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Re: [N8VEM-S100:7481] Home brew PCBs

For small one-up small boards consider expresspcb (http://www.expresspcb.com/)

They have a modest, free cad program that uploads to their system, and you can get 3 3.8 x 2.5" miniboards for $51 + shipping in about 3 days.  If you need solder mask and silkscreening it's a bit more at $75 + shipping.

I've used them a bunch of times and they do nice work - and way quicker than China.  For any larger boards their cost is unfortunately way too high.

A bit slower, but less costly and using standard Gerber files is OSH Park

My last run of S-100 boards were nicely made by www.pcbway.com in China. 

- Gary

- Gary

On Sunday, August 2, 2015 at 9:32:06 PM UTC-4, Tom Lafleur wrote:
I given up on local board making, I just let shops in China make them and wait the two to three week to get them via China Post, or 4 to 5 day via DHL

better board, tested, solder mask, silkscreen...

On Sun, Aug 2, 2015 at 5:47 PM, Crusty OMO <cru...@hotmail.com> wrote:
Hi Todd,

KiCad isn't very hard to learn, there's a youtube video tutorial on it.  I've heard good things about direct transfer, but never used it.  Photo resist is tricky, I've done it a few times and by the time you master it, you will waste several boards.


Date: Sun, 2 Aug 2015 12:07:48 -0700
From: litt...@gmail.com
To: n8ve...@googlegroups.com
Subject: [N8VEM-S100:7481] Home brew PCBs

I haven't etched a PCB since I was a teenager.  Now I have
the need to make some simple boards.  They only need to
be single sided using up to eight or so 16-20 pin Dips and
a few caps, LEDs and what not.

I don't need anything fancy as I will use my Laser printer.

Eagle is $169 for the simple version, but this is too much
as I only need to make a few boards.

Whats available that is low cost that others may have used ?

One more question, direct transfer or photo resist ??


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Tom Lafleur