Time:- $' GET_SEG_MSG DB CR,LF,'Enter Segment (xxxxH)->$' GET_OFFS_MSG DB CR,LF,'Enter Offset (xxxxH)->$' PIC_SIGNON DB CR,LF,LF,'Test of Interrupts on the MSDOS Support Board',CR,LF DB 'Any keyboard key should flash the "D1" LED.',CR,LF DB 'If CPU returned sINTA, "D2" LED should flash.',CR,LF,LF,'$' CRLFMSG DB CR,LF,'$' TrapIntMSG DB 'Trap int. detected at a non-assigned location.$' TrapFFIntMSG DB 'Trap int. detected at 0FFH in RAM.$' DebugTrapMSG DB 'Trap int. detected Software Debug INT at 0CH in RAM.$' Int0MSG DB 'V0 $' Int1MSG DB 'V1 $' Int2MSG DB 'V2 $' Int3MSG DB 'V3 $' Int4MSG DB 'V4 $' Int5MSG DB 'V5 $' Int6MSG DB 'V6 $' Int7MSG DB 'V7 $' DIVIDE_MSG DB CR,LF,'Int #0 (Invalid Divide), FAULT',CR,LF,'$' PM_DIVIDE_MSG DB 'PM Int 0 Divide, FAULT',CR,LF,'$' DEBUG_MSG DB 'Int 1 Debug Exception, TRAP',CR,LF,LF,'$' BREAKPOINT_MSG DB 'Int 3 Breakpoint, TRAP',CR,LF,LF,'$' NMI_FAULT_MSG DB CR,LF,'Int #2 (NMI Interrupt), TRAP',CR,LF,'$' OVERFLOW_ERR_MSG DB CR,LF,'Int #4 (Overflow), TRAP',CR,LF,'$' BOUNDS_ERR_MSG DB CR,LF,'Int #5 (Bounds Check), FAULT',CR,LF,'$' INVALID_ERR_MSG DB CR,LF,'Int #6 (Invalid Opcode), FAULT',CR,LF,'$' DEVICE_ERR_MSG DB CR,LF,'Int #7 (No Coprocessor), FAULT',CR,LF,'$' DOUBLE_ERR_MSG DB CR,LF,'Int #8 (Double Fault), ABORT',CR,LF,'$' COPROCESSOR_SEG_ERR_MSG DB CR,LF,'Int #9 Co-processor Segment Overrun, ABORT',CR,LF,'$' INVALID_TSS_ERR_MSG DB CR,LF,'Int #10 Invalid TSS, FAULT, $' INT_ERR_NUM_MSG DB 'Error Number = $' SEGMENT_ERR_MSG DB CR,LF,'Int #11 Segment not present, FAULT, $' STACK_ERR_MSG DB CR,LF,'Int #12, Stack exception, FAULT $' GENERAL_ERR_MSG DB CR,LF,'Int #13 General protection error, FAULT $' PAGE_ERR_MSG DB CR,LF,'Int #14 Page Fault, FAULT',CR,LF,'$' RESERVED_ERR_MSG DB CR,LF,'INT #15 Intel Reserved Int, TRAP',CR,LF,'$' COPROCESSOR_ERR_MSG DB CR,LF,'Int #16 Co-processor error, FAULT',CR,LF,'$' CPU_HALTED_MSG DB 'The CPU is Halted. Press Reset to restart.',CR,LF,'$' INT_SIGNON DB CR,LF,LF,'Test of CPU FAULT & TRAP Interrupts.' DB CR,LF,'Note. The CPU will HALT upon accepting FAULTS!' DB CR,LF,LF,'CPU Interrupt Testing Menu',CR,LF DB '00 = Divide by Zero FAULT test',CR,LF DB '04 = Overflow TRAP test',CR,LF DB '06 = Invalid Opcode FAULT test',CR,LF DB '0D = General Protection Fault, FAULT test',CR,LF DB '40 = Software Int 40H test',CR,LF DB 'F0 = Software Int F0H test',CR,LF,LF INT_RANGE_MSG DB CR,LF,BELL,'Only CPU ints 00, 04, 06, 0D, 40 or F0 for this test.',CR,LF,'$' MODEM_SIGNON: DB CR,LF,'Load a File from a PC into RAM using the S100Computers IO Board',CR,LF DB 'Using Serial Board USB Port. (38,400 Baud, NP, 1 stop bit).',CR,LF,'$' SSC_MSG_INIT DB 'SCC Port A initilized to 38,400 Baud.',CR,LF,LF,'$' RAM_DESTINATION DB CR,LF,'Enter destination in RAM for data (up to 5 digits): $' P_RAM_DESTINATION DB CR,LF,'Enter destination in RAM for data (up to 8 digits): $' DOWNLOAD_MSG DB 'Downloading file Started.$' SPEED_MSG DB 'Serial Port is set to 38,400 Baaud$' RMSG DB CR,LF,'WAITING FOR SECTOR #$' ERRSOH DB 'H Received',CR,LF,'Did not get Correct SOH',CR,LF,'$' MODEM_ERR2 DB CR,LF,'Bad Sector # in Header',CR,LF,'$' MODEM_ERR3 DB CR,LF,'Bad Checksum for Sector',CR,LF,'$' TOUTM DB CR,LF,'Timeout! $' QUITM DB CR,LF,'+++ MULTIPLE ERRORS ENCOUNTERED +++' DB CR,LF,'Type Q To Quit, R To Retry:$' RAM_MSG DB 'H. If OK will write to RAM location $' FINISH_MSG DB 'Down loading of file complete. No Errors$' TRANS_DONE DB CR,LF,LF,'Data Transfer Is Complete',CR,LF,LF,'$' BAD_HEADER DB CR,LF,'Unable to get a valid file header!',CR,LF,'$' ENTER_RAM_LOC DB CR,LF,'Enter start RAM destination (1000H - FF000H) (xx000H): $' START_POINTER DB CR,LF,'Will load data starting at RAM location $' ABORT_MSG DB CR,LF,LF,'Invalid Character or Program Aborted',CR,LF,'$' IDE_SIGNON0 DB CR,LF,LF,'IDE HDisk Test Menu Routines. $' IDE_SIGNON4 DB 'A=Select Drive A B=Select Drive B C=Boot CPM D=Set Sec Display $' IDE_SIGNON1 DB 'On',CR,LF,'$' IDE_SIGNON2 DB 'Off',CR,LF,'$' IDE_SIGNON3 DB 'E=Clear Sec Buff F=Format Disk I=Next Sec J=Previous Sec',CR,LF DB 'L=Set LBA Value N=Power Down O=Disk ID Q=LBA Display Test',CR,LF DB 'R=Read Sector S=Seq Sec Rd U=Power Up V=Read N Sectors',CR,LF DB 'W=Write Sector X=Write N Sectors Y=Copy A->B Z=Verify A=B',CR,LF DB '(ESC) Back to Main Menu',CR,LF DB LF,'Current settings:- $' IDE_MENU DB 'Enter a Command:- $' IDE_HARDWARE DB CR,LF,'Initilizing IDE Board, one moment please...',CR,LF,'$' INIT_1_ERROR: DB CR,LF,'Init. of First Drive failed. Aborting Command.',BELL,CR,LF,LF,'$' INIT_2_ERROR DB CR,LF,'Init. of Second Drive failed. (Possibly not present).',BELL,CR,LF,LF,'$' BAD_DRIVE: DB CR,LF,'First Drive ID Infornmation appears invalid. ' DB '(Drive possibly not present).',CR,LF DB 'Aborting Command.',BELL,CR,LF,LF,'$' msgmdl DB CR,LF,'Drive/CF Card Information:-',CR,LF DB 'Model: $' msgsn DB 'S/N: $' msgrev DB 'Rev: $' msgcy DB 'Cylinders: $' msghd DB ', Heads: $' msgsc DB ', Sectors: $' msgCPMTRK DB 'CPM TRK = $' msgCPMSEC DB ' CPM SEC = $' msgLBA DB ' (LBA = 00$' MSGBracket DB ')$' H_Msg DB 'H$' H_MSG_CRLF DB 'H',CR,LF,'$' NotDoneYet DB CR,LF,'Command Not Done Yet$' CONFIRM_WR_MSG DB CR,LF,LF,BELL,'Will erase data on the current drive, ' DB 'are you sure? (Y/N)...$' msgrd DB 'Sector Read OK',CR,LF,'$' msgwr DB 'Sector Write OK',CR,LF,'$' SET_LBA_MSG DB 'Enter CPM style TRK & SEC values (in hex).',CR,LF,'$' SEC_RW_ERROR DB 'Drive Error, Status Register = $' ERR_REG_DATA DB 'Drive Error, Error Register = $' ENTERRAM_SECL DB 'Starting sector number,(xxH) = $' ENTERRAM_HEAD DB 'Starting HEAD number,(xxH) = $' ENTERRAM_FTRKL DB 'Enter Starting Track number,(xxH) = $' ENTERRAM_TRKL DB 'Track number (LOW byte, xxH) = $' ENTERRAM_TRKH DB 'Track number (HIGH byte, xxH) = $' ENTER_HEAD DB 'Head number (01-0f) = $' ENTER_COUNT DB 'Number of sectors to R/W (xxH) = $' ENTERRAM_DMA DB 'Enter DMA Adress (Up to 5 digits, xxxxxH) = $' OVER_COUNT_10 DB CR,LF,'1 & 9 sectors. Only!',CR,LF,'$' OVER_COUNT_19 DB CR,LF,'1 & 18 sectors. Only!',CR,LF,'$' DRIVE_BUSY DB 'Drive Busy (bit 7) stuck high. Status = $' DRIVE_NOT_READY DB 'Drive Ready (bit 6) stuck low. Status = $' DRIVE_WR_FAULT DB 'Drive write fault. Status = $' UNKNOWN_ERROR DB 'Unknown error in status register. Status = $' BAD_BLOCK DB 'Bad Sector ID. Error Register = $' UNRECOVER_ERR DB 'Uncorrectable data error. Error Register = $' READ_ID_ERROR DB 'Error setting up to read Drive ID',CR,LF,'$' SEC_NOT_FOUND DB 'Sector not found. Error Register = $' INVALID_CMD DB 'Invalid Command. Error Register = $' TRK0_ERR DB 'Track Zero not found. Error Register = $' UNKNOWN_ERROR1 DB 'Unknown Error. Error Register = $' CONTINUE_MSG DB CR,LF,'To Abort enter ESC. Any other key to continue. $' FORMAT_MSG_A DB 'Fill disk sectors of Disk [A] with 0E5H$' FORMAT_MSG_B DB 'Fill disk sectors of Disk [B] with 0E5H$' ATHOME_MSG DB CR,LF,BELL,'Already on Track 0, Sector 0$' AT_START_MSG DB CR,LF,BELL,'Already at start of disk!$' AT_END_MSG DB CR,LF,BELL,'At end of Disk!$' FILL_MSG DB CR,LF,'Sector buffer area cleared to 0000....$' READN_MSG DB CR,LF,'Read multiple sectors from current disk/CF card to RAM buffer.' DB CR,LF,'How many 512 byte sectores (xx HEX):$' WRITEN_MSG DB CR,LF,'Write multiple sectors RAM buffer CURRENT disk/CF card.' DB CR,LF,'How many 512 byte sectores (xx HEX):$' READN_S_MSG DB CR,LF,'Read Sector to RAM buffer. $' WRITEN_S_MSG DB CR,LF,'Write Sector from RAM buffer. $' DiskCopyMsg DB CR,LF,'Copy CPM Partition on Drive A to Drive B (Y/N)? $' DiskVerifyMsg DB CR,LF,'Will verify CPM Partition on Drive A to Drive B.$' CopyDone DB CR,LF,'Disk Copy Done.$' VERIFY_ERR DB CR,LF,BELL,'Verify Error. $' VerifyDone DB CR,LF,'Disk Verify Done.$' CR_To_Continue DB CR,LF,'Hit any key to continue.$' OK_CR_MSG DB ' OK',CR,LF,'$' COPY_ERR DB CR,LF,BELL,'Sector Copy Error.$' CURRENT_MSG_A DB ' <<<<< Current Drive = [A] >>>>>',CR,LF,LF,'$' CURRENT_MSG_B DB ' <<<<< Current Drive = [B] >>>>>',CR,LF,LF,'$' FORMAT_ERR DB CR,LF,BELL,'Sector Format Error$' ERR_MSG DB CR,LF,BELL,'Invalid Command (or code not yet done)',CR,LF,'$' IBM_SIGNON_MSG DB CR,LF,LF,'IBM PC BIOS Initilizing$' IBM_MENU2 DB 'A=Timer Test B=Propeller/LAVA/VGA C=MS-DOS Boot (Floppy)',CR,LF DB 'D=Toggle Debug Flag E=Key Press Test F=Consol Out Test',CR,LF DB 'G=Keyboard Buffer Test H=INT 10H CMDs I=Print Screen Test',CR,LF DB 'J= K= L=',CR,LF DB 'M= O= P=MS-DOS Boot (HDISK)',CR,LF DB 'Q=CHS Hex Display Test S=5" Floppy Sec RD Test T=3" Floppy Sec RD Test',CR,LF DB 'U=HDisk Sec RD Test W=HDisk Sector R/W Test Y=Floppy Boot Sec Info',CR,LF DB 'Z=Hard Disk MBR Info (ESC) Back to Main Menu',CR,LF,LF,'>$' NMI_MSG DB CR,LF,BELL,'Recieved an NMI Interrupt.',CR,LF,'$' ZFDC_FAIL_MSG DB CR,LF,BELL,'ZFDC Board failed to initilize',CR,LF,'$' ZFDC_OK_MSG DB CR,LF,'ZFDC Board Initilize OK',CR,LF,'$' PIC_INIT_MSG DB CR,LF,'Initilizing 8259A PIC (Port 20H, Ints 0 & 1 only)$' RESET_FAIL_MSG DB CR,LF,BELL,'Reset of floppy drive failed.',CR,LF,'$' HRESET_FAIL_MSG DB CR,LF,BELL,'Reset of Hard Disk drive failed.',CR,LF,'$' BOOT_FAIL_MSG DB CR,LF,BELL,'Boot sector read on floppy drive failed.',CR,LF,'$' BOOT_OK_MSG DB CR,LF,'Boot Sector Loader Signature Valid (AA55H).',CR,LF,'Now Booting MS-DOS......',CR,LF,LF,'$' READ_ERR_MSG DB CR,LF,BELL,'Floppy Sector Read Error. Error returned = $' WRITE_ERR_MSG DB CR,LF,BELL,'Floppy Sector Write Error. Error returned = $' HREAD_ERR_MSG DB CR,LF,BELL,'HDisk Multi-Sector Read Error.$' HWRITE_ERR_MSG DB CR,LF,BELL,'HDisk Multi-Sector Write Error.$' HOME_ERR_MSG DB CR,LF,BELL,'Disk reset error.',CR,LF,'$' NO_BASIC_MSG DB CR,LF,BELL,'BASIC Handler error.',CR,LF,'$' NO_BREAK_MSG DB CR,LF,BELL,'Keyboard Break Handler error.',CR,LF,'$' NO_COMM_MSG DB CR,LF,BELL,'Serial Communications Handler error.',CR,LF,'$' CASSETTE_MSG DB CR,LF,BELL,'Cassette Handler error. AH=$' FBOOT_DOS_MSG DB CR,LF,'Booting MS-DOS from 5" Floppy Disk$' HBOOT_DOS_MSG DB CR,LF,'Booting MS-DOS from HARD Disk$' KEY_TEST_MSG DB CR,LF,'Software Interrupt driven Keyboard Input test (ESC to Abort)',CR,LF,'$' IN_CHAR_MSG DB CR,LF,'Type one character',CR,LF,'$' GOT_CHAR_MSG DB 'H <--- Hex value of character recieved via software Int 16H.',CR,LF,'$' CO_TEST_MSG DB CR,LF,'Software Interrupt driven Console/Video out test',CR,LF,'$' OUT_CHAR_MSG DB '<--- Character Recieved$' TIMER_TEST_MSG DB CR,LF,'8259A Interrupt driven Timer Test$' TIMER_DATA_MSG DB CR,LF,'Enter any key to read timer data. (ESC to Abort)$' TIMER_LOW_MSG DB CR,LF,'Timer Low Value = $' TIMER_HIGH_MSG DB 'H',CR,LF,'Timer High Value = $' TIMER_OFLOW_MSG DB 'H',CR,LF,'Timer Overflow Value = $' BUFF_TEST_MSG DB CR,LF,'Type keyboard characters as fast as you can!',CR,LF,'$' SQRDHFAILMSG DB CR,LF,BELL,'Error reading sectors from HARD disk',CR,LF,'$' SQRD5FAILMSG DB CR,LF,BELL,'Error reading sectors from 5" Floppy',CR,LF,'$' SQRD3FAILMSG DB CR,LF,BELL,'Error reading sectors from 3" Floppy',CR,LF,'$' SQRDHOKMSG DB CR,LF,'Read sectors from HARD disk OK!',CR,LF,'$' SQRD5OKMSG DB CR,LF,'Read sectors from 5" 360K Floppy disk OK!$' SQRD3OKMSG DB CR,LF,'Read sectors from 3" 1.44M Floppy disk OK!',CR,LF,'$' DEBUG_SET_MSG DB CR,LF,'Set Debug level (0 = OFF, 1 = INTs only, 2 = +HDisk Info, 3 = +Floppy Info) $' DUMP_ON1_MSG DB CR,LF,'Debug flag ON (Level 1)',CR,LF,'$' DUMP_ON2_MSG DB CR,LF,'Debug flag ON (Level 2)',CR,LF,'$' DUMP_ON3_MSG DB CR,LF,'Debug flag ON (Level 3)',CR,LF,'$' DUMP_OFF_MSG DB CR,LF,'Debug flag OFF',CR,LF,'$' SEC_5RD_MSG DB CR,LF,'Sequentially read sectors from 5" Floppy disk',CR,LF,'$' SEC_3RD_MSG DB CR,LF,'Sequentially read sectors from 3" Floppy disk',CR,LF,'$' SEC_HDRD_MSG DB CR,LF,'Read sector from HARD Disk test using Int 13H',CR,LF,'$' NOT_DONE_MSG DB CR,LF,BELL,'Code Not done yet',CR,LF,'$' INVALID_AH_FMSG DB CR,LF,BELL,'Invalid AH paramater in Floppy Handler. AH=$' INVALID_AH_HMSG DB CR,LF,BELL,'Invalid AH paramater in HDisk Handler. AH=$' INT_13F_MSG DB CR,LF,'Int 13H (Floppy)$' INT_40F_MSG DB CR,LF,'Int 40H (<--Floppy)$' INT_13H_MSG DB CR,LF,'Int 13H (*HDisk*)$' INT_AX_MSG DB CR,LF,'AX=$' INT_BX_MSG DB 'H BX=$' INT_CX_MSG DB 'H CX=$' INT_DX_MSG DB 'H DX=$' INT_SI_MSG DB 'H',CR,LF,'SI=$' INT_DI_MSG DB 'H DI=$' INT_BP_MSG DB 'H BP=$' INT_SP_MSG DB 'H SP=$' INT_CS_MSG DB CR,LF,'CS=$' INT_DS_MSG DB 'H DS=$' INT_ES_MSG DB 'H ES=$' INT_SS_MSG DB 'H SS=$' INT_FS_MSG DB 'H FS=$' INT_GS_MSG DB 'H GS=$' IP_ADDRESS_MSG DB 'IP=$' INT_1AH_MSG DB CR,LF,'Int 1AH (Time)$' INT_10H_MSG DB CR,LF,'Int 10H (VIDEO)$' INT_15H_MSG DB CR,LF,'Int 15H (Cassette)$' SIDE_REQUEST_MSG DB CR,LF,'Read from Side A or Side B (A/B) $' SIDE_A_SET_MSG DB CR,LF,'Will read from Side A',CR,LF,'$' SIDE_B_SET_MSG DB CR,LF,'Will read from Side B',CR,LF,'$' FORMAT_ERR_MSG DB CR,LF,'ZFDC Track Format error $' CMOS_CLOCK_MSG DB CR,LF,BELL,'CMOS RTC Error',CR,LF,'$' CMOS_STUCK_MSG DB CR,LF,BELL,'CMOS RTC "Stuck" Error',CR,LF,'$' CMOS_RANGE_MSG DB CR,LF,BELL,'CMOS RTC Incorrect BCD values Error',CR,LF,'$' SECTOR_NUM_MSG DB CR,LF,'Starting requested Sector = $' HRESET_OK_MSG DB CR,LF,'Reset of Hard Disk drive OK.',CR,LF,'$' RD_ERR_MSG DB CR,LF,BELL,'Sector READ Error Returned.' DB CR,LF,'Head = $' TRACK_MSG DB 'H Track = $' SEC_MSG DB 'H Sector = $' WR_ERR_MSG DB CR,LF,BELL,'Sector WRITE Error Returned.' DB CR,LF,'Head = $' ESC_END_MSG DB CR,LF,'Press ESC to Abort. Any other key to continue $' SEQAT500 DB CR,LF,LF,'Sector(s) loaded @ 0000:500H.' DB CR,LF,'Head = $' CR_TAB_MSG DB CR,LF,' $' LBA_TEST_MSG DB CR,LF,'Test for LBA on IDE drive #2 (using LBA mode)$' CHS_TEST_MSG DB CR,LF,'Test for CHS on IDE drive #2 (using non-LBA mode)$' TRKL_NUM DB CR,LF,'Enter TRACK/Cylinder number (LOW byte, xxH) = $' TRKH_NUM DB CR,LF,'Enter TRACK/Cylinder number (HIGH byte, xxH) = $' HEAD_NUM DB CR,LF,'Enter HEAD number,(0-FH, 0xH) = $' SECTOR_NUM DB CR,LF,'Enter SECTOR number (xxH) = $' CHECK_DISPLAY_MSG DB CR,LF,'Check the IDE Board HEX display.$' BOOT_3RD_MSG DB CR,LF,'Display Floppy Boot Sector Information.',CR,LF,'$' DRIVE_SELECT_MSG DB CR,LF,'Please select floppy disk (A or B) $' BOOT_INFO_FAIL_MSG DB CR,LF,'Error reading Boot disk sector.$',CR,LF BOOT_INFOOKMSG DB CR,LF,'Floppy Boot Sector Information:-',CR,LF,LF,'$' JMP_MSG DB ' Boot JMP Vector',CR,LF,'$' NAME_MSG DB ' OEM Name',CR,LF,'$' BYTES_MSG DB ' Bytes/Sec',CR,LF,'$' CLUSTER_MSG DB ' Sec/Cluster',CR,LF,'$' RES_MSG DB ' Reserved Sectors',CR,LF,'$' FATS_MSG DB ' FATS',CR,LF,'$' ROOT_MSG DB ' Root Dir Entries',CR,LF,'$' SECTORS_MSG DB ' Sectors',CR,LF,'$' MEDIA_MSG DB ' Media Byte',CR,LF,'$' FAT_SEC_MSG DB ' FAT Sectors',CR,LF,'$' SEC_TRK_MSG DB ' Sectors/Track',CR,LF,'$' HEADS_MSG DB ' Heads',CR,LF,'$' HIDDEN_MSG DB ' Hidden Sectors',CR,LF,'$' HUGE_MSG DB ' Huge Sectors',CR,LF,'$' DRIVE_NO_MSG DB ' Drive #',CR,LF,'$' RESERVED_MSG DB ' Reserved',CR,LF,'$' BOOT_SIG_MSG DB ' Boot Signature',CR,LF,'$' VOL_ID_MSG DB ' Volume ID',CR,LF,'$' VOLUME_MSG DB ' Volume Label',CR,LF,'$' SYS_TYPE_MSG DB ' File Sys Type',CR,LF,LF,'$' NO_MBL_MSG DB CR,LF,BELL,'Invalid Floppy Boot Loader Signature detected',CR,LF,'$' BOOT_MBR_MSG DB CR,LF,'Reading Hard Disk MBR sector, (C=0, H=0, S=1)',CR,LF,'$' BOOT_MBR_FAIL_MSG DB CR,LF,BELL,'Error reading Hard Disk MBR sector',CR,LF,'0' MBR_INFOOKMSG DB 'Hard Disk Master Boot Record:-',CR,LF,'$' DISK_SIG_MSG DB ' Hard Disk Signature',CR,LF,'$' NULS_MSG DB ' Usually Nulls (Optional)',CR,LF,LF,'$' PT1_MSG DB ' First Partition Table',CR,LF,'$' PT2_MSG DB ' Second Partition Table',CR,LF,'$' PT3_MSG DB ' Third Partition Table',CR,LF,'$' PT4_MSG DB ' Forth Partition Table',CR,LF,'$' SIGNATURE_MSG DB ' LBR Signature Word',CR,LF,'$' STATUS_MSG DB ' Status Byte, $' STLBA_MSG DB ' Start CHS Address, $' PAR_TYPE_MSG DB ' Partition Type, $' ECHS_MSG DB ' End CHS Address',CR,LF,'$' SLB_MSG DB ' Start LBA Address, $' ELBA_MSG DB ' End LBA Address',CR,LF,LF,'$' CYL_MSG DB 'H Cyl=$' HD_MSG DB ' Head=$' BRAC1_MSG DB 'H ($' OF_MSG DB 'H of $' BRAC2_MSG DB 'H)',CR,LF,'$' DRIVE1_MSG DB ' on Drive A',CR,LF,'$' DRIVE2_MSG DB ' on Drive B',CR,LF,'$' HRW_TEST_MSG DB CR,LF,'Hard Disk Sector R/W test using INT 13H',CR,LF DB CR,LF,'>>> WARNING <<< Data on Disk will be overwritten. Continue...(Y/N) $' ONE_MOMENT_MSG DB CR,LF,'One moment while IDE Drive is being initilized',CR,LF,'$' ASK_WR_MSG DB CR,LF,'Write data back to Hard Disk...(Y/N)$' START_DATA_MSG DB 'H Start of Data =',CR,LF,'$' SEC_READ_OK DB CR,LF,'Sector(s) read OK',CR,LF,'$' SEC_BACK_OK DB CR,LF,'Sector(s) written back OK',CR,LF,'$' LOOP_ESC_MSG DB CR,LF,'Will R/W sectors until ESC is entered. CR to start',CR,LF,'$' VIDIO_TEST_MSG DB CR,LF,'Int 10H tests for control of Video Board I/O',CR,LF DB CR,LF,'Enter value of [AX], (xxxxH) $' ENTER_BX_MSG DB CR,LF,'Enter value of [BX], (xxxxH) $' ENTER_CX_MSG DB CR,LF,'Enter value of [CX], (xxxxH) $' ENTER_DX_MSG DB CR,LF,'Enter value of [DX], (xxxxH) $' ACTIVATE_INT_MSG DB CR,LF,'Enter CR to implement the INT 10H interrupt, (ESC to Abort) $' VID_PARM_TBD_MSG DB CR,LF,'Int 10H Video paramater not fully completed' DB CR,LF,' ','$' VIDIO_OUTPUT_MSG DB CR,LF,' Set MSDOS (INT 10H) Console Output Menu' DB CR,LF,' 0 = MSDOS output will be to Propeller Board.' DB CR,LF,' 1 = MSDOS Output will be to CGA/VGA Board.' DB CR,LF,' 2 = MSDOS Output will be to LAVA Board.' DB CR,LF,' 3 = MSDOS Output will be to FPGA_VGA Board.' DB CR,LF,'Please enter selection. (ESC to abort):$' VIDIO_LAVA_MSG DB CR,LF,'MSDOS output will be to LAVA Board',CR,LF,'$' VIDIO_VGA_MSG DB CR,LF,'MSDOS output will be to CGA/VGA Board',CR,LF,'$' VIDIO_PROP_SMSG DB CR,LF,'MSDOS output will be to Propeller Board',CR,LF,'$' VIDIO_FPGA_VGA_MSG DB CR,LF,'MSDOS output will be to FPGA_VGA Board',CR,LF,'$' INT10_ERR_MSG DB CR,LF,'Sorry invalid selection. Must be 0,1,2 or 3 $' PSCR_TEST_MSG DB CR,LF,'Will Print (CGA/VGA) screen on Printer',CR,LF,'$' WHEN_READY_MSG DB CR,LF,'Hit any key when ready',CR,LF,'$' PSCR_TEST_LEN EQU $-PSCR_TEST_MSG-3 PRN_INIT_STR DB 0H ;<--- I cannot get the PCL-6 Codes below to work with my printer ; DB 1BH,'E' ;PCL-6 reset ; DB 1BH,'%–12345X',0 ;Universal Exit ; DB 1BH,'&','l',01H,'O',0 ;Landscape Orientation (Cannot seem to get these to work) TIME_ERROR_MSG DB CR,LF,'RTC Error',CR,LF,0 Time_Msg DB 'Time=',0 GAP_Msg DB ' ',0 Date_Msg DB 'Date=',0 SET_TIME_MSG DB 'Do you wish to set the time and date (Y/N): $' Input_Hours_Msg DB CR,LF,'Please Enter Hours (2 digits, 00-24) ',0 Input_Minutes_Msg DB CR,LF,'Please Enter Minutes (2 digits, 00-60) ',0 Input_Seconds_Msg DB CR,LF,'Please Enter Seconds (2 digits, 00-60) ',0 Input_Year_Msg DB CR,LF,'Please Enter Year (2 digits, 20xx) 20',0 Input_Month_Msg DB CR,LF,'Please Enter Month (2 digits, 00-12) ',0 Input_Day_Msg DB CR,LF,'Please Enter day (2 digits, 01-31) ',0 ROMCHECK_MSG DB CR,LF,'Initilizing VGA ROM at C000:0000H',0 ROMCHECK_MSG_OK DB CR,LF,'VGA ROM Initilized, returned back to BIOS.',CR,LF,0 FPGA_VGA_ROM_MSG DB CR,LF,'FPGA VGA ROM at C000:0000H',0 NO_VGA_MSG DB CR,LF,'No VGA ROM at C000:0000H',0 UNASSIGNED_1_INT_MSG DB CR,LF,'Un-assigned Vector Interrupt # $' VGA_OK_MSG DB CR,LF,'Int 15H VGA Initilization Done',CR,LF,0 NO_8259A_MSG DB CR,LF,BELL,'8259A PIC Not found. (MS-DOS will not be bootable)',BELL,CR,LF,0 BYTE_RTEST_MSG DB CR,LF,'Location for RAM byte read test: ',0 WORD_RTEST_MSG DB CR,LF,'Location for RAM word read test: ',0 BYTE_WTEST_MSG DB CR,LF,'Location for RAM byte write test: ',0 WORD_WTEST_MSG DB CR,LF,'Location for RAM word write test: ',0 VGA_MENU_STRING: DB CR,LF,'0. Reset the ESP32' DB CR,LF,'1 Initilize and clear the VGA Display' DB CR,LF,'2 Send characters from S100 Console Keyboard to VGA Display' DB CR,LF,'3 Send characters from S100 Console Keyboard to LCD Display' DB CR,LF,'ESC Return to main monitor menu',CR,LF,'$' S100_INPUT_MSG DB CR,LF,'Enter characters. ESC to abort',CR,LF,'$' ;********************************************************************** ; CHARACTER GENERATOR GRAPHICS FOR 320X200 AND 640X200 GRAPHICS ;********************************************************************** CRT_CHAR_GEN: %if CPU_80286 ;<<<< NOTE I HAVE REMOVED THIS CODE FOR 8088/8086 Boards, ; NOT ENOUGH WITH 28C256 EEPROMS. Not normally used ayway. %if MONITOR_ROM TIMES 0FAE6H-($-$$) DB 0 ;Locate exactly where IBM has it %endif DB 000H,000H,000H,000H,000H,000H,000H,000H ; DB 07EH,081H,0A5H,081H,0BDH,099H,081H,07EH ; DB 07EH,0FFH,0DBH,0FFH,0C3H,0E7H,0FFH,07EH ; DB 06CH,0FEH,0FEH,0FEH,07CH,038H,010H,000H ; DB 010H,038H,07CH,0FEH,07CH,038H,010H,000H ; DB 038H,07CH,038H,0FEH,0FEH,07CH,038H,07CH ; DB 010H,010H,038H,07CH,0FEH,07CH,038H,07CH ; DB 000H,000H,018H,03CH,03CH,018H,000H,000H ; DB 0FFH,0FFH,0E7H,0C3H,0C3H,0E7H,0FFH,0FFH ; DB 000H,03CH,066H,042H,042H,066H,03CH,000H ; DB 0FFH,0C3H,099H,0BDH,0BDH,099H,0C3H,0FFH ; DB 00FH,007H,00FH,07DH,0CCH,0CCH,0CCH,078H ; DB 03CH,066H,066H,066H,03CH,018H,07EH,018H ; DB 03FH,033H,03FH,030H,030H,070H,0F0H,0E0H ; DB 07FH,063H,07FH,063H,063H,067H,0E6H,0C0H ; DB 099H,05AH,03CH,0E7H,0E7H,03CH,05AH,099H ; DB 080H,0E0H,0F8H,0FEH,0F8H,0E0H,080H,000H ; DB 002H,00EH,03EH,0FEH,03EH,00EH,002H,000H ; DB 018H,03CH,07EH,018H,018H,07EH,03CH,018H ; DB 066H,066H,066H,066H,066H,000H,066H,000H ; DB 07FH,0DBH,0DBH,07BH,01BH,01BH,01BH,000H ; DB 03EH,063H,038H,06CH,06CH,038H,0CCH,078H ; DB 000H,000H,000H,000H,07EH,07EH,07EH,000H ; DB 018H,03CH,07EH,018H,07EH,03CH,018H,0FFH ; DB 018H,03CH,07EH,018H,018H,018H,018H,000H ; DB 018H,018H,018H,018H,07EH,03CH,018H,000H ; DB 000H,018H,00CH,0FEH,00CH,018H,000H,000H ; DB 000H,030H,060H,0FEH,060H,030H,000H,000H ; DB 000H,000H,0C0H,0C0H,0C0H,0FEH,000H,000H ; DB 000H,024H,066H,0FFH,066H,024H,000H,000H ; DB 000H,018H,03CH,07EH,0FFH,0FFH,000H,000H ; DB 000H,0FFH,0FFH,07EH,03CH,018H,000H,000H ; DB 000H,000H,000H,000H,000H,000H,000H,000H ; DB 030H,078H,078H,030H,030H,000H,030H,000H ; DB 06CH,06CH,06CH,000H,000H,000H,000H,000H ; DB 06CH,06CH,0FEH,06CH,0FEH,06CH,06CH,000H ; DB 030H,07CH,0C0H,078H,00CH,0F8H,030H,000H ; DB 000H,0C6H,0CCH,018H,030H,066H,0C6H,000H ; DB 038H,06CH,038H,076H,0DCH,0CCH,076H,000H ; DB 060H,060H,0C0H,000H,000H,000H,000H,000H ; DB 018H,030H,060H,060H,060H,030H,018H,000H ; DB 060H,030H,018H,018H,018H,030H,060H,000H ; DB 000H,066H,03CH,0FFH,03CH,066H,000H,000H ; DB 000H,030H,030H,0FCH,030H,030H,000H,000H ; DB 000H,000H,000H,000H,000H,030H,030H,060H ; DB 000H,000H,000H,0FCH,000H,000H,000H,000H ; DB 000H,000H,000H,000H,000H,030H,030H,000H ; DB 006H,00CH,018H,030H,060H,0C0H,080H,000H ; DB 07CH,0C6H,0CEH,0DEH,0F6H,0E6H,07CH,000H ;0 DB 030H,070H,030H,030H,030H,030H,0FCH,000H ;1 DB 078H,0CCH,00CH,038H,060H,0CCH,0FCH,000H ;2 DB 078H,0CCH,00CH,038H,00CH,0CCH,078H,000H ;3 DB 01CH,03CH,06CH,0CCH,0FEH,00CH,01EH,000H ;4 DB 0FCH,0C0H,0F8H,00CH,00CH,0CCH,078H,000H ;5 DB 038H,060H,0C0H,0F8H,0CCH,0CCH,078H,000H ;6 DB 0FCH,0CCH,00CH,018H,030H,030H,030H,000H ;7 DB 078H,0CCH,0CCH,078H,0CCH,0CCH,078H,000H ;8 DB 078H,0CCH,0CCH,07CH,00CH,018H,070H,000H ;9 DB 000H,030H,030H,000H,000H,030H,030H,000H ; DB 000H,030H,030H,000H,000H,030H,030H,060H ; DB 018H,030H,060H,0C0H,060H,030H,018H,000H ; DB 000H,000H,0FCH,000H,000H,0FCH,000H,000H ; DB 060H,030H,018H,00CH,018H,030H,060H,000H ; DB 078H,0CCH,00CH,018H,030H,000H,030H,000H ; DB 07CH,0C6H,0DEH,0DEH,0DEH,0C0H,078H,000H ; DB 030H,078H,0CCH,0CCH,0FCH,0CCH,0CCH,000H ; DB 0FCH,066H,066H,07CH,066H,066H,0FCH,000H ; DB 03CH,066H,0C0H,0C0H,0C0H,066H,03CH,000H ; DB 0F8H,06CH,066H,066H,066H,06CH,0F8H,000H ; DB 0FEH,062H,068H,078H,068H,062H,0FEH,000H ; DB 0FEH,062H,068H,078H,068H,060H,0F0H,000H ; DB 03CH,066H,0C0H,0C0H,0CEH,066H,03EH,000H ; DB 0CCH,0CCH,0CCH,0FCH,0CCH,0CCH,0CCH,000H ; DB 078H,030H,030H,030H,030H,030H,078H,000H ; DB 01EH,00CH,00CH,00CH,0CCH,0CCH,078H,000H ; DB 0E6H,066H,06CH,078H,06CH,066H,0E6H,000H ; DB 0F0H,060H,060H,060H,062H,066H,0FEH,000H ; DB 0C6H,0EEH,0FEH,0FEH,0D6H,0C6H,0C6H,000H ; DB 0C6H,0E6H,0F6H,0DEH,0CEH,0C6H,0C6H,000H ; DB 038H,06CH,0C6H,0C6H,0C6H,06CH,038H,000H ; DB 0FCH,066H,066H,07CH,060H,060H,0F0H,000H ; DB 078H,0CCH,0CCH,0CCH,0DCH,078H,01CH,000H ; DB 0FCH,066H,066H,07CH,06CH,066H,0E6H,000H ; DB 078H,0CCH,0E0H,070H,01CH,0CCH,078H,000H ; DB 0FCH,0B4H,030H,030H,030H,030H,078H,000H ; DB 0CCH,0CCH,0CCH,0CCH,0CCH,0CCH,0FCH,000H ; DB 0CCH,0CCH,0CCH,0CCH,0CCH,078H,030H,000H ; DB 0C6H,0C6H,0C6H,0D6H,0FEH,0EEH,0C6H,000H ; DB 0C6H,0C6H,06CH,038H,038H,06CH,0C6H,000H ; DB 0CCH,0CCH,0CCH,078H,030H,030H,078H,000H ; DB 0FEH,0C6H,08CH,018H,032H,066H,0FEH,000H ; DB 078H,060H,060H,060H,060H,060H,078H,000H ; DB 0C0H,060H,030H,018H,00CH,006H,002H,000H ; DB 078H,018H,018H,018H,018H,018H,078H,000H ; DB 010H,038H,06CH,0C6H,000H,000H,000H,000H ; DB 000H,000H,000H,000H,000H,000H,000H,0FFH ; DB 030H,030H,018H,000H,000H,000H,000H,000H ; DB 000H,000H,078H,00CH,07CH,0CCH,076H,000H ; DB 0E0H,060H,060H,07CH,066H,066H,0DCH,000H ; DB 000H,000H,078H,0CCH,0C0H,0CCH,078H,000H ; DB 01CH,00CH,00CH,07CH,0CCH,0CCH,076H,000H ; DB 000H,000H,078H,0CCH,0FCH,0C0H,078H,000H ; DB 038H,06CH,060H,0F0H,060H,060H,0F0H,000H ; DB 000H,000H,076H,0CCH,0CCH,07CH,00CH,0F8H ; DB 0E0H,060H,06CH,076H,066H,066H,0E6H,000H ; DB 030H,000H,070H,030H,030H,030H,078H,000H ; DB 00CH,000H,00CH,00CH,00CH,0CCH,0CCH,078H ; DB 0E0H,060H,066H,06CH,078H,06CH,0E6H,000H ; DB 070H,030H,030H,030H,030H,030H,078H,000H ; DB 000H,000H,0CCH,0FEH,0FEH,0D6H,0C6H,000H ; DB 000H,000H,0F8H,0CCH,0CCH,0CCH,0CCH,000H ; DB 000H,000H,078H,0CCH,0CCH,0CCH,078H,000H ; DB 000H,000H,0DCH,066H,066H,07CH,060H,0F0H ; DB 000H,000H,076H,0CCH,0CCH,07CH,00CH,01EH ; DB 000H,000H,0DCH,076H,066H,060H,0F0H,000H ; DB 000H,000H,07CH,0C0H,078H,00CH,0F8H,000H ; DB 010H,030H,07CH,030H,030H,034H,018H,000H ; DB 000H,000H,0CCH,0CCH,0CCH,0CCH,076H,000H ; DB 000H,000H,0CCH,0CCH,0CCH,078H,030H,000H ; DB 000H,000H,0C6H,0D6H,0FEH,0FEH,06CH,000H ; DB 000H,000H,0C6H,06CH,038H,06CH,0C6H,000H ; DB 000H,000H,0CCH,0CCH,0CCH,07CH,00CH,0F8H ; DB 000H,000H,0FCH,098H,030H,064H,0FCH,000H ; DB 01CH,030H,030H,0E0H,030H,030H,01CH,000H ; DB 018H,018H,018H,000H,018H,018H,018H,000H ; DB 0E0H,030H,030H,01CH,030H,030H,0E0H,000H ; DB 076H,0DCH,000H,000H,000H,000H,000H,000H ; DB 000H,010H,038H,06CH,0C6H,0C6H,0FEH,000H ; %endif DIAG_TEST: IN AL,IOBYTE ;Start at Reset location, few bytes available to FFFFFH CMP AL,03FH ;If 3F then diagnostic, '?' continously of CRT JZ XLOOP JMP INIT ;(Start of this monitor) XLOOP: NOP ;For hardware address lines debug viewing XOR BX,BX MOV DS,BX ;Read even & odd byte from RAM MOV AL,[BX] MOV AL,[BX+1] MOV AX,word [BX] MOV AX,word [BX+1] IN AL,IOBYTE ;see if we need a different character to output (checks I/O) OUT 01H,AL CMP AL,01FH ;If 1F within this loop then go to RAM at 500H JNZ XLOOP JMP word 0H:500H ;Jump to here in low RAM DB '<--- END OF 8086/8088 Monitor V10.7 (John Monahan, 5/20/2024) ' %if MONITOR_ROM TIMES 0FFF0H-($-$$) DB 0 JMP word 0F000H:DIAG_TEST ;Not clear why but need long jump for board hardware TIMES 0FFFEH-($-$$) DB 0 DB 0FCH ;"Model Number" IBM PC/AT (At FFFEH) DB 0H ;Skip Checksum %endif ;---------------------- LOW RAM VARIABLES (Used mainly by PC-BIOS section) ---------------------- absolute 2H*4 NMIint: resw 2 ;Non-maskable interrupt location (8H) absolute 5H*4 PrintScreen: resw 2 ;Print Screen function absolute 8H*4 ;Location for our hardware interrupts (20H, Same as IBM-PC hardware) Start8259A_Ints resw 2 ; 8 Timer Tic TIMER \ ; 9 Keypressed KEYHND \ ; A Reserved DUMMY_RETURN \ ; B Comm Hardware DUMMY_RETURN \Normal location for ; C Comm Hardware DUMMY_RETURN /IBM hardware interrupts ; D Disk Hardware DUMMY_RETURN / ; E Diskette Hardware DUMMY_RETURN / ; F Printer Hardware DUMMY_RETURN / absolute 10H*4 CRTINT resw 2 ;Software interrupt used in this BIOS (and IBM-PC/AT) absolute 13H*4 MAIN_DISK_VEC resw 2 ;Disk (Hard & Floppy) software interrupt absolute (13H*4)+2 MAIN_DISK_SEG resw 2 ;Disk software interrupt segment (Normally this CS) absolute 1DH*4 ;Pointer to CGA Video Board paramaters table VID_PARM_PTR resw 2 absolute (1DH*4)+2 VID_PARM_PTR_SEG resw 2 ;Video Board Table segment (0 here) absolute 1EH*4 ;Pointer to Floppy Disk paramaters table FDISK_PARMS resw 2 ;On MSDOS Boot, this points to the boot Floppy Disk Variables Table absolute (1EH*4)+2 FDISK_PARMS_SEG resw 2 ;Disk Variables Table segment (Normally this CS) absolute 1FH*4 EXT_CHAR_PTR resw 2 ;7CH, For Graphics mode extra characters pointers absolute (1FH*4)+2 EXT_CHAR_PTR_SEG resw 2 ;For Graphics mode extra characters pointers segment (Normally this CS) absolute 40H*4 OLD_DISK_VEC resw 2 ;Pointer to the origional PC Floppy Disk Int Vector (relocated because of HDISK) absolute (40H*4)+2 OLD_DISK_SEG resw 2 ;New Floppy Disk software interrupt segment (Normally this CS) absolute 41H*4 HDISK_PARMS resw 2 ;Pointer to HARD DISK #1 paramater table absolute (41H*4)+2 HDISK_PARMS_SEG resw 2 ;HARD DISK paramater table segment (Normally this CS) absolute 43H*4 EXT_CHAR_PTR2 resw 2 ;10CH, Pointer to Graphics Character set absolute (43H*4)+2 EXT_CHAR_PTR2_SEG resw 2 ;Pointer to Graphics Character Set Segment absolute 46H*4 HDISK2_PARMS resw 2 ;Pointer to HARD DISK #2 paramater table absolute (46H*4)+2 HDISK2_PARMS_SEG resw 2 ;HARD DISK paramater table segment (Normally this CS) absolute 400H ;Low RAM data area (set the same as for IBM-PC BIOS) RS232_BASE resw 4 ;Addresses for RS232 Adaptors (if any) PRINTER_BASE resw 4 ;Address of Printers (if any) EQFLAG resw 1 ;410H, equipment flag (two bytes) MFG_TST resb 1 ;412H, MFG initilization flag (not used) memrsz resw 1 ;413H, memory size (kilobytes) expram resw 1 ;415H, expansion ram size KB_FLAG resb 1 ;417H (Insert, shift etc. flags) KB_FLAG_1 resb 1 ;418H, Second byte of keyboard status chrcnt resb 1 ;419H, characters in buffer (Alt_Keypad on PC) bufhd resw 1 ;keyboard buffer head (40:1AH) buftl resw 1 ;keyboard buffer tail (40:1CH) keybuff resw 16 ;keyboard data buffer (40:1EH kbend resw 1 ;end of buffer chrmax equ 32 ;buffer length ;\ ; \ ; Keyboard buffer area ; / ;/ absolute 43EH SEEK_STATUS resb 1 ;Seek status (40:3EH) CURRENT_HEAD resb 1 ;On IBM PC, motor status (40:3FH) CURRENT_DRIVE resb 1 ;On IBM PC, motor count (40:40H) IBM_DISK_STATUS resb 1 ;Returned disk status (40:41H) ; DMA_OFFSET resw 1 ;DMA offset address for controller (On PC this area is used by FDC) DMA_SEGMENT resw 1 ;DMA segmant address for controller CURRENT_SECTOR resb 1 CURRENT_TRACK resb 1 CURRENT_TRACK_HIGH resb 1 absolute 449H ;Video board paramaters CRT_MODE resb 1 ;449H, Video Display Mode ; 0 = 40 x 25 text (no color) ; 1 = 40 x 25 text (16 color) ; 2 = 80 x 25 text (no color) ; 3 = 80 x 25 text (16 color) ; 4 = 320 x 200 graphics 4 color ; 5 = 320 x 200 graphics 0 color ; 6 = 640 x 200 graphics 0 color ; 7 = 80 x 25 text (mono card) CRT_COLS resw 1 CRT_LEN resw 1 CRT_START resw 1 CURSOR_POSN resw 8 ;IBM has 8 CURSOR_MODE resw 1 ;446H, Cursor shape ACTIVE_PAGE resb 1 ADDR_6845 resw 1 CRT_MODE_SET resb 1 CRT_PALLETTE resb 1 IO_ROM_INIT resw 1 ;467H, Anchor location to implement extra ROMS IO_ROM_SEG resw 1 ;469H INTR_FLAG resb 1 timlow resw 1 ;timer low count (40:6CH) for timer timhi resw 1 ;timer high count timofl resb 1 ;timer overflow flag BIOS_BREAK resb 1 ;Bit 7 = 1 if break key pressed (40:71H) RESET_FLAG resw 1 ;1234H if KB reset underway (40:72H) ;Additional data stores on IBM-AT DISK_STATUS1 resb 1 ;474H, Status of last HDisk operation HF_NUM resb 1 ;475H, Number of hard disk drives CONTROL_BYTE resb 1 PORT_OFF resb 1 PRINT_TIM_OUT resw 2 ;Printer & RS232 Time-out variables RS232_TIM_OUT resw 2 BUFFER_START resw 1 ;Additional Keyboard data area (on IBM-AT) BUFFER_END resw 1 ;482H & 483H ;484H-48AH, Video control data area 2 ;484H, Number of video rows-1 ;485H, Number of scan lines/char ;487H, Video adaptor options ;488H, Video display adaptor switches ;489H, VGA video flags 1 ;48AH, VGA video flags 2 absolute 48BH ;Disk (Floppy & HDisk) data control area ;48B-495H LAST_RATE resb 1 ;488H, Addditional Floppy data HF_STATUS resb 1 ;48CH, Additional HDisk data area HF_ERROR resb 1 HF_INT_FLAG resb 1 HF_CNTRL resb 1 DSK_STATE resw 2 ;490H, Additional Diskette Area (must be 0 for MS-DOS 4.01) DSK_TRK resb 3 KB_FLAG_2 resb 1 ;497H, Last keyboard LED/Shift key state (on AT) ;498H, RTC additional data area USER_FLAG resw 1 ; offset address of user wait flag USER_FLAG_SEG resw 1 ; segment " " " RTC_LOW resw 1 ; user RTC low word RTC_HIGH resw 1 ; user RTC high word RTC_WAIT_FLAG resb 1 ;4A0H, user wait active absolute 4A1H ;4A1H-4A7H Reserved for LAN bytes absolute 4A8H ;4A8H-4ABH, Segment:Offset address of video parameter control block absolute 4ACH ;Reserved absolute 4F0H ;Inter-applications communications area. I will use it for this BIOS CONSOL_FLAG resw 1 ;0000 if MSDOS output to Propeller board, 0001 to LAVA board, 0002 to VGA Video board. ZFDC_ERR_CODE resb 1 ;Error code returned by ZFDC controller in AH for error UNUSED resb 1 ;If not Zero display track, side, sector etc info during disk R/W ZFDC_INIT_FLAG resb 1 ;Flag to indicate ZFDC board has been initilised SECTORS_TO_DO resb 1 ;Number of sectors to transfer in current operation SECTORS_DONE resb 1 ;Number actually transferred VERIFY_FLAG resb 1 ;0 for normal sector reads, NZ, if just secor verifys required ES_STORE resw 1 ;Used for INT 10H, String write absolute 500H ;To keep things the same as for the IBM_PC STATUS_BYTE resb 1 ;Flag for print screen routine SINGLE_DRIVE resb 1 ; absolute 510H ;This area is used by BASIC. However MSDOS will not boot if used absolute 522H ;To keep things the same as for the IBM_PC DOS_INIT_AREA resb 16 ;IBMBIO.COM buffers the directory of the boot ;device here at load time when locating the guts ;of the operating system (IBMDOS.COM/MSDOS.SYS) absolute 530H ;To keep things the same as for the IBM_PC DOS_MODE_AREA resb 4 absolute 534H ;To keep things the same as for the IBM_PC MORE_DOS resb 12 absolute 0B800H ;IBM-PC Color Video Board RAM area Video_Ram resw 16384 *2 ;Video RAM area (IF, Lomas or other S100 PC Video bopard is used) absolute 7c00h ;0000:7c00H DOS_BOOT_LOC: resw 1 ;<---MS-DOS/FreeDOS BOOT LOCATION absolute 7c00h+510 ;0000:7dfeH DOS_BOOT_SIGNATURE: resw 1 ;<---MS-DOS Valid Boot Signature Location (0AA55H) ;Remember there is a high RAM data area used (only) for the IDE Board ;diagnostic functions. These variables will normally be accessed as SS:[BP] ;This is used by the IDE drive diagnostic commands ONLY. We need an area ;to store buffers in RAM. In a full 1MG system they will at D000:E000H ;Remember also the stack is normally at D000:FFFCH absolute 0E000H ;For SS:BP -> D000:E000H RAM_DRIVE_SEC resw 1 ;This area will be in top of RAM well below stack (used by IDE Board sections) RAM_DRIVE_TRK resw 1 RAM_DRIVE_HEAD resw 1 RAM_DRIVE_COUNT resw 1 RAM_SEC resw 1 RAM_TRK resw 1 DELAYStore resw 1 RAM_DMA resw 1 RAM_DMA_STORE resw 1 SECTOR_COUNT resw 1 CURRENT_IDE_DRIVE resw 1 DISPLAY_FLAG resw 1 absolute 0E100H ;For SS:BP -> D000:E000H IDE_Buffer resb 200H ;512 Byte buffer for IDE Sector R/W IDE_Buffer2 resb 200H ;512 Byte buffer for IDE Sector Verify ;End of 8086 Monitor