;Test program for I2C interface of S100Computers.com FPGA Prototype board. ;Will Read or Write to a AT24C512 EEPROM ;Please keep in mind that the "page" read/write function of this chip only moves 80H bytes. ;If the start of a page mode R/W is not on a page boundry the bytes transferred will be less than requested. ;A single byte R/W can be anywhere in the EEPROM. ; ; John Monahan S100Computers.com 4/23/2018 ; ; ;V1.0 12/17/2018 ;First version. It is "rough & ready" with little menu etc. error checking etc. ; PORT ASSIGNMENTS ; I2C_DATA EQU 068H ; Data In/Out port to I2C module I2C_STROBE EQU I2C_DATA+1 ; Port to 'activate' FIFO I2C_STATUS EQU I2C_DATA+2 ; Status port bits for I2C module I2C_RW EQU I2C_DATA+3 ; Port to start read/write to/from I2C module CONSTAT EQU 0H ; Console Status Port CONIN EQU 1H ; Console IN Port CONOUT EQU 1H ; Console OUT Port MONITOR EQU 0F000H ;Location of Z80 ROM monitor when done. SPACE EQU 20H BELL EQU 07H ESC EQU 1BH CR EQU 0DH LF EQU 0AH ORG 100H START: LD SP,STACK LD HL,SIGNON CALL PMSG START1: LD HL,SIGNON1 CALL PMSG START2: CALL CRLF ;Normal start within menu LD C,'>' CALL CO CALL CI CP A,ESC JP NZ,START3 JP MONITOR START3: CP A,'1' JP Z,FILL_EEPROM CP A,'2' JP Z,WRITE_EEPROM CP A,'3' JP Z,READ_EEPROM CP A,'4' JP Z,MOVE_EEPROM CP A,'5' JP Z,COPY_EEPROM CALL MENU_ERROR JP START1 MENU_ERROR: LD HL,MENU_MSG ; "Menu error" CALL PMSG RET ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------- FILL_EEPROM: LD HL,FILL_MSG ; "Enter EEPROM Fill Start Address (000-1FFH)" CALL PMSG CALL GET_HEX4 ; Put 16 Bit Paramater in HL JP C,DATA_FILL_ERROR ; Carry set, there was a problem LD A,H AND A,01H ; Range is 000-1FFH for 512 Byre EEPROM LD H,A LD (START_STORE),HL LD HL,FILL_MSG1 ; "Enter Number of Fill Bytes (00-7FH)" CALL PMSG CALL GET_HEX ; Get number of bytes to send in [A] JP C,DATA_FILL_ERROR AND A,7FH ; Range must be 00-7FH only (1 page) LD (RANGE_STORE),A ; <<< Save range in B >> LD HL,FILL_MSG2 ; "Enter Fill Value (00-FFH)" CALL PMSG CALL GET_HEX ; Get fill value in [A] JP C,DATA_FILL_ERROR LD (DATA_STORE),A ; <<< Save fill value in [C] >>> ; >>>> Display what will be done <<<< LD HL,FILL_MSG3 ; "Will fill EEPROM starting at " CALL PMSG LD HL,(START_STORE) ; Print the value in HL CALL PRINT_HL ; <--- START LD HL,FILL_MSG4 ; "H for " CALL PMSG LD A,(RANGE_STORE) CALL PRINT_A ; <--- RANGE LD HL,FILL_MSG5 ; "H Bytes with a Fill Value of " CALL PMSG LD A,(DATA_STORE) CALL PRINT_A ; <--- VALUE LD HL,FILL_MSG6 ; "H. Press any character to continue. Press ESC to return to the main menu.." CALL PMSG CALL CHECK_ESC JP NZ,BEGIN_FILL JP START1 BEGIN_FILL: LD HL,(START_STORE) ; Get Start LD A,H OUT (I2C_DATA),A LD A,L ; Send to FIFO High byte address OUT (I2C_DATA),A LD A,(RANGE_STORE) ; 1 up to 7F Bytes INC A ; 0,1,2,3,4 to 1,2,3,4 LD B,A ; Store in B FILL_LOOP: IN A,(I2C_STATUS) ; Check if FIFO is full BIT 4,A JP NZ,FIFO_FILL_FULL LD A,(DATA_STORE) ; Send to FIFO Fill Data byte OUT (I2C_DATA),A DJNZ FILL_LOOP ; Count down B CALL CRLF XOR A,A OUT (I2C_STROBE),A ; Set FIFO for Read OUT (I2C_RW),A ; Pulse Write to transfer FIFO data to I2C Module ; Note, no need to test busy flag as the FIFO is controlled by this signal IN A,(I2C_STATUS) ; Check if FIFO is full BIT 5,A JP NZ,FILL_ERROR LD HL,FILL_MSG7 ; "EEPROM Filled!" CALL PMSG JP START2 DATA_FILL_ERROR: LD HL,ERROR_MSG ; "Data format error" CALL PMSG JP START1 FIFO_FILL_FULL: LD HL,FILL_MSG8 ; "ERROR FIFO is Full!" CALL PMSG JP START1 FILL_ERROR: LD HL,FILL_MSG9 ; "ERROR writing to I2C Port" CALL PMSG JP START1 ;----------------------------------------------------------------------- WRITE_EEPROM: LD HL,WRITE_MSG ; "Enter EEPROM Write Start Address (000-1FFH)" CALL PMSG CALL GET_HEX4 ; Put 16 Bit Paramater in HL JP C,DATA_WRITE_ERROR ; Carry set, there was a problem LD A,H AND A,01H ; Range is 000-1FFH for 512 Byre EEPROM LD H,A LD (START_STORE),HL LD HL,WRITE_MSG1 ; "Enter bytes in form:- xx,xx,xx..., CR to stop" CALL PMSG LD HL,BYTE_STRING ; Setup pointer LD A,1 ; Count from 1,2,3,4... LD (RANGE_STORE),A WRITE_LOAD: CALL GET_HEX ; Get Bytes to write JP C,DATA_WRITE_ERROR LD (HL),A ; <<< Save value in [HL++] >>> INC HL CALL CHECK_CR JP Z,WRITE2 LD C,',' CALL CO LD A,(RANGE_STORE) INC A CP A,81H JP Z,RANGE_WRITE_ERROR LD (RANGE_STORE),A JP WRITE_LOAD WRITE2: ; >>>> Display what will be done <<<< LD HL,WRITE_MSG2 ; "Will write to EEPROM starting at " CALL PMSG LD HL,(START_STORE) ; Print the value in HL CALL PRINT_HL ; <--- START LD HL,WRITE_MSG3 ; "H for " CALL PMSG LD A,(RANGE_STORE) ;Numbering is 0,1,2... CALL PRINT_A ; <--- RANGE LD HL,WRITE_MSG4 ; "H Bytes." CALL PMSG LD HL,WRITE_MSG5 ; "Press any character to continue. Press ESC to return to the main menu." CALL PMSG CALL CHECK_ESC JP NZ,BEGIN_WRITE JP START1 BEGIN_WRITE: LD HL,(START_STORE) LD A,H ; Send to FIFO Low byte address OUT (I2C_DATA),A LD A,L ; Send to FIFO High byte address OUT (I2C_DATA),A LD A,(RANGE_STORE) ; 1 up to 7F Bytes LD B,A ; Store in B LD HL,BYTE_STRING ; Get back pointer to byte string WRITE_LOOP: ;>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> IN A,(I2C_STATUS) ; Check if FIFO is full BIT 4,A JP NZ,FIFO_WRITE_FULL LD A,(HL) ; Send to FIFO Fill Data byte INC HL ; Next data byte OUT (I2C_DATA),A DJNZ WRITE_LOOP ; <<<<<<<<<<<<< Count down B CALL CRLF XOR A,A OUT (I2C_STROBE),A ; Set FIFO for Read ; Note the hardware will make sure all data is sent before Enable in lowered OUT (I2C_RW),A ; Pulse Write to transfer FIFO data to I2C Module ; Note, no need to test busy flag as the FIFO is controlled by this signal IN A,(I2C_STATUS) ; Check if FIFO is full BIT 5,A JP NZ,FIFO_WRITE_FULL LD HL,WRITE_MSG7 ; "EEPROM Filled!" CALL PMSG JP START2 DATA_WRITE_ERROR: LD HL,ERROR_MSG ; "Data format error" CALL PMSG JP START1 RANGE_WRITE_ERROR: LD HL,ERROR_MSG2 ; "Data range error" CALL PMSG JP START1 FIFO_WRITE_FULL: LD HL,FILL_MSG8 ; "ERROR FIFO is Full!" CALL PMSG JP START1 WRITE_ERROR: LD HL,FILL_MSG9 ; "ERROR writing to I2C Port" CALL PMSG JP START1 ;---------------------------------------------------------------------- READ_EEPROM: LD HL,READ_MSG ; "Enter EEPROM Write Start Address (000-1FFH)" CALL PMSG CALL GET_HEX4 ; Put 16 Bit Paramater in HL JP C,DATA_READ_ERROR ; Carry set, there was a problem LD A,H AND A,01H ; Range is 000-1FFH for 512 Byre EEPROM LD H,A LD (START_STORE),HL LD HL,READ_MSG1 ; "Enter Number of Fill Bytes (00-7FH)" CALL PMSG CALL GET_HEX ; Get number of bytes to send in [A] JP C,DATA_FILL_ERROR AND A,7FH ; Range must be 00-7FH only (1 page) LD (RANGE_STORE),A ; <<< Save range in B >> ; >>>> Display what will be done <<<< LD HL,READ_MSG2 ; "Will Read bytes from EEPROM starting at " CALL PMSG LD HL,(START_STORE) ; Print the value in HL CALL PRINT_HL ; <--- START LD HL,READ_MSG3 ; "H,/n Press any keyboard character to display. ESC to return to the main menu.'" CALL PMSG LD A,(RANGE_STORE) ; <<< Range in B >> LD B,A CALL CHECK_ESC JP NZ,BEGIN_READ JP START1 BEGIN_READ: ;>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> LD HL,(START_STORE) LD A,H ; 68 Send to FIFO High byte address OUT (I2C_DATA),A LD A,L ; 68 Send to FIFO Low byte address OUT (I2C_DATA),A OUT (I2C_STROBE),A ; (Port 69) Set FIFO for Read OUT (I2C_RW),A ; (Port 6B) Pulse I2C device to set the "current address" CALL DELAY BEGIN_READ1: IN A,(I2C_RW) ; CALL DELAY IN A,(I2C_DATA) ; Get a byte from I2C EEPROM at its current address CALL PRINT_A ; Print hex value on CRT DJNZ BEGIN_READ1 ;>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> JP START2 DELAY: PUSH AF PUSH BC LD BC,08FFH DELAY2: DEC BC LD A,C OR A,B JP NZ,DELAY2 POP BC POP AF RET NEXT_READ: LD C,',' CALL CO JP BEGIN_READ DATA_READ_ERROR: LD HL,ERROR_MSG ; "Data format error" CALL PMSG JP START1 FIFO_READ_ERROR: LD HL,FILL_MSG4 ; "ERROR. FIFO is not empty after loading start address!" CALL PMSG JP START1 READ_ERROR: LD HL,FILL_MSG5 ; "FIFO I2C Read error" CALL PMSG JP START1 ;---------------------------------------------------------------------- MOVE_EEPROM: LD HL,MOVE_MSG ; "Enter S100 Bus RAM Read Start Address (0000-FFFH):" CALL PMSG CALL GET_HEX4 ; Put 16 Bit Paramater in HL JP C,DATA_MOVE_ERROR ; Carry set, there was a problem LD (S100_STORE),HL LD HL,MOVE_MSG0 ; "Enter EEPROM Read Start Address (0000-01FFH):" CALL PMSG CALL GET_HEX4 ; Put 16 Bit Paramater in HL JP C,DATA_MOVE_ERROR ; Carry set, there was a problem LD (START_STORE),HL LD HL,READ_MSG1 ; "Enter Number of Bytes to Move (00-7FH): " CALL PMSG CALL GET_HEX ; Get number of bytes to send in [A] JP C,DATA_MOVE_ERROR AND A,7FH ; Range must be 00-7FH only (1 page) LD (RANGE_STORE),A ; <<< Save range in B >> ; >>>> Display what will be done <<<< LD HL,MOVE_MSG2 ; "Will Move bytes from S100 Bus RAM starting at " CALL PMSG LD HL,(S100_STORE) ; Print the value in HL CALL PRINT_HL ; <--- START RAM LD HL,MOVE_MSG2B ; "H. \n To the EEPROM starting at " CALL PMSG LD HL,(START_STORE) ; Print the value in HL CALL PRINT_HL ; <--- START EEPROM LD HL,MOVE_MSG3 ; "H,/n Press any keyboard character to display. ESC to return to the main menu.'" CALL PMSG LD A,(RANGE_STORE) ; <<< Range in B >> LD B,A CALL CHECK_ESC JP NZ,BEGIN_MOVE JP START1 BEGIN_MOVE: ;>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> LD HL,(S100_STORE) ; Pointer to S100 RAM LD DE,(START_STORE) LD A,D ; 68 Send to FIFO High byte address OUT (I2C_DATA),A LD A,E ; 68 Send to FIFO Low byte address OUT (I2C_DATA),A OUT (I2C_STROBE),A ; (Port 69) Set FIFO for Read OUT (I2C_RW),A ; (Port 6B) Pulse I2C device to set the "current address" CALL DELAY BEGIN_MOVE1: ; <----------- READ EEPROM IN A,(I2C_RW) ; CALL DELAY IN A,(I2C_DATA) ; Get a byte from I2C EEPROM at its current address LD (HL),A ; Put data in S100 bus RAM INC HL DJNZ BEGIN_MOVE1 ;>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> JP START2 DATA_MOVE_ERROR: LD HL,ERROR_MSG ; "Data format error" CALL PMSG JP START1 ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- COPY_EEPROM: LD HL,COPY_MSG ; "Enter S100 Bus RAM Read Start Address (0000-FFFH):" CALL PMSG CALL GET_HEX4 ; Put 16 Bit Paramater in HL JP C,DATA_COPY_ERROR ; Carry set, there was a problem LD (S100_STORE),HL LD HL,COPY_MSG0 ; "Enter EEPROM Read Start Address (0000-01FFH):" CALL PMSG CALL GET_HEX4 ; Put 16 Bit Paramater in HL JP C,DATA_COPY_ERROR ; Carry set, there was a problem LD (START_STORE),HL LD HL,COPY_MSG1 ; "Enter Number of Bytes to Move (00-7FH): " CALL PMSG CALL GET_HEX ; Get number of bytes to send in [A] JP C,DATA_COPY_ERROR AND A,7FH ; Range must be 00-7FH only (1 page) LD (RANGE_STORE),A ; <<< Save range in B >> ; >>>> Display what will be done <<<< LD HL,COPY_MSG2 ; "Will Copy bytes from S100 Bus starting at" CALL PMSG LD HL,(S100_STORE) ; Print the value in HL CALL PRINT_HL ; <--- START RAM LD HL,MOVE_MSG2B ; "H. \n To the EEPROM starting at " CALL PMSG LD HL,(START_STORE) ; Print the value in HL CALL PRINT_HL ; <--- START EEPROM LD HL,MOVE_MSG3 ; "H,/n Press any keyboard character to start. ESC to return to the main menu.'" CALL PMSG LD A,(RANGE_STORE) ; <<< Range in B >> LD B,A BEGIN_COPY: ;>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> LD HL,(START_STORE) LD A,H ; Send to FIFO Low byte address OUT (I2C_DATA),A LD A,L ; Send to FIFO High byte address OUT (I2C_DATA),A LD A,(RANGE_STORE) ; 1 up to 7F Bytes LD B,A ; Store in B LD HL,(S100_STORE) ; Get back pointer to S100 bus RAM COPY_LOOP: ;>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> IN A,(I2C_STATUS) ; Check if FIFO is full BIT 4,A JP NZ,FIFO_COPY_FULL LD A,(HL) ; Send to FIFO Fill Data byte INC HL ; Next data byte OUT (I2C_DATA),A DJNZ COPY_LOOP ; <<<<<<<<<<<<< Count down B CALL CRLF XOR A,A OUT (I2C_STROBE),A ; Set FIFO for Read ; Note the hardware will make sure all data is sent before Enable in lowered OUT (I2C_RW),A ; Pulse Write to transfer FIFO data to I2C Module ; Note, no need to test busy flag as the FIFO is controlled by this signal IN A,(I2C_STATUS) ; Check if FIFO is full BIT 5,A JP NZ,FIFO_COPY_FULL LD HL,COPY_MSG7 ; "EEPROM Filled!" CALL PMSG JP START2 DATA_COPY_ERROR: LD HL,ERROR_MSG ; "Data format error" CALL PMSG JP START1 FIFO_COPY_FULL: LD HL,FILL_MSG8 ; "ERROR FIFO is Full!" CALL PMSG JP START1 ;<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< SUPPORT ROUTINES >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> PMSG: PUSH BC ; Only [A] and [HL] is changed PMSG1: LD A,(HL) ; A ROUTINE TO PRINT OUT A STRING @ [HL] INC HL ; UP TO THE FIRST 0. OR A,A JP Z,PMSG_DONE LD C,A CALL CO JP PMSG1 PMSG_DONE: POP BC RET CRLF: PUSH BC LD C,CR CALL CO LD C,LF CALL CO POP BC RET ; GET A CHARACTER, convert to UC, ECHO it GETCMD: CALL CI CALL UCASE CP A,ESC RET Z ;Don't echo an ESC PUSH AF ;Save it PUSH BC LD C,A CALL CO ;Echo it POP BC POP AF ;get it back RET ; ;Convert LC to UC UCASE: CP A,'a' ;must be >= lowercase a RET C ; else go back... CP A,'z'+1 ;must be <= lowercase z RET NC ; else go back... SUB A,'a'-'A' ;subtract lowercase bias RET ; Check if next character is a ESC CHECK_ESC: CALL CI CP A,ESC RET ; Return Z if ESC character. ; Check if next character is a CR CHECK_CR: CALL CI CP A,CR RET ; Return Z if ESC character. ; Return with 2 HEX digits in [A]. If abort, Carry flag set + ESC in [A] GET_HEX: PUSH BC CALL GETCMD ;Get a character from keyboard & ECHO CP A,ESC JR Z,HEX_ABORT CP '/' ;check 0-9, A-F JR C,HEX_ABORT CP 'F'+1 JR NC,HEX_ABORT CALL ASBIN ;Convert to binary SLA A SLA A SLA A SLA A ;Shift to high nibble LD B,A ;Store it CALL GETCMD ;Get 2nd character from keyboard & ECHO CP A,ESC JR Z,HEX_ABORT CP '/' ;check 0-9, A-F JR C,HEX_ABORT CP 'F'+1 JR NC,HEX_ABORT CALL ASBIN ;Convert to binary OR A,B ;add in the first digit OR A,A ;To return NC POP BC RET HEX_ABORT: SCF ;Set Carry flag LD A,ESC POP BC RET ; ; ; Put 4 HEX characters in [HL] GET_HEX4: LD H,0000H CALL GET_HEX ;get 2 HEX digits JR C,SCAN_ABORT LD H,A CALL GET_HEX ;get 2 more HEX digits JR C,SCAN_ABORT LD L,A OR A,A ;To return NC RET SCAN_ABORT: SCF ;Set Carry flag RET ; ASCII TO BINARY CONVERSION ROUTINE ASBIN: SUB 30H CP 0AH RET M SUB 07H RET ; ; ; PRINT [HL] ON CONSOL PRINT_HL: LD A,H CALL PRINT_A LD A,L PRINT_A: PUSH AF RRCA RRCA RRCA RRCA CALL SF598 POP AF SF598: CALL CONV JP CO ; CONVERT HEX TO ASCII CONV: AND 0FH ADD A,90H DAA ADC A,40H DAA LD C,A RET ; DISPLAY 8 BITS OF [A] (No registers changed) ; DISPLAY BIT PATTERN IN [A] ZBITS: PUSH AF PUSH BC PUSH DE LD E,A LD B,8 BQ2: SLA E LD A,18H ADC A,A LD C,A CALL CO DJNZ BQ2 POP DE POP BC POP AF RET ;<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< MAIN CONSOL OUTPUT ROUTINE >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ; CO: IN A,(CONSTAT) ; SD SYSTEMS or PROPELLER VIDIO BOARD PORT AND 4H JP Z,CO LD A,C OUT (CONOUT),A RET ; RETURN CHARACTER SENT IN [A] ;<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< MAIN CONSOL STATUS ROUTINE >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ; CSTS: IN A,(CONSTAT) AND 02H RET Z XOR A DEC A ; RETURN WITH 0FFH IN [A] IF SOMETHING RET ;<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< MAIN CONSOL INPUT ROUTINE >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ; CI: IN A,(CONSTAT) ; NEED CONSTAT TO CLEAN UP SHIFT KEYS ETC AND 02H JR Z,CI IN A,(CONIN) AND 7FH RET ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SIGNON: DB CR,LF DB CR,LF,'Test program for I2C interface of S100Computers.com FPGA Prototype board' DB CR,LF,'By John Monahan S100Computers.COM (V1.0) 12/15/2018' DB CR,LF,'Note: 1. The test is with an I2C AT24C512 EEPROM' DB CR,LF,' 2. All block moves are only on page boundries up to 80H in length.',0 SIGNON1: DB CR,LF,LF,'---------- Main Menu ---------------------------------------' DB CR,LF,'1. Fill up to a page of the I2C EEPROM with a Byte value.' DB CR,LF,'2. Write bytes to the EEPROM.' DB CR,LF,'3. Read bytes from the EEPROM.' DB CR,LF,'4. Move up to a page of the EEPROM to S100 bus RAM.' DB CR,LF,'5. Copy up to a page of S100 bus RAM to the EEPROM.' DB CR,LF,'ESC To abort program.',CR,LF,0H MENU_MSG: DB BELL,BELL,CR,LF,'Menu error.',0 FILL_MSG: DB CR,LF,'Enter EEPROM Fill Start Address (0000-01FFH): ',0H FILL_MSG1: DB CR,LF,'Enter Number of Fill Bytes (00-7FH): ',0H FILL_MSG2: DB CR,LF,'Enter Fill Value (00-FFH): ',0H FILL_MSG3: DB CR,LF,LF,'Fill EEPROM starting at ',0H FILL_MSG4: DB 'H for ',0H FILL_MSG5: DB 'H bytes with a fill value of ',0H FILL_MSG6: DB 'H.' DB CR,LF,'Press any character to continue. ESC to return to the main menu.',0H FILL_MSG7: DB CR,LF,'EEPROM Filled.',CR,LF,0H FILL_MSG8: DB CR,LF,BELL,'ERROR, FIFO is Full!',CR,LF,0H FILL_MSG9: DB CR,LF,BELL,'ERROR writing to I2C Port!',CR,LF,0H ERROR_MSG: DB BELL,BELL,CR,LF,'Data format error',0 ERROR_MSG2: DB BELL,BELL,CR,LF,'Data range error',0 WRITE_MSG: DB CR,LF,'Enter EEPROM Write Start Address (0000-01FFH): ',0H WRITE_MSG1: DB CR,LF,'Enter bytes in form:- xx,xx,xx..., CR to stop',CR,LF,0H WRITE_MSG2: DB CR,LF,LF,'Will write to EEPROM starting at ',0H WRITE_MSG3: DB 'H with ',0H WRITE_MSG4: DB 'H Bytes of data.',0H WRITE_MSG5: DB CR,LF,'Press any character to continue. ESC to return to the main menu.',0H WRITE_MSG6: DB 'H bytes with a fill value of ',0H WRITE_MSG7: DB 'Bytes written to EEPROM OK',0H READ_MSG: DB CR,LF,'Enter EEPROM Read Start Address (0000-01FFH): ',0H READ_MSG1: DB CR,LF,'Enter Number of Bytes to Display (00-7FH): ',0H READ_MSG2: DB CR,LF,LF,'Will Read bytes from EEPROM starting at ',0H READ_MSG3: DB 'H',CR,LF DB 'Press any keyboard to display. Press ESC to return to the main menu.',CR,LF,LF,0H READ_MSG4: DB CR,LF,BELL,'ERROR. FIFO is not empty after loading start address!',CR,LF,0H READ_MSG5: DB CR,LF,BELL,'FIFO I2C Read error!',CR,LF,0H MOVE_MSG: DB CR,LF,'Enter S100 Bus RAM Read Start Address (0000-FFFH): ',0H MOVE_MSG0: DB CR,LF,'Enter EEPROM Read Start Address (0000-01FFH): ',0H MOVE_MSG1: DB CR,LF,'Enter Number of Bytes to Move (00-7FH): ',0H MOVE_MSG2: DB CR,LF,LF,'Will Move bytes from S100 Bus RAM starting at ',0H MOVE_MSG2B: DB 'H', DB CR,LF,'To the EEPROM starting at ',0H MOVE_MSG3: DB 'H',CR,LF DB 'Press any keyboard to start. Press ESC to return to the main menu.',CR,LF,LF,0H COPY_MSG: DB CR,LF,'Enter S100 Bus RAM Read Start Address (0000-FFFH): ',0H COPY_MSG0: DB CR,LF,'Enter EEPROM Read Start Address (0000-01FFH): ',0H COPY_MSG1: DB CR,LF,'Enter Number of Bytes to Move (00-7FH): ',0H COPY_MSG2: DB CR,LF,LF,'Will Copy bytes from S100 Bus starting at ',0H COPY_MSG2B: DB 'H', DB CR,LF,'To the EEPROM starting at ',0H COPY_MSG3: DB 'H',CR,LF DB 'Press any keyboard to start. Press ESC to return to the main menu.',CR,LF,LF,0H COPY_MSG7: DB 'Bytes written to EEPROM OK',0H START_OF_STORE: DB '>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>' START_STORE: DW 0H ;<--- Note:- Low Byte,High Byte RANGE_STORE: DB 0H DATA_STORE: DB 0H S100_STORE: DW 0H END_OF_STORE: DB '<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<' BYTE_STRING: DS 80H ; DS 40H STACK: DB 0H ; END