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Re: [N8VEM-S100:7736] Re: PIC32 Ascii Terminal

Great job Gary!!!!

Assembly was *very* easy, and it works!!!!  Glad you posted construction notes, and other info.  I was wondering about a few things, and they cleared all of that up.  The PCB is so small that the hardest part was getting it to "hold still" while I soldered.

This will make a great console for a number of my SBCs.


Takes me back to a project for an ASCII terminal way back when.  I think it was called the ZRT-80??  Produced and sold by "Digital Research Computers"?  It was a 6.5" x 9"(!) PCB -- bunches of TTL, a Z80A, EPROMs, an 8250 (UART?), and a 6845 CRT driver.  As I remember it, basically the same functionality as Geoff Graham terminal -- keyboard (old style (parallel) with maybe a dozen wires) and video.  BUT ... the design was pushing the TTL to the limit, so there were some 74S parts required for speed.  Mine worked, but it glitched so often (and had to be reset) that it was quite annoying to try to use it.  What a difference in 30 or 40 years!!!

Would you consider selling some pre-programmed PICs?  I might want to build up other terminals in the future, and I'd really rather not buy the stuff necessary to program the microcontroller.  (I'm an ATMEL kinda' guy!)
