Alex -
The jumpers are a bit different also. These are my notes which helped me get the system up and running. The * are the settings I ended up using. If I have any wrong I'd appreciate hearing from the group! Z80 CPU Board Jumpers: JP1 GND to OV_A (S100 pin 20) (normally open) JP2 GND to OV_B (S100 pin 53) (normally open) JP3 GND to OV_C (S100 pin 70) (normally open) JP4 *Reset to POC Vertical Jumper JP5 Reset from power Vertical Jumper JP6 *Reset to slave_clr Horizontal Jumper JP7 *Reset from push button Horizontal Jumper JP8 EPROM/EEPROM Pin 23 / A11 1-2 A11 *1-2 for 28C64 or 27C64 2-3 VCC JP9 EPROM/EEPROM Pin 26 1-2 VCC *open for 28C64 or 27C64 JP10 Onboard Rom *Jumpered Enabled Open Disabled K1 1-2 PWRFAIL to NMI If NMI software is not implemented do not connect 2-3 NMI to NMI K2 1-2 older pre-IEEE696 boards *2-3 clock disable of control lines K3 CPU Clock Source *1-2 Oscillator 2-3 external CPU Clock (NDEF3) P2 Memory window configuration port 0xH to FxH A4 1-2 A5 3-4 A6 *5-6 Output Ports D2H, D3H A7 7-8 P3 PROM Boot Address A12 A13 A14 A15 *no jumpers F000H P4 *1-2 S-100 2Mhz clock signal to bus when z80 active Vertical Jumper *3-4 S-100 MWRT to bus when z80 active Vertical Jumper P8/P9/P10 Monitor Jump Location P8 P9 P10 1 U15 GND A15 2 U15 GND A14 3 U15 GND A15 4 *F000H P8 1,2,3,4 to P10 1,2,3,4 P36 Allows wait states 1-2 Every sINTA *3-4 M1 memory bus cycles 5-6 All memory cycles P37 *1-2 Partial latch mode Vertical Jumper 3-4 Full latch mode Vertical Jumper P39 A12 Address Line to U13 (EPROM/EEPROM) 1-2 Tie to VCC 3-4 Tie to GND 5-6 Tie to A12 *7-8 Control by bit1 of port D3H Output 00H to port D3H to select lower 4K of ROM Output 01H to port D3H to totally remove ROM from the Z80's address space Output 02H to port D3H to select upper 4K of ROM SW2 ME Wait states for P36 option * switch 8 closed (right most) for 1 wait state, rest open SW3 I/O Wait states * switch 7,8 closed (right most 2) for 2 wait state, rest open SW4 ROM Wait states for onboard EEPROM * switch 8 closed (right most) for 1 wait state, rest open - Gary On 6/28/2014 10:43 AM, wrote: