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Re: About the UBIOS multi-platform build


I would be happy to check this out right away. I will need to
load up the MinGW and SDC but I was expecting to do that 

I very much want to see the Windows target working for
the multi-platform make, and I will be working on this tonight.

It is good you are running on Windows 7 64-bit (as opposed to 32-bit)
because that is what I have running on my Windows box.

Thanks for getting back to me about this.



ask you abut the TCC=gcc

The TCC is the C compiler used for generating the local tools.

On Jul 30, 2011, at 1:23 PM, nbreeden wrote:

> Douglas,
>  In trying to build it I am encountering:
> D:\ubios-20110730-clean>make
> Makefile:198: *** multiple target patterns.  Stop.
> Line 198 looks to be the "all:" target - all:	$(TEST) $(ROMFILES) $
> I've tried make.exe from both SDCC and GNU.
> I'm running WIN7 64-bit and have cfg set to windows:
> #CFG = dos
> #CFG = linux
> #CFG = macosx
> CFG = windows
> As SDCC is installed on drive D: I also have:
> ifeq ($(CFG),windows)
> DELIM   = \
> SDRIVE  = D:
> SPREFIX = $(SDRIVE)\sdcc
> SDAS    = $(SPREFIX)\bin\sdasz80
> SDASFLG = -plosff
> SDCC    = $(SPREFIX)\bin\sdcc
> SDCCFLG = -c -mz80 -D__SDCC__=1 -I inc
> SDCCLIB = $(SPREFIX)\lib\z80
> SDLD    = $(SPREFIX)\bin\sdldz80
> TCC     = gcc
> TCCOPT  = -I inc
> COPY    = copy
> DEL     = erase
> REN     = rename
> # This is special handling for John Coffman to get around funky
> windows
> # behavior where echo adds spurious space o end f line
> # ECHO = { lecho | lechocr | lecholf | lechocrlf | lecholfcr }
> ECHO    = $(BIN)$(DELIM)lechocr
> EXE     = .exe
> endif
> and finally my path is:
> D:\ubios-20110730-clean>path
> PATH=D:\MinGW\msys\1.0\bin\;D:\SDCC\bin;D:\UnixUtils\bin;D:\WATCOM
> \binnt;C:\Windows\system32;C:\Windows;C:\Windows\System32\Wbem;C:
> \Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0
> Any clue what's up?
> -Neil


  ‎//* * \\ 

Douglas Goodall

"Did Goloka think the Ulus
were too ugly to save?"