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how to order S-100 boards ?

Hello Pierre,

Yes there is at least one French NV8EM fan here ! We met already open the Silicium forum...

You can check the inventory of available cards there : http://n8vem-sbc.pbworks.com/w/page/35044530/PCB%20Inventory
There are regular new batches ordered so you can check in the group messages and add your name to the list. As for the s100 connectors, it 's a bit more difficult but you can either get them on eBay (which I did), buy them online (Anchor has them, they are based out in SF, I am not sure they ship in Europe but you may certainly ask). Alternatively, in order to get you started quickly, you should consider buying a complete motherboard, with all connectors installed. My system is based on a German Salota board I found on eBay, works fine, I later on a termination board to get to higher speeds but as a start, I think that's a valid option.
