John: You mean "RAM+PROM" according to your page-URL (although "RAM+ROM Board" in your list). There are come confusions here, yes ...
I have a board that sound like Rich's, although the UL number is 4413. An identifying characteristic is that it appears that the "8CS*" pin at the bottom of RR4 is unconnected. The VERSION 02 board appears to have it routed across the very top edge of the front face of the board over into the region of U25. Also there is no K4 left of P30 on the VERSION 01. Your online pics are internally consistent with the two VERSIONS, and shows VERSION 01 (no K4).
Your BOARD LAYOUT is a VERSION 01 board, and I think that's also true for the BOARD SCHEMATIC as I can't find a K4 on it either. (the fine grey print does only claim V1.0)
So I think that's what is missing are the VERSION 02 board/schematic files (and BOARD JUMPERS DIAGRAM?), and the documentation for what's changed in V2 needs to mention the use of K4 and the new trace to the pull-up in RR4. These probably fall under your reference to "Some other minor
changes/jumpers were added as well".
Then folks like Rich/I can decide whether to field-mod our VERSION 01 boards to VERSION 02 conformant :->.
Many thanks for throwing some insight/light onto this matter John!