At one point you mention a MYIDE ROM. I’m not familiar with that. MYIDE, the .COM file, runs in CPM 2.2 on my CCS 2810 with a V2 IDE/CF card that I had to modify somewhat to get it to work. (If you are really in need of knowing what the modifications were, I could dig them up, but it might take some time…) However, I could not get drivers to run in my BIOS in order to use it through the file system. This was my motivation nearly a year ago to get a CPM3 system running (and have an easier go with the drivers.) And the rest a is a very long story that still has no end! I have a V3 IDE/CF card sitting here to build, hoping that the combination of V3 and CPM3 will be a winner, cause my 8” disks are getting real old. I also have a CCS 2422 floppy controller with three 8” and one 5 ¼” drives, and a dual console setup consisting of a Fulcrum IVI S-100 card and a serial terminal on the 2810’s serial port. Bob Bell From: [] Hi Jeff -- >> Had some time to work with my v.3 IDE/CF card today after completing assembly. >> - Can MYIDE.COM run on an 8080 or 8085 CPU? >> - Can MYIDE.COM run under cp/m 2.2? cp/m3 NOT required for MYIDE.COM test / utility program? >> Has anyone, maybe Bob Bell, ever run the MYIDE ROM on the California Computer Systems (CCS) 2810 Z80 CPU? -- |