Thomas things are definitely not right. pDBIN and sINP must both be working for your system even to signon.
You absolutely should be able to get data lines D0-7 to appear on pins 2-17 of U16 – it’s a simple circuit.
Back to my original question. Is pin 19 of U23 going low. Is “High-Addr” from U45A pin 19 going low. What Z80 CPU are you using. I hope you have the high address lines low.
Is U19B pin 12 going low. Bend out the pins (2-17) of U16 and show that data on the input appears on output of the LS244.
From: [] On Behalf Of Thomas Owen
Sent: Tuesday, September 23, 2014 2:07 PM
Subject: Re: [N8VEM-S100:5258] ZFDC Initial test questions - failing with possible timing issue?
thank you for the reply - the switches are definitely set right - all except 5th from right are open and 5 is closed (corresponding to A4). The input of A0 and A1 to U19 look good on my scope.
The problem is that the inputs to U20 (OR) are about 12 us apart, so I never get the 'pulse at pin 1 of u16".
If it helps, it appears that the output of u21, which is NAND of PDBIN and SINP is "late".
I appreciate all suggestions!
On Monday, September 22, 2014 7:02:34 PM UTC-4, monahanz wrote:
Is pin 19 of U23A going low, If not wrong switch settings.
Are you getting correct address signals to u19 pins 13,14
From: [] On Behalf Of Thomas Owen
Sent: Monday, September 22, 2014 11:06 AM
Subject: [N8VEM-S100:5254] ZFDC Initial test questions - failing with possible timing issue?
I have just completed assembly of the ZFDC and have begun the most basic tests outlined by in the build instructions:
"Go to your monitor and at 0H in RAM enter:
DB, 10, C3, 00, 00
Jump to 0H in RAM. This will have your Z80 continuously input from port 10H.
Check with a logic probe pin 12 of U19 pulses low". This was successful
"Then check that pin 1 of empty socket U16 pulses low". This was not successful.
So, I connected my logic analyzer to the chips in question and here I have what appears to be a timing issue:
What I see is that SINP goes HIGH, followed by PDBIN, which gives me the first low I need on the input of u20. The next signal, however, is from u19 pin 12 and is occurring at the wrong time altogether (needs to coincide with u21 out).
The result is that I do not ever see a low at pin 1 of u16 (u20 out in the above image).
System is a IMSAI chassis with standard front panel, Cromemco ZPU at 2 mhz, Interfacer 3, and Ram 17.
Any tips will be greatly appreciated!
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