That would be great Malcolm. Sorry the e-mail below is confusing. The schematic is actually the corrected schematic I did in KiCad. You need to take this make a .net and optimize the layout. The changes to the original board are fairly minimal but I could not “patch” the actual final layout so it looks like one has to start from the beginning each time! John From: [] On Behalf Of I am happy to do the PCB updates. ----- Reply message ----- I started, have the schematic done, but I have not updated the actual schematic (because I am slowly learning KiCad it will take time). I right now gotten side-tracked doing and writing up of the build on the V2 80286 board. That is almost done, but now I have a new prototype 80386 + 32MG RAM set of boards. I ‘m attaching the schematic. If somebody else can do it great. John From: [] On Behalf Of Edward Snider Did anyone make the changes to this board? It sounded like John at least may have started to. Ed -- -- -- |