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Re: QAutorouter

Hi Michael

I tried executing the app on OSX 10.9.2 but it does not seem to do anything?  I am running Java 1.7.0_09 - am I doing something wrong?


On Wednesday, April 30, 2014 6:31:41 PM UTC-5, Michael Narigon wrote:
Hi All,
I loaded a file into the Software Information folder on the n8vem.pbworks.com website containing the freerouting.net autorouter. I have built and run it for OS X, Ubuntu Linux 14.04, and Windows 7.

I used it on OS X to route some projects I am working on in KiCad instead of going to the freerouting.net website.

There is a readme file in the folder.

I am new to your setup so feel free to move around/adjust however you want. It is all open source of one flavor or another.
