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MITS Computer Notes, hi-res searchable archive

Of possible general interest, thanks to: http://www.tkconsulting.com.au

Announcement from: http://www.vintage-computer.com/vcforum/showthread.php?37929-MITS-Computer-Notes-hi-res-searchable-archive

I've created a complete set of MITS Computer Notes newsletters in pdf. I made these pdf's from some hi-res image scans I found. I've run the images through OCR as well so the pdf versions are searchable. As I've kept the original images sizes, the complete set of pdf's is quite large, close to 1gb.

The folder below contains each individual pdf, but also contains three zip files at the bottom which contain all the pdf's.

They can be downloaded from the following link:


This link won't stay there for ever so be quick if you want a copy.