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Re: [N8VEM-S100:75] Vintage Modern Assembler Plus Tools


You are most welcome. Also check out the rest of my archives at http://server.goodall.com/pub and ftp://server.goodall.com

Also my server is an official mirror for Gaby's www.cpm.z80.de archives, and is closer than some of the other mirrors (if you are in the US).

Regards, Douglas

On Feb 22, 2011, at 12:09 PM, Brian Marstella wrote:

Great news! Thanks, Douglas. Although I haven't had much time to work on a system so var, I sure appreciate all of the information, tools, and other resources that you and others are providing.

Brian Marstella.

On Tue, Feb 22, 2011 at 2:52 PM, Douglas Goodall <douglas...@mac.com> wrote:
Hi Everybody,

I decided to GPL my new assembler and set it free.

It is a cross assembler which runs on Mac OS X or Linux and
currently targets the 8085. It is written in GNU g++. Here are
some URLs of interest:




Let me know if you have any questions or suggestions...

Thanks, have fun

Douglas Goodall