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Banked CPM3 on a I/O Port mode CPU

Now that I have a non-banked no holes system running with my IDE and ZFDC boards I want to make the step to the banked version.

John Monahan has generously written documentation that outlines how to do this using the S100 Master z80 or a Intersystems CPU that uses hardware bank switching, but I have a Compupro CPU Z that switches using the I/O port method.

John refers to the differences that need to be dealt with in the MOVE3.asm file, but I want to know if anyone here has successfully built a system using a CPU like mine?

The I/O port used by my CPU is FD....

From the CPU manual:

"When an OUT FD (H) instruction is executed the data bits in the accumulator are latched onto the upper address lines"

So, can anyone point me in the right direction to make the required changes to the MOVE3 file?

Thanks in advance.

Thomas Owen

Compupro CPUZ
Compupro Ram 17 x 2
Compupro System Support 1
ZFDC with 2 51/4" drives