Friends, The recent trouble with the pbworks wiki and file system is causing me to feel that placing our precious data there does not secure our data after all. I had an unfounded trust that they had it together. I am copying the files from the wiki file system to my server There are a lot of files and there is no easy way to offload the files that is not keystroke intensive. I have copied the files from the N8 folder to start with but I won't really feel good about this until we have it all in a second site. Once we have it all backed up, the entire fileset can be transferred with "wget -r". The process I have been using is to create a set of directories by the same names as on the wiki, then downloading the files into the correct places.
Documents that were simply type into a raw wiki page cannot be "downloaded" as such, and I have been turning them into PDFs for storage. That does not make them modifiable (unless you have some special software I don 't. Anyone that wants to help with this is welcome. Anyone that wants to email me anything they want saved in a second place is welcome to do so. Douglas --- |