Actually I only running the 80386 reliably at 8MHz on the S100 bus Josh (16Mhz on extended RAM/Protected Mode). I can get to 10MHz but from time to time the IDE access fails. It’s random am so frustrating to debug. I’m only suspecting the 82C55. What worries me is that adding wait states (on the V2 IDE board) does not seem to help however. The problem with adding a DMA controller is that most people will be using the 80386/80486 boards as an IEEE-696 style bus slave. Boot on Z80, then to 80386. Back and forth if need be, but the specs do not allow for a lower sub-level DMA controller from the slave. In theory you have to go back up to the master and back down to the slave. Now I actually addressed this on our 80286 board in slave mode (slave 80286 to 68K and back) by using two of the bus undefined lines. Alternatively you could just use the 80386 as a bus master. However all this is not great and probably not worth the complexity. Related… Complicating matters is the fact that my Saleae Logic 16 unit is not really accurate for displaying signals around 8-10MHz. For example a 10MHz oscillator is not evenly spaced apart. I’m thinking of getting a Zeroplus unit (recently advertised in Nuts & Volts) Has anybody tried this one, or have suggestions for a fast logic probe with at least 8 inputs. Josh I’m sending this to the whole group – hope you don’t mind to get more input John From: Crusty OMO [] Hi John, From: Hi Josh, I am toying with the idea of building a dual Micro SD card S100 board. I’m finding that the bottleneck in my 80386/80486 prototypes for MSDOS etc. is the 8255A driven dual IDE/CF board. Did you get the SD card working with CP/M on your 8080 board. Any idea how “fast” it is relative to a CF card for data access. I’m worried the interface is in fact slower that an 8255A. Perhaps a large Flash RAM board would be a better approach. What do you think. John |