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Re: FreeRouter No longer available. Long term plans for Board layouts

I don't understand what the problem is ?  The code is here http://n8vem-sbc.pbworks.com/w/browse/#view=ViewFolder&param=FreeRouting-net and works fine?   It is actually easier to run locally then from their web site.  Am I missing something?


On Sunday, June 22, 2014 5:41:53 PM UTC-5, monahanz wrote:
It looks like the http://www.freerouting.net/ web site for FreeRouter is no longer available!

This leaves us with a big problem making PC boards with KiCad.  (Fortunately I happen to have the PC version here for my own use), but it opens up a general question as to how we do PC boards (S100 and others) in the future. 

Personally I'm having a hard time getting things done with KiCad. The PCBNew program seems (to me) very "finicy" in making files for Freerouter.

I'm wondering what other people think about a more "All-in-one" PC CAD program. I once used a program called DipTrace (they have a free version for up to 500 pins to try it out).  See here http://diptrace.com/. The thing that impressed me was the speed in which it converted the schematic into an actual board file and Gurber files.  There was only one program, one interface.  Personally I would spring for paying for the 1000 pin commercial version (or heigher) , I and perhaps others, could run batches for others.

The main issue is that for any program we would have to build a library for the S100 connector, board dimensions and presumably a number of other things.

I would be interested in hearing comments by others on a way to proceed.   Has anybody else used CAD programs they like.  Anybody got experience with DipTrace
